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Jul 23rd, 2016
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  1. #RoundPvP by Royendero
  2. #
  3. #*Sorry for my english*
  4. #This version is BETA, if you found a error, comment in the page!
  5. #setup, mode setup
  6. setup: false
  7. #sounds, enable sounds
  8. sounds: true
  9. #mapname, name of the world of game
  10. mapname: "world"
  11. #minplayers to start the game
  12. minplayers: 16
  13. #time per round
  14. timeperround: 90
  15. #time to start when minplayers is reached
  16. timetostart: 10
  17. #Command when the game is finished
  18. commandonfinish: "stop"
  19. #Commands on finish! you can use this variable %player%
  20. commandlistonfinish:
  21. - 'say Hello %player%!'
  22. - 'say You won!'
  23. - 'tell %player% congratulations!'
  24. # -'say You can add more lines!'
  25. lang:
  26. prefix: "&fFightclub » "
  27. onjoin: "&f¡&e%player% &fse ha unido!"
  28. onleft: "&f¡&c%player% &fha abandonado!"
  29. gamecanceled: "&cJuego cancelado, esperando jugadores.."
  30. gamestarted: "&7El juego ha empezado, eres espectador"
  31. gamestartedjoin: "&7El juego ha comenzado, adquiere &arango &7para espectar"
  32. dropssaved: "&aDrops saved!"
  33. inventorysaved: "&aInventory saved!"
  34. setlobby: "&aLobby set!"
  35. spawnpointset: "&aSpawn point set! &c"
  36. spawnpointremove: "&aSpawn point removed! &c"
  37. spawnpointclear: "&aSpawnpoints cleared!"
  38. wongame: "&a ha ganado la partida"
  39. notpvp: "&c¡Aun no se ha habilitado!"
  40. errorcommand: "&cUnknown command, please use /rpvp"
  41. setupenabled: "&cCommand available only on setup enabled."
  42. cantblockbreak: "&c¡No puedes romper bloques!"
  43. cantblockplace: "&c¡No puedes colocar bloques!"
  44. nopermission: "&fUhm, ¡aun no hemos creado este comando!"
  45. deathkick: "&a¡Has sido eliminado!"
  46. hologramremoved: "&aHologram removed!"
  47. hologramcreated: "&aHologram created!"
  48. messageonkick: "&a¡Gracias por jugar! "
  49. #gui, (GUI OF THE DROPS)
  50. gui:
  51. #guiname
  52. name: "&5Select a round"
  53. drops:
  54. 1:
  55. guiname: "&5Add items in the GUI"
  56. name: "&6First Round"
  57. lore:
  58. - '&7Click to add drops when'
  59. - '&7a player is dead'
  60. #- '&cYou can add more lines!'
  61. #id of item
  62. id: 283
  63. #value of item, example: id:35, data-value: 4
  64. data-value: 0
  65. 2:
  66. guiname: "&5Add items in the GUI"
  67. name: "&fSecond Round"
  68. lore:
  69. - '&7Click to add drops when'
  70. - '&7a player is dead'
  71. id: 267
  72. data-value: 0
  73. 3:
  74. guiname: "&5Add items in the GUI"
  75. name: "&bThird Round"
  76. lore:
  77. - '&7Click to add drops when'
  78. - '&7a player is dead'
  79. id: 276
  80. data-value: 0
  81. scoreboard:
  82. #title of the scoreboard
  83. title: "&eFight club"
  84. #Scoreboard on wait
  85. onwait:
  86. line1: " &fpara empezar"
  87. line2: ""
  88. line3: "&7/&b16&e jugadores"
  89. line4: "&fEsperando.."
  90. line5: "&"
  91. #Scoreboard on game
  92. ongame:
  93. line1: " &fs.ronda"
  94. line2: ""
  95. line3: "&eJugadores: &f"
  96. line4: "&fEspectadores: &e"
  97. line5: "&"
  98. config:
  99. #Config on chat, interactive chat (setup mode enabled)
  100. chat:
  101. borders: "-------------"
  102. spawnpoints:
  103. text: "Add/clear spawnpoints"
  104. subtext: "&7Click to see commands of spawnpoints."
  105. drops:
  106. text: "Configure drops"
  107. subtext: "&7Click to add items drops per round"
  108. setinventory:
  109. text: "Set Inventory to start"
  110. subtext: "&7Click to read instructions"
  111. setlobby:
  112. text: "SetLobby here"
  113. subtext: "&7Click to set lobby (on join)"
  114. #Hologram stats, (Only on MySQL enabled)
  115. hologram:
  116. stats:
  117. line1: "&e"
  118. line2: "&eGanadas: &f"
  119. line3: "&eAsesinatos: &f"
  120. line4: "&eP.jugadas: &f"
  121. line5: "&eRondas jugadas: &f"
  122. line6: "&eDisparos: &f"
  123. line7: "&eD.acertados: &f"
  124. #Motd for the server
  125. motd:
  126. waiting: "&aEsperando.."
  127. ongame: "&cEn juego"
  128. #MySQL for stats and HoloSTATS
  129. mysql:
  130. use: false
  131. ip/host: 'localhost'
  132. port: '3306'
  133. database: 'database'
  134. username: 'username'
  135. password: 'password'
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