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  1. Unit 1 Terms: Chemistry is the study of matter, it’s chemical and physical properties, the chemical and physical changes it undergoes, and the energy changes that accompany those process. Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space Energy is the ability to do work to accomplish some change. Notes: States of matter: Solids: particles are tightest together Not compressible, has a fixed volume and shape of its own Liquid: particles of a liquid are less tightly packed, not compressible, assumes the shape, but not the volume of its container Gas: particles are very separate highly compressible, assumes both the shape and the volume of its container The Scientific Process: Observation, Formulation of a question, Pattern recognition, developing theories, experimentation, and summarizing information. Chemical vs Physical: A physical change produces a recognizable difference in the appearance of a substance without causing any change it its composition or identity. This would be like water freezing to ice. It has changed to a solid, but it’s still H2O. A chemical change is when a change in the chemical make- up of the molecule takes place. An example of this would be when photosynthesis takes place in a plant. Parts of an Atom An atom is the smallest building block of life, but it can be divided into a smaller portion. In contains a positively charged proton in the nucleus (the nucleus is the center of the atom), the neutrally charged neutron also in the nucleus, and then positively charged electrons outside of the nucleus. Electron Shells (and the periodic table) Electronic configuration describes the arrangement of electrons in atoms. The periodic table is helpful because it tells us a lot about the electronic configuration of atoms. Valance electrons are the outermost electrons in an atom. The number of valance electrons in an atom corresponds to the number of the group in which the atom is found on the periodic table. So for instance, Sodium has one valence electron because it is in group 1. The first electron energy level is level 1, and it can hold two valance electrons. The next is energy level 2, and it holds 8 valence electrons. The next is level three, and it holds 8 valance electrons. Etc etc. The periodic law gives us two main rules: Rule 1: The number of valence electrons in an atom equals the group (column) number for all representative elements. CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 1 of 26 Purchaser: Rule 2: The energy level (n=1,2, etc.) in which the valence electrons are located corresponds to the period (row) in which the element may be found. Related to this is the octet rule. This rule suggest that every element “wants” it’s valance energy shell to be full, and it will try to “take” or “share” an electron from other atoms to get that full valance shell. You should also know that it will take the path of least resistance to get there. (So if it has a choice between gaining one electron, or losing seven, the atom will try to gain one) When an atom takes an electron, there is a negative charge to that atom; when an atom losses an electron, it has a positive charge. There is an attraction between these two atoms, and they bond ionically. Covalent bonding is a little more complicated. Let’s look at an example: Let’s look at hydrogen. This has one valence electron. But in nature, you never find just one hydrogen atom. Instead you find H2. So in the previous strategy we saw that one could steal it from the other. But there is no reason that one would steal the electron from the other hydrogen. The better solution is that the two hydrogen atoms “share” the electron. This is called covalent bonding. We write this as a line. Like this H—H. Element, Compounds and mixtures: A pure substance only has one component, i.e water. It is made up of H20 molecules and nothing else. An element is a pure substance that cannot be changed into a simpler form of matter by a chemical reaction. To stick with the water example, hydrogen and oxygen are elements. A compound is a substance resulting from the combination of two or more elements in a definite, reproducible way. With the water again, H2O is a compound. A mixture is is a combination of two or more pure substances in which each substance retains its own identity. (For those of you with Friday on your brain, it is like Rum and Coke. You put them in the same cup and stir it up, but it’s still Rum and Coke.) A mixture can either be homogeneous which has a uniform mixture, or a heterogeneous mixture which is non uniform. A homogeneous example is the rum in coke, which can also be called a solution. Rocks in a sandbox are not a uniform mixture, and the mixture is therefore heterogeneous. Periodic Table: How to read: The atomic number is equal to the number of protons in the atom. The atomic mass is the number of protons plus the number of neutrons. Take a look at the following a zxc The A is the mass number (which is the number of electrons plus the number of protons), the Z is the atomic number (which is the number of protons in an atom), and the C is the charge of the atom. You can figure out the number of neutrons in an atom by subtracting the mass number minus the number of electrons (This only works when the positive and negative charges cancel out). History: CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 2 of 26 Purchaser: Dmitri Mendeleev made the periodic table. He came up with the periodic law that states: “The elements if arranged according to their atomic weights show a distinct (periodicity (regular variation) of their properties.” Chemical and physical properties of the elements correlate with the electronic structure of the atom that makes up these elements. He ordered the elements in order of increasing atomic numbers. A period is a horizontal row of elements in the periodic table. Groups, or families, are columns of elements in the periodic table. A metal is a substance whose atoms tend to lose electrons during chemical changes forming positive ions. A nonmetal on the other hand, is a substance whose atoms may gain electrons, forming negative ions. There is a boundary on the periodic table that is not metals or nonmetals. These are called metalloids. Trends in Atomic size 1. The energy level in which the valance electrons are found increases as we go down a group on the periodic table. Therefore the size of atoms should increase from top to bottom. 2. Atomic size decreases from left to right in the periodic table. Positive ions are smaller than the parent atom. This is because they have more protons than electrons; therefore the pull from the protons is now more effective in drawing the electrons in. Negative ions are larger than the parent atom for the exact opposite reasons. The energy required to remove an electron from an isolated atom is the ionization energy. (The magnitude of this number tells us the ease of forming positive ions.) In other words, a large ionization energy indicates that the atom becomes more stable as it becomes a positive ion. The magnitude of the ionization energy should correlate with the strength of the attractive force between the nucleus and the outermost electron. Periodic Trends for Ionization Energy 1) As we read down a group, the ionization energy decreases (this is because the size of the atom is increasing, and thus the last electron is farther away from the positive pull of the protons) 2) Reading across the period, the ionization energy increases (this is because the size of the atom is decreasing, and thus the last electron is closes to the positive pull of the protons) Electron affinity is the energy released when a single electron is added to an isolated atom. (In other words, it is the measure of the ease of forming negative ions). A large electron affinity indicates that the atom becomes more stable as it becomes a negative ion. Formal Charge: The Formal Charge of Molecule=The number of electrons the molecules starts with, minus the number of bonds the molecule has, minus the number of unshared electrons Resonance: CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 3 of 26 Purchaser: This is the idea that no single Lewis Dot Diagram can say exactly how a molecule looks because it is always moving. Therefore we represent it like this: Drawing Molecules (Straight from the Class Notes because this can be confusing): I) Shape a. Simplest Case i. The concept is two points make a line, and so two atoms also would form in a line. 1. H—H ii. Diatomic Molecules are linear b. Molecular Shape (Not that Simple) i. VSEPR (Valance Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) 1. Valance Shell Electrons (We are only working with the valance electrons) 2. Electron Pair: Electrons operate in pairs (or groups of pairs when it comes to covalent bonding) 3. Repulsion a. The idea that because electrons are all negative, they are repelled away from each other and want to move as far away as possible from the other electrons. i. So if we have two bonds (or set of bonds) they would be in a line, because they 180 degrees is as far from each other as it gets. See below CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 4 of 26 Purchaser: ii. With three bonds (or sets of bonds) the farthest they can get from each other is in what we call a trigonal planar model. In this shape, the electrons are 120 degrees away from each other iii. It gets a little tricky when we have four bonds. In real life, molecules are 3D. Now they do not stay on one plane. Now they form a tetrahedral iv. In our Lewis Dot diagrams it is important to point out that it is shown in the picture below. The one the is shaded darkly, is the one that is supposedly coming out of the picture to you, and the other CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 5 of 26 Purchaser: lighter shaded one, is the one that is going away from the picture. I) Unshared Electrons? (Shape Continued) a. Electron pairs (lone pairs) also repel. b. Example: NH3 c. NH3 has 3 bonds and 1 lone pair i. They have eight all together in this Lewis diagram 1. Hydrogen has 1 valence electron 2. Nitrogen has 5 valance electrons ii. They should all have full octets, which they do. d. These are all at about 109.5 degrees (107.8) e. The shape, though is named after the locations of atoms i. Trigonal Pyramidal (See Picture ) f. Example: H20 i. Valence Electrons CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 6 of 26 Purchaser: 1. Hydrogen has 1 valence electron 2. Oxygen has 8 valence electrons 3. You can see in the lewis diagram that everyone has a full octet ii. We name the shape not on where the electrons are, but rather where the atoms are. So we get this: iii. It’s called bent angular. g. Another Example i. O3 ii. This has 2 sets of bonds, and 1 lone pair iii. As you can see you have many electrons, but you only have 3 atoms, so once again you get bent angular. iv. Electronegativity: a tug of war. 1. Ionic bonding is when you have two things that have very different electronegativity and one element just overpowers the other, and it takes an electron from the other element. 2. When you have Covalent bonding, this is when you have equal electronegativity, and there is a “Stalemate” between the two elements, then the electrons are shared between the two. a. What if we had two atoms with different electromagnativities, but not a drastic difference? This is what happens in Polar Covalent. b. That means that there is a more negative charge towards be due to the negativity of the electrons i. This is why we call it Polar covalent h. Polar Bonds, Polar molecules i. In Some molecules, the bonds are non-polar, so the molecule is non polar. An examples is H2. CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 7 of 26 Purchaser: ii. Sometimes you have polar bonds, but they cancel out, so the molecule is non-polar. An example is CO2 iii. In some molecules, polar bonds add up, so the molecule is polar 1. In H20, you have two dipoles, which do not cancel each other out. 2. In the picture below, the black arrow plus the black arrow equals the red arrow. Naming Molecules It is also important to be able to write the correct formula when given the compound name. To do this, we must be able to predict the charge of monatomic ions and remember the charge and formula of polyatomic ions. Equally important, the relative number of positive and negative ions in the unit must result in a net (compound) charge of zero. The compounds are electrically neutral. The steps for naming covalent compounds follow: 1) The names of the elements are written in the order in which they appear in the formula. 2) A prefix (which you can find in the table below) indicating the number of each kind of atom found in the unit is placed before the name of the element. 3) If only one atom of a particular kind is present in the molecule, the prefix mono is usually omitted from the first element 4) The stem of the name of the last element is used with eh suffix –ide. 5) The final vowel in a prefix is often dropped before a vowel in the stem name. Prefix Number of Atoms CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 8 of 26 Purchaser: Mono 1 Di 2 Tri 3 Tetra 4 Penta 5 Hexa 6 Hepta 7 Oct 8 Nona 9 Deca 10 For instance, let’s look at how we would name N20. We would first put the prefix Di in front of Nitrogen because there are two elements there. Then we would add –ide to the end of Oxygen. Therefore this makes this molecule dinitrogyn Oxide. We would name NO2, Nitrogyn Dioxide. Unit 2: Organic Chemistry Organic means the chemistry of carbon and its compounds. Carbon gets its own section of chemistry because it forms covalent bonds that are strong even in long chains. They have four bonds with single, double, and triple bonds, which gives these chains lots of variety. A hydrocarbon contains only hydrogen and carbon. The simplest hydrocarbon molecule that is possible is CH4. This is part of a related group of compounds called alkanes, hydrocarbons that contain only single bonds. But before jumping in too far, one needs to know about line angle drawings. 1) There’s something called a line-angle drawings a. These are useful because they are more simple i. Rules 1. Every vertex represents a carbon 2. Since every carbon makes four bonds, we infer hydrogens to add up to four. (Stay with me, it gets clear) CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 9 of 26 Purchaser: 3. So when we see this, our brain should do some filling in. Below is like a kind of a snapshot of what our brain should do. a. Above is just three ways of showing the same thing. b. The image below should offer some more examples. c. Yeah that last one is tricky as hell. Basically because we have one bond, and then a triple bond, there has to be a carbon, because one bond can’t just be bonded to three bonds because there has to be an atom to hold those bonds together Functional Groups: Functional groups are groups of atoms that give a family of organic compounds its characteristic chemical and physical properties. The professor has said we don’t need to memorize these, but we should be familiar with them. CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 10 of 26 Purchaser: An Alkyl group is derived from an alkane by removing a hydrogen atom. The methyl group for example, is derived from methane and the ethyl group from ethane. Here are guidelines on how to go about naming different functional groups: 1. Naming Alkanes d. Prefix for # of C’s, plus “ane” e. But sometimes you have a branch coming out of your molecule. CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 11 of 26 Purchaser: i. So here’s how you go about it. So you name the branch as prefix + “yl” and say where it is. (Like if it is on the second carbon, then you put a two in front of it. ) 1. If there are two ways of putting the number on it, you go with the smallest number. 2. The last one is tricky for the exact same reason. BEWARE. THEY GET TRICKY. Alkenes-one or more carbon double bond 4. So this is the simplest Alkene a. Alkenes have NO ROTATION. So is not the same as b. Naming Alkenes c. Prefix + “ene” d. Identify where the double bond is. i. So you put a number where the double bond is. Like is 1-butene e. Branches like alkanes i. is 3-methyl-1-penten ii. See the branch is named the same away that alkynes were. CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 12 of 26 Purchaser: b. Alkynes i. They are hydrocarbons with triple bonds. 1. This means the bonds are 180 degrees ii. Prefix + “yne” c. Aromatics i. Things like Benzene 1. This is the Lewis Structure of Benzene 2. But because we have alternating double and sing bonds. There is resonance, so we can draw it like this 3. But to make it easier, we symbolize it like this. ii. Aromatics are very stable because of their ring like structure. 2) Isomers a. Ex: i. How would you draw a Lewis structure for C4H10? So you draw this: ii. Well yes, but you could also draw this: iii. Both are correctly drawn. But they are not the same molecule. b. Isomers are made of the same pieces, but they are connected differently c. Isomers will share some properties, but differ in other i. Probably same weight, but not the same burning points. 3) Chiral vs Achiral a. Mirror images are sometimes the same, but not always i. Chiral: When the mirror image is NOT the same as the original CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 13 of 26 Purchaser: 1. This one is not. You can’t get these two to match up just so. 2. If you have four different groups attached to a carbon tetrahedral, they will always be chircal. ii. Achiral: when the mirror image is the same as the original 1. Both of these are methane. It’s exactly the same. b. Ex: i. These two molecules are not the same. We know this because we know that spearmint and caraway taste very different to the human tongue. 4) Conclusion of Today’s Lesson (which has been oddly slow) a. To know how a molecule will interact with the body, you have to know what the atoms are, how they are connected, and how the mirror images effect the body. Unit 3: Polymers What the hell is a polymer? : Polymers are large molecules consisting of a long chain of chains of atoms covalently bonded together. A polymer molecule can contain thousands of atoms and have a molar mass of over a million grams. Given their size, polymers are referred to as macromolecules, that is, molecules of high molecular mass that have characteristic properties because of their large size. Monomers are the small molecules used to synthesize the larger polymeric chain. Each monomer is analogous to a link of the chain. In every day use, we call many polymers plastics, either way, plastic or polymer, we are talking about a large molecule that has been synthesized from smaller ones. Polyethylene: A closer Look Polyethylene has a wide variety of uses. For example, it is found in plastic milk jugs, detergent containers, baggies, and packing materials. Yet, as we have seen in the previous section, all CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 14 of 26 Purchaser: polyethylene is made from the same starting material: H2C=CH2. How can this one monomer form polymers that can be used in so many different ways? The hydrogen bond in H2C=CH2 is not a covalent bond. Rather it Is an intermolecular attractive force, that is, an attraction between two molecules resulting from the interactions of the electron clouds and nuclei. These attractive forces are different from the covalent bonds that exist within each molecule. Each atom in the long polymeric chain contains its own electrons. But these electrons can be attracted to the atoms on neighboring molecular chains, and the magnitude of the attraction between strands of polyethylene is a direct result of the large number of atoms involved. The intermolecular forces holding polyethylene together are called dispersion forces. These forces are attractions between molecules that result from a distortion of the electron cloud that causes an uneven distribution of the negative charge A reaction you should know: i. Condensation Reactions 1. If you were to take these two functional groups, you could make this, but a small molecule is removed 2. So when two molecules get together to make one molecule, and water is a byproduct, that is a condensation reaction I) Intermolecular Interactions a. There are different states of matter. Like in water, there is ice, water, and steam. These are only physical transformations. But what is different, is how the atoms are acting between each other b. Facts: i. Bonding happens within a molecule ii. Intermolecular interactions are the forces between molecules iii. The stronger the interaction, the more the molecules stick together iv. Intermolecular interactions lead to thing (FILL IN) c. Forces i. Van der Waals (London) forces a. The weakest force b. Occurs between anything with electrons (therefore all atoms/molecules) c. More electrons=strong force CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 15 of 26 Purchaser: 2. So let’s look at this atom. What if all the molecules looked like this? a. Then you would have a little dipole (that is when one part of the atom is more positive, and the other side is more negative.) 3. But because electrons move all the time, so the dipole is going to be constantly moving around. But wait! What if there were two Neon atoms that looked like this? a. Well there would be a slight attractive force between the two. b. In this case, there would be a repulsion force between the two. 4. Over time, there is a slight attractive force between the electrons. 5. Because it is a weak force, the boiling points are pretty low on these molecules ii. Dipole-dipole 1. Next strongest intermolecular interaction 2. This requires that you have polar molecules a. These atoms are polar, so when you have a bucket full of these atoms, they will be attracted to each other CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 16 of 26 Purchaser: 3. Because there is more energy holding Dipole-dipole attractive forces together, the boiling point is much higher. iii. Hydrogen Bonding 1. Strongest intermolecular interactions 2. Needs 2 parts a. A hydrogen covalently bound to a strongly electronegative atom (ex: O, N) b. A lone pair on another electronegative atom. 3. So we have these two water molecules, there is an attractive interaction between the hydrogen donor part, and then another attractive interaction between the donor receiver part. 4. One water molecule interacts with four other water molecules. There is a really strong attraction between the molecules. a. This is why it has such a high boiling point, and why little tiny bugs can walk on water ( a strong surface tension) 1) Biopolymers More Biopolymers-Proteins a. Amino Acids i. There are 20 different Amino Acids ii. This is the basic structure of an amino acid 1. An amine 2. A carboxylic acid 3. And an R a. An r is a shorthand way of saying some other carbonic group b. There are three basic “R”s or side chains i. The first major class are hydrophobic side chains CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 17 of 26 Purchaser: 1. These don’t work well with water. a. This is because this does not have hydrogen bonding, or polar bonding ii. Some are hydrogen bonding iii. Some side chains are charged 1. Some are positively charged some are negatively charged b. Polypeptides (proteins) i. This picture shows how we can make a long chain of amino acids into a chain to form a protein. ii. Where we get variation on the proteins are on the side chains. (The red Rs) 1. Most proteins are around 100 amino acids long. So there are many different formulas for proteins c. Primary Structure i. Basically there is a long chain of amino acids, but it has no function until there is a shape ii. Primary Structure is a sequence of a chain of amino acids iii. But what starts giving form to the protein is when intermolecular reactions cause the chains to take on shape. d. Secondary Structure i. This is when hydrogen bonding between amid group causes the primary chain to take on some well defined local structure. 1. The picture below shows how chains happen to have hydrogen donors, and acceptors next to each other, and therefore hydrogen bond in a sheet formation CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 18 of 26 Purchaser: 2. The next picture shows how the chains will hydrogen bond to itself because the hydrogen bond donor is close to the hydrogen bond receiver is close together. e. Tertiary Structure i. In this, the secondary structure comes together in a 3D shape that is held together by intermolecular forces from the sides of the Polypeptide chain. 1. This happens when the side chains interact among themselves using intermolecular forces like hydrogen bonding, or polar bonding 2. Every type of protein shapes itself in its way f. Quaternary Structure i. This is when a protein is made up of more than one strand, and intermolecular forces act, and another level of structure is formed. ii. Like in the picture below, you can see that four chains have bonded together to give this protein Quaternary Structure. 2) Protein Function a. There are three main functions proteins provide i. Structural-Proteins make up the shape and strength of the body. ii. Transport-Proteins carry certain things to different parts of the body 1. Ex: Some proteins get oxygen to different parts of the body. 2. Ex: Some proteins acts as “doors” to cells iii. Catalysis-These are enzymes Unit Four: Drugs Pharmaceuticals are anything that alters biological function Drugs are chemicals: collections of atoms bound together to form molecules. A medicine- a pill, capsule, cream, or linctus, for example, contains drug molecules mixed together with inactive substances such as sugars and starches to make the tablet east to handle. CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 19 of 26 Purchaser: Most drug molecules contain between 10 and 100 atoms and the manner in which these can be combined is astronomical. The science of pharmacology is the science not only of trying to understand the basis of disease, but also of trying to design different configurations of these atoms in order to alleviate specific symptoms of a disease or, ideally, to cure the illness all together The body is made up of millions of small units called cells which can be seen only under a microscope. Cells are collected together to form larger units with a particular function. These large units are the tissues and organs such as the hearts, kidneys, liver, pancreas and brain. Each organ produces several hormones which enter the bloodstream and travel around the body to affect other organs. Speaking of which, hormones have very specific functions. The activities of many organs, including their production of hormones are controlled by nerves. Nerves affect the organs by secreting chemicals called neurotransmitters (because they transmit information between nerves or from nerves to the organs. One feature of hormones and neurotransmitters is that their effects must be specific, producing effects only on those organs or cells where their action is needed and not everywhere in the body. Each cell has a membranes. These are special groups of molecules known as receptors, because they detect or receive the molecules of hormones in the blood stream. Usually a hormone interacts with its own specific receptor or receptor family. This specificity of hormone-receptor interaction is sometimes likened to a lock and key, since each hormone usually fits only one type of receptor in just the same way that a key first only one lock. This concept is the underlying thought behind making drugs. If we can create a drug that will only act on one type of receptor to create the desired effect, we have a successful drug. Almost every organ is connected to nerves which have two basic functions. Some of the nerves are sensory, which means that they detect, or sense, changes in an organ’s blood supply, chemical environment, position, and temperature and signal that information to the brain. Some of the nerves are motors and carry information from the brain to the organs, causing muscles to contract or glands to secret hormones. Nerves communicate with heave other and with organs by releasing hormone-like chemicals called neurotransmitters. There are several types of receptors Norepinephrine Receptors- The nerves that we have no conscious control over release norephinephrine which can react on two families of receptors known as alpha and beta receptors. When norepinephrine acts on alpha receptors it makes the walls of blood vessels contract, leading to an increase of blood pressure. Beta receptors relax blood vessels, but they also make the heart beat more strongly and more rapidly, increasing the amount of sugar in the blood, and reduce activity of the intestine. Drugs that block these receptors are known as Alpha or Beta blockers. CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 20 of 26 Purchaser: Acetylcholine receptors- Another group of nerves, known as parasympathetic nerves, releases acetylcholine onto glands and involuntary muscles. Activation of the receptors this works on stimulates the secretion of saliva when we eat, allows the eye to adjust when we read of view nearby objects, and maintains activity of the intestine and stomach. Drugs that block this receptor are used to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The above receptors are also the receptors that activate our voluntary or skeletal muscles. In this case, the receptors can also be stimulated by nicotine. It should be pointed out that some drugs, like steroids, bind into a molecule in the cell wall, which then transports them into the interior of the cell. There, they combine with their receptor molecule and the combination of steroid plus receptor then moves into the nucleaus of the cell where it can modify the genetic machinery of the cell. A drug which has the same effect as a natural hormone or transmitter by activating the same receptor, is called an agonist at that receptor. Some drugs act on enzymes. There are lots of chemical reactions in the body, many of them are carried out by special molecules in the body called enzymes. Enzymes are large proteins which assist and encourage chemical reactions without becoming changed themselves. They are the biological equals of catalysts in chemistry. Some drugs act by inhibiting enzymes, preventing them from carrying out their normal function. Just as drugs targeted at receptors need to be specific for the receptors of only one hormone or transmitter, this drugs acting on enzymes should ideally affect only one of the many thousands of different types in order to minimize side- effects. There are several other drug targets. They can act on pores in the walls of cells called channels. An emerging science is called genomics. Genomics involves identifying and studying the genetic differences and changes which are responsible for diseases. If a gene defect is found, the next stage of research is to identify the function of that gene, which might code for a receptor or enzyme. This knowledge in turn should allow chemist to design new drugs to act on the receptor or enzyme and correct the disease-causing defect. Function Follows Form: Most of the body’s messes are conveyed not by electrical impulses, but through chemical processes. The chemical messengers produced by the body’s endocrine glands are called hormones. The wide range or aspirin’s therapeutic properties, as well as its side effects, is clear evidence that the drug is involved in several chemical communication systems. Enzymes are proteins that act as biochemical catalysts, influencing the rates of chemical reactions. Cyclooxygenases catalyze the synthesis of a series of hormone-like compounds called prostaglandins from arachidonic acid. CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 21 of 26 Purchaser: Prostagladins cause a variety of effects. They produce fever and swelling, increasing sensitivity of pain receptors, inhibit blood vessel dilation, regulate the production of acid and mucus in the stomach, and assist kidney functions. By preventing prostaglandin production, aspirin reduces fever and swelling. It also suppresses pain receptors and so functions as a painkiller. Because the benzene ring conveys high fat solubility, aspirin is also taken up into cell membranes. In certain specialized cells, the drug blocks the transmission of chemical signals that trigger inflammation. This process also appears to be related to aspirin’s effectiveness as a pain reliever. Because it is a specific chemical compound, aspirin is aspirin, regardless of its brand. Although all aspirin molecules are identical, not all aspirin tablets are the same. The products are mixtures of various components. The differences in formulation can influence the rate of uptake of the drug and hence, how fast it acts, and the extent of stomach irritation it produces. Aspirin also decomposes with time, and the smell; of vinegar can signify that such as process has begun. Fortunately, none of this poses a significant threat to health, and the benefits of aspirin far outweigh the risks for the great majority of people. Drug Testing and Approval: The Feed, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 and its amended version in 1951, and 1962 defined prescription drugs as ones that could be habit-forming, toxic, or unsafe for use except under medical supervision. Virtually everything else is available for sale over the counter (without a prescription). From discovery to approval, the development of new drugs takes, on average nearly 8-10 years and about $500 million-over three times the cost of decade ago. The odds of getting a candidate drug from identification to approval are 10 in 10,000. For every 10,000 trail compounds that begin the process, 20 make it to the level of animal studies, half that many get clearance for use in clinical testing with humans, and finally 1 gets FDA approval. Perhaps the most controversial toxicity testing involves the determination of the lethal dose-50 (LD50), the minimum dose that kills 50% of the test animals. Large-scale clinical trials are desirable because a large pool will more likely include a wide range of subjects. Variety is important because the drug in question may have markedly different effects on the young and the old, on men and women, on pregnant or lactating women, on infants, nursing infants, and unborn fetuses, and on persons suffering from diabetes, poor circulation, kidney problems, high blood pressure, heart conditions or a host of other maladies. Once a drug receives the FDA’s permission, a drug can be sold in the United States. Nevertheless, it still remains under scrutiny, monitored through reports from physicians. The lengthy process for drug testing and approval is not without controversy. Bringing a new drug to marked is incredibly expensive and the numbers of new drug approvals are not keeping pace with rising research and development costs. For example, in hospital a single dose of tirofiban, a medication that dramatically increases the likelihood of surviving a heart attack, has a price tag of $1100. Such prices have driven the costs of medical care and medical insurance. In some cases, the costs of the protracted drug approval process may be human lives. CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 22 of 26 Purchaser: When there is nothing to lose, people are willing to take great risks, possibility taking imperfectly tested drugs. To respond, the FDA has tried to respond.. Ten years ago, and FDA review for a new drug required nearly three years, whereas today it is less than a year. A new “fast-track” system has been instituted for priority drugs-those that address life-threatening ailments or new drug therapies for conditions that had no such therapies. The fast-track policy promises to have priotiry drugs, if found to be acceptable, approved within six months of application. There is a significant financial disincentive for a pharmaceutical company to invest heavily in developing a drug that will be used by only a small fraction of the population: such medications are called “orphan drugs.” Drugs of Abuse According to the 2004 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration survey an estimated 19.1 million Americans or 7. 9% of the population age 12 or older was current illicit drug users. Current means use of an illicit drug during the month prior to the survey interview. Some of the following are interesting facts: • Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug. Of the 14.6 million users of marijuana in 2004, about one third, or 4.8 million persons, used it on 20 or more days in the past month. • 2 million persons were current cocaine users 467,000 of whom used crack. Hallucinogens were used by 929,000 persons, including 450,000 users of ecstasy. There were an estimated 166,000 current heroin users. • An estimated 121 million persons or 2.5% of the population age 12 or older, were current users of psychotherapeutic drugs taken nonmedically. An estimated 4.4 million used pain relievers, 1.6 million used tranquilizers. 1.2 million used stimulants, and .3 million used sedatives. • An estimated 121 million Americans age 12 or older reported being current drinkers of alcohol . About 55 million participated in binge drinking, and 16.7 million were heavy drinkers (binge drinking 5 or more days in the past month. • 29.2% of the population 12 years or older reported current use of a tobacco product in 2002. The first known record of marijuana use dates back to the time of the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung who prescribed use of the plant for the treatment of malaria, gas pains, and absentmindedness. George Washington kept a field of hemp at Mt. Vernon, and it is believed that he used the plant for both rope and medicine. Extracts of marijuana were employed by physicians in the early 1800s for a tonic and euphoriant. But in 1937, the Marijuana Tax Act CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 23 of 26 Purchaser: prohibited its use as an intoxicant and its medical use was regulated as national concern of its use emerged. The Marijuana Tax Act required anyone producing, distributing, or using marijuana for medical practice to register and pay a tax that effectively prohibited nonmedical use of the drug. The current legal status of marijuana was established in 1970 with the passage of the Controlled Substance Act. When Marijuana smoke is inhabled, THC rapidly passes from the lugs into the bloodstream, which carries the chemical to organs throughout the body, including the brain. In the brain, THC connects to specific sites called cannabinoid receptors on nerve cells and influences the activity of those cells. Some brain areas have many cannabinoid receptors; other have few or none. Many cannabinoid receptors are found in the parts of the brain that influence pleasure, memory, thought, concentration, sensory and time perception, and coordinated movement. THC leaves the blood rapidly through metabolism and uptake into the tissues. The chemical may remain stored in body fat for long periods; research has indicated that a single dose can take up to 30 days for complete elimination The short-term effects of marijuana use can include problems with memory and learning, distorted perception, difficulty in the thinking and problem solving, loss of coordination, decreased blood pressure, and increased heart rate. The current debate over the medical use of marijuana is basically a debate over the value of its medicinal properties relative to the risk posed by its use. The debate is colored by complex moral and social judgments that underlie current drug control policy in the United States. The institute of Medicine, a part of the National Academy of Sciences, published a review in 1999 that found marijuana to be “moderately well suited for particular conditions, such as chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and AIDS wasting.” By 2005, ten states had laws that permit physicians to prescribe marijuana for medical purposes. In 2006, Rhode Island became the 11th state to pass a medical marijuana law for the seriously ill. The significance of this was that Rhode Island was the first state to move on the issue since the U.S Supreme Court ruled in June 2006 that patients who use the drug can still be prosecuted under federal law. Morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone (found in Vicodin, Lortab, and Lorcet), and codeine belong to a class of drugs known as opiates. These drugs bind to a chemical receptor called mu, that interrupts the transmission of pain in the spinal cord. Opiates also stimulate areas of the brain involved in pleasure, called the reward, or endorphin, pathways. Opiates stimulate the release of higher levels of dopamine, strengthening rewards signals, and producing intense euphoria. Unit 5: Allergies and Asthma An allergic reactions is a set of bodily changes occurring when some people are exposed to agents in the environment to which they have become sensitive. The term comes from the Greek words allo-means other and ergon-meaning work. CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 24 of 26 Purchaser: On exposure to an antigen some of the white cells in the blood begin to produce antibodies to the antigen. Antibodies are large molecules which combine with the antigen and trigger the allergic reaction. If it reappears, the antibody combines with the antigen and triggers the formation of millions of other antibodies to the same antigen. The antigen-antibody complex also triggers the release of chemicals called mediators within a few minutes, so that an allergic response appears very quickly after exposure to antigen. Mediators and the Allergic Reaction The white blood cells are part of the immune system. The main result of a person’s being exposed to an antigen, or an antigen-antibody complex is that the white blood cells, and similar cells called mast cells called mast cells preset in the tissues, release mediators which include histamine and leukotriens. Mediators are responsible for the signs of allergy: 1) They irritate the membranes lining the nose. They also dilate blood vessels in the nose and increase the leakiness of the walls of blood vessels. The result is some fluid being pushed out of the blood into the tissue lining the nose, causing congestion or a runny nose. 2) Mediators also relax blood vessels and activate sensory nerves in the skin. 3) They increase the secretion of mucus by gland cells in the airways and contract the muscle cells in the airways. These two effects produce the wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath seen in asthma. 4) The fever and feeling of tiredness associated with allergies, colds, and influenza are due to the effects of these mediators on the brain. Why do allergies develop? More than 1 child in 10 will show signs of asthma before the age of 10 years, although the condition will disappear again in about half of these children. One possible reason for the increasing incidence of allergies is that chemical pollutants in the atmosphere and diet are acting as antigens to increase the sensitivity of the immune system as a whole so that more people show allergic reactions such as asthma in response to previously harmless stimuli. Another popular idea is that allergies result from the accidental juxtaposition of harmless and dangerous stimuli. For example, a person’s immune system may be very active in order to deal with an infection such as a cold or influenza. If at the same time, that person is exposed to other molecules, such as those found on cat hairs, the activated immune system may overreact to those normally innocent molecules and produce antibodies to these too. The stage is then set for an allergic reaction when the person is exposed only to the cat hairs. Drug Treatment Decongestants- The runny nose and secretion of tears in colds and hay fever can be treated by drugs which prevent or oppose the effects of the mediators on blood vessels. One group of drugs contracts blood vessels by activating the alpha-receptors which normally respond to epinephrine and norepinephrine. Some of these drugs act directly on the receptors to mimic the effect of CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 25 of 26 Purchaser: epinephrine. Others act on the sympathetic nerves, causing them to release their stores of norepinephrine which then act on the receptors. The contraction of blood vessels produced by these drugs opposes the immune system’s attempts to dilate the vessels Antihistamines-The second group of decongestants are the antihistamines. Histamine is one of the chemicals released into the bloodstream by white blood cells and mast cells when antibodies meet foreign antigens. In the nose, histamine relaxes the muscle cells in the small blood vessels. With the easier movement of fluid across the vessel wall means that water is forced out of the blood into the nose, leading to a runny nose, irritation of the nasal lining, and sneezing. The antihistamine drugs prevent all these changes. CHEM 004 (Hietbrink) Midterm Review Packet for exam on 3/4/09 Page 26 of 26 Purchaser:
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