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a guest
May 21st, 2018
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  1. .text:0040E830 key_check proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_40F260+67p
  2. .text:0040E830 ; sub_40F320+58p ...
  3. .text:0040E830
  4. .text:0040E830 var_A14 = dword ptr -0A14h
  5. .text:0040E830 var_810 = dword ptr -810h
  6. .text:0040E830 var_60C = dword ptr -60Ch
  7. .text:0040E830 var_408 = dword ptr -408h
  8. .text:0040E830 var_204 = dword ptr -204h
  9. .text:0040E830 arg_0 = byte ptr 4
  10. .text:0040E830
  11. .text:0040E830 sub esp, 0A14h
  12. .text:0040E836 cmp eax, 4
  13. .text:0040E839 jnz short loc_40E851
  14. .text:0040E83B push edi
  15. .text:0040E83C push offset aNoLicenseOrAct ; "No license or active evalution found. P"...
  16. .text:0040E841 push ebx
  17. .text:0040E842 call sub_42DFA0
  18. .text:0040E847 add esp, 0Ch
  19. .text:0040E84A add esp, 0A14h
  20. .text:0040E850 retn
  21. .text:0040E851 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. .text:0040E851
  23. .text:0040E851 loc_40E851: ; CODE XREF: key_check+9j
  24. .text:0040E851 cmp eax, 2
  25. .text:0040E854 jnz short loc_40E86C
  26. .text:0040E856 push edi
  27. .text:0040E857 push offset aYourLicenseWas ; "Your license was purchased for a much o"...
  28. .text:0040E85C push ebx
  29. .text:0040E85D call sub_42DFA0
  30. .text:0040E862 add esp, 0Ch
  31. .text:0040E865 add esp, 0A14h
  32. .text:0040E86B retn
  33. .text:0040E86C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. .text:0040E86C
  35. .text:0040E86C loc_40E86C: ; CODE XREF: key_check+24j
  36. .text:0040E86C cmp eax, 3
  37. .text:0040E86F jnz short loc_40E887
  38. .text:0040E871 push edi
  39. .text:0040E872 push offset aYourLicenseFor ; "Your license for SftpDrive has expired."...
  40. .text:0040E877 push ebx
  41. .text:0040E878 call sub_42DFA0
  42. .text:0040E87D add esp, 0Ch
  43. .text:0040E880 add esp, 0A14h
  44. .text:0040E886 retn
  45. .text:0040E887 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. .text:0040E887
  47. .text:0040E887 loc_40E887: ; CODE XREF: key_check+3Fj
  48. .text:0040E887 cmp eax, 1
  49. .text:0040E88A jnz loc_40E913
  50. .text:0040E890 push 0
  51. .text:0040E892 call sub_430474
  52. .text:0040E897 mov ecx, [esi+4]
  53. .text:0040E89A sub ecx, eax
  54. .text:0040E89C mov eax, 0C22E4507h
  55. .text:0040E8A1 imul ecx
  56. .text:0040E8A3 add edx, ecx
  57. .text:0040E8A5 sar edx, 10h
  58. .text:0040E8A8 mov eax, edx
  59. .text:0040E8AA shr eax, 1Fh
  60. .text:0040E8AD add eax, edx
  61. .text:0040E8AF add esp, 4
  62. .text:0040E8B2 test eax, eax
  63. .text:0040E8B4 jle short loc_40E8DA
  64. .text:0040E8B6 push 0
  65. .text:0040E8B8 call sub_430474
  66. .text:0040E8BD mov ecx, [esi+4]
  67. .text:0040E8C0 sub ecx, eax
  68. .text:0040E8C2 mov eax, 0C22E4507h
  69. .text:0040E8C7 imul ecx
  70. .text:0040E8C9 add edx, ecx
  71. .text:0040E8CB sar edx, 10h
  72. .text:0040E8CE mov eax, edx
  73. .text:0040E8D0 shr eax, 1Fh
  74. .text:0040E8D3 add esp, 4
  75. .text:0040E8D6 add eax, edx
  76. .text:0040E8D8 jmp short loc_40E8DC
  77. .text:0040E8DA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. .text:0040E8DA
  79. .text:0040E8DA loc_40E8DA: ; CODE XREF: key_check+84j
  80. .text:0040E8DA xor eax, eax
  81. .text:0040E8DC
  82. .text:0040E8DC loc_40E8DC: ; CODE XREF: key_check+A8j
  83. .text:0040E8DC cmp byte ptr [esp+0A18h], 1
  84. .text:0040E8E4 push eax
  85. .text:0040E8E5 jnz short loc_40E8FD
  86. .text:0040E8E7 push offset aYourEvaluation ; "Your evaluation period has %d days left"...
  87. .text:0040E8EC push edi
  88. .text:0040E8ED push ebx
  89. .text:0040E8EE call sub_42DFD0
  90. .text:0040E8F3 add esp, 10h
  91. .text:0040E8F6 add esp, 0A14h
  92. .text:0040E8FC retn
  93. .text:0040E8FD ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. .text:0040E8FD
  95. .text:0040E8FD loc_40E8FD: ; CODE XREF: key_check+B5j
  96. .text:0040E8FD push offset aYourEvaluati_0 ; "Your evaluation period has %d days left"...
  97. .text:0040E902 push edi
  98. .text:0040E903 push ebx
  99. .text:0040E904 call sub_42DFD0
  100. .text:0040E909 add esp, 10h
  101. .text:0040E90C add esp, 0A14h
  102. .text:0040E912 retn
  103. .text:0040E913 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. .text:0040E913
  105. .text:0040E913 loc_40E913: ; CODE XREF: key_check+5Aj
  106. .text:0040E913 mov ecx, dword_456054
  107. .text:0040E919 movzx edx, word ptr [esi+0Ch]
  108. .text:0040E91D push ecx
  109. .text:0040E91E push edx
  110. .text:0040E91F push offset aSftpdriveD_D ; "SftpDrive %d.%d"
  111. .text:0040E924 lea eax, [esp+81Ch]
  112. .text:0040E92B push 201h
  113. .text:0040E930 push eax
  114. .text:0040E931 call sub_42DFD0
  115. .text:0040E936 mov eax, [esi+10h]
  116. .text:0040E939 add esp, 14h
  117. .text:0040E93C test eax, eax
  118. .text:0040E93E jnz short loc_40E959
  119. .text:0040E940 push 201h
  120. .text:0040E945 lea ecx, [esp+4]
  121. .text:0040E949 push offset aAnyComputerInY ; "any computer in your organization"
  122. .text:0040E94E push ecx
  123. .text:0040E94F call sub_42DFA0
  124. .text:0040E954 add esp, 0Ch
  125. .text:0040E957 jmp short loc_40E98F
  126. .text:0040E959 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  127. .text:0040E959
  128. .text:0040E959 loc_40E959: ; CODE XREF: key_check+10Ej
  129. .text:0040E959 cmp eax, 1
  130. .text:0040E95C jnz short loc_40E977
  131. .text:0040E95E push 201h
  132. .text:0040E963 lea edx, [esp+4]
  133. .text:0040E967 push offset aOnlyOneCompute ; "only one computer"
  134. .text:0040E96C push edx
  135. .text:0040E96D call sub_42DFA0
  136. .text:0040E972 add esp, 0Ch
  137. .text:0040E975 jmp short loc_40E98F
  138. .text:0040E977 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  139. .text:0040E977
  140. .text:0040E977 loc_40E977: ; CODE XREF: key_check+12Cj
  141. .text:0040E977 push eax
  142. .text:0040E978 push offset aDComputers ; "%d computers"
  143. .text:0040E97D lea eax, [esp+8]
  144. .text:0040E981 push 201h
  145. .text:0040E986 push eax
  146. .text:0040E987 call sub_42DFD0
  147. .text:0040E98C add esp, 10h
  148. .text:0040E98F
  149. .text:0040E98F loc_40E98F: ; CODE XREF: key_check+127j
  150. .text:0040E98F ; key_check+145j
  151. .text:0040E98F cmp dword ptr [esi+8], 0
  152. .text:0040E993 jz loc_40EA23
  153. .text:0040E999 push esi
  154. .text:0040E99A call sub_430D2E
  155. .text:0040E99F push eax
  156. .text:0040E9A0 push offset aBDY ; "%B %#d, %Y"
  157. .text:0040E9A5 lea ecx, [esp+618h]
  158. .text:0040E9AC push 201h
  159. .text:0040E9B1 push ecx
  160. .text:0040E9B2 call sub_4318B0
  161. .text:0040E9B7 lea edx, [esi+4]
  162. .text:0040E9BA push edx
  163. .text:0040E9BB call sub_430D2E
  164. .text:0040E9C0 push eax
  165. .text:0040E9C1 push offset aBDY ; "%B %#d, %Y"
  166. .text:0040E9C6 lea eax, [esp+428h]
  167. .text:0040E9CD push 201h
  168. .text:0040E9D2 push eax
  169. .text:0040E9D3 call sub_4318B0
  170. .text:0040E9D8 mov eax, 4418A47Bh
  171. .text:0040E9DD mul dword ptr [esi+8]
  172. .text:0040E9E0 shr edx, 17h
  173. .text:0040E9E3 add esp, 28h
  174. .text:0040E9E6 cmp edx, 1
  175. .text:0040E9E9 mov eax, offset aYear ; "year"
  176. .text:0040E9EE jz short loc_40E9F5
  177. .text:0040E9F0 mov eax, offset aYears ; "years"
  178. .text:0040E9F5
  179. .text:0040E9F5 loc_40E9F5: ; CODE XREF: key_check+1BEj
  180. .text:0040E9F5 lea ecx, [esp+408h]
  181. .text:0040E9FC push ecx
  182. .text:0040E9FD lea ecx, [esp+610h]
  183. .text:0040EA04 push ecx
  184. .text:0040EA05 push eax
  185. .text:0040EA06 push edx
  186. .text:0040EA07 push offset aUntilDSFromThe ; " until %d %s from the date of purchase."...
  187. .text:0040EA0C lea edx, [esp+218h]
  188. .text:0040EA13 push 201h
  189. .text:0040EA18 push edx
  190. .text:0040EA19 call sub_42DFD0
  191. .text:0040EA1E add esp, 1Ch
  192. .text:0040EA21 jmp short loc_40EA3D
  193. .text:0040EA23 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  194. .text:0040EA23
  195. .text:0040EA23 loc_40EA23: ; CODE XREF: key_check+163j
  196. .text:0040EA23 push 201h
  197. .text:0040EA28 lea eax, [esp+208h]
  198. .text:0040EA2F push offset a__0 ; "."
  199. .text:0040EA34 push eax
  200. .text:0040EA35 call sub_42DFA0
  201. .text:0040EA3A add esp, 0Ch
  202. .text:0040EA3D
  203. .text:0040EA3D loc_40EA3D: ; CODE XREF: key_check+1F1j
  204. .text:0040EA3D lea ecx, [esp+204h]
  205. .text:0040EA44 push ecx
  206. .text:0040EA45 lea edx, [esp+4]
  207. .text:0040EA49 push edx
  208. .text:0040EA4A lea eax, [esp+818h]
  209. .text:0040EA51 push eax
  210. .text:0040EA52 push offset aThankYouForBuy ; "Thank you for buying SftpDrive!\r\n\r\nThis"...
  211. .text:0040EA57 push edi
  212. .text:0040EA58 push ebx
  213. .text:0040EA59 call sub_42DFD0
  214. .text:0040EA5E add esp, 18h
  215. .text:0040EA61 add esp, 0A14h
  216. .text:0040EA67 retn
  217. .text:0040EA67 key_check endp ; sp = 0A14h
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