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Riona Introduction

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Mar 5th, 2023
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  3. Hey everybody! It's Riona Hoshimiya, the one and only face of Riona Corp! I'm super excited to dive into your comments and give you all the answers you've been craving. So what are we waiting for? Let's read them!
  5. "Hey there, Riona! I'm in a bit of a pickle. You see, I lost a special keepsake that my mother gave me - a bronze ring - and I'm pretty sure my Riona accidentally threw it away while cleaning up my apartment. I feel terrible because I might have said some harsh things to her in the heat of the moment, but I know it's really my fault for not being more organized. Unfortunately, the garbage truck has already taken the trash, so I have no way of finding it. I just wanted to remind everyone to learn from my mistake and make sure to separate your important belongings from the rest of the rubbish."
  7. Oh no, that's such a bummer! I'm sorry to have heard that, sir. But hey, you're totally right - it's veeery important to keep your precious items separated from all the trash you have around your home! *sigh* Men. Rionas are amazing helpers, but they're far from perfect. They're essentially replicas of me, so they're just as human as you and me! It's best if you work together with your Riona and don't leave them entirely to their own accord. Let's keep the teamwork going with your Rionas, people!
  10. Time for the second question!
  11. "Lol, hey Riona are you a masochist? I've heard you-"
  13. ...
  15. Okay... alright. Newbies, listen up! I'm begging you, please don't ask me that same old question they keep regurgitating! I swear I've answered it like a bazillion times! (And honestly, shame on those moderators for letting those repetitive questions slide... tsk.) Let's keep it fresh and exciting guys...
  18. "Riona, I hate to bring this up, but I've been hearing some pretty wild rumors lately. Word on the interwebs is that someone's mind-controlling you and forcing you to maintain this facade of being totally cool with people using your likeness as their own personal girlfriends and... ahem... 'fap material.' It's pretty dehumanizing, don't you think? And let's be real - it's definitely sexist for Riona Corp to be using your image in this way. Can you shed some light on what's really going on here?"
  20. Huh, I get some pretty crazy conspiracy theories thrown my way from time to time, but this one... is special. Mind control? Are you kidding me?! Let's be real here, folks. As for the whole girlfriend and fap material thing... Well, I gotta admit, it's kinda flattering! I mean, the fact that my clones can stir up such strong sexual desires is quite the compliment, don't you think? And let's not forget - our CEO named the company after ME, not him! Clearly, I'm a pretty big deal around here.
  23. "Hey Riona, your clones have really helped many men (and women?), be it satisfying their libido or their need for love and companionship. And the fact that we can design our very own dream girl is absolutely amazing. For me, it's all about having an obedient maid who can whip up a mean meal and keep me company. But I don't think that's enough though, so I went to my local Rio-wisp and gave my Riona a couple of Striker powers to protect me from muggers because I've been living in the shittier parts of Brockton Bay. She never fails to save my ass. How about you, Riona? Your clones have really helped us, but do you also have someone who you could lean on?"
  25. Hmmm, as a celebrity, I've got a whole entourage of bodyguards to keep me safe, but we're not exactly snuggling up at night. So do I want an intimate companion like you have? Hmm, I gotta say, I'm already living the high life...
  27. I don't think I need anyone else.
  29. But hey, you gotta get yourself a Riona doll, folks! They'll revolutionize your world and make everything ten times easier. And don't forget to tune in for more of these Q&A sessions, they're always a blast.
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