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a guest
Dec 18th, 2017
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text 25.19 KB | None | 0 0
  1. {
  2. "cells": [
  3. {
  4. "cell_type": "code",
  5. "execution_count": 1,
  6. "metadata": {},
  7. "outputs": [
  8. {
  9. "name": "stdout",
  10. "output_type": "stream",
  11. "text": [
  12. "Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib\n",
  13. "Author : S Monroe\n",
  14. "Version : 3.6.3 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Dec 9 2017, 16:22:46)\n",
  15. "Symbolic lib : 1.1.1\n",
  16. "Encoding : utf-8\n",
  17. "Timestamp : 1513369062.828918\n"
  18. ]
  19. }
  20. ],
  21. "source": [
  22. "%pylab inline\n",
  23. "from sympy import *\n",
  24. "from sympy.logic.boolalg import truth_table\n",
  25. "import sympy as sp\n",
  26. "import time\n",
  27. "\n",
  28. "#hextime=float.hex(time.time())\n",
  29. "\n",
  30. "a, b, x, y, z, t = symbols('a b x y z t')\n",
  31. "k, m, n = symbols('k m n', integer=True)\n",
  32. "f, g, h = symbols('f g h', cls=Function)\n",
  33. "\n",
  34. "\n",
  35. "init_printing()\n",
  36. "\n",
  37. "print(\"Author : S Monroe\")\n",
  38. "print(\"Version :\",sys.version[0:66])\n",
  39. "print(\"Symbolic lib :\",sp.__version__)\n",
  40. "print(\"Encoding :\",sys.getdefaultencoding())\n",
  41. "print(\"Timestamp :\",time.time())"
  42. ]
  43. },
  44. {
  45. "cell_type": "markdown",
  46. "metadata": {},
  47. "source": [
  48. "Usually, logic is divided into two states, \"TRUE\" and \"FALSE\" ... These two logic states are also known as \"1\" and \"0\" or \"HIGH\" and \"LOW\" respectively. Systems that use these two states are said to be \"Boolean\" or \"Binary\""
  49. ]
  50. },
  51. {
  52. "cell_type": "markdown",
  53. "metadata": {},
  54. "source": [
  55. "<code>IEEE-1164, used for VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) has 9 distinct logic levels:</code>\n",
  56. "\n",
  57. "<code>'U' uninitialized</code>\n",
  58. "\n",
  59. "<code>'X' strong drive, unknown logic value</code>\n",
  60. "\n",
  61. "<code>'0' strong drive, logic zero</code>\n",
  62. "\n",
  63. "<code>'1' strong drive, logic one</code>\n",
  64. "\n",
  65. "<code>'Z' high impedance</code>\n",
  66. "\n",
  67. "<code>'W' weak drive, unknown logic value</code>\n",
  68. "\n",
  69. "<code>'L' weak drive, logic zero</code>\n",
  70. "\n",
  71. "<code>'H' weak drive, logic one</code>\n",
  72. "\n",
  73. "<code>'-' don't care</code>"
  74. ]
  75. },
  76. {
  77. "cell_type": "markdown",
  78. "metadata": {},
  79. "source": [
  80. "For our purposes in this class, we will only concern ourselves with \"<code>1</code>\" and \"<code>0</code>\""
  81. ]
  82. },
  83. {
  84. "cell_type": "markdown",
  85. "metadata": {},
  86. "source": [
  87. "Obviously, if these values of \"<code>1</code>\" and \"<code>0</code>\" are to be implemented in hardware, they need to be assigned some physical value like voltage and/or current"
  88. ]
  89. },
  90. {
  91. "cell_type": "markdown",
  92. "metadata": {},
  93. "source": [
  94. "All of the logic we use in this class will use will be \"TTL\" (_\"Transistor-Transistor-Logic\"_)"
  95. ]
  96. },
  97. {
  98. "cell_type": "markdown",
  99. "metadata": {},
  100. "source": [
  101. "For historical reasons, TTL logic is given a grade number: \"74\" for so-called \"industrial grade\", and \"54\" for \"military grade\""
  102. ]
  103. },
  104. {
  105. "cell_type": "markdown",
  106. "metadata": {},
  107. "source": [
  108. "For this class, all the logic we use will be \"industrial grade\""
  109. ]
  110. },
  111. {
  112. "cell_type": "markdown",
  113. "metadata": {},
  114. "source": [
  115. "After the grade number is the _logic family_ designator. <b>For the purposes of this class</b> this will be \"Standard TTL\", \"Schottky TTL\" or \"Low-Power Schottky TTL\""
  116. ]
  117. },
  118. {
  119. "cell_type": "markdown",
  120. "metadata": {},
  121. "source": [
  122. "Finally, the part number has a sequence number indicating its function. <b>For example</b>, an integrated circuit package that is an industrial grade, two input <code>AND</code> gate containing four independent gates in standard TTL logic is a <code>7408</code>. The Schottky version is <code>74S08</code>, and the Low-Power Schottky is <code>74LS08</code>"
  123. ]
  124. },
  125. {
  126. "cell_type": "markdown",
  127. "metadata": {},
  128. "source": [
  129. "Contained below is a table indicating logic part numbers and logic function for the functions we will be using in this class<br><br>\n",
  130. "<style type=\"text/css\">\n",
  131. ".tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;}\n",
  132. ".tg td{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;}\n",
  133. ".tg th{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:normal;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;}\n",
  134. ".tg .tg-rkwu{font-family:\"Courier New\", Courier, monospace !important;;vertical-align:top}\n",
  135. ".tg .tg-vyw9{font-family:\"Courier New\", Courier, monospace !important;}\n",
  136. ".tg .tg-yw4l{vertical-align:top}\n",
  137. "</style>\n",
  138. "<table class=\"tg\">\n",
  139. " <tr>\n",
  140. " <th class=\"tg-vyw9\">Part</th>\n",
  141. " <th class=\"tg-rkwu\">Function</th>\n",
  142. " <th class=\"tg-rkwu\">Device Count<br></th>\n",
  143. " <th class=\"tg-rkwu\">Input Count<br></th>\n",
  144. " </tr>\n",
  145. " <tr>\n",
  146. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">7400</td>\n",
  147. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">NAND<br></td>\n",
  148. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">4<br></td>\n",
  149. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2/ea<br></td>\n",
  150. " </tr>\n",
  151. " <tr>\n",
  152. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">7402<br></td>\n",
  153. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">NOR<br></td>\n",
  154. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">4</td>\n",
  155. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2/ea</td>\n",
  156. " </tr>\n",
  157. " <tr>\n",
  158. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">7404</td>\n",
  159. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">NOT</td>\n",
  160. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">6</td>\n",
  161. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">1/ea</td>\n",
  162. " </tr>\n",
  163. " <tr>\n",
  164. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">7408</td>\n",
  165. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">AND</td>\n",
  166. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">4</td>\n",
  167. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2/ea</td>\n",
  168. " </tr>\n",
  169. " <tr>\n",
  170. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">7432</td>\n",
  171. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">OR</td>\n",
  172. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">4</td>\n",
  173. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2/ea</td>\n",
  174. " </tr>\n",
  175. " <tr>\n",
  176. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">7486<br></td>\n",
  177. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">XOR</td>\n",
  178. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">4</td>\n",
  179. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2/ea</td>\n",
  180. " </tr>\n",
  181. "</table>\n",
  182. "<br>\n",
  183. "<style type=\"text/css\">\n",
  184. ".tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;}\n",
  185. ".tg td{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;}\n",
  186. ".tg th{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:normal;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;}\n",
  187. ".tg .tg-rkwu{font-family:\"Courier New\", Courier, monospace !important;;vertical-align:top}\n",
  188. ".tg .tg-vyw9{font-family:\"Courier New\", Courier, monospace !important;}\n",
  189. ".tg .tg-yw4l{vertical-align:top}\n",
  190. "</style>\n",
  191. "<table class=\"tg\">\n",
  192. " <tr>\n",
  193. " <th class=\"tg-vyw9\">Part</th>\n",
  194. " <th class=\"tg-rkwu\">Function</th>\n",
  195. " <th class=\"tg-rkwu\">Device Count<br></th>\n",
  196. " <th class=\"tg-rkwu\">Input Count<br></th>\n",
  197. " </tr>\n",
  198. " <tr>\n",
  199. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">74S00</td>\n",
  200. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">NAND<br></td>\n",
  201. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">4<br></td>\n",
  202. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2/ea<br></td>\n",
  203. " </tr>\n",
  204. " <tr>\n",
  205. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">74S02<br></td>\n",
  206. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">NOR<br></td>\n",
  207. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">4</td>\n",
  208. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2/ea</td>\n",
  209. " </tr>\n",
  210. " <tr>\n",
  211. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">74S04</td>\n",
  212. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">NOT</td>\n",
  213. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">6</td>\n",
  214. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">1/ea</td>\n",
  215. " </tr>\n",
  216. " <tr>\n",
  217. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">74S08</td>\n",
  218. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">AND</td>\n",
  219. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">4</td>\n",
  220. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2/ea</td>\n",
  221. " </tr>\n",
  222. " <tr>\n",
  223. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">74S32</td>\n",
  224. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">OR</td>\n",
  225. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">4</td>\n",
  226. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2/ea</td>\n",
  227. " </tr>\n",
  228. " <tr>\n",
  229. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">74S86<br></td>\n",
  230. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">XOR</td>\n",
  231. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">4</td>\n",
  232. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2/ea</td>\n",
  233. " </tr>\n",
  234. "</table>\n",
  235. "<br>\n",
  236. "<style type=\"text/css\">\n",
  237. ".tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;}\n",
  238. ".tg td{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;}\n",
  239. ".tg th{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:normal;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;}\n",
  240. ".tg .tg-rkwu{font-family:\"Courier New\", Courier, monospace !important;;vertical-align:top}\n",
  241. ".tg .tg-vyw9{font-family:\"Courier New\", Courier, monospace !important;}\n",
  242. ".tg .tg-yw4l{vertical-align:top}\n",
  243. "</style>\n",
  244. "<table class=\"tg\">\n",
  245. " <tr>\n",
  246. " <th class=\"tg-vyw9\">Part</th>\n",
  247. " <th class=\"tg-rkwu\">Function</th>\n",
  248. " <th class=\"tg-rkwu\">Device Count<br></th>\n",
  249. " <th class=\"tg-rkwu\">Input Count<br></th>\n",
  250. " </tr>\n",
  251. " <tr>\n",
  252. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">74LS00</td>\n",
  253. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">NAND<br></td>\n",
  254. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">4<br></td>\n",
  255. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2/ea<br></td>\n",
  256. " </tr>\n",
  257. " <tr>\n",
  258. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">74LS02<br></td>\n",
  259. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">NOR<br></td>\n",
  260. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">4</td>\n",
  261. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2/ea</td>\n",
  262. " </tr>\n",
  263. " <tr>\n",
  264. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">74LS04</td>\n",
  265. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">NOT</td>\n",
  266. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">6</td>\n",
  267. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">1/ea</td>\n",
  268. " </tr>\n",
  269. " <tr>\n",
  270. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">74LS08</td>\n",
  271. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">AND</td>\n",
  272. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">4</td>\n",
  273. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2/ea</td>\n",
  274. " </tr>\n",
  275. " <tr>\n",
  276. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">74LS32</td>\n",
  277. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">OR</td>\n",
  278. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">4</td>\n",
  279. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2/ea</td>\n",
  280. " </tr>\n",
  281. " <tr>\n",
  282. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">74LS86<br></td>\n",
  283. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">XOR</td>\n",
  284. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">4</td>\n",
  285. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2/ea</td>\n",
  286. " </tr>\n",
  287. "</table>"
  288. ]
  289. },
  290. {
  291. "cell_type": "markdown",
  292. "metadata": {},
  293. "source": [
  294. "For each of the above logic families (i.e., \"Standard\", \"Schottky\", or \"Low-Power Schottky\") input voltage, output voltage, input current, output current, as well as propagation times will vary. A table below shows these in summary:\n",
  295. "<style type=\"text/css\">\n",
  296. ".tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;}\n",
  297. ".tg td{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;}\n",
  298. ".tg th{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:normal;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;}\n",
  299. ".tg .tg-vyw9{font-family:\"Courier New\", Courier, monospace !important;}\n",
  300. ".tg .tg-yw4l{vertical-align:top}\n",
  301. "</style>\n",
  302. "<table class=\"tg\">\n",
  303. " <tr>\n",
  304. " <th class=\"tg-vyw9\">Family<br></th>\n",
  305. " <th class=\"tg-yw4l\">$V_{IH}$</th>\n",
  306. " <th class=\"tg-yw4l\">$V_{IL}$</th>\n",
  307. " <th class=\"tg-yw4l\">$V_{OH}$</th>\n",
  308. " <th class=\"tg-yw4l\">$V_{OL}$<br></th>\n",
  309. " <th class=\"tg-yw4l\">$t_{plh}$<br></th>\n",
  310. " <th class=\"tg-yw4l\">$t_{phl}$</th>\n",
  311. " </tr>\n",
  312. " <tr>\n",
  313. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">STD</td>\n",
  314. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2V</td>\n",
  315. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">0.8V</td>\n",
  316. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2.4V</td>\n",
  317. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">0.4V</td>\n",
  318. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">11ns</td>\n",
  319. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">7ns</td>\n",
  320. " </tr>\n",
  321. " <tr>\n",
  322. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">S</td>\n",
  323. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2V</td>\n",
  324. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">0.8V</td>\n",
  325. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2.4V</td>\n",
  326. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">0.4V</td>\n",
  327. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">3ns</td>\n",
  328. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">3ns</td>\n",
  329. " </tr>\n",
  330. " <tr>\n",
  331. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">LS</td>\n",
  332. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2V</td>\n",
  333. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">0.8V</td>\n",
  334. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">2.4V</td>\n",
  335. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">0.4V</td>\n",
  336. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">3ns</td>\n",
  337. " <td class=\"tg-yw4l\">3ns</td>\n",
  338. " </tr>\n",
  339. "</table>"
  340. ]
  341. },
  342. {
  343. "cell_type": "markdown",
  344. "metadata": {},
  345. "source": [
  346. "Let's look at a simple <code>NOT</code> function. For these examples, \"0\" or \"low\" is the same as \"false\", and \"1\" or \"high\" is the same as \"true\"<br>"
  347. ]
  348. },
  349. {
  350. "cell_type": "code",
  351. "execution_count": 2,
  352. "metadata": {},
  353. "outputs": [
  354. {
  355. "name": "stdout",
  356. "output_type": "stream",
  357. "text": [
  358. "True\n"
  359. ]
  360. }
  361. ],
  362. "source": [
  363. "Y1=~false\n",
  364. "print(Y1)"
  365. ]
  366. },
  367. {
  368. "cell_type": "code",
  369. "execution_count": 3,
  370. "metadata": {},
  371. "outputs": [
  372. {
  373. "name": "stdout",
  374. "output_type": "stream",
  375. "text": [
  376. "False\n"
  377. ]
  378. }
  379. ],
  380. "source": [
  381. "Y2=~true\n",
  382. "print(Y2)"
  383. ]
  384. },
  385. {
  386. "cell_type": "markdown",
  387. "metadata": {},
  388. "source": [
  389. "So, with a <code>NOT</code> function, we can see that whatever the input state is, the <code>NOT</code> function negates that input to produce the other state."
  390. ]
  391. },
  392. {
  393. "cell_type": "markdown",
  394. "metadata": {},
  395. "source": [
  396. "Let's look at a simple <code>AND</code> function. For these examples, \"0\" or \"low\" is the same as \"false\", and \"1\" or \"high\" is the same as \"true\""
  397. ]
  398. },
  399. {
  400. "cell_type": "code",
  401. "execution_count": 4,
  402. "metadata": {},
  403. "outputs": [
  404. {
  405. "name": "stdout",
  406. "output_type": "stream",
  407. "text": [
  408. "False\n"
  409. ]
  410. }
  411. ],
  412. "source": [
  413. "Y3=And(false, false)\n",
  414. "print(Y3)"
  415. ]
  416. },
  417. {
  418. "cell_type": "code",
  419. "execution_count": 5,
  420. "metadata": {},
  421. "outputs": [
  422. {
  423. "name": "stdout",
  424. "output_type": "stream",
  425. "text": [
  426. "False\n"
  427. ]
  428. }
  429. ],
  430. "source": [
  431. "Y4=And(false, true)\n",
  432. "print(Y4)"
  433. ]
  434. },
  435. {
  436. "cell_type": "code",
  437. "execution_count": 6,
  438. "metadata": {},
  439. "outputs": [
  440. {
  441. "name": "stdout",
  442. "output_type": "stream",
  443. "text": [
  444. "False\n"
  445. ]
  446. }
  447. ],
  448. "source": [
  449. "Y5=And(true, false)\n",
  450. "print(Y5)"
  451. ]
  452. },
  453. {
  454. "cell_type": "code",
  455. "execution_count": 7,
  456. "metadata": {},
  457. "outputs": [
  458. {
  459. "name": "stdout",
  460. "output_type": "stream",
  461. "text": [
  462. "True\n"
  463. ]
  464. }
  465. ],
  466. "source": [
  467. "Y6=And(true, true)\n",
  468. "print(Y6)"
  469. ]
  470. },
  471. {
  472. "cell_type": "markdown",
  473. "metadata": {},
  474. "source": [
  475. "Notice that the output is always <code>False</code> unless <code>input_1 <b>AND</b> input_2</code> are both <code>True</code>"
  476. ]
  477. },
  478. {
  479. "cell_type": "markdown",
  480. "metadata": {},
  481. "source": [
  482. "Let's look at a simple <code>OR</code> function. For these examples, \"0\" or \"low\" is the same as \"false\", and \"1\" or \"high\" is the same as \"true\""
  483. ]
  484. },
  485. {
  486. "cell_type": "code",
  487. "execution_count": 8,
  488. "metadata": {},
  489. "outputs": [
  490. {
  491. "name": "stdout",
  492. "output_type": "stream",
  493. "text": [
  494. "False\n"
  495. ]
  496. }
  497. ],
  498. "source": [
  499. "Y7=Or(false, false)\n",
  500. "print(Y7)"
  501. ]
  502. },
  503. {
  504. "cell_type": "code",
  505. "execution_count": 9,
  506. "metadata": {},
  507. "outputs": [
  508. {
  509. "name": "stdout",
  510. "output_type": "stream",
  511. "text": [
  512. "True\n"
  513. ]
  514. }
  515. ],
  516. "source": [
  517. "Y8=Or(false, true)\n",
  518. "print(Y8)"
  519. ]
  520. },
  521. {
  522. "cell_type": "code",
  523. "execution_count": 10,
  524. "metadata": {},
  525. "outputs": [
  526. {
  527. "name": "stdout",
  528. "output_type": "stream",
  529. "text": [
  530. "True\n"
  531. ]
  532. }
  533. ],
  534. "source": [
  535. "Y9=Or(true, false)\n",
  536. "print(Y9)"
  537. ]
  538. },
  539. {
  540. "cell_type": "code",
  541. "execution_count": 11,
  542. "metadata": {},
  543. "outputs": [
  544. {
  545. "name": "stdout",
  546. "output_type": "stream",
  547. "text": [
  548. "True\n"
  549. ]
  550. }
  551. ],
  552. "source": [
  553. "Y10=Or(true, true)\n",
  554. "print(Y10)"
  555. ]
  556. },
  557. {
  558. "cell_type": "markdown",
  559. "metadata": {},
  560. "source": [
  561. "Notice that the output is <code>True</code> when <code>input_1 <b>OR</b> input_2</code> are <code>True</code>"
  562. ]
  563. },
  564. {
  565. "cell_type": "markdown",
  566. "metadata": {},
  567. "source": [
  568. "We can create a <code>NAND</code> function, by simply combining the <code>NOT</code> and the <code>AND</code> ..."
  569. ]
  570. },
  571. {
  572. "cell_type": "code",
  573. "execution_count": 12,
  574. "metadata": {},
  575. "outputs": [
  576. {
  577. "name": "stdout",
  578. "output_type": "stream",
  579. "text": [
  580. "True\n"
  581. ]
  582. }
  583. ],
  584. "source": [
  585. "Y11=~(And(false,false))\n",
  586. "print(Y11)"
  587. ]
  588. },
  589. {
  590. "cell_type": "code",
  591. "execution_count": 13,
  592. "metadata": {},
  593. "outputs": [
  594. {
  595. "name": "stdout",
  596. "output_type": "stream",
  597. "text": [
  598. "True\n"
  599. ]
  600. }
  601. ],
  602. "source": [
  603. "Y12=~(And(false,true))\n",
  604. "print(Y12)"
  605. ]
  606. },
  607. {
  608. "cell_type": "code",
  609. "execution_count": 14,
  610. "metadata": {},
  611. "outputs": [
  612. {
  613. "name": "stdout",
  614. "output_type": "stream",
  615. "text": [
  616. "True\n"
  617. ]
  618. }
  619. ],
  620. "source": [
  621. "Y13=~(And(true,false))\n",
  622. "print(Y13)"
  623. ]
  624. },
  625. {
  626. "cell_type": "code",
  627. "execution_count": 15,
  628. "metadata": {},
  629. "outputs": [
  630. {
  631. "name": "stdout",
  632. "output_type": "stream",
  633. "text": [
  634. "False\n"
  635. ]
  636. }
  637. ],
  638. "source": [
  639. "Y14=~(And(true,true))\n",
  640. "print(Y14)"
  641. ]
  642. },
  643. {
  644. "cell_type": "markdown",
  645. "metadata": {},
  646. "source": [
  647. "We can create a <code>NOR</code> function, by simply combining the <code>NOT</code> and the <code>OR</code> ..."
  648. ]
  649. },
  650. {
  651. "cell_type": "code",
  652. "execution_count": 16,
  653. "metadata": {},
  654. "outputs": [
  655. {
  656. "name": "stdout",
  657. "output_type": "stream",
  658. "text": [
  659. "True\n"
  660. ]
  661. }
  662. ],
  663. "source": [
  664. "Y15=~(Or(false,false))\n",
  665. "print(Y15)"
  666. ]
  667. },
  668. {
  669. "cell_type": "code",
  670. "execution_count": 17,
  671. "metadata": {},
  672. "outputs": [
  673. {
  674. "name": "stdout",
  675. "output_type": "stream",
  676. "text": [
  677. "False\n"
  678. ]
  679. }
  680. ],
  681. "source": [
  682. "Y16=~(Or(false,true))\n",
  683. "print(Y16)"
  684. ]
  685. },
  686. {
  687. "cell_type": "code",
  688. "execution_count": 18,
  689. "metadata": {},
  690. "outputs": [
  691. {
  692. "name": "stdout",
  693. "output_type": "stream",
  694. "text": [
  695. "False\n"
  696. ]
  697. }
  698. ],
  699. "source": [
  700. "Y17=~(Or(true,false))\n",
  701. "print(Y17)"
  702. ]
  703. },
  704. {
  705. "cell_type": "code",
  706. "execution_count": 19,
  707. "metadata": {},
  708. "outputs": [
  709. {
  710. "name": "stdout",
  711. "output_type": "stream",
  712. "text": [
  713. "False\n"
  714. ]
  715. }
  716. ],
  717. "source": [
  718. "Y18=~(Or(true,true))\n",
  719. "print(Y18)"
  720. ]
  721. },
  722. {
  723. "cell_type": "markdown",
  724. "metadata": {},
  725. "source": [
  726. "Finally, let's create an <code>XOR</code> function ..."
  727. ]
  728. },
  729. {
  730. "cell_type": "code",
  731. "execution_count": 20,
  732. "metadata": {},
  733. "outputs": [
  734. {
  735. "name": "stdout",
  736. "output_type": "stream",
  737. "text": [
  738. "False\n"
  739. ]
  740. }
  741. ],
  742. "source": [
  743. "Y19=Xor(false,false)\n",
  744. "print(Y19)"
  745. ]
  746. },
  747. {
  748. "cell_type": "code",
  749. "execution_count": 21,
  750. "metadata": {},
  751. "outputs": [
  752. {
  753. "name": "stdout",
  754. "output_type": "stream",
  755. "text": [
  756. "True\n"
  757. ]
  758. }
  759. ],
  760. "source": [
  761. "Y20=Xor(false,true)\n",
  762. "print(Y20)"
  763. ]
  764. },
  765. {
  766. "cell_type": "code",
  767. "execution_count": 22,
  768. "metadata": {},
  769. "outputs": [
  770. {
  771. "name": "stdout",
  772. "output_type": "stream",
  773. "text": [
  774. "True\n"
  775. ]
  776. }
  777. ],
  778. "source": [
  779. "Y20=Xor(true,false)\n",
  780. "print(Y20)"
  781. ]
  782. },
  783. {
  784. "cell_type": "code",
  785. "execution_count": 23,
  786. "metadata": {},
  787. "outputs": [
  788. {
  789. "name": "stdout",
  790. "output_type": "stream",
  791. "text": [
  792. "False\n"
  793. ]
  794. }
  795. ],
  796. "source": [
  797. "Y21=Xor(true,true)\n",
  798. "print(Y21)"
  799. ]
  800. },
  801. {
  802. "cell_type": "markdown",
  803. "metadata": {},
  804. "source": [
  805. "Notice that the output is <code>True</code> when either <code>input_1 <b>OR</b> input_2</code> are <code>True</code>, but <b>not when both</b> are <code>TRUE</code>"
  806. ]
  807. },
  808. {
  809. "cell_type": "markdown",
  810. "metadata": {},
  811. "source": [
  812. "Now that we have seen all the logic functions in action, lets create a series of tables ... in each case the table will provide all possible input states and all possible output states:"
  813. ]
  814. },
  815. {
  816. "cell_type": "code",
  817. "execution_count": 24,
  818. "metadata": {},
  819. "outputs": [
  820. {
  821. "name": "stdout",
  822. "output_type": "stream",
  823. "text": [
  824. "NOT function:\n",
  825. "a y\n",
  826. "-----\n",
  827. "0 1\n",
  828. "1 0\n"
  829. ]
  830. }
  831. ],
  832. "source": [
  833. "a1=(0)\n",
  834. "a2=(1)\n",
  835. "print(\"NOT function:\")\n",
  836. "print(\"a y\")\n",
  837. "print(\"-----\")\n",
  838. "print(a1,int(not(a1)))\n",
  839. "print(a2,int(not(a2)))"
  840. ]
  841. },
  842. {
  843. "cell_type": "code",
  844. "execution_count": 25,
  845. "metadata": {},
  846. "outputs": [
  847. {
  848. "name": "stdout",
  849. "output_type": "stream",
  850. "text": [
  851. "AND function:\n",
  852. "a b y\n",
  853. "-----\n",
  854. "0 0 0\n",
  855. "0 1 0\n",
  856. "1 0 0\n",
  857. "1 1 1\n"
  858. ]
  859. }
  860. ],
  861. "source": [
  862. "a1=(0)\n",
  863. "b1=(0)\n",
  864. "a2=(0)\n",
  865. "b2=(1)\n",
  866. "a3=(1)\n",
  867. "b3=(0)\n",
  868. "a4=(1)\n",
  869. "b4=(1)\n",
  870. "print(\"AND function:\")\n",
  871. "print(\"a b y\")\n",
  872. "print(\"-----\")\n",
  873. "print(a1,b1,(a1&b1))\n",
  874. "print(a2,b2,(a2&b2))\n",
  875. "print(a3,b3,(a3&b3))\n",
  876. "print(a4,b4,(a4&b4))"
  877. ]
  878. },
  879. {
  880. "cell_type": "code",
  881. "execution_count": 26,
  882. "metadata": {},
  883. "outputs": [
  884. {
  885. "name": "stdout",
  886. "output_type": "stream",
  887. "text": [
  888. "NAND function:\n",
  889. "a b y\n",
  890. "-----\n",
  891. "0 0 1\n",
  892. "0 1 1\n",
  893. "1 0 1\n",
  894. "1 1 0\n"
  895. ]
  896. }
  897. ],
  898. "source": [
  899. "a1=(0)\n",
  900. "b1=(0)\n",
  901. "a2=(0)\n",
  902. "b2=(1)\n",
  903. "a3=(1)\n",
  904. "b3=(0)\n",
  905. "a4=(1)\n",
  906. "b4=(1)\n",
  907. "print(\"NAND function:\")\n",
  908. "print(\"a b y\")\n",
  909. "print(\"-----\")\n",
  910. "print(a1,b1,int(not(a1&b1)))\n",
  911. "print(a2,b2,int(not(a2&b2)))\n",
  912. "print(a3,b3,int(not(a3&b3)))\n",
  913. "print(a4,b4,int(not(a4&b4)))"
  914. ]
  915. },
  916. {
  917. "cell_type": "code",
  918. "execution_count": 27,
  919. "metadata": {},
  920. "outputs": [
  921. {
  922. "name": "stdout",
  923. "output_type": "stream",
  924. "text": [
  925. "OR function:\n",
  926. "a b y\n",
  927. "-----\n",
  928. "0 0 0\n",
  929. "0 1 1\n",
  930. "1 0 1\n",
  931. "1 1 1\n"
  932. ]
  933. }
  934. ],
  935. "source": [
  936. "a1=(0)\n",
  937. "b1=(0)\n",
  938. "a2=(0)\n",
  939. "b2=(1)\n",
  940. "a3=(1)\n",
  941. "b3=(0)\n",
  942. "a4=(1)\n",
  943. "b4=(1)\n",
  944. "print(\"OR function:\")\n",
  945. "print(\"a b y\")\n",
  946. "print(\"-----\")\n",
  947. "print(a1,b1,(a1|b1))\n",
  948. "print(a2,b2,(a2|b2))\n",
  949. "print(a3,b3,(a3|b3))\n",
  950. "print(a4,b4,(a4|b4))"
  951. ]
  952. },
  953. {
  954. "cell_type": "code",
  955. "execution_count": 28,
  956. "metadata": {},
  957. "outputs": [
  958. {
  959. "name": "stdout",
  960. "output_type": "stream",
  961. "text": [
  962. "NOR function:\n",
  963. "a b y\n",
  964. "-----\n",
  965. "0 0 1\n",
  966. "0 1 0\n",
  967. "1 0 0\n",
  968. "1 1 0\n"
  969. ]
  970. }
  971. ],
  972. "source": [
  973. "a1=(0)\n",
  974. "b1=(0)\n",
  975. "a2=(0)\n",
  976. "b2=(1)\n",
  977. "a3=(1)\n",
  978. "b3=(0)\n",
  979. "a4=(1)\n",
  980. "b4=(1)\n",
  981. "print(\"NOR function:\")\n",
  982. "print(\"a b y\")\n",
  983. "print(\"-----\")\n",
  984. "print(a1,b1,int(not(a1|b1)))\n",
  985. "print(a2,b2,int(not(a2|b2)))\n",
  986. "print(a3,b3,int(not(a3|b3)))\n",
  987. "print(a4,b4,int(not(a4|b4)))"
  988. ]
  989. },
  990. {
  991. "cell_type": "code",
  992. "execution_count": 29,
  993. "metadata": {},
  994. "outputs": [
  995. {
  996. "name": "stdout",
  997. "output_type": "stream",
  998. "text": [
  999. "XOR function:\n",
  1000. "a b y\n",
  1001. "-----\n",
  1002. "0 0 0\n",
  1003. "0 1 1\n",
  1004. "1 0 1\n",
  1005. "1 1 0\n"
  1006. ]
  1007. }
  1008. ],
  1009. "source": [
  1010. "a1=(0)\n",
  1011. "b1=(0)\n",
  1012. "a2=(0)\n",
  1013. "b2=(1)\n",
  1014. "a3=(1)\n",
  1015. "b3=(0)\n",
  1016. "a4=(1)\n",
  1017. "b4=(1)\n",
  1018. "print(\"XOR function:\")\n",
  1019. "print(\"a b y\")\n",
  1020. "print(\"-----\")\n",
  1021. "print(a1,b1,(a1^b1))\n",
  1022. "print(a2,b2,(a2^b2))\n",
  1023. "print(a3,b3,(a3^b3))\n",
  1024. "print(a4,b4,(a4^b4))"
  1025. ]
  1026. }
  1027. ],
  1028. "metadata": {
  1029. "kernelspec": {
  1030. "display_name": "Python 3",
  1031. "language": "python",
  1032. "name": "python3"
  1033. },
  1034. "language_info": {
  1035. "codemirror_mode": {
  1036. "name": "ipython",
  1037. "version": 3
  1038. },
  1039. "file_extension": ".py",
  1040. "mimetype": "text/x-python",
  1041. "name": "python",
  1042. "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
  1043. "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
  1044. "version": "3.6.3"
  1045. }
  1046. },
  1047. "nbformat": 4,
  1048. "nbformat_minor": 2
  1049. }
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