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a guest
Jan 22nd, 2018
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text 6.64 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Binary file ac_client matches
  2. console.cpp: draw_text(line, CONSPAD+FONTH/3, y, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, -1, conwidth);
  3. console.cpp: draw_text(s, x, y, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, cmdline.pos>=0 ? cmdline.pos+2 : (int)strlen(s), w);
  4. console.cpp: draw_text(s, x, y, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, cmdline.pos>=0 ? cmdline.pos/*+1*/+getCONlength(ctx) : (int)strlen(s), w);
  5. Binary file console.o matches
  6. Binary file cube.h.gch matches
  7. docs.cpp: draw_text(text, x, cury, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, -1, str==text ? VIRTW*4/3 : -1);
  8. docs.cpp: if(maxl < doclines.length()) draw_text("\f4more (F3)", x, y+doch); // footer
  9. docs.cpp: if(offset > 0) draw_text("\f4less (F2)", x, y+doch+FONTH);
  10. docs.cpp: draw_text("\f4disable doc reference (F1)", x, y+doch+2*FONTH);
  11. Binary file docs.o matches
  12. menus.cpp: draw_text(text, x, y);
  13. menus.cpp: draw_text(text, !image || *text == '\t' ? x : x+xs + FONTH/2, y);
  14. menus.cpp: draw_textf("%c", x, y, re[1]);
  15. menus.cpp: draw_text(text, x, y); // !image || *text == '\t' ? x : x+xs + FONTH/2
  16. menus.cpp: draw_text(showt, 1*FONTH/2, VIRTH - FONTH/2);
  17. menus.cpp: draw_text(restt, 3*FONTH/2, VIRTH + FONTH/2);
  18. menus.cpp: //if(mapstats[0]) draw_text(mapstats, x, y+ys+5*FONTH/2);
  19. menus.cpp: draw_text(text, x, y);
  20. menus.cpp: draw_text(showinput, x+w-tw, y, 255, 255, 255, 255, selection ? (input.pos>=0 ? (input.pos > sc ? sc : input.pos) : cibl) : -1);
  21. menus.cpp: draw_text(text, x, y);
  22. menus.cpp: draw_text(curval, x+tw, y);
  23. menus.cpp: draw_text(text, x, y);
  24. menus.cpp: draw_text(keyname, x+w-tk, y);
  25. menus.cpp: draw_text(text, x, y);
  26. menus.cpp: draw_text(header, x, y);
  27. menus.cpp: draw_text(t, x, y);
  28. menus.cpp: draw_text(pofl, x, y);
  29. menus.cpp: else draw_text(footer, x, y);
  30. menus.cpp: draw_text(items[menusel]->getdesc(), x, y);
  31. Binary file menus.o matches
  32. physics.cpp: draw_textf(
  33. physics.cpp: draw_textf("step: \f0%d",VIRTW/2 , VIRTH/3*2,nstep);
  34. Binary file physics.o matches
  35. protos.h:extern void draw_text(const char *str, int left, int top, int r = 255, int g = 255, int b = 255, int a = 255, int cursor = -1, int maxwidth = -1);
  36. protos.h:extern void draw_textf(const char *fstr, int left, int top, ...);
  37. renderhud.cpp: draw_text(lbl, (int)(x*2), (int)(y*2));
  38. renderhud.cpp: draw_text(c.line, int(tw > VIRTW*0.9f ? 0 : (VIRTW*0.9f-tw)/2), int(((VIRTH*0.9f)/4*3)+FONTH*i+pow((totalmillis-c.millis)/(float)dispmillis, 4)*VIRTH*0.9f/4.0f));
  39. renderhud.cpp: draw_textf("%s %s: %d", left+txtdx, top+txtdy, medal_str[i], mpl->name, a_medals[i].item); top+=medalsdy;
  40. renderhud.cpp: else if(infostr) draw_text(infostr, 20, 1570);
  41. renderhud.cpp: else if(targetplayer) draw_text(colorname(targetplayer), 20, 1570);
  42. renderhud.cpp:// if(sr->scoped) draw_textf("\f2SCOPED", 20, 1570 - 2*FONTH);
  43. renderhud.cpp: draw_text("fps", left - (text_width("fps") + FONTH/2), top );
  44. renderhud.cpp: draw_text("lod", left - (text_width("lod") + FONTH/2), top+ 80);
  45. renderhud.cpp: draw_text("wqd", left - (text_width("wqd") + FONTH/2), top+160);
  46. renderhud.cpp: draw_text("wvt", left - (text_width("wvt") + FONTH/2), top+240);
  47. renderhud.cpp: draw_text("evt", left - (text_width("evt") + FONTH/2), top+320);
  48. renderhud.cpp: draw_text(c_val, ttll - text_width(c_val), top , c_r, c_g, c_b);
  49. renderhud.cpp: draw_text(c_val, ttll - text_width(c_val), top+ 80, c_r, c_g, c_b);
  50. renderhud.cpp: draw_text(c_val, ttll - text_width(c_val), top+160, c_r, c_g, c_b);
  51. renderhud.cpp: draw_text(c_val, ttll - text_width(c_val), top+240, c_r, c_g, c_b);
  52. renderhud.cpp: draw_text(c_val, ttll - text_width(c_val), top+320, c_r, c_g, c_b);
  53. renderhud.cpp: draw_text(o_x, VIRTW*2 - ( text_width(o_x) + FONTH ), VIRTH*2 - 9*FONTH/2);
  54. renderhud.cpp: draw_text(o_y, VIRTW*2 - ( text_width(o_y) + FONTH ), VIRTH*2 - 7*FONTH/2);
  55. renderhud.cpp: draw_text(o_z, VIRTW*2 - ( text_width(o_z) + FONTH ), VIRTH*2 - 5*FONTH/2);
  56. renderhud.cpp: draw_text(c_val, VIRTW*2 - ( text_width(c_val) + FONTH ), VIRTH*2 - 3*FONTH/2);
  57. renderhud.cpp: draw_text(gtime, (2*VIRTW - text_width(gtime))/2, 2);
  58. renderhud.cpp: draw_textf("%s called a vote:", left, top+240, curvote->owner ? colorname(curvote->owner) : "");
  59. renderhud.cpp: draw_textf("%s", left, top+320, curvote->desc);
  60. renderhud.cpp: draw_textf("----", left, top+400);
  61. renderhud.cpp: draw_textf("%d yes vs. %d no", left, top+480, curvote->stats[VOTE_YES], curvote->stats[VOTE_NO]);
  62. renderhud.cpp: draw_textf("\f3press F1/F2 to vote yes or no", left, top+560);
  63. renderhud.cpp: draw_textf("\f3vote %s", left, top+560, curvote->result == VOTE_YES ? "PASSED" : "FAILED");
  64. renderhud.cpp: //else draw_textf("%c%d here F1/F2 will be praised during a vote", 20*2, VIRTH+560, '\f', 0); // see position (left/top) setting in block above
  65. renderhud.cpp: draw_textf("SPACE to change view", left, top);
  66. renderhud.cpp: draw_textf("SCROLL to change player", left, top+80);
  67. renderhud.cpp: draw_textf("!TEST BUILD!", tbMSGleft, tbMSGtop);
  68. renderhud.cpp: draw_text(specttext, VIRTW/40, VIRTH/10*7);
  69. renderhud.cpp: draw_text(name, VIRTW/40, VIRTH/10*8);
  70. renderhud.cpp: draw_textf("%d", 90, 823, p->health);
  71. renderhud.cpp: if(p->armour) draw_textf("%d", 360, 823, p->armour);
  72. renderhud.cpp: draw_text(str, w>=VIRTW ? 0 : (VIRTW-w)/2, VIRTH*3/4);
  73. renderhud.cpp: if(text1) draw_text(text1, 2*FONTH, 1*FONTH + FONTH/2);
  74. renderhud.cpp: if(bar2>0) draw_text(text2, 2*FONTH, 3*FONTH + FONTH/2);
  75. Binary file renderhud.o matches
  76. rendertext.cpp:void draw_textf(const char *fstr, int left, int top, ...)
  77. rendertext.cpp: draw_text(str, left, top);
  78. rendertext.cpp: It will substituted by draw_text_wip
  79. rendertext.cpp:void draw_text(const char *str, int left, int top, int r, int g, int b, int a, int cursor, int maxwidth)
  80. rendertext.cpp:void draw_text_wip(const char *str, int left, int top, int r, int g, int b, int a, int cursor, int maxwidth)
  81. Binary file rendertext.o matches
  82. weapon.cpp: draw_textf(line,spacing*0.5+x_offset,spacing*0.5+y_offset+x*curfont->defaulth);
  83. weapon.cpp: draw_text(gunstats, 590, 823);
  84. weapon.cpp: draw_text(gunstats, (590 + offset)*2, 826*2);
  85. weapon.cpp: draw_text(gunstats, 830, 823);
  86. Binary file weapon.o matches
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