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  1. <::|| Report Brief [RpT-BF.20848]
  2. <:: login
  3. :: username: shad0848
  4. :: password: ********
  5. :: access granted
  6. :: access level [InT-OMEGA.43a]
  7. :: run
  9. For the attention of Division Leader 88241, Combine Intelligence and Networking Division Commander,
  11. Enclosed are brief summaries of the operations I have worked on under the jurisdiction of Intelligence Agent and/or Operative, as authorised by the the Sector Eighteen Commander, 17919, and continued on a priority level by your countersignature and approval of the CIND division, carried on to a higher level by your recent promotion. They detail a quick layout of information gathered prior to each case, as well as each operation's overseeing unit (if any), followed by a run-down of what the specifics of my involvement in the operation might have been, and the after-effects of the same.
  15. :: open log
  17. :: log A [ITA-32450-SSP]
  19. facts Having spoken with 32450, I was assured of his instability - the symptoms of his condition included dilation of the pupils and a cold sweat - and confirmed that he had been mindwiped. With the help of the present VICE squad-leader, I issued an official notice of suspension to Citizen Killigan, Tonto, previously [CCA.C18-KING.SqL.32450]. I escorted him to an apartment in the 45th Block and ensured all of his Civil Authority issue was confiscated, and left him - upon order - with [CCA.C18-JURY.01.11381].
  21. result [CCA.C18-KING.SqL.32450] suspended from Civil Authority Ground Protection, on order of [CIND].
  25. :: log B [ITD-11381-DSV]
  27. (( This was my input to CCA.C18-JURY.01.11381's PK. I.E. the bit where I ordered him dead.
  29. CCA.C18-GHOST.04.20848 twisted his suspect around harshly. Putting the palm of his hand flat on the citizen's back, he shoved the man against the wall. Muttering something about anti-citizens, the unit unclipped a zip-tie from his utility belt. Squeezing on the citizen's wrist, he tightened the lock, binding the man's hands. The unit began to unceremoniously search the citizen, making sure his vocoder captured and inhumanly distorted every word of, "This, citizen, is what you get for treating me like your friend." 20848 tensed the instant he felt the transponder device in the citizen's pocket. Without another word, he withdrew the radio and smashed it on the wall against the citizen's head. "And carrying contraband too, citizen? You are certainly not a smart one." A hand quickly flicked down to his utility belt, his gloved digits wrapping around the familiar polycarbonate grip of his stun baton. A flick of his thumb activated the powerful charge, and he swung the electrified stunstick square into the citizen's back. In frustration, 20848 held the charge against his back for longer than he usually would, sending the suspect's spasming body to the ground, unconscious. His focus quickly widened, and he caught a snippet of a phrase over the Civil Authority internal radio frequency: "...he's insane!"
  31. Joining the dots, piecing together the situations he had earlier encountered, 20848 began jogging to the 45th apartments, where he had last seen CCA.C18-JURY.01.11381. He stopped in his tracks as someone shouted over the radio, "The Nexus rooftop - Overlook tower!" Swiftly turning as the signal from 11381's radio halted (along with a crashing noise), 20848 sprinted through the Nexus underpass, his pants for breath not aided by the fact that 11381's vitals were incredibly high. Something was wrong. Slowing to stand under the Overlook watchtower, 20848 planted himself beside Tonto Killigan, the effectively off-duty KING squad leader. Killigan muttered something about the entire situation being his fault, but 20848 had more pressing matters: 11381 stood on the very edge of the watchtower, and every other active unit was screaming at him.
  33. CCA.C18-GHOST.04.20848 made no move. He remained silent for the best part of a minute, his mind clear, his concentration totally homed in on the situation. There was an Overwatch unit active, to protect the City Administrator. 20848 almost didn't hear the VICE squad leader's orders, requesting that 11381 be stopped; that he be saved. Disregarding the command, 20848 muttered something quietly into the radio channel. It was lost over the noise, but CCA.C18-GHOST.04.20102 appeared to have heard him. 20848 paused for another moment, not quite to reconsider what he was requesting. 20848 increased the volume of his microphone's input.
  35. "Amputate." ))
  37. facts Having earlier encountered a personal struggle between [CCA.C18-KING.SqL.32450] and [CCA.C18-JURY.01.11381], and having been ordered from the scene by 11381, I heard blatant discussion regarding 11381's situation - standing on the overlook tower, attempting to commit suicide. I moved to the street below the tower, and watched at 11381 threw his radio to the ground. Judging the unit rogue, I ordered his immediate amputation. Clarifying the scene to the present previous KING squad-leader, Citizen Killigan, Tonto, I ensured him that what had happened was unrelated to any issue the two had been involved with, and that 11381's death was the result of a personal psychological instability.
  39. result [CCA.C18-JURY.01.11381] deserviced, amputated from civic populace.
  43. :: log C [ITI-20848-FRQ]
  45. facts Upon order from the previous division commander, 17900, who had studied my background and taken note of my specialities, I was tasked with a routine maintenance and rehashing of the Civil Authority Internal Communication Channels, to bring them up to the standard of [CCA.CITY-SEVENTEEN]. As part of this order, I traveled to Seventeen on the authority of the CIND to inspect and take note of their particular advances over those in Eighteen (see [RZR-TPLog.567916a37]). On a matter of priority, I met with their internal head of communications, [CCA.C17-DvL.14071], who briefed me on advances communicated directly with [CCA.C17-CITADEL]. Carrying these technical specifications with me, I returned to [CCA.CITY-EIGHTEEN] a day later, as planned, and modified the network software to comply with new standards, as raised by [CCA.GLOBAL-COMMAND] and enforced by the now decomissioned [CCA.C18-DvL.17900].
  47. result [CCA.C18-FRQ] updated to current dynamic specifications, including network restabilisations and volatile frequency protocols.
  51. :: log D [ITQ-CIND-RM]
  53. facts With the promotions of myself (from [CCA.C18-GHOST.04.20848] to [CCA.C18-GHOST.02.20848]) and (newly) unit [CCA.C18-GHOST.01.20102], we were tasked by [CCA.C18-SeC.17919] and the former [CCA.C18-DvL.17900] with the management and oversight of the recruit program, which we gladly assumed under the heading of a CIND operation. Under this authority, we culled the ranks of those undergoing what is colloquially known as "hell week" during the recruit program - two recruits were made public examples of and amputated from the civic populace. Also under the banner of this operation, I conducted individual reviews of each active recruit during my periods of duty.
  55. result Every unit I interviewed and personally certified has been promoted at least to the Unit Second Class rank, if not above.
  56. Two less idiots to worry about.
  60. :: log E [ITJ-20848-SVL]
  62. facts More of an ongoing operation - for every period of seventy-eight standard hours I spend on-duty with the Civil Protection, I add an additional twenty-four standard hours of undercover work, usually split between monitoring the civic populace from their perspective, or monitoring junior units in the Civil Authority under false identity, temporarily cleared so I can step into a standard issue suit.
  64. result Ongoing operation, has aided the CCA in a number of major operations, and has benefited my own
  65. personal tasks.
  69. :: log F [ITU-20848-OTL]
  71. facts On a routine sweep of [CCA.C18-PcT.13], I encountered a biotic (specific class, [BIOTIC-862.VORTIGAUNT]). With the aid of a junior unit, [CCA.C18-UNION.04.54819] (now suspended from the Authority) I brought the biotic into custody, establishing a field which I had personally worked on to dampen surrounding electrical signals - the biotics' weapon of choice for long-range conflict. After a brief interrogation of the biotic, I dismissed 54819 for classified reasons (specifically, that I was officially deeming the operation under the jurisdiction of the CIND). Revealing to the biotic that I remained human underneath my suit, I engaged it in expositive conversation, and it revealed various facets of information to me. These include that there is an extra-terrestrial being, whose name is unknown, who appears to have the ultimate control over our current situation (( I.E. the GMan )). This being, according to the biotic (who named himself "Vortigaunt Brother Ariah Qre'Tal", in English) controls a powerful piece in the game the biotic saw in play - he named him Citizen Freeman, Gordon (I found no match on our records, with the exception of one unverified reference relating to before the Universal Union's settling on Earth, which I culled from the system as useless). This man, according to the biotic, was responsible for the Universal Union's presence on Earth in the first place, and yet the biotic warned me that this "One Free Man" was to be the ultimate destruction of the CCA. All of this was reported directly to [CCA.C18-DvL.17900], who assured me that our jurisdiction did not extend to covering the entire Civil Authority. Unbeknownst to 17900, who I had begun to suspect was unstable, I forwarded my report to Global Command.
  73. result None immediate, refer to log G.
  75. :: log G [ITU-20848-OUL]
  77. (( This log refers to my adventures in the outlands, around the first few days it was open. I sent you a PM back then with this report, which I don't have a copy of. But that's what it is, basically. ))
  81. :: log H [ITU-20848-OWL]
  83. facts Upon my return to [CCA.CITY-EIGHTEEN] from the unregistered camp in the Outlands, I took my fresh report, personally, to [CCA.C18-SeC.17919] and the former [CCA.C18-DvL.17900]. With immediate effect, the Sector Commander ordered my presence on the administrative side of the COTA raid of the Outlands camp - observing from an undetected transport craft above, I ensured that the COTA could destroy all semblance of resistance within the bounds of the co-ordinates I had laid out to the Sector Commander.
  85. result Resistance, as far as I had encountered it, was quelled in the Outlands.
  87. :: log H-A [ITU-20848-SHL]
  89. facts With the COTA having crushed resistance in that specific sector, the former [CCA.C18-DvL.17900] ordered a shelling assault on a wider range. Once again ordering my presence behind the intelligence side of this attack, I oversaw the remote shelling systems as they fired routine ordinance into that sector.
  91. result On a wider level, the population of the Outlands was replaced with easily quelled necrotics.
  95. :: log I [ITN-20848-SSM]
  97. facts With a shelling malfunction having swept [CCA.CITY-EIGHTEEN] with ordinance, the former [CCA.C18-DvL.17900] ordered a quick culling and civic restoration of the area, as well as the mass memory replacement of any survivors. 17900 gave me the order, given my logged talents, to track any possible weaknesses in the shelling system and to eradicate them. Running a preliminary scan, I quickly confirmed that there was a system error in a forward shelling outpost, specifically [CCA.C18-ShL.1042]. On the authority of Division Leader 17900, I travelled to outpost 1042. The units stationed there were basic Civil Protection Ground Teams, and had no advance knowledge of my arrival, nor any specific directives regarding the systems there, other than eliminating any resistance in the area (of course, the standing directive for any Ground Team). Quickly co-operating with them, I gained top-level local access to the system with their clearance. Over a period of days, I managed to find and repair the malfunction in the system's software, which appeared to have been the cause of a manual breach, most likely by erstwhile Authority personnel gone malignant. With this in mind, I planned to remain on-site for the next week. After the third day of consistent, constant local scans, my program detected an attempted breach in progress. Heading one of the Ground Teams stationed at the outpost, I attempted to physically circumvent the breach, having been able to directly track the location of the device which was being used to harass our system. As soon as we gained visual contact on the team, I gave the remote order to cancel all directives applied to the outpost, and powered down the shelling system. Within audible range, I heard the resistant anti-citizens exclaim that their attempt had failed (albeit in a coloured way, sir). At that point, I gave the isolation order, and my Ground Team, who had been flanking the attempted instigators, moved into action. I managed to secure the life of the anti-citizen who had been apparently at the helm, operating the directly offending device (an Old Earth laptop, the contents of which were scanned, duplicated, classified and then the original device destroyed). Leaving the anti-citizen in isolation in one of the outpost's holding cells for a period of twenty-four standard hours, I then proceeded with an interrogation of him. As you well know by now, sir, my interrogation technique is principally psychological and tends to crack all but the most willful and hardened of minds, of which this particular instigator was seemingly lacking. The information he provided for me, along with the points we captured from the mobile device, led me, undercover, to the hotpoint of their resistant sect. Over the period of two days, I managed to assure the nervous anti-citizens within the group that I had befriended them - so weakened by the loss of their technological co-ordinator (one Citizen McKenzie, Thomas). The exhausted and tense group were so glad of my aid that they allowed me to stand as night watchman on my fourth day of infiltration there. While they slept, I made duplicates of all of their files on Civil Authority standard storage drives. Once that mission was complete, I personally amputated anti-citizen Somerfield, Wesley - the only one of the group who had actively expressed doubts as to my presence there - and then transmitted the co-ordinates to the Ground Teams stationed at outpost 1042.
  99. result Citizens McKenzie, Thomas; Somerfield, Wesley; D'arcy, Karen; Lorcan, Melvin; McMahon, Charlie amputated from civic populace on authority of [CIND].
  100. [CCA.CITY-EIGHTEEN] long-range shelling armaments and ordinance updated, repaired and currently operating at capacity [100/100].
  104. :: log J [ITX-20848-KLS]
  106. The following citizens have been eliminated from the civic populace through my personal involvement in my case, or have been amputated by my hand: Citizens Makerow, Jack; Makerow, Daniel; Gigger, Timothy; Ivanovitch, Mikhail. Related to the former cases is the next log.
  108. :: log K [ITX-20848-ADM]
  110. facts Given Administrator Burkov, Vladimir's prior dedication to the Civil Authority, I found this case quite out-of-character for him. He appeared to take a personal interest in my interrogation and amputation of Citizen Gigger, Timothy, and planted false information in the case file and in the Civil Authority database to mislead me. Without the direct authority to amputate a member of City Administration, I issued a memory replacement on Burkov and reconditioned him, to re-focus his loyalty to the CCA.
  112. result Administrator Burkov, Vladimir reconditioned, memory replaced.
  116. :: log L [ITO-20848-DBD]
  118. facts I was summoned for a meeting with the former [CCA.C18-SqL.66617], in attendance at which was [CCA.C18-FtL.40488]. Quite abruptly, 66617 attempted to cash in my loyalty to the ESU division, and ordered both myself and 40488 to leave [CCA.CITY-EIGHTEEN]. 40488 appeared to publicise this exit, and I followed as a prime CIND directive. Once in the Outlands, the pair had apparently been in league with the malignant known as "Snow," and were able to easily locate a new resistance hotpoint. The co-ordinates of this base have been included in this log.
  120. report Units 66617 and 40488 expelled from Civil Authority.
  124. :: log M [ITE-20848-ESU]
  126. facts With my promotion to the rank of Elite Shock Unit, I immediately took it upon myself to further a CIND directive which had been in place prior to my initial induction to the CIND - the observation and evaluation of what had been, at the time, Metropolitan Elite Police. From an inside position, I continued my undercover work (putting on hold my other undercover surveillance during this period), principally to further Operation Tyrant, as well as to ensure that the CIND had a foothold on every rank within the CCA, including the mostly maverick Elite Shock Units. No major issues have arisen within my jurisdiction, or indeed at all, regarding the ESU division.
  128. :: log N [ITE-20848-ES2]
  130. facts Notably, I have submitted a possible revision of the Elite Shock Unit division. This has led me to assume a Warrant Officer and second authority post, as far as command of the ESU division goes. Principally in this operation, which is currently underway, I intend to reshape the ESU division to meet the standards of the CIND. My motives in obtaining this Warrant Officer post have been solely to obtain more influence and power for the Intelligence Division, with the possible effects of improving the quality of the ESU division.
  134. :: log O [Operation Closed Fist]
  136. facts As part of my ongoing campaign to spread and increase the influence and power of the Authority, I have established a personal Operation, known as Closed Fist. This began with my overseeing of a mass extermination of a portion of the City Eighteen civic populace, and has continued since, enforcing major punishments for minor infractions, spreading CCA propaganda and abruptly revoking the citizenship of the occasional citizen for first degree civil noncompliance.
  138. result The world is a better place, sir. Ongoing.
  140. end ::
  141. logout ||::>
  144. (( OK, there you go. Sore wrists. There's also all the other role-plays I've been involved in, which I really wouldn't count as operations, but which you'd know about in-character anyway, considering you have access to my personal files, and I keep records of CCA-related things I do in there. Yay CIND! ))
  146. ---
  148. <::|| CCA.CtL-DtB.a40198
  149. <:: Report File
  150. :: login
  151. :: username: shad0848
  152. :: password: ***********
  153. :: verifying
  154. :: access granted
  155. :: access level [INT.i0.OMEGAx]
  156. :: display
  158. :: report 179
  160. Subject: [Unknown], AKA ['Gigger, Timothy']
  161. Description: n/a
  162. Charges: Failure to co-operate with Civil Authority.
  163. Possession, multiple articles of contraband level one.
  164. Aiding and abetting anti-civil activity.
  165. Failure to comform to basic citizenship protocol.
  167. Code: Civil Malcompliance Level One - [9837m]
  168. Status: Amputated from Civil Populace.
  170. Subject [Gigger, Timothy] (note that name is not present on database), interrogated [TIME.DATE-clsfd]. Revealed information on numerous anti-civil figures. Details follow.
  172. :: report 179a
  174. Subject: [Unknown], AKA ['Harry']
  175. Description: see attached file [179harry.cif]
  176. Charges: Maintenance and creation of illegal weaponry. (Explosives)
  177. Supplying and dealing in illegal weaponry. (Explosives)
  178. Theft of Civil Authority property. (Ground Protection Standard Issue Uniform, decomissioned)
  179. Possession and maintenance of uncertified, unauthorised machinery. (Vehicle)
  180. Aiding and abetting anti-civil activity.
  181. Failure to conform to basic citizenship protocol.
  183. Code: Civil Malcompliance Level One - [9837u]
  184. Status: Citizenship Revoked, Malignant
  186. :: report 179b
  188. Subject: [Unknown], AKA ['Rex']
  189. Description: see attached file [179rex.cif]
  190. Charges: Aiding and abetting anti-civil activity.
  191. Possession and maintenance of uncertified, unauthorised machinery. (Vehicle)
  192. Failure to conform to basic citizenship protocol.
  194. Code: Civil Malcompliance Level Two - [3810p]
  195. Status: Citizenship Revoked, Anti-Citizen
  197. :: report 179c
  199. Subject: [Unknown], AKA ['Ivan']
  200. Description: see attached file [179ivan.cif]
  201. Charges: Aiding and abetting anti-civil activity.
  202. Possession and maintenance of uncertified, unauthorised machinery. (Vehicle)
  203. Failure to conform to basic citizenship protocol.
  205. Code: Civil Malcompliance Level Two - [3811p]
  206. Status: Citizenship Revoked, Anti-Citizen
  208. :: report 179d
  210. Subject: [Unknown], AKA ['Snow']
  211. Description: see attached file [179snow.cif]
  212. Charges: Aiding and abetting anti-civil activity.
  213. Failure to conform to basic citizenship protocol.
  214. Suspected superior in resistance command structure.
  216. Code: Civil Malcompliance Level One - [9837x]
  217. Status: Citizenship Revoked, Malignant
  219. :: report 179e
  221. Subject: [Armoured Combat Unit], AKA ['ACU', 'Bot']
  222. Description: see attached file [179acu.cif]
  223. Charges: Not applicable.
  224. Note: Resistant to conventional arms.
  225. Weakness at rear of neck structure, visible wires.
  226. Vulnerable to explosive munitions.
  228. Code: Civil Malcompliance Level One - [9837k]
  229. Status: Unauthorised Construct, Malignant
  231. :: report 179f
  233. Subject: [Unknown], AKA ['Arendill']
  234. Description: n/a
  235. Charges: Aiding and abetting anti-civil activity.
  236. Failure to conform to basic citizenship protocol.
  238. Code: Civil Malcompliance Level Two - [3811h]
  239. Status: Citizenship Revoked, Anti-Citizen
  241. :: report 179g
  243. Subject: [Hoovverman, ?], AKA ['Grave']
  244. Description: see attached file [179grave.cif]
  245. Charges: Aiding and abetting anti-civil activity.
  246. Failure to conform to basic citizenship protocol.
  247. Note: Associated with subject of [REPORT.179H]
  249. Code: Civil Malcompliance Level Two - [3811r]
  250. Status: Citizenship Revoked, Anti-Citizen
  252. :: report 179h
  254. Subject: [Hoovverman, Riley], AKA ['Nagger']
  255. Description: see standard database entry for citizen [Hoovverman, Riley]
  256. Charges: Aiding and abetting anti-civil activity.
  257. Failure to conform to basic citizenship protocol.
  258. Note: Recently revived by Vortigaunts, previously sentenced to amputation from the civil populace for anti-civil activity.
  260. Code: Civil Malcompliance Level One - [9837t]
  261. Status: Citizenship Revoked, Malignant
  263. :: end
  265. (( The description .cifs (Combine Image Files) include brief descriptions of everyone concerned, given to me by Anubis in-character. They would equate to being able to compare the people concerned to the description if they are arrested, but not otherwise.
  267. 179a - Herald Beckson
  268. 179b - Rex Lee
  269. 179c - Radomir Ivanovich
  270. 179d - Rick Vitelli
  271. 179e - ACU
  272. 179f - Arendill Lenferink
  273. 179g - Robert Hoovverman
  274. 179h - Riley Hoovverman
  276. Story writing in progress. ))
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