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Jul 22nd, 2018
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  1. created by xolraid
  2. yunanagajo
  4. Format: QMacro Script
  5. Name: Galactic Conquest Auto Clicker
  6. Description: Research in two browser
  8. Script:
  9. #This is the script source file created by Quick Macro
  10. #You can modify this file on the condition that you understand the various commands
  11. #The modification result will be reflected in common view
  13. x=750
  14. count=0
  15. internetdelay=2000
  16. computerdelay=5000
  17. user=0
  18. re=1
  19. //VBSCall re=InputBox("Research(1) or Digging(2)?")
  20. //
  21. //
  22. //
  23. //
  24. //
  25. //
  26. //
  27. Rem start
  28. IfColor 460,720,0,1
  29. Gosub open
  30. Else
  31. IfColor 100,720,1,1
  32. Goto optready
  33. Else
  34. Gosub open
  35. EndIf
  36. EndIf
  37. Goto click
  38. //
  39. //
  40. //
  41. //
  42. Rem load
  43. user=1
  44. Gosub logintoresearch
  45. KeyDown 18,1
  46. KeyPress 9,1
  47. KeyUp 18,1
  48. Delay 1000
  49. user=2
  50. Gosub logintoresearch
  51. Goto click
  52. //
  53. //
  54. //
  55. //
  56. Rem optready
  57. VBSCall FindPic(1,1,1270,735,"C:\Users\CY\Desktop\GC/startresearch.bmp",0.9,x6,y6)
  58. If x6>=0 and y6>=0
  59. KeyDown 18,1
  60. KeyPress 9,1
  61. KeyUp 18,1
  62. VBSCall FindPic(1,1,1270,735,"C:\Users\CY\Desktop\GC/startresearch.bmp",0.9,x6,y6)
  63. If x6>=0 and y6>=0
  64. Goto click
  65. Else
  66. Goto load
  67. EndIf
  68. Else
  69. Goto load
  70. EndIf
  71. //
  72. //
  73. Rem digorresearch
  74. If re=2
  75. Beep
  76. Beep
  77. Gosub gotodig
  78. Goto click
  79. Else
  80. EndIf
  81. If re =1
  82. Beep
  83. Beep
  84. Beep
  85. Beep
  86. Gosub gotoresearch
  87. Goto click
  88. Else
  89. EndScript
  90. EndIf
  91. //
  92. //
  93. //
  94. //
  95. Rem click
  96. SaveMousePos
  97. If re=2
  98. VBSCall FindColor(1,219,1279,730,"5A372C",x,y)
  99. If x>=0 and y>=0
  100. MoveTo x y
  101. LeftDoubleClick 1
  102. KeyPress 57,1
  103. LeftClick 1
  104. MoveR 35,0
  105. LeftClick 1
  106. Else
  107. Beep
  108. Delay 500
  109. IfColor x,700,0,1
  110. Gosub refresh
  111. Else
  112. EndIf
  113. Goto click
  114. EndIf
  115. Else
  116. If re =1
  117. VBSCall FindPic(1,1,1270,735,"C:\Users\CY\Desktop\GC/startresearch.bmp",0.9,x6,y6)
  118. If x6>=0 and y6>=0
  119. MoveTo x6+10,y6+5
  120. LeftClick 1
  121. Else
  122. Beep
  123. Delay 500
  124. IfColor x,700,0,1
  125. Gosub refresh
  126. Else
  127. EndIf
  128. Goto click
  129. EndIf
  130. Else
  131. Goto click
  132. EndIf
  133. EndIf
  134. RestoreMousePos
  135. count=count+1
  136. KeyDown 18,1
  137. KeyPress 9,1
  138. KeyUp 18,1
  139. IfColor 475,700,0,1
  140. Goto menu
  141. Else
  142. EndIf
  143. Delay 35000
  144. Goto click
  145. //
  146. //
  147. //
  148. //
  149. Sub refresh
  150. Delay 180000
  151. KeyPress 116,1
  152. KeyPress 13,1
  153. Beep
  154. Delay 10000
  155. Goto start
  156. Return refresh
  157. //
  158. //
  159. //
  160. //
  161. Sub gotodig
  162. //click manage colonies
  163. VBSCall FindPic(1,1,1270,735,"C:\Users\CY\Desktop\GC/managecolonies.bmp",0.9,x3,y3)
  164. If x3>=0 and y3>=0
  165. Beep
  166. MoveTo x3+10,y3+5
  167. LeftClick 1
  168. Else
  169. EndIf
  170. //click the planet
  171. VBSCall FindPic(1,1,1270,735,"C:\Users\CY\Desktop\GC/e1817.bmp",0.9,x4,y4)
  172. If x4>=0 and y4>=0
  173. Beep
  174. MoveTo x4+10,y4+5
  175. LeftClick 1
  176. Else
  177. EndIf
  178. //click excavation dig
  179. VBSCall FindPic(1,1,1270,735,"C:\Users\CY\Desktop\GC/excavationdig.bmp",0.9,x5,y5)
  180. If x5>=0 and y5>=0
  181. Beep
  182. MoveTo x5+10,y5+5
  183. LeftClick 1
  184. Else
  185. EndIf
  186. Return gotodig
  187. //
  188. //
  189. //
  190. //
  191. Sub gotoresearch
  192. //click research
  193. Delay internetdelay
  194. Rem clkgtresearch1
  195. VBSCall FindPic(1,1,1270,735,"C:\Users\CY\Desktop\GC/research.bmp",0.9,x7,y7)
  196. If x7>=0 and y7>=0
  197. Beep
  198. MoveTo x7+10,y7+5
  199. LeftClick 1
  200. Else
  201. Gosub errnotfound
  202. Goto clkgtresearch1
  203. EndIf
  204. //click research
  205. Delay internetdelay
  206. Rem clkgtresearch2
  207. VBSCall FindPic(1,1,1270,735,"C:\Users\CY\Desktop\GC/continueresearch.bmp",0.9,x8,y8)
  208. If x8>=0 and y8>=0
  209. Beep
  210. MoveTo x8+10,y8+5
  211. LeftClick 1
  212. Else
  213. Gosub errnotfound
  214. Goto clkgtresearch2
  215. EndIf
  216. Return gotoresearch
  217. //
  218. //
  219. //
  220. //
  221. Sub logout
  222. //click logout
  223. Delay internetdelay
  224. Delay internetdelay
  225. Delay internetdelay
  226. VBSCall FindPic(1,100,1270,200,"C:\Users\CY\Desktop\GC/logout.bmp",0.9,x1,y1)
  227. If x1>=0 and y1>=0
  228. Beep
  229. MoveTo x1+10,y1+5
  230. LeftClick 1
  231. MoveR 0,0
  232. MoveR 0,50
  233. EndIf
  234. Return logout
  235. //
  236. //
  237. //
  238. //
  239. Sub login
  240. //click login
  241. Delay internetdelay
  242. Rem clklogin
  243. VBSCall FindPic(1,100,1270,200,"C:\Users\CY\Desktop\GC/login.bmp",0.9,x2,y2)
  244. If x2>=0 and y2>=0
  245. Beep
  246. MoveTo x2+10,y2+5
  247. LeftClick 1
  248. Delay internetdelay
  249. Else
  250. Gosub errnotfound
  251. Goto clklogin
  252. EndIf
  253. //move to RT server
  254. MoveR -300,400
  255. LeftClick 1
  256. Delay internetdelay
  257. Delay 2000
  258. //keyin username
  259. If user=1
  260. Gosub typexolraid
  261. Else
  262. Gosub typejerox
  263. EndIf
  264. //finish keyin username
  265. //keyin password
  266. KeyDown 9,1
  267. Delay 500
  268. KeyDown 73,1
  269. Delay 100
  270. KeyDown 76,1
  271. Delay 100
  272. KeyDown 85,1
  273. Delay 100
  274. KeyDown 88,1
  275. Delay 100
  276. KeyDown 87,1
  277. Delay 100
  278. KeyDown 69,1
  279. Delay 100
  280. KeyDown 68,1
  281. Delay 500
  282. KeyPress 13,1
  283. //keyin password finish
  284. //click the button
  285. Delay internetdelay
  286. Rem clkglogin1
  287. VBSCall FindColor(400,590,1270,640,"5A372C",x,y)
  288. If x>=0 and y>=0
  289. Beep
  290. MoveTo x y
  291. LeftClick 1
  292. Delay internetdelay
  293. Else
  294. Gosub errnotfound
  295. Goto clkglogin1
  296. EndIf
  297. Return login
  298. //
  299. //
  300. //
  301. //
  302. //
  303. //
  304. Sub open
  305. //
  306. //
  307. //
  308. //
  309. user=1
  310. VBSCall RunApp("C:\Program Files\Safari\safari.exe")
  311. Delay internetdelay
  312. Rem clkgcbt1
  313. IfColor 512,135,0,0
  314. Plugin safari=Window.GetKeyFocusWnd()
  315. Beep
  316. MoveTo 550 ,230
  317. LeftClick 1
  318. Else
  319. Gosub errnotfound
  320. Goto clkgcbt1
  321. EndIf
  322. Gosub logintoresearch
  323. //
  324. //
  325. user=2
  326. VBSCall RunApp("C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe")
  327. Delay internetdelay
  328. Rem clkgcbt2
  329. IfColor 80,200,0,0
  330. Plugin chrome=Window.GetKeyFocusWnd()
  331. Beep
  332. MoveTo 150,260
  333. LeftClick 1
  334. Else
  335. Gosub errnotfound
  336. Goto clkgcbt2
  337. EndIf
  338. Gosub logintoresearch
  339. Return open
  340. //
  341. //
  342. //
  343. //
  344. Sub logintoresearch
  345. Gosub logout
  346. Gosub login
  347. Gosub gotoresearch
  348. For 4
  349. Delay internetdelay
  350. Rem clkstrresearch1
  351. VBSCall FindPic(1,1,1270,735,"C:\Users\CY\Desktop\GC/startresearch.bmp",0.9,x6,y6)
  352. If x6>=0 and y6>=0
  353. Beep
  354. MoveTo x6+10,y6+5
  355. LeftClick 1
  356. Else
  357. Delay 300
  358. Goto clkstrresearch1
  359. EndIf
  360. EndFor
  361. Return logintoresearch
  362. //
  363. //
  364. //
  365. //
  366. Sub errnotfound
  367. Return errnotfound
  368. //
  369. //
  370. //
  371. //
  372. Sub typejerox
  373. KeyDown 74,1
  374. Delay 100
  375. KeyDown 69,1
  376. Delay 100
  377. KeyDown 82,1
  378. Delay 100
  379. KeyDown 79,1
  380. Delay 100
  381. KeyDown 88,1
  382. Delay 500
  383. Return typejerox
  384. //
  385. //
  386. //
  387. //
  388. Sub typexolraid
  389. KeyDown 88,1
  390. Delay 100
  391. KeyDown 79,1
  392. Delay 100
  393. KeyDown 76,1
  394. Delay 100
  395. KeyDown 82,1
  396. Delay 100
  397. KeyDown 65,1
  398. Delay 100
  399. KeyDown 73,1
  400. Delay 100
  401. KeyDown 68,1
  402. Delay 500
  403. Return typexolraid
  404. //
  405. //
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