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Sep 17th, 2019
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  1. /*
  2. * Decompiled with CFR 0.146.
  3. */
  4. import;
  5. import;
  6. import;
  7. import;
  8. import;
  10. /*
  11. * Illegal identifiers - consider using --renameillegalidents true
  12. */
  13. public final class ibPv {
  14. public static final /* synthetic */ ibPv RAPE_BOOTER;
  15. private static final /* synthetic */ double BOOTER_VERSION = 3.5;
  16. private /* synthetic */ Knyo connection;
  17. private final /* synthetic */ uwEA attackManager;
  18. public static final /* synthetic */ boolean DEBUG;
  19. private static /* synthetic */ String[] 1l11lll11;
  20. private static /* synthetic */ String[] 11llllll1;
  21. public static final /* synthetic */ boolean \u2001\u2005;
  23. /*
  24. * Enabled aggressive block sorting
  25. * Enabled unnecessary exception pruning
  26. * Enabled aggressive exception aggregation
  27. */
  28. public /* synthetic */ ibPv() {
  29. if (\u2001\u2005) {
  30. throw null;
  31. }
  32. if ((0xFF1D71B2 ^ 0xFF1D71B5) > 0) {
  33. this.attackManager = new uwEA();
  34. return;
  35. }
  36. Object v0 = null;
  37. while (!\u2001\u2005) {
  38. }
  39. throw null;
  40. }
  42. /*
  43. * Enabled aggressive block sorting
  44. * Enabled unnecessary exception pruning
  45. * Enabled aggressive exception aggregation
  46. */
  47. static /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ uwEA access$000(ibPv ibPv2) {
  48. if (\u2001\u2005) {
  49. throw null;
  50. }
  51. if ((0xF5939F7 ^ 0xF5939F0) > 0) {
  52. return ibPv2.attackManager;
  53. }
  54. Object v0 = null;
  55. while (!\u2001\u2005) {
  56. }
  57. throw null;
  58. }
  60. /*
  61. * Unable to fully structure code
  62. * Enabled aggressive block sorting
  63. * Enabled unnecessary exception pruning
  64. * Enabled aggressive exception aggregation
  65. * Lifted jumps to return sites
  66. */
  67. static /* synthetic */ {
  68. if (ibPv.\u2001\u2005) {
  69. throw null;
  70. }
  71. if ((1498635192 ^ 1498635194) <= 0) {
  72. v0 = null;
  73. while (!ibPv.\u2001\u2005) {
  74. }
  75. throw null;
  76. }
  77. ibPv.11llllll1 = new Exception().getStackTrace()[282531351 ^ 282531351].getFileName().split("\u205f");
  78. ibPv.1l11lll11 = new String[88212326 ^ 88212351];
  79. ibPv.1l11ll1ll();
  80. ibPv.11lllllll();
  81. ibPv.RAPE_BOOTER = new ibPv();
  82. ibPv.1l11lll11[-134923873 ^ -134923896] = null;
  83. var0 = System.getenv(ibPv.1l11lll11[1691507893 ^ 1691507874]);
  84. if (var0 == null) ** GOTO lbl-1000
  85. ibPv.1l11lll11[-1571109221 ^ -1571109245] = null;
  86. if (var0.equals(ibPv.1l11lll11[-711315177 ^ -711315185])) {
  87. v1 = -169708635 ^ -169708636;
  88. if (ibPv.\u2001\u2005) {
  89. throw null;
  90. }
  91. } else lbl-1000: // 2 sources:
  92. {
  93. v1 = 944913320 ^ 944913320;
  94. }
  95. ibPv.DEBUG = v1;
  96. }
  98. /*
  99. * Enabled aggressive block sorting
  100. * Enabled unnecessary exception pruning
  101. * Enabled aggressive exception aggregation
  102. */
  103. private static /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ void 1l11ll1ll() {
  104. if (\u2001\u2005) {
  105. throw null;
  106. }
  107. if ((0xEE7B59D5 ^ 0xEE7B59D1) > 0) {
  108. ibPv.11llllll1[-70641542 ^ -70641542] = null;
  109. ibPv.11llllll1[-1211890836 ^ -1211890835] = null;
  110. ibPv.1l11lll11[283852014 ^ 283852022] = ibPv.1l11ll1l1(11llllll1[0x5D8D792 ^ 0x5D8D792], 11llllll1[0xB6124B32 ^ 0xB6124B33]);
  111. ibPv.11llllll1[341090939 ^ 341090937] = null;
  112. ibPv.11llllll1[1942155325 ^ 1942155326] = null;
  113. ibPv.1l11lll11[675567279 ^ 675567288] = ibPv.1l11l11ll(11llllll1[0xBCE7C41B ^ 0xBCE7C419], 11llllll1[0x73FB3E9 ^ 0x73FB3EA]);
  114. ibPv.11llllll1[-1962616101 ^ -1962616097] = null;
  115. ibPv.11llllll1[-1761109267 ^ -1761109272] = null;
  116. ibPv.1l11lll11[-1986512966 ^ -1986512980] = ibPv.1l11ll1l1(11llllll1[0xD4712B5F ^ 0xD4712B5B], 11llllll1[0xABDC260E ^ 0xABDC260B]);
  117. ibPv.11llllll1[1188382539 ^ 1188382541] = null;
  118. ibPv.11llllll1[1736816781 ^ 1736816778] = null;
  119. ibPv.1l11lll11[-494502868 ^ -494502855] = ibPv.1l11ll1l1(11llllll1[0x6AE7B1C2 ^ 0x6AE7B1C4], 11llllll1[0xA1D532B1 ^ 0xA1D532B6]);
  120. ibPv.11llllll1[585687572 ^ 585687580] = null;
  121. ibPv.11llllll1[1556283469 ^ 1556283460] = null;
  122. ibPv.1l11lll11[1383764735 ^ 1383764715] = ibPv.1l11l11ll(11llllll1[0x52DBDAA9 ^ 0x52DBDAA1], 11llllll1[0x213C794A ^ 0x213C7943]);
  123. ibPv.11llllll1[46180049 ^ 46180059] = null;
  124. ibPv.11llllll1[575840629 ^ 575840638] = null;
  125. ibPv.1l11lll11[-376556623 ^ -376556638] = ibPv.1l11l11ll(11llllll1[0x85D261CC ^ 0x85D261C6], 11llllll1[0x26CA131C ^ 0x26CA1317]);
  126. ibPv.11llllll1[1636470838 ^ 1636470842] = null;
  127. ibPv.11llllll1[-1603016665 ^ -1603016662] = null;
  128. ibPv.1l11lll11[-2144551582 ^ -2144551568] = ibPv.1l11l11ll(11llllll1[0x97A3EAA1 ^ 0x97A3EAAD], 11llllll1[0x8036DBC ^ 0x8036DB1]);
  129. ibPv.11llllll1[1238720953 ^ 1238720951] = null;
  130. ibPv.11llllll1[255174944 ^ 255174959] = null;
  131. ibPv.1l11lll11[-1275402702 ^ -1275402717] = ibPv.1l11ll1l1(11llllll1[0xC337C0E ^ 0xC337C00], 11llllll1[0xDF76E65D ^ 0xDF76E652]);
  132. ibPv.11llllll1[-616484287 ^ -616484271] = null;
  133. ibPv.11llllll1[1725557578 ^ 1725557595] = null;
  134. ibPv.1l11lll11[54100041 ^ 54100057] = ibPv.1l11l11ll(11llllll1[0xE992A2BC ^ 0xE992A2AC], 11llllll1[0xBCC7D8E3 ^ 0xBCC7D8F2]);
  135. ibPv.11llllll1[1455249896 ^ 1455249914] = null;
  136. ibPv.11llllll1[1517698121 ^ 1517698138] = null;
  137. ibPv.1l11lll11[955989224 ^ 955989223] = ibPv.1l11ll1l1(11llllll1[0x6F9407AC ^ 0x6F9407BE], 11llllll1[0x60087966 ^ 0x60087975]);
  138. ibPv.11llllll1[-336271605 ^ -336271585] = null;
  139. ibPv.11llllll1[2111418173 ^ 2111418152] = null;
  140. ibPv.1l11lll11[773330691 ^ 773330701] = ibPv.1l111ll1l(11llllll1[0x66E52EFC ^ 0x66E52EE8], 11llllll1[0x8159DCF2 ^ 0x8159DCE7]);
  141. ibPv.11llllll1[-1421349122 ^ -1421349144] = null;
  142. ibPv.11llllll1[-146770631 ^ -146770642] = null;
  143. ibPv.1l11lll11[819437850 ^ 819437847] = ibPv.1l11ll1l1(11llllll1[0x8DB3A839 ^ 0x8DB3A82F], 11llllll1[0x30B566FF ^ 0x30B566E8]);
  144. ibPv.11llllll1[113979005 ^ 113978981] = null;
  145. ibPv.11llllll1[142895838 ^ 142895815] = null;
  146. ibPv.1l11lll11[-1756717405 ^ -1756717393] = ibPv.1l11ll1l1(11llllll1[0xE2C8B300 ^ 0xE2C8B318], 11llllll1[0x9DB17DE0 ^ 0x9DB17DF9]);
  147. ibPv.11llllll1[610700844 ^ 610700854] = null;
  148. ibPv.11llllll1[524249651 ^ 524249640] = null;
  149. ibPv.1l11lll11[-1535396179 ^ -1535396186] = ibPv.1l1111ll1(11llllll1[0xB6D39290 ^ 0xB6D3928A], 11llllll1[0xE5803933 ^ 0xE5803928]);
  150. ibPv.11llllll1[414840209 ^ 414840205] = null;
  151. ibPv.11llllll1[1885222928 ^ 1885222925] = null;
  152. ibPv.1l11lll11[-2072258986 ^ -2072258980] = ibPv.1l111ll1l(11llllll1[0xCEA0CCED ^ 0xCEA0CCF1], 11llllll1[0x6D251CA9 ^ 0x6D251CB4]);
  153. ibPv.11llllll1[67153190 ^ 67153208] = null;
  154. ibPv.11llllll1[1991186165 ^ 1991186154] = null;
  155. ibPv.1l11lll11[1755092884 ^ 1755092893] = ibPv.1l11l11ll(11llllll1[0xADE66C8A ^ 0xADE66C94], 11llllll1[0x4ACEDE26 ^ 0x4ACEDE39]);
  156. ibPv.11llllll1[542111099 ^ 542111067] = null;
  157. ibPv.11llllll1[-1784977416 ^ -1784977447] = null;
  158. ibPv.1l11lll11[-1822874320 ^ -1822874312] = ibPv.1l1111ll1(11llllll1[0x2DB73827 ^ 0x2DB73807], 11llllll1[0x96B33C74 ^ 0x96B33C55]);
  159. ibPv.11llllll1[67712289 ^ 67712259] = null;
  160. ibPv.11llllll1[-2000007871 ^ -2000007838] = null;
  161. ibPv.1l11lll11[100547433 ^ 100547438] = ibPv.1l11ll1l1(11llllll1[0xDECEF5F9 ^ 0xDECEF5DB], 11llllll1[0x82316448 ^ 0x8231646B]);
  162. ibPv.11llllll1[242953869 ^ 242953897] = null;
  163. ibPv.11llllll1[990379492 ^ 990379457] = null;
  164. ibPv.1l11lll11[436732022 ^ 436732016] = ibPv.1l11l11ll(11llllll1[0x4A78388F ^ 0x4A7838AB], 11llllll1[0xAD7F5F34 ^ 0xAD7F5F11]);
  165. ibPv.11llllll1[502316006 ^ 502315968] = null;
  166. ibPv.11llllll1[1133447598 ^ 1133447561] = null;
  167. ibPv.1l11lll11[1669181264 ^ 1669181269] = ibPv.1l11l11ll(11llllll1[0x7E5868BE ^ 0x7E586898], 11llllll1[0x9F3B393D ^ 0x9F3B391A]);
  168. ibPv.11llllll1[390361492 ^ 390361532] = null;
  169. ibPv.11llllll1[-1862275483 ^ -1862275508] = null;
  170. ibPv.1l11lll11[913310502 ^ 913310498] = ibPv.1l11l11ll(11llllll1[0x815F48FE ^ 0x815F48D6], 11llllll1[0x95A32DCD ^ 0x95A32DE4]);
  171. ibPv.11llllll1[-843936920 ^ -843936958] = null;
  172. ibPv.11llllll1[1899699953 ^ 1899699930] = null;
  173. ibPv.1l11lll11[-2043793295 ^ -2043793294] = ibPv.1l1111ll1(11llllll1[0x948EAB18 ^ 0x948EAB32], 11llllll1[0x98597CE4 ^ 0x98597CCF]);
  174. ibPv.11llllll1[-1028276116 ^ -1028276160] = null;
  175. ibPv.11llllll1[-329991210 ^ -329991173] = null;
  176. ibPv.1l11lll11[-715725180 ^ -715725178] = ibPv.1l111ll1l(11llllll1[0x343A334E ^ 0x343A3362], 11llllll1[0xD5ECA650 ^ 0xD5ECA67D]);
  177. ibPv.11llllll1[-179008437 ^ -179008411] = null;
  178. ibPv.11llllll1[-756367205 ^ -756367180] = null;
  179. ibPv.1l11lll11[-1492214367 ^ -1492214368] = ibPv.1l11l11ll(11llllll1[0x1F9B179B ^ 0x1F9B17B5], 11llllll1[0x88B1FBC2 ^ 0x88B1FBED]);
  180. ibPv.11llllll1[-306420930 ^ -306420978] = null;
  181. ibPv.11llllll1[1306302023 ^ 1306302070] = null;
  182. ibPv.1l11lll11[348344460 ^ 348344460] = ibPv.1l1111ll1(11llllll1[0xA0678E67 ^ 0xA0678E57], 11llllll1[0xE4446AA4 ^ 0xE4446A95]);
  183. return;
  184. }
  185. Object v0 = null;
  186. while (!\u2001\u2005) {
  187. }
  188. throw null;
  189. }
  191. /*
  192. * Enabled aggressive block sorting
  193. * Enabled unnecessary exception pruning
  194. * Enabled aggressive exception aggregation
  195. */
  196. private static /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ String 1l111ll1l(String string, String string2) throws IllegalStateException, IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, ClassCastException {
  197. int n;
  198. int n2;
  199. if (\u2001\u2005) {
  200. throw null;
  201. }
  202. if ((0x77EAF5BB ^ 0x77EAF5B9) <= 0) {
  203. Object v0 = null;
  204. while (!\u2001\u2005) {
  205. }
  206. throw null;
  207. }
  208. long l = 0xF429ED8495AFD974L ^ 0xF429ED8495AFD974L;
  209. int cfr_ignored_0 = 0x186D3CEE ^ 0x186D3CEF;
  210. Object object = string2.toCharArray();
  211. int n3 = ((char[])object).length;
  212. for (n2 = -1653820926 ^ -1653820926; n2 < n3; l += (long)n, ++n2) {
  213. n = object[n2];
  214. if ((0xEADFE54B ^ 0x15201AB4) < (0x5DC0DB1F ^ 0x5DC0DB19)) continue;
  215. return null;
  216. }
  217. " ".isEmpty();
  218. l += (long)string2.length();
  219. int cfr_ignored_1 = 0xB6DB800A ^ 0xB6DB8008;
  220. object = new StringBuilder();
  221. " ".toCharArray();
  222. char[] arrc = string.toCharArray();
  223. n2 = arrc.length;
  224. n = 0xBEC813D6 ^ 0xBEC813D6;
  225. do {
  226. if (n >= n2) {
  227. int cfr_ignored_2 = 0xF4DBE318 ^ 0xF4DBE31C;
  228. return ((StringBuilder)object).toString();
  229. }
  230. char c = arrc[n];
  231. " ".toCharArray();
  232. int cfr_ignored_3 = 0x8FA49C98 ^ 0x8FA49C9B;
  233. ((StringBuilder)object).append((char)((long)c - l - (long)string2.length()));
  234. ++n;
  235. } while ((0xA33F93E0 ^ 0xA33F93E6) > (0xBA679A51 ^ 0xBA679A53));
  236. throw null;
  237. }
  239. /*
  240. * Enabled aggressive block sorting
  241. * Enabled unnecessary exception pruning
  242. * Enabled aggressive exception aggregation
  243. */
  244. private static /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ String 1l1111ll1(CharSequence charSequence, CharSequence charSequence2) throws Exception, RuntimeException, IOException, ClassCastException {
  245. if (\u2001\u2005) {
  246. throw null;
  247. }
  248. if ((0x5AAEFC9A ^ 0x5AAEFC99) <= 0) {
  249. Object v0 = null;
  250. while (!\u2001\u2005) {
  251. }
  252. throw null;
  253. }
  254. " ".toCharArray();
  255. int cfr_ignored_0 = 0x9A4A8F87 ^ 0x9A4A8F84;
  256. int cfr_ignored_1 = 0x670AED7A ^ 0x670AED7F;
  257. char[] arrc = charSequence.toString().toCharArray();
  258. int cfr_ignored_2 = 0x727B1C14 ^ 0x727B1C14;
  259. int cfr_ignored_3 = 0xB4567CE2 ^ 0xB4567CE6;
  260. char[] arrc2 = charSequence2.toString().toCharArray();
  261. char[] arrc3 = new char[arrc.length];
  262. int n = 0x2C2C449B ^ 0x2C2C449B;
  263. do {
  264. if (n >= arrc.length) {
  265. " ".isEmpty();
  266. return new String(arrc3);
  267. }
  268. arrc3[n] = (char)(arrc[n] ^ arrc2[n % arrc2.length]);
  269. ++n;
  270. } while ((0x7957C512 ^ 0x7957C51A) > (0x9A6D65AE ^ 0x9A6D65AE));
  271. return null;
  272. }
  274. /*
  275. * Enabled aggressive block sorting
  276. * Enabled unnecessary exception pruning
  277. * Enabled aggressive exception aggregation
  278. */
  279. private static /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ String 1l11l11ll(String string, String string2) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException, Exception, Throwable, IllegalArgumentException, ClassNotFoundException, ClassCastException {
  280. if (\u2001\u2005) {
  281. throw null;
  282. }
  283. if ((0xCDDB86EA ^ 0xCDDB86EB) <= 0) {
  284. Object v0 = null;
  285. while (!\u2001\u2005) {
  286. }
  287. throw null;
  288. }
  289. int cfr_ignored_0 = 0x46680401 ^ 0x46680405;
  290. char[] arrc = string2.toCharArray();
  291. int cfr_ignored_1 = 0x7E7090A0 ^ 0x7E7090A6;
  292. " ".toString().isEmpty();
  293. StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
  294. int n = 0x3FD1CCDB ^ 0x3FD1CCDB;
  295. do {
  296. " ".isEmpty();
  297. if (n >= string.length()) {
  298. " ".equals(null);
  299. return stringBuilder.toString();
  300. }
  301. " ".toCharArray();
  302. int cfr_ignored_2 = 0x7066A9F5 ^ 0x7066A9F4;
  303. stringBuilder.append((char)(string.charAt(n) ^ arrc[n % arrc.length]));
  304. ++n;
  305. } while ((0xCD495849 ^ 0xCD49584E) >= (0x51730B10 ^ 0x51730B11));
  306. return null;
  307. }
  309. /*
  310. * Enabled aggressive block sorting
  311. * Enabled unnecessary exception pruning
  312. * Enabled aggressive exception aggregation
  313. */
  314. private static /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ String 1l11ll1l1(String string, String string2) throws IllegalStateException, ClassCastException, RuntimeException {
  315. if (\u2001\u2005) {
  316. throw null;
  317. }
  318. if ((0xBFDA507C ^ 0xBFDA507B) <= 0) {
  319. Object v0 = null;
  320. while (!\u2001\u2005) {
  321. }
  322. throw null;
  323. }
  324. " ".length();
  325. char[] arrc = string.toCharArray();
  326. " ".length();
  327. char[] arrc2 = string2.toCharArray();
  328. char[] arrc3 = new char[arrc.length];
  329. int n = 0x8ABA352D ^ 0x8ABA352D;
  330. do {
  331. if (n >= arrc.length) {
  332. int cfr_ignored_0 = 0x1348FDB ^ 0x1348FDA;
  333. return new String(arrc3);
  334. }
  335. arrc3[n] = (char)(arrc[n] ^ arrc2[n % arrc2.length]);
  336. ++n;
  337. } while ((0x18A49376 ^ 0x18A49373) != (0xB507BD56 ^ 0x4AF842A9));
  338. throw null;
  339. }
  341. /*
  342. * Enabled aggressive block sorting
  343. * Enabled unnecessary exception pruning
  344. * Enabled aggressive exception aggregation
  345. */
  346. public static /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ void 11lllllll() throws ClassNotFoundException, Exception, IllegalStateException, IndexOutOfBoundsException, Throwable {
  347. if (\u2001\u2005) {
  348. throw null;
  349. }
  350. if ((0x64899883 ^ 0x64899887) <= 0) {
  351. Object v0 = null;
  352. while (!\u2001\u2005) {
  353. }
  354. throw null;
  355. }
  356. " ".isEmpty();
  357. String[] arrstring = new String[1l11lll11.length];
  358. int n = 0x9250A9B3 ^ 0x9250A9B3;
  359. " ".toCharArray();
  360. int n2 = 1l11lll11.length - (0xEBF2E258 ^ 0xEBF2E259);
  361. do {
  362. if (n2 < 0) {
  363. int cfr_ignored_0 = 0xE0DC996B ^ 0xE0DC996A;
  364. 1l11lll11 = arrstring;
  365. return;
  366. }
  367. int cfr_ignored_1 = 0xE5CA88D8 ^ 0xE5CA88D8;
  368. arrstring[n] = 1l11lll11[n2];
  369. ++n;
  370. --n2;
  371. } while ((0xA504AC11 ^ 0x5AFB53EE) < (0xC61CEFDC ^ 0xC61CEFDA));
  372. }
  373. }
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