Guest User


a guest
Dec 10th, 2017
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  1. [1:08:54] <Талисман> Конфигурационный файл: config
  3. [*] hub_name = *У Милены*
  4. [*] hub_desc = Хаб для адекватных и нестандартно мыслящих людей
  5. [*] hub_topic = Все что ни делается – все к лучшему. Следовательно, лучшее неизбежно!
  6. [*] hub_category = Public HUB
  7. [*] hub_icon_url =
  8. [*] hub_logo_url =
  9. [*] hub_encoding = CP1251
  10. [*] hub_owner = Милена
  11. [*] hub_version =
  12. [*] hub_version_special = Усилено Ledokol
  13. [*] hub_security = Талисман
  14. [*] hub_security_desc = Hub security
  15. [*] opchat_name = OpChat
  16. [*] opchat_desc = Operator chat
  17. [*] opchat_class = 3
  18. [*] hub_host =
  19. [*] hub_failover_hosts =
  20. [*] listen_ip =
  21. [*] listen_port = 411
  22. [*] extra_listen_ports = 1209 1411 4111
  23. [*] hublist_host =
  24. [*] hublist_port = 2501
  25. [*] hublist_send_minshare = 1
  26. [*] hublist_send_listhost = 1
  27. [*] timer_hublist_period = 0
  28. [*] max_users = 20480
  29. [*] max_users_passive = -1
  30. [*] max_users_from_ip = 32
  31. [*] max_extra_pings = 10
  32. [*] max_extra_regs = 25
  33. [*] max_extra_vips = 50
  34. [*] max_extra_ops = 100
  35. [*] max_extra_cheefs = 100
  36. [*] max_extra_admins = 200
  37. [*] max_users0 = 20480
  38. [*] max_users1 = 1000
  39. [*] max_users2 = 1000
  40. [*] max_users3 = 1000
  41. [*] max_users4 = 1000
  42. [*] max_users5 = 1000
  43. [*] max_users6 = 1000
  44. [*] hubfull_message =
  45. [*] min_share = 0
  46. [*] min_share_reg = 0
  47. [*] min_share_vip = 0
  48. [*] min_share_ops = 0
  49. [*] min_share_factor_passive = 1
  50. [*] min_share_use_hub = 0
  51. [*] min_share_use_hub_reg = 0
  52. [*] min_share_use_hub_vip = 0
  53. [*] max_share = 268435456
  54. [*] max_share_reg = 268435456
  55. [*] max_share_vip = 268435456
  56. [*] max_share_ops = 268435456
  57. [*] use_search_filter = 1
  58. [*] filter_lan_requests = 0
  59. [*] search_number = 1
  60. [*] int_search = 24
  61. [*] int_search_pas = 32
  62. [*] int_search_reg = 22
  63. [*] int_search_reg_pas = 30
  64. [*] int_search_vip = 4
  65. [*] int_search_op = 1
  66. [*] min_search_chars = 5
  67. [*] max_passive_sr = 50
  68. [*] delayed_search = 1
  69. [*] max_nick = 64
  70. [*] min_nick = 1
  71. [*] nick_chars =
  72. [*] nick_prefix =
  73. [*] nick_prefix_nocase = 0
  74. [*] nick_prefix_cc = 0
  75. [*] nick_prefix_autoreg =
  76. [*] autoreg_class = 1
  77. [*] nicklist_on_login = 1
  78. [*] optimize_userlist = 0
  79. [*] ul_portion = 50
  80. [*] max_outbuf_size = 1835008
  81. [*] max_outfill_size = 1048576
  82. [*] max_unblock_size = 1572864
  83. [*] max_message_size = 10240
  84. [*] max_len_supports = 512
  85. [*] max_len_version = 64
  86. [*] max_len_myinfo = 512
  87. [*] max_len_in = 512
  88. [*] max_len_extjson = 1024
  89. [*] max_len_myhuburl = 128
  90. [*] max_len_search = 256
  91. [*] max_len_mynick = 128
  92. [*] max_len_lock = 256
  93. [*] max_chat_msg = 2048
  94. [*] max_pm_msg = 1024
  95. [*] max_mcto_msg = 1024
  96. [*] max_chat_lines = 20
  97. [*] delayed_chat = 0
  98. [*] int_chat_ms = 1000
  99. [*] chat_default_on = 1
  100. [*] mainchat_class = 0
  101. [*] private_class = 0
  102. [*] notify_gag_chats = 0
  103. [*] max_flood_counter_pm = 3
  104. [*] max_flood_counter_mcto = 5
  105. [*] max_class_proto_flood = 2
  106. [*] proto_flood_report = 1
  107. [*] proto_flood_tban_time = 43200
  108. [*] proto_flood_report_time = 600
  109. [*] int_flood_chat_period = 10
  110. [*] int_flood_chat_limit = 5
  111. [*] proto_flood_chat_action = 3
  112. [*] int_flood_mcto_period = 5
  113. [*] int_flood_mcto_limit = 5
  114. [*] proto_flood_mcto_action = 3
  115. [*] int_flood_to_period = 10
  116. [*] int_flood_to_limit = 5
  117. [*] proto_flood_to_action = 3
  118. [*] int_flood_myinfo_period = 60
  119. [*] int_flood_myinfo_limit = 20
  120. [*] proto_flood_myinfo_action = 3
  121. [*] int_flood_in_period = 60
  122. [*] int_flood_in_limit = 20
  123. [*] proto_flood_in_action = 3
  124. [*] int_flood_extjson_period = 60
  125. [*] int_flood_extjson_limit = 20
  126. [*] proto_flood_extjson_action = 3
  127. [*] int_flood_search_period = 60
  128. [*] int_flood_search_limit = 30
  129. [*] proto_flood_search_action = 3
  130. [*] int_flood_sr_period = 30
  131. [*] int_flood_sr_limit = 500
  132. [*] proto_flood_sr_action = 3
  133. [*] int_flood_ctm_period = 10
  134. [*] int_flood_ctm_limit = 500
  135. [*] proto_flood_ctm_action = 3
  136. [*] int_flood_rctm_period = 10
  137. [*] int_flood_rctm_limit = 500
  138. [*] proto_flood_rctm_action = 3
  139. [*] int_flood_nicklist_period = 60
  140. [*] int_flood_nicklist_limit = 3
  141. [*] proto_flood_nicklist_action = 3
  142. [*] int_flood_getinfo_period = 10
  143. [*] int_flood_getinfo_limit = 200
  144. [*] proto_flood_getinfo_action = 3
  145. [*] int_flood_ping_period = 60
  146. [*] int_flood_ping_limit = 10
  147. [*] proto_flood_ping_action = 1
  148. [*] int_flood_unknown_period = 30
  149. [*] int_flood_unknown_limit = 10
  150. [*] proto_flood_unknown_action = 3
  151. [*] int_flood_all_chat_period = 15
  152. [*] int_flood_all_chat_limit = 10
  153. [*] int_flood_all_mcto_period = 15
  154. [*] int_flood_all_mcto_limit = 10
  155. [*] int_flood_all_to_period = 15
  156. [*] int_flood_all_to_limit = 10
  157. [*] int_flood_all_search_period = 5
  158. [*] int_flood_all_search_limit = 500
  159. [*] int_flood_all_rctm_period = 10
  160. [*] int_flood_all_rctm_limit = 500
  161. [*] classdif_reg = 2
  162. [*] classdif_kick = 0
  163. [*] classdif_pm = 10
  164. [*] classdif_mcto = 10
  165. [*] classdif_download = 10
  166. [*] min_class_use_hub = 0
  167. [*] min_class_use_hub_passive = 0
  168. [*] use_hub_msg_time = 600
  169. [*] min_class_register = 4
  170. [*] min_class_redir = 4
  171. [*] min_class_bc = 4
  172. [*] min_class_bc_guests = 4
  173. [*] min_class_bc_regs = 4
  174. [*] min_class_bc_vips = 4
  175. [*] bc_reply = disable
  176. [*] plugin_mod_class = 10
  177. [*] topic_mod_class = 4
  178. [*] cmd_start_op = !+/
  179. [*] cmd_start_user = +!/
  180. [*] unknown_cmd_chat = 0
  181. [*] dest_report_chat = 0
  182. [*] dest_regme_chat = 0
  183. [*] dest_drop_chat = 0
  184. [*] disable_me_cmd = 0
  185. [*] disable_regme_cmd = 0
  186. [*] disable_usr_cmds = 0
  187. [*] disable_report_cmd = 0
  188. [*] always_ask_password = 0
  189. [*] default_password_encryption = 1
  190. [*] password_min_len = 6
  191. [*] pwd_tmpban = 60
  192. [*] wrongpass_message =
  193. [*] wrongpassword_report = 1
  194. [*] report_pass_reset = 0
  195. [*] wrongauthip_report = 1
  196. [*] wrongip_message = 0
  197. [*] clone_detect_report = 1
  198. [*] nullchars_report = 0
  199. [*] botinfo_report = 0
  200. [*] send_user_ip = 1
  201. [*] user_ip_class = 2
  202. [*] oplist_class = 2
  203. [*] send_user_info = 0
  204. [*] send_pass_request = 1
  205. [*] send_crash_report = 1
  206. [*] ban_bypass_class = 10
  207. [*] chatonly_bypass_class = 3
  208. [*] extended_welcome_message = 1
  209. [*] host_header = 1
  210. [*] int_myinfo = 60
  211. [*] int_nicklist = 60
  212. [*] int_login = 15
  213. [*] max_class_int_login = 2
  214. [*] max_class_check_clone = -1
  215. [*] max_class_self_repass = 1
  216. [*] clone_det_tban_time = 1800
  217. [*] tban_kick = 3600
  218. [*] tban_max = 2592000
  219. [*] log_level = 0
  220. [*] dns_lookup = 0
  221. [*] report_dns_lookup = 0
  222. [*] report_user_country = 1
  223. [*] hide_all_kicks = 1
  224. [*] allow_same_user = 0
  225. [*] max_class_same_user = 0
  226. [*] hide_msg_badctm = 1
  227. [*] timer_conn_period = 4
  228. [*] timer_serv_period = 1
  229. [*] min_frequency = 0.3
  230. [*] step_delay = 50
  231. [*] max_upload_kbps = 2e+06
  232. [*] timer_reloadcfg_period = 300
  233. [*] use_reglist_cache = 1
  234. [*] use_penlist_cache = 1
  235. [*] delayed_login = 0
  236. [*] delayed_myinfo = 1
  237. [*] drop_invalid_key = 0
  238. [*] delayed_ping = 60
  239. [*] disable_zlib = 0
  240. [*] zlib_compress_level = -1
  241. [*] zlib_min_len = 128
  242. [*] detect_ctmtohub = 1
  243. [*] disable_extjson = 1
  244. [*] timeout_key = 60
  245. [*] timeout_nick = 30
  246. [*] timeout_login = 600
  247. [*] timeout_myinfo = 40
  248. [*] timeout_flush = 30
  249. [*] timeout_setpass = 300
  250. [*] show_tags = 2
  251. [*] tag_allow_none = 1
  252. [*] tag_allow_unknown = 1
  253. [*] tag_allow_passive = 1
  254. [*] tag_allow_sock5 = 0
  255. [*] tag_sum_hubs = 3
  256. [*] tag_min_class_ignore = 3
  257. [*] show_desc_len = 0
  258. [*] desc_insert_mode = 1
  259. [*] desc_insert_vars = Страна: %[CN]; Город: %[CITY]
  260. [*] show_email = 0
  261. [*] show_speed = 1
  262. [*] tag_min_hs_ratio = 0
  263. [*] tag_max_hs_ratio = 0
  264. [*] tag_max_hubs = 0
  265. [*] tag_min_hubs = 0
  266. [*] tag_min_hubs_usr = 0
  267. [*] tag_min_hubs_reg = 0
  268. [*] tag_min_hubs_op = 0
  269. [*] tag_min_version = -1
  270. [*] tag_max_version = -1
  271. [*] cc_zone1 =
  272. [*] cc_zone2 =
  273. [*] cc_zone3 =
  274. [*] ip_zone4_min =
  275. [*] ip_zone4_max =
  276. [*] ip_zone5_min =
  277. [*] ip_zone5_max =
  278. [*] ip_zone6_min =
  279. [*] ip_zone6_max =
  280. [*] ban_extra_message =
  281. [*] msg_replace_ban =
  282. [*] msg_welcome_guest =
  283. [*] msg_welcome_reg =
  284. [*] msg_welcome_vip = Посетители хаба *У Милены* приветствуют уважаемого ВИП-пользователя %[nick]. Добро пожаловать!
  285. [*] msg_welcome_op =
  286. [*] msg_welcome_cheef =
  287. [*] msg_welcome_admin =
  288. [*] msg_welcome_master =
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