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Iteration 4-1 User Stories

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Apr 22nd, 2016
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  1. Feature: Upload form info to CSV
  3. As an admin
  4. When a user submits a vendor form
  5. The info for the fields are uploaded to "master" csv
  7. Scenario: Update master csv with food form
  8. Given I am on the homepage
  9. When I go to the food page
  10. And I fill in "form[user]" with "John Doe"
  11. And I fill in "form[address]" with "123 Easy St."
  12. And I fill in "form[city]" with "Anytown"
  13. And I fill in "form[zip]" with "69420"
  14. And I fill in "form[name]" with "Cool company"
  15. And I fill in "form[email]" with ""
  16. And I fill in "form[busphone]" with "2222222222"
  17. And I fill in "form[cell]" with "3333333333"
  18. And I fill in "form[website]" with ""
  19. And I fill in "form[busID]" with "12321"
  20. And I press "Create Form"
  21. Then the user of "Cool company" in the csv should be "John Doe"
  22. And the address of "Cool company" in the csv should be "123 Easy St."
  23. And the city of "Cool company" in the csv should be "Anytown"
  24. And the zip of "Cool company" in the csv should be "69420"
  25. And the orgname of "Cool company" in the csv should be "Cool company"
  26. And the email of "Cool company" in the csv should be ""
  27. And the busphone of "Cool company" in the csv should be "2222222222"
  28. And the cell of "Cool company" in the csv should be "3333333333"
  29. And the website of "Cool company" in the csv should be ""
  30. And the busID of "Cool company" in the csv should be "12321"
  31. And the numTables of "Cool company" in the csv should be "0"
  32. And the numbrellas of "Cool company" in the csv should be "0"
  33. And the numChairs of "Cool company" in the csv should be "0"
  34. And the numTents of "Cool company" in the csv should be "0"
  36. Scenario: Update master csv with retail form
  37. Given I am on the retail page
  38. And I fill in "form[user]" with "John Doe"
  39. And I fill in "form[address]" with "123 Easy St."
  40. And I fill in "form[city]" with "Anytown"
  41. And I fill in "form[zip]" with "69420"
  42. And I fill in "form[name]" with "Cool company"
  43. And I fill in "form[email]" with ""
  44. And I fill in "form[busphone]" with "2222222222"
  45. And I fill in "form[cell]" with "3333333333"
  46. And I fill in "form[website]" with ""
  47. And I fill in "form[busID]" with "12321"
  48. And I fill in "form[permitNum]" with "1111"
  49. And I fill in "form[product]" with "conalingus"
  50. And I press "Create Form"
  51. Then the user of "Cool company" in the csv should be "John Doe"
  52. And the address of "Cool company" in the csv should be "123 Easy St."
  53. And the city of "Cool company" in the csv should be "Anytown"
  54. And the zip of "Cool company" in the csv should be "69420"
  55. And the orgname of "Cool company" in the csv should be "Cool company"
  56. And the email of "Cool company" in the csv should be ""
  57. And the busphone of "Cool company" in the csv should be "2222222222"
  58. And the cell of "Cool company" in the csv should be "3333333333"
  59. And the website of "Cool company" in the csv should be ""
  60. And the busID of "Cool company" in the csv should be "12321"
  61. And the permitNum of "Cool company" in the csv should be "1111"
  62. And the product of "Cool company" in the csv should be "conalingus"
  63. And the numTables of "Cool company" in the csv should be "0"
  64. And the numChairs of "Cool company" in the csv should be "0"
  65. And the numbrellas of "Cool company" in the csv should be "0"
  66. And the numTents of "Cool company" in the csv should be "0"
  67. And the npType of "Cool company" in the csv should be "information"
  69. Scenario: Update master csv with nonprofit form
  70. Given I am on the nonprofit page
  71. And I fill in "form[user]" with "John Doe"
  72. And I fill in "form[address]" with "123 Easy St."
  73. And I fill in "form[city]" with "Anytown"
  74. And I fill in "form[zip]" with "69420"
  75. And I fill in "form[name]" with "Cool company"
  76. And I fill in "form[email]" with ""
  77. And I fill in "form[busphone]" with "2222222222"
  78. And I fill in "form[cell]" with "3333333333"
  79. And I fill in "form[website]" with ""
  80. And I fill in "form[taxID]" with "12321"
  81. And I fill in "form[product]" with "conalingus"
  82. And I choose "orgtype_info"
  83. And I press "Create Form"
  84. Then the user of "Cool company" in the csv should be "John Doe"
  85. And the address of "Cool company" in the csv should be "123 Easy St."
  86. And the city of "Cool company" in the csv should be "Anytown"
  87. And the zip of "Cool company" in the csv should be "69420"
  88. And the orgname of "Cool company" in the csv should be "Cool company"
  89. And the email of "Cool company" in the csv should be ""
  90. And the busphone of "Cool company" in the csv should be "2222222222"
  91. And the cell of "Cool company" in the csv should be "3333333333"
  92. And the website of "Cool company" in the csv should be ""
  93. And the taxID of "Cool company" in the csv should be "12321"
  94. And the product of "Cool company" in the csv should be "conalingus"
  95. And the numTables of "Cool company" in the csv should be "0"
  96. And the numChairs of "Cool company" in the csv should be "0"
  97. And the numbrellas of "Cool company" in the csv should be "0"
  98. And the numTents of "Cool company" in the csv should be "0"
  99. And the npType of "Cool company" in the csv should be "information"
  101. Scenario: Update master csv with commercial info form
  102. Given I am on the commercialInfo page
  103. And I fill in "form[user]" with "John Doe"
  104. And I fill in "form[address]" with "123 Easy St."
  105. And I fill in "form[city]" with "Anytown"
  106. And I fill in "form[zip]" with "69420"
  107. And I fill in "form[name]" with "Cool company"
  108. And I fill in "form[email]" with ""
  109. And I fill in "form[busphone]" with "2222222222"
  110. And I fill in "form[cell]" with "3333333333"
  111. And I fill in "form[website]" with ""
  112. And I fill in "form[busID]" with "12321"
  113. And I fill in "form[product]" with "conalingus"
  114. And I press "Create Form"
  115. Then the user of "Cool company" in the csv should be "John Doe"
  116. And the address of "Cool company" in the csv should be "123 Easy St."
  117. And the city of "Cool company" in the csv should be "Anytown"
  118. And the zip of "Cool company" in the csv should be "69420"
  119. And the orgname of "Cool company" in the csv should be "Cool company"
  120. And the email of "Cool company" in the csv should be ""
  121. And the busphone of "Cool company" in the csv should be "2222222222"
  122. And the cell of "Cool company" in the csv should be "3333333333"
  123. And the website of "Cool company" in the csv should be ""
  124. And the busID of "Cool company" in the csv should be "12321"
  125. And the product of "Cool company" in the csv should be "conalingus"
  126. And the numTables of "Cool company" in the csv should be "0"
  127. And the numChairs of "Cool company" in the csv should be "0"
  128. And the numbrellas of "Cool company" in the csv should be "0"
  129. And the numTents of "Cool company" in the csv should be "0"
  132. Feature: Attach uploaded files to confirmation email
  134. As an admin
  135. When a vendor submits there form
  136. And I receive my confirmation email
  137. Then I should also receive any uploaded documents
  139. Background: The vendor has filled out the food form
  140. Given I am on the homepage
  141. When I go to the food page
  142. And I fill in "form[user]" with "John Doe"
  143. And I fill in "form[address]" with "123 Easy St."
  144. And I fill in "form[city]" with "Anytown"
  145. And I fill in "form[zip]" with "69420"
  146. And I fill in "form[name]" with "Cool company"
  147. And I fill in "form[email]" with ""
  148. And I fill in "form[busphone]" with "2222222222"
  149. And I fill in "form[cell]" with "3333333333"
  150. And I fill in "form[website]" with ""
  151. And I fill in "form[busID]" with "12321"
  153. Scenario: Attach a food facility operator form to the confirmation email
  154. And I attach the file "test1.pdf" to "form_facility_op_form"
  155. And I press "Create Form"
  156. Then the admin should receive a confirmation email containing the file "test1.pdf"
  158. Scenario: Attach a copy of contract for commercial kitchen used to prepare food form to the confirmation email
  159. And I attach the file "test2.doc" to "form_kitchen_contract"
  160. And I press "Create Form"
  161. Then the admin should receive a confirmation email containing the file "test2.doc"
  163. Scenario: Attach a DD214 form to the confirmation email
  164. And I attach the file "test1.pdf" to "form_DD214"
  165. And I press "Create Form"
  166. Then the admin should receive a confirmation email containing the file "test1.pdf"
  168. Feature: confirmation email automation to admin
  170. As an admin
  171. When a vendor submits a form
  172. I should receive an email with their details/telling me of their submission
  174. Scenario: Send a confirmation email to the admin after a form gets submitted
  175. Given a form is submitted successfully
  176. Then "as the admin", I should receive a confirmation at "at the admin email"
  177. And I should also be able to see their submission
  179. Feature: confirmation email automation to vendor
  181. As a vendor
  182. After I upload a form successfully
  183. I should receive a confirmation email saying submission was successful
  185. Scenario: Send a confirmation email to the vendor after submitting a form
  186. Given a form is submitted successfully
  187. And I use the email ""
  188. And I press "submit"
  189. Then as "a vendor", I should receive a confirmation at ""
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