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- using SophiApp.Dto;
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Management.Automation;
- using System.Threading;
- using Windows.ApplicationModel;
- using Windows.Foundation;
- using Windows.Management.Deployment;
- namespace SophiApp.Helpers
- {
- internal class UwpHelper
- {
- internal static Package GetPackage(string packageName)
- {
- var sid = OsHelper.GetCurrentUserSid().Value;
- var packageManager = new PackageManager();
- return packageManager.FindPackagesForUser(sid)
- .First(package => package.Id.Name.Equals(packageName));
- }
- internal static IEnumerable<UwpElementDto> GetPackagesDto(bool forAllUsers = false)
- {
- var currentUserScript = @"# The following UWP apps will be excluded from the display
- $ExcludedAppxPackages = @(
- # Microsoft Desktop App Installer
- 'Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller',
- # Store Experience Host
- 'Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp',
- # Notepad
- 'Microsoft.WindowsNotepad',
- # Microsoft Store
- 'Microsoft.WindowsStore',
- # Windows Terminal
- 'Microsoft.WindowsTerminal',
- 'Microsoft.WindowsTerminalPreview',
- # Web Media Extensions
- 'Microsoft.WebMediaExtensions'
- )
- $AppxPackages = Get-AppxPackage -PackageTypeFilter Bundle | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -notin $ExcludedAppxPackages}
- # The Bundle packages contains no Microsoft Teams
- if (Get-AppxPackage -Name MicrosoftTeams -AllUsers:$false)
- {
- # Temporarily hack: due to the fact that there are actually two Microsoft Teams packages, we need to choose the first one to display
- $AppxPackages += Get-AppxPackage -Name MicrosoftTeams -AllUsers:$false | Select-Object -Index 0
- }
- # The Bundle packages contains no Spotify
- if (Get-AppxPackage -Name SpotifyAB.SpotifyMusic -AllUsers:$false)
- {
- # Temporarily hack: due to the fact that there are actually two Microsoft Teams packages, we need to choose the first one to display
- $AppxPackages += Get-AppxPackage -Name SpotifyAB.SpotifyMusic -AllUsers:$false | Select-Object -Index 0
- }
- $PackagesIds = [Windows.Management.Deployment.PackageManager, Windows.Web, ContentType = WindowsRuntime]::new().FindPackages() | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, Logo -ExpandProperty Id | Select-Object -Property Name, DisplayName, Logo
- foreach ($AppxPackage in $AppxPackages)
- {
- $PackageId = $PackagesIds | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq $AppxPackage.Name}
- if (-not $PackageId)
- {
- continue
- }
- [PSCustomObject]@{
- Name = $AppxPackage.Name
- PackageFullName = $AppxPackage.PackageFullName
- Logo = $PackageId.Logo
- DisplayName = $PackageId.DisplayName
- }
- }";
- var allUsersScript = @"# The following UWP apps will be excluded from the display
- $ExcludedAppxPackages = @(
- # Microsoft Desktop App Installer
- 'Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller',
- # Store Experience Host
- 'Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp',
- # Notepad
- 'Microsoft.WindowsNotepad',
- # Microsoft Store
- 'Microsoft.WindowsStore',
- # Windows Terminal
- 'Microsoft.WindowsTerminal',
- 'Microsoft.WindowsTerminalPreview',
- # Web Media Extensions
- 'Microsoft.WebMediaExtensions'
- )
- $AppxPackages = Get-AppxPackage -PackageTypeFilter Bundle -AllUsers | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -notin $ExcludedAppxPackages}
- # The Bundle packages contains no Microsoft Teams
- if (Get-AppxPackage -Name MicrosoftTeams -AllUsers:$true)
- {
- # Temporarily hack: due to the fact that there are actually two Microsoft Teams packages, we need to choose the first one to display
- $AppxPackages += Get-AppxPackage -Name MicrosoftTeams -AllUsers:$true | Select-Object -Index 0
- }
- # The Bundle packages contains no Spotify
- if (Get-AppxPackage -Name SpotifyAB.SpotifyMusic -AllUsers:$true)
- {
- # Temporarily hack: due to the fact that there are actually two Microsoft Teams packages, we need to choose the first one to display
- $AppxPackages += Get-AppxPackage -Name SpotifyAB.SpotifyMusic -AllUsers:$true | Select-Object -Index 0
- }
- $PackagesIds = [Windows.Management.Deployment.PackageManager, Windows.Web, ContentType = WindowsRuntime]::new().FindPackages() | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, Logo -ExpandProperty Id | Select-Object -Property Name, DisplayName, Logo
- foreach ($AppxPackage in $AppxPackages)
- {
- $PackageId = $PackagesIds | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq $AppxPackage.Name}
- if (-not $PackageId)
- {
- continue
- }
- [PSCustomObject]@{
- Name = $AppxPackage.Name
- PackageFullName = $AppxPackage.PackageFullName
- Logo = $PackageId.Logo
- DisplayName = $PackageId.DisplayName
- }
- }";
- return PowerShell.Create()
- .AddScript(forAllUsers ? allUsersScript : currentUserScript)
- .Invoke()
- .Where(uwp => uwp.Properties["Logo"].Value != null)
- .Select(uwp => new UwpElementDto()
- {
- Name = uwp.Properties["Name"].Value as string,
- PackageFullName = uwp.Properties["PackageFullName"].Value as string,
- Logo = uwp.Properties["Logo"].Value.GetFirstValue<Uri>(),
- DisplayName = uwp.Properties["DisplayName"].Value.GetFirstValue<string>()
- });
- }
- internal static void InstallPackage(string package)
- {
- var packageUri = new Uri(package);
- var packageManager = new PackageManager();
- var deploymentOperation = packageManager.AddPackageAsync(packageUri, null, DeploymentOptions.None);
- var opCompletedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
- deploymentOperation.Completed = (depProgress, status) => { opCompletedEvent.Set(); };
- opCompletedEvent.WaitOne();
- }
- internal static bool PackageExist(string packageName)
- {
- var sid = OsHelper.GetCurrentUserSid().Value;
- var packageManager = new PackageManager();
- return packageManager.FindPackagesForUser(sid)
- .Where(package => package.Id.Name == packageName)
- .Count() > 0;
- }
- internal static void RemovePackage(string packageFullName, bool allUsers)
- {
- var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
- var packageManager = new PackageManager();
- var deploymentOperation = packageManager.RemovePackageAsync(packageFullName, allUsers ? RemovalOptions.RemoveForAllUsers : RemovalOptions.None);
- var opCompletedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
- deploymentOperation.Completed = (depProgress, status) => { opCompletedEvent.Set(); };
- opCompletedEvent.WaitOne();
- stopwatch.Stop();
- if (deploymentOperation.Status == AsyncStatus.Error)
- {
- var deploymentResult = deploymentOperation.GetResults();
- DebugHelper.UwpRemovedHasException(packageFullName, deploymentResult.ErrorText);
- return;
- }
- DebugHelper.UwpRemoved(packageFullName, stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, deploymentOperation.Status);
- }
- }
- }
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