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Dec 6th, 2015
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  1. 1449418498 >> <neutrak> you're trying to get a "highly regarded job" but that's not necessarily "a fun job that lets you enjoy life"
  2. 1449418528 <zhinandtonic> I don't want that
  3. 1449418531 >> <neutrak> no one wants a job they hate (like, by definition)
  4. 1449418533 <GargajUD> jobs arent necessrily there for enjoyment, that's why they're called jobs
  5. 1449418540 <zhinandtonic> I don't want to play ping pong on the job
  6. 1449418545 <GargajUD> i mean there's plenty of middle ground between "shit job" and "amazing fun dream job"
  7. 1449418566 <zhinandtonic> my dream is to create works of art and have the world as an audience
  8. 1449418576 <zhinandtonic> thats the payoff
  9. 1449418580 <GargajUD> if you wanna create works of art, make sure it's not your job
  10. 1449418582 <zhinandtonic> having people see it
  11. 1449418590 <zhinandtonic> or something like that
  12. 1449418591 >> <neutrak> GargajUD: true but the fact is that a huge amount of jobs people have don't actually /need to be done/
  13. 1449418600 <GargajUD> cos once money comes into that, you're creating someone else's
  14. 1449418604 >> <neutrak> we automate things for a reason
  15. 1449418624 >> <neutrak> well, unless you own the means of production yourself, like in a co-op
  16. 1449418626 <zhinandtonic> well, if I find myself dissatified
  17. 1449418630 <zhinandtonic> I have my plan b
  18. 1449418645 <zhinandtonic> retrain
  19. 1449418651 >> <neutrak> I agree with GargajUD re: art
  20. 1449418655 <zhinandtonic> I asked myself a question recently
  21. 1449418669 <zhinandtonic> if I had to choose between dream job and money
  22. 1449418670 >> <neutrak> if you try to make it into a job you'll either be poor or lose your freedom of expression
  23. 1449418676 <zhinandtonic> I would choose money
  24. 1449418685 >> <neutrak> that's like, sad to me
  25. 1449418702 >> <neutrak> but whatever floats your boat
  26. 1449418723 <zhinandtonic> but for now I'll do my damnedest to make my degree not seem like three years wasted in my life
  27. 1449418732 ***<zhinandtonic> neutrak: I'm materialistic, sue me
  28. 1449418769 <GargajUD> well money would be part of my dream job tbh :)
  29. 1449418794 <zhinandtonic> if you want to explain more, shoot
  30. 1449418811 :GargajCNS! QUIT :Ping timeout
  31. 1449418811 :GargajUD! NICK :GargajCNS
  32. 1449418853 >> <neutrak> zhinandtonic: I mean, I guess if you have enough material goods I probably can sue you
  33. 1449418864 >> <neutrak> for like, violating antitrust laws or something
  34. 1449418884 >> <neutrak> but yeah, idk, that's just a foreign concept to me
  35. 1449418885 <GargajCNS> bro do you even humour
  36. 1449418892 >> <neutrak> GargajCNS: not usually no
  37. 1449418920 >> <neutrak> wanting material things is fine but at a certain point I feel like if you're not satisfied you never will be
  38. 1449418947 >> <neutrak> once I can attain a middle class lifestyle, I'll take time over money any day
  39. 1449418965 >> <neutrak> because that's what you're doing, you're trading time for money
  40. 1449418974 <zhinandtonic> I don't want to settlle
  41. 1449418979 <GargajCNS> yea but that "once i" is a pretty big one :)
  42. 1449418980 >> <neutrak> it doesn't do me any good to have a super awesome car if the only place I can drive it is too and from work
  43. 1449419001 >> <neutrak> GargajCNS: it is, and that's why I currently have a job which takes a ton of my time
  44. 1449419026 >> <neutrak> I'm just saying beyond that if you need more, you'll probably never have "enough"
  45. 1449419046 <GargajCNS> i'm ascetic by default
  46. 1449419050 <GargajCNS> so i dont have that problem :)
  47. 1449419056 <zhinandtonic> what does that mean
  48. 1449419070 <GargajCNS>
  49. 1449419071 <tard> <GargajCNS> Asceticism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  50. 1449419109 <zhinandtonic> seriously? Just like how it's explained?
  51. 1449419116 <GargajCNS> no
  52. 1449419136 <GargajCNS> but i try to avoid being bogged down by a need for things
  53. 1449419139 <GargajCNS> i never really had things
  54. 1449419144 <zhinandtonic> I see
  55. 1449419146 <GargajCNS> so i dont want to start now
  56. 1449419152 <GargajCNS> that doesnt mean things that have utility
  57. 1449419161 >> <neutrak> I'm not against things, I just think there's an amount that's enough
  58. 1449419164 <zhinandtonic> I think
  59. 1449419169 <zhinandtonic> I wan't to be like my dad
  60. 1449419177 >> <neutrak> things are cool; computers and cars and motorcycles and houses are awesome
  61. 1449419179 <zhinandtonic> I want *
  62. 1449419189 >> <neutrak> it's just you don't need ever-increasing amounts
  63. 1449419197 <zhinandtonic> and I want to be able to help anyone whenever
  64. 1449419206 <zhinandtonic> It's the one thing I truly admire
  65. 1449419210 <zhinandtonic> about him
  66. 1449419218 <zhinandtonic> he's helped so many people
  67. 1449419228 <FrenzyBanene> I want to say but I don't know how to form the words
  68. 1449419234 <zhinandtonic> not just throwing money at them, though it's mainly the case
  69. 1449419253 <FrenzyBanene> Sometimes you go along and you have a chance to make more, even if you don't need it would you go for it?
  70. 1449419266 <zhinandtonic> yes
  71. 1449419276 ***<FrenzyBanene> Yeah and neutrak?
  72. 1449419283 >> <neutrak> no
  73. 1449419295 <FrenzyBanene> Would you say, i have enough, I'm not doing that?
  74. 1449419300 <zhinandtonic> you don't need it, give it to someone who does
  75. 1449419304 >> <neutrak> if I could live my current lifestyle and have time to enjoy the things I have I would never need more
  76. 1449419320 >> <neutrak> zhinandtonic: but you got that money or those things from someone in the first place; it didn't appear out of no where
  77. 1449419325 <zhinandtonic> what if you have kids
  78. 1449419328 <FrenzyBanene> And if it were incredibly easy, say maybe a few years to get it set up
  79. 1449419369 <FrenzyBanene> I don't know if I see that as being content or unambitious
  80. 1449419371 >> <neutrak> so I don't see it being useful to give back when you could just leave it in the possesion of others in the first place, unless the people you originally get that money from are richer than the people you're giving the money to
  81. 1449419380 <zhinandtonic> lol
  82. 1449419396 <FrenzyBanene> And if they don't have to means to obtain it by themselves?
  83. 1449419412 <zhinandtonic> I don't NEED to work
  84. 1449419419 <zhinandtonic> I could scrounge off my dad
  85. 1449419421 <zhinandtonic> I don't want to
  86. 1449419430 >> <neutrak> FrenzyBanene: so if there was some way to make a ton of money easily and relatively quickly, I would probably do it, but not to be wealthy, to retire early
  87. 1449419461 <zhinandtonic> I'm taking the money from people paying for fashionable clothes, clothes you'd say they don't need
  88. 1449419477 >> <neutrak> if there was a way I could make 5 million dollars in like 2 years, yeah, I'd totally do it, but I wouldn't buy things with that money, I'd draw a salary from it every year until I died and continue to live as I do
  89. 1449419505 <zhinandtonic> see that just seems so complacent to me
  90. 1449419534 >> <neutrak> zhinandtonic: they don't need those clothes, but it's true that in your particular line of work the customers are generally wealthy, and they're gonna blow their money on something, so it may as well be the stuff you sell
  91. 1449419540 <zhinandtonic> in an ideal world Id accomplish things
  92. 1449419541 >> <neutrak> so yeah, I don't have a problem with that
  93. 1449419550 <zhinandtonic> HELL I'd make my mum happy and do medicine
  94. 1449419552 >> <neutrak> zhinandtonic: I'm not gonna just do nothing; quite the contrary
  95. 1449419566 >> <neutrak> I'm gonna do tons of stuff, but it's tons of stuff that doesn't make money and shouldn't make money
  96. 1449419576 >> <neutrak> like research
  97. 1449419590 >> <neutrak> and mitigating the threats of mass surveillance
  98. 1449419604 >> <neutrak> it's not "oh I'll retire and then do nothing"
  99. 1449419619 >> <neutrak> and then you could make art and not worry about being impovershed or controlled
  100. 1449419622 >> <neutrak> that's freedom to me
  101. 1449419637 <zhinandtonic> well its not sitting on a pile of money and doing nothing
  102. 1449419641 ***<FrenzyBanene> neutrak: to me being wealthy is the prerequisite to retiring early
  103. 1449419642 >> <neutrak> so I don't see that as complacent
  104. 1449419655 >> <neutrak> FrenzyBanene: only because of how we have structured our society
  105. 1449419674 >> <neutrak> it's not necessarily the case, but in practical terms these days that's what you probably need yes
  106. 1449419685 >> <neutrak> I'd rather we just worked fewer hours as we get more robots to do stuff
  107. 1449419701 <zhinandtonic> we got robots to surveil
  108. 1449419705 >> <neutrak> not retire early but at least have more time while working to pursue goals unrelated to profit
  109. 1449419724 :_ingo! QUIT :Ping timeout
  110. 1449419730 <zhinandtonic> but you seem uncomfortable with that
  111. 1449419748 >> <neutrak> zhinandtonic: we have robots to do tons of manufacturing and harvesting and lots of other things, but instead of everyone working less, we put them out on the street while the guy who owns the robots gets rich
  112. 1449419767 >> <neutrak> yeah I'm against surveillance, but that's not the fault of the robots
  113. 1449419791 >> <neutrak> and you know what, we're gonna find a way to get around it, it's not impossible
  114. 1449419798 >> <neutrak> technology progressing is fine
  115. 1449419815 <zhinandtonic> people who think fast is fine too
  116. 1449419817 >> <neutrak> I just want the reward of technology to be better distributed
  117. 1449419912 <zhinandtonic> you mean the money?
  118. 1449419917 >> <neutrak> honestly I think a huge number of things we do would be better if they were decoupled from profit, and we'd have the time to do them if we just worked less as we got more automation
  119. 1449419922 >> <neutrak> zhinandtonic: time, mostly
  120. 1449419937 >> <neutrak> we automate stuff and then we have to do less
  121. 1449419954 >> <neutrak> unless you get fired and then you have to find some other pointless thing to do
  122. 1449419958 <FrenzyBanene> That doesn't happen
  123. 1449419968 >> <neutrak> which doesn't actually need to be done because if it needed to be done someone else would already be doing it
  124. 1449419969 <zhinandtonic> we got the computer
  125. 1449419975 <zhinandtonic> and work a fuck ton ore
  126. 1449419975 >> <neutrak> so we "create jobs" which is just busy work
  127. 1449419978 <zhinandtonic> more
  128. 1449419983 >> <neutrak> zhinandtonic: yeah, and that's stupid as hell
  129. 1449419991 <zhinandtonic> why
  130. 1449419994 >> <neutrak> yes, that is what we currently do, because we're fucking morons
  131. 1449420000 :Zirg! NICK :Zirgion
  132. 1449420002 <FrenzyBanene> I don't think so
  133. 1449420004 >> <neutrak> because why did we make the computer? it wasn't to make our lives harder, surely?
  134. 1449420007 <FrenzyBanene> You do more in less time
  135. 1449420019 <FrenzyBanene> I don't see what's bad about that
  136. 1449420022 >> <neutrak> FrenzyBanene: but we don't /need/ to do /more/ if we can be /satisfied/
  137. 1449420037 >> <neutrak> and if we /can't/ be satisfied then we'll deplete our resources and all starve
  138. 1449420054 <Mr_G> And thus the fundemental evolutionary problem
  139. 1449420068 <zhinandtonic> this is super far fetched
  140. 1449420068 >> <neutrak> it's an incredibly simple to fix problem
  141. 1449420081 <zhinandtonic> but for me, Id say to strive for perfection
  142. 1449420094 <Liiri> Had to remove a tooth from my dog
  143. 1449420097 <zhinandtonic> theres a sewing machine that sews for me
  144. 1449420107 <FrenzyBanene> If it were that easy to fix it would have been fixed already
  145. 1449420113 <Mr_G> It's not a simple problem, really
  146. 1449420121 >> <neutrak> FrenzyBanene: no because it's not beneficial to those that control the robots and capital
  147. 1449420123 <zhinandtonic> I can now eliminate the hassle of each stick hassling me
  148. 1449420127 <Mr_G> Humans, as a species, want to improve and want to get better
  149. 1449420132 <zhinandtonic> and focus on perfecting the garment
  150. 1449420155 <FrenzyBanene> And that's the root of the problem that cannot be fixed
  151. 1449420164 >> <neutrak> Mr_G: we have a finite amount of resources; increasing consumption and population growth simply cannot last; it's a matter of resources and carrying capacity
  152. 1449420176 >> <neutrak> FrenzyBanene: it CAN be fixed, we just need to try to fix it
  153. 1449420186 >> <neutrak> all I'm hearing is "let's not worry about that and not try because it's not a problem"
  154. 1449420198 <Mr_G> Well, it can, we can just find more resources, we've done it thousands of times before
  155. 1449420200 <Mr_G> The problem is
  156. 1449420202 >> <neutrak> not every change is an improvement but every improvement MUST BE a change
  157. 1449420215 <Mr_G> We're 99% sure that there's no more resources left unaccounted for on this planet
  158. 1449420217 >> <neutrak> something's gotta break
  159. 1449420224 >> <neutrak> and it's about time to fucking break it
  160. 1449420232 >> <neutrak> but it's a cultural thing
  161. 1449420235 <zhinandtonic> erm
  162. 1449420238 <zhinandtonic> remind me
  163. 1449420243 ***<zhinandtonic> whats your problem neutrak
  164. 1449420244 <zhinandtonic> lol
  165. 1449420251 >> <neutrak> Mr_G: there are more resources, but not an infinite amount
  166. 1449420257 <Mr_G> Ofc not
  167. 1449420257 <FrenzyBanene> How are you going to fix that, the redistribution of wealth?
  168. 1449420266 >> <neutrak> zhinandtonic: the unsustainability of consumerist culture
  169. 1449420267 <Mr_G> Hense the fundemental evolutionary problem
  170. 1449420273 <zhinandtonic> WELP
  171. 1449420275 <FrenzyBanene> You really can't just march in, take their money and give it out
  172. 1449420281 <zhinandtonic> I have a degree in fashion
  173. 1449420283 <FrenzyBanene> It's what they worked hard to attain
  174. 1449420288 <zhinandtonic> I am part of that culture haha
  175. 1449420313 <Liiri> Fashion has more dimensions thatn just consumerism
  176. 1449420317 <Liiri> than*
  177. 1449420318 :AquaKnight! JOIN :#imgurians
  178. 1449420330 >> <neutrak> FrenzyBanene: do your job, but as we get technology to make you 5x more efficient, instead of firing 4/5s of the workforce, give everyone the same salary and just let them work 1/5th as much
  179. 1449420346 >> <neutrak> as we get automation, let people actually benefit
  180. 1449420346 <zhinandtonic> Liiri: true but thats where the main income comes from
  181. 1449420353 >> <neutrak> instead of "fighting robots for your job"
  182. 1449420356 <Liiri> There are tons of movements that involve sustainable fashion, the rise of thrift-shops is a major deal, etc
  183. 1449420359 <FrenzyBanene> What sense does that make in economics
  184. 1449420374 <FrenzyBanene> Go, take my money, go enjoy yourself, don't work
  185. 1449420386 <Mr_G> So, question: why would anyone research any technology if it doesn't actually make things run better/cheaper?
  186. 1449420388 <Liiri> Yeah but also, consumerism is more about the buy thing, use thing once or twice, throw away, buy new thing
  187. 1449420401 ***<zhinandtonic> neutrak: have you thought that maybe the don't want to work less hours
  188. 1449420412 >> <neutrak> Mr_G: it does and people do and would research it, they just wouldn't be profit-centered
  189. 1449420417 <zhinandtonic> that these people whomever they are want to move onto the next step
  190. 1449420422 <Mr_G> If you can employ people costing X and getting a result of Y why would you put an additional cost of Z for no impact on X and Y
  191. 1449420432 >> <neutrak> zhinandtonic: they are free to do whatever they want in the time they have, and that's of course open to continuing to do what they do, only more
  192. 1449420453 <FrenzyBanene> And what you're thinking of assumes everyone starts on the same level, that everyone is equally capable and should be paid equal amounts
  193. 1449420456 <Liiri> I love that Sweden is now introducing the 6hr workday
  194. 1449420461 <Liiri> Same pay as 8hr workday
  195. 1449420463 <Mr_G> I want to move to Sweden
  196. 1449420463 >> <neutrak> Mr_G: okay instead of 1/5th as much, you can work 2/5ths as much until the initial cost is repaid; that's not that hard to solve
  197. 1449420465 <Mr_G> So bad
  198. 1449420466 <Mr_G> Cause of that
  199. 1449420468 <zhinandtonic> so get paid for five hours and then completely unpaid for however longer they stay to work for example?
  200. 1449420471 >> <neutrak> that's still a vast improvement
  201. 1449420473 <Mr_G> And I don't even have a normal job
  202. 1449420485 <Liiri> The results are super promising
  203. 1449420511 >> <neutrak> zhinandtonic: pretty much yes, but remember that their pay for those five hours is equal to the pay they were previously getting for more time
  204. 1449420530 >> <neutrak> so they're still making the same amount of money they were before
  205. 1449420532 <Liiri> People can accomplish just as much as an 8hr workday but they are less tired when they get home and they have more energy to vitalize themselves by having a hobby or spending more time with the family
  206. 1449420544 <zhinandtonic> what of its not pro rata
  207. 1449420550 <zhinandtonic> if*
  208. 1449420550 >> <neutrak> Liiri: and hobbies are a huge benefit, honestly
  209. 1449420556 <Liiri> Yes
  210. 1449420570 <Liiri> Emloyers benefit from healthy, rested employees so much
  211. 1449420573 <Mr_G> Can the work day not start until 11am, I know I'd be happier
  212. 1449420576 >> <neutrak> people do tons of stuff for hobbies that would be hugely beneficial if people had time to work on them
  213. 1449420581 <Liiri> The cost that comes from sick employees is huge
  214. 1449420593 <GargajCNS>
  215. 1449420594 <tard> <GargajCNS> Carrie Fisher Dishes on Return to 'Star Wars' - YouTube
  216. 1449420619 >> <neutrak> zhinandtonic: I mean, obviously there are lots of things to consider, and I'm open to suggestions on how problems might be fixed
  217. 1449420620 <Liiri> Mr_G: i've heard that in IT that's actually possible
  218. 1449420635 >> <neutrak> zhinandtonic: I am not however open to the suggestion that there is no problem and the status quo is fine, because it's clearly not
  219. 1449420635 <Liiri> To start your workday at 8-10am, whenever you feel like it
  220. 1449420643 <Liiri> And then go home at 16-18
  221. 1449420644 >> <neutrak> if you have a better suggestion I'm all ears
  222. 1449420648 <Mr_G> Well in the YouTube industry(?) people never come into the office before 10am
  223. 1449420655 <Mr_G> And no-one starts recording until at least 12
  224. 1449420667 <Mr_G> It's very laid back
  225. 1449420671 <Liiri> I love going to work early
  226. 1449420679 <Liiri> I much rather go to work at 6 and get off at 12
  227. 1449420683 <AquaKnight> youtube industry?
  228. 1449420690 <AquaKnight> do you mean making videos for a living
  229. 1449420692 ***<zhinandtonic> neutrak: your suggestion is for a very small sect of people in the grand scheme of things
  230. 1449420735 <zhinandtonic> our demand for doctors is ever-growing and the supply isn't there
  231. 1449420735 >> <neutrak> zhinandtonic: not so; every job will eventually be automated
  232. 1449420745 >> <neutrak> it's just a question of time
  233. 1449420747 <Liiri> In Sweden they started piloting the 6hr workday in homes for elderly and private hospitals
  234. 1449420761 :Proview! JOIN :#imgurians
  235. 1449420764 <zhinandtonic> hell some operations can last over a shift
  236. 1449420785 <Proview> i've got my flannel on
  237. 1449420790 ***<AquaKnight> <+neutrak> FrenzyBanene: do your job, but as we get technology to make you 5x more efficient, instead of firing 4/5s of the workforce, give everyone the same salary and just let them work 1/5th as much <-- yeah but this isnt going to work
  238. 1449420793 <Proview> getting ready to cut down a tree
  239. 1449420793 <zhinandtonic> sick?
  240. 1449420795 <Liiri> Yeah there will be robotic surgeons at some point, i'm sure of it
  241. 1449420795 >> <neutrak> for right /now/ I agree that a huge number of people need to continue working, however the fact that people are unemployed means that clearly we don't need /everyone/ working this much
  242. 1449420803 <AquaKnight> you're forgetting about the human element
  243. 1449420804 >> <neutrak> Liiri: exactly
  244. 1449420805 <Proview> like a true outdoorsman
  245. 1449420820 <Liiri> Proview: lumbersexual much?
  246. 1449420821 <AquaKnight> robots can likely replace everything in the world im sure
  247. 1449420822 >> <neutrak> AquaKnight: I realize that the current owners of capital are opposed to this, and you're missing the point
  248. 1449420830 <AquaKnight> no you dont understand
  249. 1449420835 <AquaKnight> what happens when there is no work
  250. 1449420843 >> <neutrak> AquaKnight: we have hobbies and art?
  251. 1449420848 <Proview> i'll try to do some seductive poses
  252. 1449420853 >> <neutrak> we do research because we like it instead of because it makes money?
  253. 1449420858 <Proview> don't show dark mark though
  254. 1449420865 <Proview> if he sees me with a christmas tree he may get aroused
  255. 1449420869 <AquaKnight> do you really feel that all humans are going to agree on that though
  256. 1449420883 <Liiri> Why wouldnt they
  257. 1449420886 <AquaKnight> history as shown us time and time again there's always people who want to rise above
  258. 1449420887 <FrenzyBanene> One more thing
  259. 1449420889 >> <neutrak> AquaKnight: I'm not opposed to people working /more/ to get /more/ but when everything is automated some baseline level of substinence shouldn't require work
  260. 1449420898 <FrenzyBanene> You assume everyone makes enough to be content to go do hobbies
  261. 1449420898 <Liiri> Why wouldnt people want robots to do all the manual shit and let humans do all the fun stuff
  262. 1449420901 >> <neutrak> AquaKnight: yes and that's a cultural problem that needs fixing
  263. 1449420908 >> <neutrak> Liiri gets it
  264. 1449420915 <AquaKnight> but you can't 'fix' that
  265. 1449420917 <AquaKnight> that's human nature
  266. 1449420928 >> <neutrak> AquaKnight: I disagree; it's not my nature, and I'm a human
  267. 1449420929 <Liiri> Human nature is like the poorest of excuses ever
  268. 1449420936 >> <neutrak> counterexample
  269. 1449420940 <AquaKnight> but you're not ALL humans though
  270. 1449420942 <AquaKnight> you're just you
  271. 1449420946 <Liiri> We've proven that humans are capable of many things that are not of "human nature"
  272. 1449420952 >> <neutrak> true but there's no inherent reason all humans /couldn't/ do that
  273. 1449420955 <FrenzyBanene> If some people make less, too little, they may not necessarily want more time for hobbies, they may rather work more hours for more money
  274. 1449420960 <AquaKnight> but that's the issue, its something no amount of science can account for
  275. 1449420963 <AquaKnight> the free will of humans
  276. 1449420990 >> <neutrak> FrenzyBanene: and that's their option; so long as it doesn't conflict with others who don't want to work more for material gains I don't actually have a problem with
  277. 1449421012 <AquaKnight> if you want to pursue that avenue wouldnt 'do something you love' make more sense
  278. 1449421019 <AquaKnight> then some debate its no longer work
  279. 1449421024 >> <neutrak> AquaKnight: that's just silly; humans aren't magic; at some point science will be able to determine what every neuron in the brain is doing
  280. 1449421026 <AquaKnight> but you still get paid to do it
  281. 1449421029 >> <neutrak> granted that's probably centuries off
  282. 1449421060 >> <neutrak> AquaKnight: doing something you love is fine, but you're more free to do something you love if you don't have to potentially do something you hate to survive
  283. 1449421075 ***<AquaKnight> i feel that the bigger issue you're not understanding though neutrak is you're oversimplifying a pretty difficult issue
  284. 1449421076 >> <neutrak> it's hard to switch jobs when you have one you hate and you need it to not starve
  285. 1449421090 <AquaKnight> you speak in ideals but it isnt realistic at all
  286. 1449421106 >> <neutrak> AquaKnight: I'm proposing a goal to strive towards
  287. 1449421114 <AquaKnight> while i agree that robots will probably take over most if not all human jobs
  288. 1449421115 >> <neutrak> not an instant "if I was in charge it'd be fixed" solution
  289. 1449421123 >> <neutrak> I'm saying this is what we should shoot for
  290. 1449421135 >> <neutrak> realizing that small steps along the way and a lot of bumps are ahead for it
  291. 1449421149 <AquaKnight> alright; how do people have money in your ideal society then
  292. 1449421159 <AquaKnight> or does your society use money at all
  293. 1449421194 >> <neutrak> basic necessities (food, water, shelter) provided by robots, no money needed
  294. 1449421228 <zhinandtonic> I think
  295. 1449421231 >> <neutrak> luxury goods work exactly as they do now; people make them and sell them for money, which allow those people who want to participate to attain a higher quality of life
  296. 1449421232 <zhinandtonic> you don't want profit
  297. 1449421234 <zhinandtonic> finw
  298. 1449421236 <zhinandtonic> fine
  299. 1449421242 <zhinandtonic> but you can't speak for others
  300. 1449421259 <zhinandtonic> I work in a shop
  301. 1449421262 >> <neutrak> zhinandtonic: this is true and it wasn't my intent to tell you not to want things
  302. 1449421270 <zhinandtonic> Its open at certain hours
  303. 1449421283 <zhinandtonic> you're suggestion the cut my shift buy half lets say
  304. 1449421291 >> <neutrak> I'm not against profit, what I am against is /growth/
  305. 1449421303 <zhinandtonic> growth?
  306. 1449421307 <zhinandtonic> foreal?
  307. 1449421317 >> <neutrak> the requirement than a society must expand and continue to make and use more
  308. 1449421318 <Proview> just stop arguing with him
  309. 1449421320 <Proview> he is not grounded in reality
  310. 1449421323 >> <neutrak> yes, it's unsustainable
  311. 1449421327 <Proview> hes moronic when it comes to this stuff
  312. 1449421329 >> <neutrak> there are a finite amount of resources
  313. 1449421368 >> <neutrak> Proview: care to tell me how? because I'm open to being wrong
  314. 1449421374 <Proview> no you aren't
  315. 1449421387 <Proview> and i've tried 100 times before
  316. 1449421390 <Proview> you arne't dragging me into this one
  317. 1449421421 <zhinandtonic> growth in a company could lead to them being able to take part in charity causes, or becoming more sustainable
  318. 1449421425 >> <neutrak> I'm not trying to drag you into anything
  319. 1449421437 <Proview> zhin whyyyy
  320. 1449421446 <zhinandtonic> growth?!
  321. 1449421447 <Proview> bbl
  322. 1449421449 >> <neutrak> zhinandtonic: true, growth must occur in initial stages in order to reach a certain level
  323. 1449421451 :Proview! PART #imgurians :
  324. 1449421452 <FrenzyBanene> I don't understand why you're against growth
  325. 1449421456 >> <neutrak> however there must be a limit
  326. 1449421465 <zhinandtonic> A LIMIT.
  327. 1449421485 <zhinandtonic> we should stop looking for ways to be sustainable?
  328. 1449421489 >> <neutrak> FrenzyBanene: because we only have a certain number of resources, and we will eventually use them up and be /unable/ to grow
  329. 1449421497 >> <neutrak> zhinandtonic: you're misunderstanding me
  330. 1449421531 >> <neutrak> looking for ways to be sustainable is important, but sustaining /growth/ is different from sustaining /existence/
  331. 1449421580 <zhinandtonic> dude you're putting me out of a job with your ideal
  332. 1449421624 >> <neutrak> you can have a job if you want one, but I'm proposing removing the you-must-have-a-job-or-you-die requirement
  333. 1449421645 <zhinandtonic> I for one think having a job gives you purpose
  334. 1449421662 <zhinandtonic> I grew up with my mum not working
  335. 1449421673 :disc0rdia! JOIN :#imgurians
  336. 1449421675 <zhinandtonic> she was never as lively as she was now
  337. 1449421676 >> <neutrak> this is an economics professor's lecture from about 2001 (the title is stupid but just ignore it)
  338. 1449421685 ***<tard> <neutrak> The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 1 of 8) - YouTube
  339. 1449421688 <zhinandtonic> I mist depart
  340. 1449421689 <zhinandtonic> must
  341. 1449421697 <zhinandtonic> I have a deadline
  342. 1449421698 >> <neutrak> if you're genuinely curious about why growth can be a problem (FrenzyBanene); you might check it out
  343. 1449421701 >> <neutrak> okay later zhinandtonic
  344. 1449421703 >> <neutrak> no hard feelings
  345. 1449421705 >> <neutrak> good discussion
  346. 1449421707 <zhinandtonic> I have grossly digressed
  347. 1449421710 <zhinandtonic> sure
  348. 1449421715 >> <neutrak> :)
  349. 1449421717 >> <neutrak> still friends?
  350. 1449421756 <zhinandtonic> yeah
  351. 1449421760 >> <neutrak> :)
  352. 1449421769 >> <neutrak> have a nice day, zhinandtonic
  353. 1449421771 <zhinandtonic> agree to disagree etc
  354. 1449421773 >> <neutrak> mhm
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