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May 23rd, 2017
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  1. EVE System > Channel MOTD: <br><color=0xffffffff>For all your information needs: </color><br><url=>Discord</url> |<url=> Facebook</url><color=0xffffffff> </color><br><br><color=0xff007fff>Channels:<br><br>Standing Orders:</color><color=0xffffffff> </color><color=0xffff0000>Be on comms</color><color=0xffffffff> | Make Dank Isk | Join fleets | dreads > other caps</color><br><color=0xff007fff>Staging: <br>Home: <br><br>KOTD: </color><url=killReport:62313622:289c6dca51ff51673d904cf9968aa840dbf4c972>Kill: kraticisious Davaham (Minokawa)</url><color=0xff007fff> </color><br><br><color=0xffffffff>Currently holding in </color><url=showinfo:5//30001249>X4-WL0</url><color=0xffffffff> as we swap alliances. Please keep your smarts about you and plan accordingly.</color>
  2. Mkovas Kovalenko > where we going>
  3. Mkovas Kovalenko > ?
  4. Varinius Brodie > Are you in Discord?
  5. Drell Vallar > really odd. Every time you write me on discord, I see the notification but cant ever see the actual message
  6. Drell Vallar > So something is screwed up with it I think
  7. Mkovas Kovalenko > mate
  8. Mkovas Kovalenko > where we going and what alliance will be back in the game in 3 days
  9. Varinius Brodie > <url=showinfo:1373//95739774>Drell Vallar</url> I don't have auth to quick-reference who alts are anymore. which one are you? =P
  10. Drell Vallar > Gemini
  11. Drell Vallar > And Ill let xanos answer that other question
  12. Varinius Brodie > <url=showinfo:1373//2112222359>Mkovas Kovalenko</url> I'm not being an ass here, but you need to be on our discord. Being on our discord allows OOG communications and you'd know what's going on.
  13. Mkovas Kovalenko > lol
  14. Mkovas Kovalenko > this game some times
  15. Mkovas Kovalenko > i go team speak the nmumble now diiscored
  16. Drell Vallar > haha ikr
  17. Varinius Brodie > Discord isn't just for comms ^_^ We will still be using mumble. just FYI
  18. Mkovas Kovalenko > who we joining ?
  19. Mkovas Kovalenko > i have exams as well
  20. Drell Vallar > I set up discord on my phone like 2 days before it saved my ass
  21. Varinius Brodie > ^
  22. Mkovas Kovalenko > so i study most of the time and play hearts of iron in brakes
  23. Varinius Brodie > I gotchu bro. But I'll make a deal with ya
  24. Varinius Brodie > You get on discord, I'll tell ya. Think of it as incentive
  25. Mkovas Kovalenko > lol
  26. Mkovas Kovalenko > i am going to bed now its 5 o clock
  27. Varinius Brodie > =P
  28. Varinius Brodie > K
  29. Mkovas Kovalenko > i will log in tomorrow and find out whats going since you dont tell me
  30. Varinius Brodie > Ask in discord, everyone will tell ya
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