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Mar 21st, 2019
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  1. # This is a template config file
  2. # define your parameter and its value like:
  4. ###########################
  5. # Help Messages used by the plugin
  6. ###########################
  7. HelpMessages:
  8. banner:
  9. msg: "&7&m=== &7[&bModernCoins Help&7] &7&m==="
  10. help:
  11. msg: "/tokenenchant or /tokenenchant help : display this help menu."
  12. reload:
  13. msg: "/tokenenchant reload : reloads config file."
  14. permission: "tokenenchant.reload"
  15. set:
  16. msg: "/tokenenchant set <name> <amount> : sets <name> <amount> tokens."
  17. permission: "tokenenchant.add"
  18. add:
  19. msg: "/tokenenchant add <name> <amount> : adds <name> <amount> tokens."
  20. permission: "tokenenchant.add"
  21. pay:
  22. msg: "/tokenenchant pay <name> <amount> : pay <name> <amount> tokens."
  23. permission: ""
  24. remove:
  25. msg: "/tokenenchant remove <name> <amount> : removes <name> <amount> tokens from <name>."
  26. permission: "tokenenchant.add"
  27. balance:
  28. msg: "/tokenenchant balance [name] : displays the token balance of yourself or [name]."
  29. permission: "tokenenchant.balance"
  30. withdraw:
  31. msg: "/tokenenchant withdraw <amount> [drop] : withdraws the specified amount of tokens from your account."
  32. permission: "tokenenchant.withdraw"
  33. expexchange:
  34. msg: "/tokenenchant expexchange : exchanges the current EXP values to tokens."
  35. permission: "tokenenchant.expexchange"
  36. givetokens:
  37. msg: "/tokenenchant givetokens <name> <amount> : gives <name> <amount> tokens."
  38. permission: "tokenenchant.expexchange"
  39. enchant:
  40. msg: "/tokenenchant enchant [name] <enchant> [level] [cost:xxx] : enchants the item <name> is holding with <enchant>."
  41. permission: "tokenenchant.enchant"
  42. repair:
  43. msg: "/tokenenchant repair [name] [free] : repairs all the enchantments of the item <name> is holding."
  44. permission: ""
  45. refund:
  46. msg: "/tokenenchant refund [name] <enchant> [level]: refund <name> for the enchantment <enchant>. If [level] is not specified, level = 1."
  47. permission: "tokenenchant.refund"
  48. givebp:
  49. msg: "/tokenenchant givebp <name> <row> [bpname] cost:xxx : gives <name> a backpacked named [bpname] of size <row> costing xxx."
  50. permission: "tokenenchant.givebp"
  51. baltop:
  52. msg: "/tokenenchant baltop : list top token balance."
  53. permission: "tokenenchant.baltop"
  54. giveall:
  55. msg: "/tokenenchant giveall <amount> : give <amount> tokens to all online players."
  56. permission: "tokenenchant.giveall"
  57. list:
  58. msg: "/tokenenchant list : lists currently registered enchantments."
  59. permission: "tokenenchant.list"
  60. tosql:
  61. msg: "/tokenenchant tosql [add] : transfer userdata/*.yml to SQL database. If [add] was provided, the data from userdata/*.yml will be added."
  62. permission: "tokenenchant.tosql"
  63. news:
  64. msg: "/tokenenchant news : display the news associated with the current release."
  65. permission: ""
  68. ###########################
  69. # Messages used by the plugin
  70. ###########################
  71. Messages:
  72. ErrorMessage: "&c &b» &7 : Some error occured."
  73. SelfBalance: "&b» &7Hai &b%token% &7ModernCoins."
  74. NoOthersBalance: "&c&b» &7Non puoi vedere quanti ModernCoins possiedono gli altri."
  75. NoTargetPlayer: "&b» &7Specifica un bersaglio."
  76. PlayerOffline: "&b» &e%player% &7è offline."
  77. PlayerNotFound: "&b» &e%player% &7non presente nei database."
  78. Balance: "&b» &e%player% &7possiede &b%token% &7ModernCoins."
  79. SetSuccess: "&b» &7Hai impostato le ModernCoins di &b%player% &7a &b%token%&7."
  80. AddSuccess: "&b» &7Hai aggiunto &b%token% &7ModernCoins al bilancio di &b%player%&7."
  81. PaySuccess: "&b» &7Hai dato &b%token% &7ModernCoins a &b%player%&7." # or %receipient%
  82. Received: "&b» &7Hai ricevuto &b%token% &7ModernCoins da &b%sender%&7."
  83. Deducted: "&b» &b%token% &7ModernCoins rimosse dal tuo bilancio."
  84. RemoveSuccess: "&b» &7&b%token% &7ModernCoins rimosse dal bilancio di &b%player%&7."
  85. NotEnoughTokens: "&b» &7Ti servono &b%needed% &7ModernCoins per questo enchant."
  86. NotEnoughTokenItems: "&b» &7 You do not have enough token items. You need at least %needed% token item(s)."
  87. NotEnoughExpLevels: "&b» &7Non possiedi &bEXP levels &7sufficienti. Te ne servono almeno &b%exp_needed%&7."
  88. WithdrawSuccess: "&b» &7Hai prelevato &b%tokens% &7ModernCoins."
  89. InventoryFull: "&b» &7Spazio inventario insufficiente."
  90. ExchangeSuccess: "&b» &7b%token% &7ModernCoins aggiunte al tuo bilanco."
  91. NeedToHoldItem: "&b» &7Non puoi enchantare un item senza tenerlo in mano."
  92. CannotEnchantThis: "&b» &cQuesto oggetto non può essere enchantato."
  93. CannotRepairThis: "&b» &cQuesto oggetto non può essere riparato."
  94. EnchantSuccess:
  95. msg: "&b» &a+&b%addedlevel% %enchant%&7. ModernCoins spesi: &b%token%&7."
  96. sound: LEVEL_UP
  97. RepairSuccess: "&b» &7Item riparato. Costo riparazione: &b%token% &7ModernCoins."
  98. MaxedOut: "&b» &7Hai già raggiunto &ail livello massimo &7di questo enchant."
  99. NoPermission: "&b» &cNon hai il permesso."
  100. NoSuchEnchant: "&c[TE-Admin] That (&e%enchant%&c) is not a valid enchant. Please specify the enchant listed in the config file."
  101. TokenItemsGiven: "&a&b» &7 &e%tokenitems% &atoken items were given to &e%player%&a."
  102. NopriceSet: "&b» &7Prezzo non configurato."
  103. CommandSuccess: "&b» &7 &e%command%&a was executed, and it cost &e%token% tokens."
  104. NeedPermission: "&a&b» &7 You need a permission &etokenenchant.alias.command.%command% &ato use this command &e%command%&a."
  105. CannotRefundThis: "&c&b» &7Rimborso manuale non supportato."
  106. RefundSuccess: "&a&b» &7 &e - %refundlevel% &d%enchant% &aenchantment level. %token% tokens have been refunded."
  107. BackPackGiven: "&a&b» &7 %player% has given a backpack and %token% toknes has been deducted."
  108. VKBackPackNotFound: "&a&b» &7 VKBackPack plugin was not found."
  109. TokenBalTopHeader: "&a&b» &7 Token Balance Top - page:%page%/%total%-"
  110. TokenBalTopList: "%rank%. %name%, %balance%"
  111. TokenBalTopTypeMore: "&a&b» &7 Type &c/te baltop %next% &ato read the next page."
  112. OnlyOneAtTheTime: "&c&b» &7 Only one item can be enchanted at the time."
  113. CannotAddMoreEnchant: "&c&b» &7 You cannot add anymore than &e%max%&c custom enchantments!"
  114. CannotUseMoreEnchant:
  115. msg: "&c&b» &7 You cannot use an item with enchants more than &e%max%&c."
  116. sound: ITEM_BREAK
  117. CEListHeader: "&a&b» &7 Resistered Custom Enchantments - page:%page%/%total%-"
  118. CEListList: "%name% (%version%), max:%max%, %description%"
  119. CEListTypeMore: "&a&b» &7 Type &c/te list %next% &ato read the next page."
  123. ###############################
  124. # Data Storage
  125. ###############################
  126. DatabaseConfig:
  127. MySQL:
  128. host: x
  129. port: x
  130. user: x
  131. password: x
  132. database: x
  133. tokentable: x
  135. #
  136. # if UseToken is true, the plugin use its own tokens, if it's false
  137. # it uses economy thorugh Vault
  138. UseToken: true
  140. # if this option is true, the cost of enchant is dynamically calculated
  141. # and displayed at where {ench_cost} is specified on the sign.
  142. UseDynamicSignUpdate: true
  144. Currency: token # token, money, or (exp...not supported atm)
  147. # formating of number
  148. BeautifyNumber: false
  149. MaxCharLength: 4;
  150. # the folloiwngs are units of order.
  151. OrderChars:
  152. - k
  153. - M
  154. - B
  155. - T
  156. - Q
  157. - P
  158. - E
  159. - Z
  162. EnchantSign: "&8[&9ME&8]"
  163. CostPlaceHolder: "{ench_cost}"
  164. #
  165. ExchangeSign: "&8[&9Scambio&8]"
  166. ExchangeRate: 1
  167. RatePlaceHolder: "{ex_rate}"
  168. #
  169. ExpExchangeSign: "[&9EXP Exch&8]"
  170. ExpExchangeRate: 20
  171. ExpRatePlaceHolder: "{exp_rate}"
  172. #
  173. WithdrawSign: "&8[&9Preleva&8]"
  174. #
  175. RepairSign: "&8[&9Ripara&8]"
  176. RepairBase: 1
  177. RepairDiscount: 0.05
  178. RepairRatePlaceHolder: "{rep_rate}"
  179. #
  180. #
  181. TokenItem: NETHER_STAR
  182. TokenItemName: "&bMineCoin"
  183. TokenItemLore: "&b» &7Click destro! :D"
  185. #
  186. # Enchantment lore prefix
  187. EnchantmentLorePrefix: "&c"
  189. #
  190. #
  191. # option to force remove potion effects at the login
  192. ForceRemovePotionAtJoin : true
  193. #
  195. # option to use WorldGuard region
  196. # Use WorldGuard's new block-break flag, otherwise, use canBuild check instead
  197. UseWorldGuardNewFlag: true
  200. # If UseRomanNumeral is true, arabic number will be converted into roman numeral.
  201. UseRomanNumeral: true
  202. # if PureRomanNumeral is true, 1 - 3998 will be converted to RomanNumeral
  203. PureRomanNumeral: false
  205. # if CustomEnchantDisplay is true, TE will use HideFlag option to hide the native enchantment name
  206. # and use custom enchantment name using the lore.
  207. # also it will convert into xxxx
  208. # default : true
  209. CustomEnchantDisplay: true
  211. #
  212. UseEnchantGlowForPotion: true
  213. #
  214. MaxEnchantLevel: 100
  216. #
  217. UseEnchantmentTable: false
  218. DefaultEnchantChance: 1.0
  219. UseTokenEnchantSettingForVanillaEnchant: true
  222. # if this option is true, TEBlockExplodeEvent will be handled by TokenEnchant
  223. # if you want other plugin to handle TEBlockExplodeEvent, set it to false;
  224. PickupTEExplodedBlocks: true
  227. # if you want TE to handle TEBlockExplodeEvent, make sure the following option has lower event priority
  228. # than other plugins, which might also be listening to TEBlockExplodeEvent.
  229. # @Deprecated
  230. # this option is no longer used as of TE 13.7.0
  231. # To contol the even priority use event_map: option (example is given under Explosive:, and Excavation:)
  232. #
  233. # TEBlockExplodeEventPriority: MONITOR
  235. # fly permission node
  236. # if a player has the following permission node, his fly own't be turned off
  237. FlyPermissionNode:
  238. - ""
  240. #
  241. TokenFormula:
  242. # Valid values are: LINEAR and EXPONENTIAL
  243. # If an invalid value is entered, this will reset to the default setting, which is LINEAR
  244. # CONSTANT: price
  245. # LINEAR: price + (level * price)
  246. # EXPONENTIAL: price + price * level ^ exponent
  247. # EXPONENTIAL2: price * 2 ^ (level - 1)
  248. Curve: Linear
  250. Constant:
  251. Linear:
  252. Exponential:
  253. exponent: 1.80
  256. # if this option is true, when you tried to enchant an item, which already has enchantment
  257. # level, the excess enchantment level will be removed and set to the max level.
  258. CapOverEnchant: true
  261. # Refund related
  262. AllowRefund: true
  263. RefundRate: 1.0
  265. # default values
  266. DefaultPotionDuration: 200
  267. DefaultPotionAmplifier: 2
  269. # option to limit the number of custom enchants on an item.
  270. # The number of max enchants can be specified with permission nodes.
  271. # tokenenchant.multiple_enchants.x
  272. # if the permission node does not exist, the default number will be applied
  273. # tokenenchant.multiple_enchants.x : x should not exceed MaximumMaxNumberOfEnchants
  274. # if AllowOverMaxEnchantUse is true, you can use the item which exceeds custom enchants
  275. # but you will not be able to add more custom enchants.
  276. ApplyMaxNumberOfEnchants: false
  277. MaximumMaxNumberOfEnchants: 10
  278. DefaultMaxNumberOfEnchants: 3
  279. ExcludeVanilla: true
  280. AllowOverMaxEnchantUse: true
  283. # Friendly fire option
  284. # it currently supports Factions plugin and mcMMO's party
  285. # if FriendlyFire is set to "true", you cannot harm your faction members or mcMMO party member.
  286. FriendlyFire_Faction: true
  287. FriendlyFire_McMMO: true
  289. # Prevents self damaging initiating custom effect (default : true)
  290. # if this option is set to true, when you damage yourself effects on your armors/toos won't be activated
  291. # (cases like ender pearling, shooting yourself.... all damages are given but and effects won't be activated)
  292. IgnoreSelfDamage: true
  295. #
  296. # Merge mode: when two items of the same type is merged in anvil, NONE, ADD, MAX, VANILLA
  297. MergeMode: NONE
  299. #
  300. # the mode of permission node for each effect, default=ENCHANT
  301. # ENCHANT : the permission node is considered to determine whether a player can enchant or deenchant
  302. # USE : the permission node is considered to determine whether a player can use the effect or not.
  303. PermissionMode: ENCHANT
  305. #
  306. # Command execution with token
  307. # This format is from a plugin called Aliazes.
  308. # default permission for each command te.command.<cmd>
  309. # If you crate an alias "cmd:" as shown beloe, you need to give a permission
  310. # node "tokenenchant.alias.command.cmd" to a player
  311. #
  312. #cmd: <-- The command.
  313. # price: 20 <-- The amount of toke a player needs to execute this command.
  314. # permission: <-- Permissions section, if this section is not defined, individual permission system will be used, e.g. "te.command.cmd"
  315. # - te.command.user <-- For users, this permission should be added as default.
  316. # - te.command.mod <-- For mods, this permission should be added as default.
  317. # - te.command.admin <-- For admins, this permission should be added as default.
  318. # alias: <-- Additional aliases section.
  319. # - cmd2 <-- Additional aliases 1, can be as many as you want.
  320. # default: <-- Default meaning anything below will be ran for the player in all worlds.
  321. # - "!mc_rawmessage %p &aHello" <-- To Print this message.
  322. # - "@who" <-- Will run /who command as player.
  323. # - "!give %p 1 32" <-- Will run command as console to give player 32 stone.
  324. # - ">give %p 1 32" <-- Will run command as op to give player 32 stone.
  325. # - if %# = 0 !mc_rawmessage %p &aUse '&e/g <name&a' to check user's group.
  326. # - if %# = 1 >pex user %1 group list
  327. # world_nether: <-- The world you wish commands below to be shown in.
  328. # - "!mc_rawmessage %p &aHello, you are in the nether." <-- This message will only be seen if player is in the nether.
  329. Commands:
  330. # example of giving slot 9 chestbackpack to a user (ChestBackpack plugin)
  331. # backpack9:
  332. # permission:
  333. # - my.permission.for.backpack9
  334. # price: 30
  335. # default:
  336. # - "!pex user %p add chestbackpack.slots.9"
  337. # # example of giving slot 18 chestbackpack to a user (ChestBackpack plugin)
  338. # backpack18:
  339. # permission:
  340. # - my.permission.for.backpack18
  341. # price: 60
  342. # default:
  343. # - "!pex user %p add chestbackpack.slots.18"
  344. # # example of allowing a player to set his prefix using PermissionsEx command.
  345. # setprefix:
  346. # permission:
  347. # - my.permission.for.setprefix
  348. # price: 160
  349. # default:
  350. # - "!pex user %p prefix %1"
  351. # letmefly:
  352. # permission:
  353. # - my.permission.for.letmefly
  354. # price: 160
  355. # default:
  356. # - ">fly"
  357. #
  358. # potion effects included in the default TE:
  359. # Haste (Bukkit name: FAST_DIGGING)
  360. # Speed (Bukkit name: SPEED)
  361. # Nightvision (Bukkit name: NIGHT_VISION)
  362. # Jump (Bukkit name: JUMP)
  363. # Regeneration (Bukkit name: REGENERATION);
  364. # FireResistance (Bukki name: FIRE_RESISTANCE)
  365. # DamageResist (Bukkit name: DAMAGE_RESISTANCE
  366. # Aqua (Bukkit name: WATER_BREATHING)
  367. # Saturation (Bukkit name: SATURATION)
  368. # HealthBoost (Bukkit name: HEALTH_BOOST)
  369. # Strength (Bukkit name: INCREASE_DAMAGE)
  370. # Blindness (Bukkit name: BLINDNESS)
  371. # Confusion (Bukkit name: CONFUSION)
  372. # Harm (aka Instant Damage, Bukkit name: HARM)
  373. # Hunger (Bukkit name: HUNGER)
  374. # Poison (Bukkit name: POISON)
  375. # Slow (Bukkit name: SLOW)
  376. # Weakness (Bukkit name: WEAKNESS)
  377. # Wither (Bukkit name: WITHER)
  378. # Molten (custom : attacker catches fire)
  379. # Fly (custom effect : item holder can fly)
  380. # Explosive : this is a custom effect, which will blow up surrounding blocks. It has an option of auto smelt. This Explosive effect works with MineResetLitePlus's mined block counting as well as Lucky Block feature!
  381. # Excavation : this is a custom effect, It is just like Explosive but it will remove entire cuboid
  382. # Sphered : this is a custom effect, It is just like Explosive but it will remove entire sphere
  383. # BedrockBreaker (custom: allow you to break a bedrock block)
  384. #
  385. # You can set the duration to -1 to give infinite potion effects.
  386. #
  387. # You can set the occurrence
  388. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  389. # always: occur always.
  390. # % : you can set the explicit % number as the maximum occurrence chance at the highest level of enchant.
  391. #
  392. Potions:
  393. Haste:
  394. alias: "&eSpeedDigging" #You can use your own name for enchant using alias.
  395. duration: 200
  396. amplifier: 2
  397. price: 500
  398. max: 10
  399. # You can set the occurrence
  400. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  401. # always: occur always.
  402. occurrence: random
  403. enchant_chance: 0.8
  404. Speed:
  405. price: 500
  406. max: 10
  407. # You can set the occurrence
  408. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  409. # always: occur always.
  410. occurrence: random
  411. Nightvision:
  412. price: 500
  413. max: 10
  414. # You can set the occurrence
  415. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  416. # always: occur always.
  417. occurrence: random
  418. Jump:
  419. price: 500
  420. max: 10
  421. # You can set the occurrence
  422. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  423. # always: occur always.
  424. occurrence: random
  425. Harm:
  426. price: 500
  427. max: 1
  428. #
  429. # level_multiplier * the level of potion will be used as
  430. # the level of Harm potion.
  431. level_multiplier: 1
  432. # You can set the occurrence
  433. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  434. # always: occur always.
  435. occurrence: always
  436. Regeneration:
  437. price: 500
  438. max: 2
  439. duration_multiplier: 1800
  440. #
  441. # You can set the occurrence
  442. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  443. # always: occur always.
  444. occurrence: always
  445. Strength:
  446. price: 500
  447. max: 3
  448. duration_multiplier: -1
  449. occurrence: always
  450. Aqua:
  451. price: 500
  452. max: 1
  453. duration_multiplier: -1
  454. occurrence: always
  455. Saturation:
  456. price: 500
  457. max: 3
  458. duration_multiplier: -1
  459. occurrence: always
  460. AutoSell:
  461. price: 7000
  462. max: 1
  463. wait_for_inv_full: true
  464. display_message: false
  465. display_format: []
  466. use_right_click: true # true will allow you to initiate autosell with right click
  467. occurrence: always
  468. HealthBoost:
  469. price: 3000
  470. max: 5
  471. duration_multiplier: -1
  472. occurrence: always
  473. Excavation:
  474. event_map:
  475. BlockBreakEvent: "HIGHEST"
  476. TEBlockExplodeEvent: "MONITOR"
  477. radius: 2
  478. use_explode_event: true
  479. alias: "&aCuboid"
  480. price: 3500
  481. max: 3
  482. # you can nominate the world, which prevents explosive
  483. invalid_in_world:
  484. - ASkyBlock
  485. # you can turn on automatic pickup.
  486. pickup: false
  487. # you can turn on automatic smelting
  488. smelt: true
  489. # you can turn on/off explostion sound/visual effects
  490. effect: true
  491. # you can turn on/off explostion sound effects
  492. sound: true
  493. # You can set the occurrence of explosion.
  494. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  495. # always: explosion occur always.
  496. occurrence: always
  497. exemptions:
  498. - ENDER_CHEST
  499. - GLOWSTONE
  500. - LADDER
  501. - "STAINED_GLASS:11"
  502. - SPONGE
  503. invalid_in_region:
  504. - noexcavation
  505. LuckyMining:
  506. price: 5000
  507. max: 5 #this number should be same as the highest level in levels: section
  508. occurrence: always
  509. effect: HAPPY_VILLAGER
  510. sound: LAVA_POP # for pre 1.9 ...AMBIENCE_THUNDER
  511. alias: "&eLuckyMining"
  512. levels:
  513. 1:
  514. chance: 0.1 # 10% chance!
  515. # '!' -> console, '>' -> op, '@' -> player
  516. commands:
  517. - "!mc add %player% 1"
  518. - "!mc add %player% 3"
  519. - "!mc add %player% 5"
  520. 2:
  521. chance: 0.2 # 20% chance!
  522. # '!' -> console, '>' -> op, '@' -> player
  523. commands:
  524. - "!mc add %player% 3"
  525. - "!mc add %player% 5"
  526. - "!mc add %player% 7"
  527. 3:
  528. chance: 0.3 # 30% chance!
  529. commands:
  530. - "!mc add %player% 5"
  531. - "!mc add %player% 7"
  532. - "!mc add %player% 15"
  533. 4:
  534. chance: 0.4 # 40% chance!
  535. commands:
  536. - "!mc add %player% 7"
  537. - "!mc add %player% 14"
  538. - "!mc add %player% 21"
  539. 5:
  540. chance: 0.5 # 50% chance!
  541. commands:
  542. - "!mc add %player% 14"
  543. - "!mc add %player% 20"
  544. - "!mc add %player% 25"
  545. exemptions: # needs to be Bukkit's Material type in CAPs.
  546. - GRASS
  547. - SAND
  548. # use this block_break_event_priority option to resolve any conflict with other plugin(s) such as AutoSell
  549. block_break_event_priority: high
  550. occurrence: always
  551. Unbreakable:
  552. price: 5000
  553. max: 1
  554. occurrence: always
  555. Toxic:
  556. price: 2000
  557. max: 5
  558. duration_multiplier: 40 # duration = level * multipler [tics] (1sec=20tics)
  559. occurrence: always
  560. Boomerang:
  561. price: 10000
  562. max: 1
  563. occurrence: always
  564. damage_multiplier: 100
  565. need_snek: true
  566. delay: 2
  567. Vampire:
  568. price: 3500
  569. max: 10
  570. occurrence: always
  571. #
  572. # Supportokenenchantd Enchantment:
  573. # Sharpness (Bukkit name: DAMAGE_ALL)
  574. # Baneofarthropods (Bukkit name: DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS)
  575. # Smitokenenchant (Bukkit name: DAMAGE_UNDEAD)
  576. # Efficiency (Bukkit name: DIG_SPEED)
  577. # Unbreaking (Bukkit name: DURABILITY)
  578. # Fireaspect (Bukkit name: FIRE_ASPECT)
  579. # Knockback (Bukkit name: KNOCKBACK)
  580. # Fortune (Bukkit name: LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS)
  581. # Looting (Bukkit name: LOOT_BONUS_MOBS)
  582. # Respiration (Bukkit name: OXYGEN
  583. # Protokenenchantction (Bukkit name: PROtokenenchantCTION_ENVIRONMENTAL)
  584. # Blastprotokenenchantction (Bukkit name: PROtokenenchantCTION_EXPLOSIONS)
  585. # Featherfall (Bukkit name: PROtokenenchantCTION_FALL)
  586. # Fireprotokenenchantction (Bukkit name: PROtokenenchantCTION_FIRE)
  587. # Projectileprot (Bukkit name: PROtokenenchantCTION_PROJECTILE)
  588. # Silktouch (Bukkit name: SILK_TOUCH)
  589. # Aquaaffinity (Bukkit name: WAtokenenchantR_WORKER)
  590. # Flame (Bukkit name: ARROW_FIRE)
  591. # Power (Bukkit name: ARROW_DAMAGE)
  592. # Punch (Bukkit name: ARROW_KNOCKBACK)
  593. # Infinity (Bukkit name: ARROW_INFINItokenenchant)
  594. # Thorns (Bukkit name: THORNS)
  595. #
  596. Enchants:
  597. Sharpness:
  598. price: 250
  599. max: 10
  600. Efficiency:
  601. price: 150
  602. max: 25
  603. Unbreaking:
  604. price: 125
  605. max: 10
  606. Fireaspect:
  607. price: 500
  608. max: 10
  609. Knockback:
  610. price: 500
  611. max: 10
  612. Fortune:
  613. price: 350
  614. max: 10
  615. Looting:
  616. price: 500
  617. max: 10
  618. Respiration:
  619. price: 500
  620. max: 10
  621. Protection:
  622. price: 250
  623. max: 10
  624. Featherfall:
  625. price: 350
  626. max: 10
  627. Silktouch:
  628. price: 1250
  629. max: 1
  630. Aquaaffinity:
  631. price: 3500
  632. max: 10
  634. Conflicts:
  635. 1:
  636. - Silktouch
  637. - Fortune
  638. 2:
  639. - Disk
  640. - Excavation
  641. - Tile
  642. 3:
  643. - Unbreaking
  644. - Unbreakable
  646. # list of itokenenchantms players are allowed to enchant
  647. Itokenenchantms:
  649. - Unbreaking
  650. - Sharpness
  651. - Unbreakable
  652. - Toxic
  653. - Boomerang
  654. - Vampire
  656. - Explosive
  657. - Excavation
  658. - Unbreaking
  659. - Efficiency
  660. - Fortune
  661. - Silktouch
  662. - AutoSell
  664. - Protokenenchantction
  665. - Unbreaking
  667. - Protection
  668. - Unbreaking
  669. - Unbreakable
  670. - HealthBoost
  672. - Protection
  673. - Unbreaking
  674. - Unbreakable
  676. - Protection
  677. - Unbreaking
  678. - Featherfall
  679. - Unbreakable
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