

May 30th, 2018
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  1. {
  2. "message": "success",
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  18. "date": "2018-05-29T17:40:18.17+07:00",
  19. "htmlbody": "<html><body><font face=\"arial\" size=\"2\">Dear Secure Certificate Customer,<br>\r\n<br>\r\nWe have received a Certificate Signing Request for the following domains: <br>\r\n*\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n<br>\r\nOur query of the Whois database returned your name as the administrator for the domain in the certificate request.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nIn order to verify the validity of this request and that it was submitted by the entity to which the domain in the request is registered, please signify your final approval or disapproval of the certificate request by clicking the link below.<br>\r\n<br>\r\n<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"></a><br>\r\n<br>\r\nApproval of the request will enable us to continue processing your request. Failure to approve the certificate request will lead to denial of the request.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nIf the above address does not appear as a clickable link, cut/copy and paste it into your browser's address bar.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nIf the Verification Page requests it, please use the following Verification Key:<b> N8EXRAKSSCX36VXJ489WANNHCZ74N9AG </b>\r\n<br>\r\nThis part of our authentication process serves to ensure that only the entity/individual that controls the domain in the request can obtain a certificate for that domain.\r\n<br><br>\r\nIf you have any trouble or questions, contact us and let us know. We are available to help around-the-clock, seven days a week.\r\n<br><br>\r\nCustomer Support:<br>\r\nPhone: 480.463.8887<br>\r\n<br><br>\r\nFor further information, log in to your account at <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"></a>.\r\n</font></body></html>",
  20. "starred": false,
  21. "subject": "Domain Access Verification",
  22. "textbody": "",
  23. "unread": true
  24. },
  25. {
  26. "_id": "a6f0fa4e-db72-4f92-8181-e983ddf0512c",
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  36. "count": 1,
  37. "date": "2018-05-25T10:35:56.675+07:00",
  38. "htmlbody": "",
  39. "starred": false,
  40. "subject": "Subject: * RapidSSL Wildcard Order: 16978566 Complete",
  41. "textbody": "Dear Yohanes Papang,\r\n\r\nCongratulations! RapidSSL has approved your request for a RapidSSL Wildcard certificate. Your certificate is included at the end of this email.\r\n\r\nINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS\r\n\r\n1. INSTALL CERTIFICATE:\r\nInstall the X.509 version of your certificate included at the end of this e-mail.\r\nFor installation instructions for your SSL Certificate, go to:\r\n\r\n\r\n2. INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE ADVISORY:\r\nYou MUST install the RapidSSL intermediate Certificate on your server together with your Certificate or it may not operate correctly.\r\n\r\n** MICROSOFT IIS and TOMCAT USERS\r\nMicrosoft and Tomcat users are advised to download a PKCS #7 formatted certificate from the GeoTrust User Portal:\r\n PKCS #7 is the default format used by these vendors during installation and includes the intermediate CA certificate.\r\n\r\nYou can get your RapidSSL Intermediate Certificates at:\r\n\r\n\r\n3. CHECK INSTALLATION:\r\nEnsure you have installed your certificate correctly at:\r\n\r\n\r\n4. INSTALL THE RAPIDSSL SITE SEAL:\r\nAdditionally, as part of your SSL Certificate Service, you are entitled to display the RapidSSL Site Seal - recognized across the Internet and around the world as a symbol of authenticity, security, and trust - to build consumer confidence in your Web site.\r\n\r\nInstallation instructions for the RapidSSL Site Seal can be found on the following link:\r\n\r\n\r\nIf you require additional technical support please contact your Reseller.\r\n\r\n\r\nWeb Server CERTIFICATE\r\n-----------------\r\n\r\n-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nTmw/mu6yRWi7608XtjvTqKq1NJMNhskmyTXp3dPlOo9TQ/2V8/iHJKA=\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\r\n",
  42. "unread": true
  43. },
  44. {
  45. "_id": "b6e4bbb6-8492-4cc0-9365-009dd0a03a90",
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  55. "count": 1,
  56. "date": "2018-05-24T20:40:59.713+07:00",
  57. "htmlbody": "",
  58. "starred": false,
  59. "subject": "RapidSSL Wildcard order received for Domain *",
  60. "textbody": "ORDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT\r\n\r\nOrder Reference Number: 16978566\r\n\r\nThank you for your SSL Certificate order. This email is an acknowledgement that you have placed an order. This email also contains important information on how to complete your order and receive your certificate.\r\n\r\nWe will send an Approval Request email before the order can be completed:\r\n\r\nApprover Email\r\n-----------------------------------------------------\r\nWe will send an Approver email to the designated APPROVER email address. You would have already selected the Approver email address during enrollment. This would either be:\r\n\r\n- The email address associated with your WHOIS contact (if you are unsure, you can check this address by searching the WHOIS database at\r\n\r\n- A generic email address such as,,,, or\r\n\r\nUnless the Approver receives this email and approves the application by clicking on the link within the email, YOUR CERTIFICATE CANNOT BE ISSUED. If you own the Approver email address please check any spam filters and virus protection folders in case the email has been quarantined.\r\n\r\n***Please note that orders that are flagged by RapidSSL for manual security audit may take longer than 10 minutes.***\r\n\r\nTRACK THE STATUS OF YOUR ORDER ONLINE: visit to view the status of your order and any comments published by our support team about the authentication process.\r\n\r\nThank you again for your order. If you require assistance, please contact RapidSSL Wildcard support using the details below.\r\n\r\nThank you,\r\nRapidSSL Support\r\n",
  61. "unread": true
  62. },
  63. {
  64. "_id": "2e0bdd15-f3e9-46f9-889b-6463d2704785",
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  74. "count": 1,
  75. "date": "2018-05-24T20:40:59.713+07:00",
  76. "htmlbody": "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">\r\n<html xmlns=\"\">\r\n<head>\r\n <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\r\n <title>RapidSSL Request</title>\r\n <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\" />\r\n <meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\" />\r\n</head>\r\n<body style=\"margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;margin-left:0;margin-right:0;\">\r\n <div>\r\n Hello,\r\nWe've received a RapidSSL certificate request for\r\nOrder info:\r\nDomain name:\r\nOrder number: 16978566\r\nOrdered on: 24 May 2018\r\nContact: Yohanes Papang\r\nCertificate type: DV\r\n\r\nWhat's next?\r\nBefore we can issue your certificate, approve the request to verify that you control\r\nView the order details and complete the request here (link is valid for 30 days):\r\n\r\nContact us if you have questions or need to reject the request here:\r\n\r\nThank you,\r\nRapidSSL Customer Support\r\n\r\nSupport ID: 5627-9239-9254-1421\r\n </div>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n",
  77. "starred": false,
  78. "subject": "Subject: [Action Required]: Approve Certificate Request for (Order #16978566)",
  79. "textbody": "Hello,\r\nWe've received a RapidSSL certificate request for\r\nOrder info:\r\nDomain name:\r\nOrder number: 16978566\r\nOrdered on: 24 May 2018\r\nContact: Yohanes Papang\r\nCertificate type: DV\r\n\r\nWhat's next?\r\nBefore we can issue your certificate, approve the request to verify that you control\r\nView the order details and complete the request here (link is valid for 30 days):\r\n\r\nContact us if you have questions or need to reject the request here:\r\n\r\nThank you,\r\nRapidSSL Customer Support\r\n\r\nSupport ID: 5627-9239-9254-1421\r\n",
  80. "unread": true
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