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May 19th, 2019
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  1. Game 1
  2. Pre-Game
  3. Yuumi Is Kewt: hm?
  4. Yuumi Is Kewt: im new to volibear
  5. In-Game
  6. Yuumi Is Kewt: Like my icon? :3
  7. Yuumi Is Kewt: do what?
  8. Yuumi Is Kewt: :3
  9. Yuumi Is Kewt: dont ping that youre coming
  10. Yuumi Is Kewt: if youre so far away lmao
  11. Yuumi Is Kewt: report tryndamere
  12. Yuumi Is Kewt: he inting
  13. Yuumi Is Kewt: not once did he gank a lane
  14. Yuumi Is Kewt: he pinged he'd come top
  15. Yuumi Is Kewt: but he never
  16. Yuumi Is Kewt: yasuo you counter ao shin
  17. Yuumi Is Kewt: lol
  18. Yuumi Is Kewt: how are you losing?
  19. Yuumi Is Kewt: youre a joke
  20. Yuumi Is Kewt: report tryndamere
  21. Yuumi Is Kewt: lol flash malphite
  22. Yuumi Is Kewt: report tryndamere for this
  23. Yuumi Is Kewt: im owning malphite at top but tryndamere fed
  24. Yuumi Is Kewt: i was doing well
  25. Yuumi Is Kewt: till nidalee babysit malphite
  26. Yuumi Is Kewt: nidalee is easy you said
  27. Yuumi Is Kewt: lmao
  28. Yuumi Is Kewt: malphite counter me so hard
  29. Yuumi Is Kewt: yet he need nidalee gank
  30. Yuumi Is Kewt: it proves im better than him :>
  31. Yuumi Is Kewt: tryndamere
  32. Yuumi Is Kewt: lol
  33. Yuumi Is Kewt: malphite counters me
  34. Yuumi Is Kewt: but he need a gank xD
  35. Yuumi Is Kewt: pathetic :>
  36. Yuumi Is Kewt: he cant 1 vs 1 me
  37. Yuumi Is Kewt: seE?
  38. Yuumi Is Kewt: lmao
  39. Yuumi Is Kewt: report tryndamere
  40. Yuumi Is Kewt: im done with this game
  41. Yuumi Is Kewt: hows your brain?
  42. Yuumi Is Kewt: :>
  43. Yuumi Is Kewt: you need help
  44. Yuumi Is Kewt: you cant 1 vs 1 me
  45. Yuumi Is Kewt: when you counter me hard
  46. Yuumi Is Kewt: i hope i dont get this team in ranked lol
  47. Yuumi Is Kewt: or id be in iron
  48. Yuumi Is Kewt: 1/7
  49. Yuumi Is Kewt: 1/5
  50. Yuumi Is Kewt: why did you lose?
  51. Yuumi Is Kewt: i got hard countered by malphite
  52. Yuumi Is Kewt: what about you?
  53. Yuumi Is Kewt: you lost against your counter
  54. Yuumi Is Kewt: then report tryndamere
  55. Yuumi Is Kewt: for he never gank
  56. Yuumi Is Kewt: report tryndamere
  57. Yuumi Is Kewt: he didnt gank mid or top
  58. Yuumi Is Kewt: Oh and hes verbal abusing me
  59. Yuumi Is Kewt: yasuo is fine
  60. Yuumi Is Kewt: both yasuo and i will be reporting you
  61. Yuumi Is Kewt: you didnt gank
  62. Yuumi Is Kewt: and youre toxic
  63. Yuumi Is Kewt: you spent the whole game being afk
  64. Yuumi Is Kewt: we are reporting you
  65. Yuumi Is Kewt: you will be banned for what youve called me
  66. Yuumi Is Kewt: idk why my team didnt surrender
  67. Yuumi Is Kewt: the result is obvious
  68. Yuumi Is Kewt: report tryndamere for this
  69. Yuumi Is Kewt: he helped both mid and top to lose
  70. Yuumi Is Kewt: you admitted it
  71. Post-Game
  72. Yuumi Is Kewt: yasuo did well
  73. Yuumi Is Kewt: bad game
  74. Yuumi Is Kewt: with tryndamere
  75. Yuumi Is Kewt: report him and get him banned
  76. Game 2
  77. In-Game
  78. Yuumi Is Kewt: lets b
  79. Yuumi Is Kewt: report xayah for feeding bot
  80. Yuumi Is Kewt: hahaha
  81. Yuumi Is Kewt: wukong?
  82. Yuumi Is Kewt: sigh
  83. Yuumi Is Kewt: report wukong
  84. Yuumi Is Kewt: xayah
  85. Yuumi Is Kewt: darius dc is better than having a xayah feeding
  86. Yuumi Is Kewt: thats 7 death
  87. Yuumi Is Kewt: 0 kill and assist
  88. Yuumi Is Kewt: nice flash
  89. Yuumi Is Kewt: and ult
  90. Yuumi Is Kewt: just for me
  91. Yuumi Is Kewt: lmao
  92. Yuumi Is Kewt: you got lucky
  93. Yuumi Is Kewt: that xayah fed so hard
  94. Yuumi Is Kewt: even with malzahar as sp
  95. Yuumi Is Kewt: idk how thats even possible
  96. Yuumi Is Kewt: just report her for inting
  97. Yuumi Is Kewt: 0 kill and assist
  98. Yuumi Is Kewt: you did absolutely nothing
  99. Yuumi Is Kewt: you deserve the report
  100. Yuumi Is Kewt: i love wukong
  101. Yuumi Is Kewt: how he afk entire fight
  102. Yuumi Is Kewt: and let me 1 vs 3
  103. Yuumi Is Kewt: report wukong and xayah
  104. Yuumi Is Kewt: can you
  105. Yuumi Is Kewt: ult inside
  106. Yuumi Is Kewt: their base
  107. Yuumi Is Kewt: get inhibitor
  108. Yuumi Is Kewt: report xayah and wukong
  109. Yuumi Is Kewt: if im bad why do you always kill zoe and
  110. Yuumi Is Kewt: anyone except vi
  111. Yuumi Is Kewt: 3 vs 7 lmao
  112. Yuumi Is Kewt: youre so fed
  113. Yuumi Is Kewt: and almost got killed by me
  114. Yuumi Is Kewt: lol
  115. Yuumi Is Kewt: 28 kills?
  116. Yuumi Is Kewt: vs 5?
  117. Yuumi Is Kewt: pls help to report wukong and xayah
  118. Yuumi Is Kewt: wukong especially
  119. Yuumi Is Kewt: i destroying inhibitor
  120. Yuumi Is Kewt: what have you ever contributed besides 11 deaths?
  121. Yuumi Is Kewt: and being toxic
  122. Yuumi Is Kewt: use all chat like you always did :D
  123. Yuumi Is Kewt: why are you using teamchat now
  124. Yuumi Is Kewt: yes
  125. Yuumi Is Kewt: but wouldve been better if you helped earlier instead of letting it lead to this situation
  126. Yuumi Is Kewt: all thats left is xayah to do anything for once
  127. Yuumi Is Kewt: hahaha
  128. Yuumi Is Kewt: i took down one baron buff
  129. Yuumi Is Kewt: what have you ever done besides talking?
  130. Yuumi Is Kewt: 12 deaths you mean
  131. Yuumi Is Kewt: i took down several inhibitors
  132. Yuumi Is Kewt: ive forced vi to go back to base
  133. Yuumi Is Kewt: gotten a triple kill
  134. Yuumi Is Kewt: took down both nexus tower
  135. Yuumi Is Kewt: what have xayah ever accomplished?
  136. Yuumi Is Kewt: report xayah
  137. Yuumi Is Kewt: all he does is talk
  138. Yuumi Is Kewt: instead of focusing on what hes doing
  139. Yuumi Is Kewt: all he did is focus on me dying
  140. Yuumi Is Kewt: but when he did nothing
  141. Yuumi Is Kewt: nice work kassadin
  142. Post-Game
  143. Yuumi Is Kewt: kassadin got a honor for carrying
  144. Yuumi Is Kewt: report xayah for verbal abuse
  145. Yuumi Is Kewt: let wukong go cause he tried
  146. Yuumi Is Kewt: but xayah did absolutely nothing
  147. Yuumi Is Kewt: a game
  148. Yuumi Is Kewt: with terrible community
  149. Yuumi Is Kewt: report xayah
  150. Game 3
  151. Pre-Game
  152. Yuumi Is Kewt: no
  153. Yuumi Is Kewt: im sp
  154. Yuumi Is Kewt: yuumi can only sp
  155. In-Game
  156. Yuumi Is Kewt: i love my icon lol
  157. Yuumi Is Kewt: thats konosuba dance lol
  158. Yuumi Is Kewt: Ezreal....don't touch me there >w<
  159. Yuumi Is Kewt: lol
  160. Yuumi Is Kewt: i was hoping youd chase her when i exhausted her
  161. Yuumi Is Kewt: cause i got ignite
  162. Yuumi Is Kewt: lol
  163. Yuumi Is Kewt: idlike a better adc next game lol
  164. Yuumi Is Kewt: lets surrender
  165. Yuumi Is Kewt: lmao ezreal you think i intended to ks?
  166. Yuumi Is Kewt: thats my ignite
  167. Yuumi Is Kewt: my ezreal is pretty bad lol
  168. Yuumi Is Kewt: lmao
  169. Yuumi Is Kewt: you didnt even notice exhaust?
  170. Yuumi Is Kewt: lmao
  171. Yuumi Is Kewt: i have to ping everything huh?
  172. Yuumi Is Kewt: dafuq did you ult for
  173. Yuumi Is Kewt: when i havent stun them
  174. Yuumi Is Kewt: smh this ezreal
  175. Yuumi Is Kewt: ult when i didnt even stun them
  176. Yuumi Is Kewt: can you report him for being toxic
  177. Yuumi Is Kewt: hes blaming me for everything lmao
  178. Yuumi Is Kewt: when hes playing badly
  179. Yuumi Is Kewt: :)
  180. Yuumi Is Kewt: i cant really be bothered
  181. Yuumi Is Kewt: youre toxic and bad
  182. Yuumi Is Kewt: you didnt notice exhaust
  183. Yuumi Is Kewt: visible exhaust?
  184. Yuumi Is Kewt: pls reportezreal
  185. Yuumi Is Kewt: youre not worth it :D
  186. Yuumi Is Kewt: you cant even react to exhaust
  187. Yuumi Is Kewt: youre a waste of time is all im saying lol
  188. Yuumi Is Kewt: i exhausted mf and you ran from her lmao
  189. Yuumi Is Kewt: because you cant see the exhaust
  190. Yuumi Is Kewt: this couldve been easy
  191. Yuumi Is Kewt: if adc is better
  192. Yuumi Is Kewt: he doesn't even realise when i exhausted mf
  193. Yuumi Is Kewt: just watch the replay
  194. Yuumi Is Kewt: he let mf go after i exhausted her
  195. Yuumi Is Kewt: also he ulted when enemy isnt stunned
  196. Yuumi Is Kewt: so
  197. Yuumi Is Kewt: basically enemy free hit him
  198. Yuumi Is Kewt: he ulted into yasuo windwall...
  199. Yuumi Is Kewt: lmao
  200. Yuumi Is Kewt: nice e
  201. Yuumi Is Kewt: report ezreal for being toxic blaming me
  202. Yuumi Is Kewt: when hes terrible
  203. Yuumi Is Kewt: mf
  204. Yuumi Is Kewt: can we duo after this
  205. Yuumi Is Kewt: ofc its easy with ezreal that ult into windwall, take free damage when charging up ult
  206. Yuumi Is Kewt: and cant notice the freaking exhaust
  207. Post-Game
  208. Yuumi Is Kewt: bad game really
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