Guest User


a guest
Sep 24th, 2017
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  1. on *:INPUT:#: {
  2. if ($1 == .add) {
  3. if (($2 == $null) || ($3 == $null)) { echo -a You have not used correct syntax ([.] add <nick> <acclvl>) | halt }
  4. cs access $chan add $2 $3
  5. if ($3 isnum 3) { mode # +v-qaoh $str($2 $chr(32),5) } | if ($3 isnum 4) { mode # +h-qaov $str($2 $chr(32),5) } | if ($3 isnum 5-9) { mode # +o-qahv $str($2 $chr(32),5) } | if ($3 isnum 10-9999) { mode # +ao-qhv $str($2 $chr(32),5) } | echo -a Access level for $2 on # changed to $3
  6. }
  7. if ($1 == .names) {
  8. mode # +o $me
  9. names #
  10. }
  11. if ($1 == .del) {
  12. if ($2 == $null) { echo -a You have not used correct syntax ([.] del <nick>) | halt }
  13. cs access $chan del $2
  14. mode $chan -qaohv $str($2 $chr(32),5)
  15. echo -a Access for $2 on # removed
  16. }
  17. if ($istok(.k .kick,$1,32)) {
  18. if ($2 == $null) { echo -a You have not used correct syntax ([.] k/kick <nick>) | halt }
  19. mode $chan -eeeIII $address($2,2) $2 $address($2,2) $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2)
  20. mode $chan -Q
  21. cs kick $chan $2 $3-
  23. kick $chan $2 $3-
  24. mode $chan +Q
  25. }
  26. if ($istok(.kb .kickban,$1,32)) {
  27. if ($2 == $null) { echo -a You have not used correct syntax ([.] kb/kickban <nick>) | halt }
  28. mode $chan -eeeeIIII $address($2,1) $address($2,9) $1 $address($2,2) $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2) $address($2,1)
  29. mode $chan -Qqaoh $$2 $$2 $$2 $$2
  30. kick $chan $$2 $3-
  31. mode $chan +bb $2 $address($2,2)
  32. cs access $chan add $2 -9999
  33. cs akick $chan ADD $2 $3-
  34. mode $chan +Q
  35. }
  36. if ($1 == .unban) {
  37. if ($2 == $null) { echo -a You have not used correct syntax ([.] unban <nick>) | halt }
  38. cs akick $chan del $2
  39. /mode $chan -b $2
  40. /mode $chan -b $address($2,2)
  41. /mode $chan -b $address($2,9)
  42. /mode $chan -b $address($2,1)
  43. invite $2 $chan
  44. cs access $chan del $2
  45. invite $2 $chan
  46. }
  47. if ($istok(+b +ban,$1,32)) {
  48. if ($2 == $null) { echo -a You have not used correct syntax ([+] b/ban <nick>) | halt }
  49. mode $chan +b $2
  50. mode $chan +b $address($2,2)
  51. mode $chan +b $address($2,9)
  52. }
  53. if ($istok(-b -ban,$1,32)) {
  54. if ($2 == $null) { echo -a You have not used correct syntax ([-] b/ban <nick>) | halt }
  55. mode $chan -b $2
  56. mode $chan -b $address($2,2)
  57. mode $chan -b $address($2,9)
  58. }
  59. if ($1 == .csdrop) {
  60. if ($2 == $null) { echo -a You have not used correct syntax ([.] csdrop <chan>) | halt }
  61. $?"Are you sure you want to drop the channel? Doing so will end in dire consequences. (Yes/No)"
  62. if ($! == no) { halt }
  63. if ($! == yes) {
  64. cs clear $chan excepts
  65. cs clear $chan invites
  66. mode $chan +i
  67. cs access $chan clear list
  68. mode $chan +k $md5($rand(1,100000))
  69. cs akick $chan add *!*@*
  70. mode $chan -Q
  71. cs clear $chan users
  72. mode $chan -Q
  73. var %x = $nick(#,0) | while (%x) { kick # $nick(#,%x) $! | dec %x }
  74. }
  75. }
  76. if ($1 == .csundo) {
  77. if ($2 == $null) { echo -a You have not used correct syntax ([.] csundo <chan>) | halt }
  78. mode $2 -i
  79. mode $2 -k
  80. cs akick $2 del *!*@*
  81. cs clear $2 bans
  82. }
  83. if ($1 == .bans) {
  84. cs clear # bans
  85. }
  86. if (?akick iswm $1) { cs akick # $1 $2 $3- }
  87. if ($1 == .listakick) cs akick $chan list
  88. if ($1 == .rlb) mode # -b $ibl(#,1)
  89. if ($1 == .cdir) //run $mircdir
  90. if ($1 == .info) cs info $chan
  91. if ($1 == .inv) invite $2 $chan
  92. if ($wildtok(+m -m,$1,1,32)) mode # $v1
  93. if ($wildtok(+s -s,$1,1,32)) mode # $v1
  94. if ($wildtok(+i -i,$1,1,32)) mode # $v1
  95. if ($wildtok(+p -p,$1,1,32)) mode # $v1
  96. if ($wildtok(+Q -Q,$1,1,32)) mode # $v1
  97. if ($wildtok(+v -v,$1,1,32)) mode # $v1 { mode # $1 $+ vvvvv $2- }
  98. if ($wildtok(+h -h,$1,1,32)) mode # $v1 { mode # $1 $+ hhhhh $2- }
  99. if ($wildtok(+o -o,$1,1,32)) mode # $v1 { mode # $1 $+ ooooo $2- }
  100. if ($wildtok(+a -a,$1,1,32)) mode # $v1 { mode # $1 $+ aaaaa $2- }
  101. if ($wildtok(+q -q,$1,1,32)) mode # $v1 { mode # $1 $+ qqqqq $2- }
  102. if ($1 == .secure*) {
  103. if ($2 == on) { cs set # secureops on }
  104. if ($2 == off) { cs set # secureops off }
  105. }
  106. if ($1 == .topiclock*) {
  107. if ($2 == on) { cs set # topiclock on }
  108. if ($2 == off) { cs set # topiclock off }
  109. }
  110. if ($1 == .flood*) {
  111. if ($2 == on) { bs kick # flood on 3 10 5 }
  112. if ($2 == off) { bs kick # flood off }
  113. }
  114. if ($1 == .assign) bs assign $chan $2
  115. if ($1 == .reg) cs register $chan $md5($rand(1,100000)) $2-
  116. if ($1 == .redirect) cs set $chan mlock +lL 1 $2-
  117. if ($1 == .topic) topic $chan $2-
  118. if ($1 == .delexc) cs clear $chan excepts
  119. if ($1 == .delinv) cs clear $chan invites
  120. if ($1 == .greet) ns set greet $2-
  121. if ($1 == +cban) mode $chan +b ~c: $+ $2-
  122. if ($1 == -cban) mode $chan -b ~c: $+ $2-
  123. if ($1 == .nlist) ns alist
  124. if ($1 == .readmemo) msg MemoServ READ last
  125. if ($1 == .Sleep) { nick urnick | away Sleep }
  126. if ($1 == .AFK) {
  127. nick urnick
  128. away $2- | amsg $me has gone away reason - [ $2- ]
  129. if ($2 == $null) { away [ AWAY ] | amsg 4,1$me has gone away [ $2- ] }
  130. echo -a Your status has been set as away.
  131. }
  132. if ($1 == +o) { mode # +o $nick }
  133. if ($1 == -o) { mode # -o $nick }
  134. if ($1 == +h) { mode # +h $nick }
  135. if ($1 == -h) { mode # +h $nick }
  136. if ($1 == +v) { mode # +v $nick }
  137. if ($1 == -v) { mode # -v $nick }
  138. if ($1 == .Back) { nick urnick | away }
  139. if ($1 == .update) ns update
  140. if ($1 == .list) cs access $chan list $2-
  141. if ($1 == .amsg) amsg 4[15>15>15>15>11A4M9S12G15<15<15<15<4]13 $2- 
  142. if ($1 == .clearakick) cs akick # clear list
  143. if ($1 == .clearbans) cs clear $chan bans
  144. if ($1 == .clearaccess) cs access $chan clear
  145. if ($1 == .clearusers) cs clear $chan users
  146. if ($1 == +ei) mode $chan +eeeeIIII $2 $address($2,1) $address($2,9) $address($2,2) $2 $address($2,1) $address($2,9) $address($2,2)
  147. if ($1 == -ei) mode $chan -eeeeIIII $2 $address($2,1) $address($2,9) $address($2,2) $2 $address($2,1) $address($2,9) $address($2,2)
  148. if ($1 == .ei) mode $chan +eeeeIIII $address($me,1) $address($me,9) $address($me,2) $address($me,1) $address($me,9) $address($me,2)
  149. if ($1 == .massv) {
  150. { alias mass {
  151. if ($me isop $chan) {
  152. if (voice isin +vvoice) { set %prefix $+(+,$str(v,$modespl)) | goto start }
  153. :start
  154. set %massing $nick($chan,0)
  155. while (%massing) {
  156. if ($nick($chan,%massing) != $me) { set %mass1 %mass1 $nick($chan,%massing) }
  157. if ($gettok(%mass1,0,32) = $modespl) { mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1 }
  158. dec %massing
  159. }
  160. mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1
  161. }
  162. else { echo -a *** Error you're not an op on $chan *** }
  163. }
  164. }
  165. }
  166. if ($1 == .massdv) {
  167. { alias mass {
  168. if ($me isop $chan) {
  169. if (devoice isin -vdevoice) { set %prefix $+(-,$str(v,$modespl)) }
  170. :start
  171. set %massing $nick($chan,0)
  172. while (%massing) {
  173. if ($nick($chan,%massing) != $me) { set %mass1 %mass1 $nick($chan,%massing) }
  174. if ($gettok(%mass1,0,32) = $modespl) { mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1 }
  175. dec %massing
  176. }
  177. mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1
  178. }
  179. else { echo -a *** Error you're not an op on $chan *** }
  180. }
  181. }
  182. }
  183. if ($1 == .masso) {
  184. alias mass {
  185. if ($me isop $chan) {
  186. if (op isin +oop) { set %prefix $+(+,$str(o,$modespl)) | goto start }
  187. :start
  188. set %massing $nick($chan,0)
  189. while (%massing) {
  190. if ($nick($chan,%massing) != $me) { set %mass1 %mass1 $nick($chan,%massing) }
  191. if ($gettok(%mass1,0,32) = $modespl) { mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1 }
  192. dec %massing
  193. }
  194. mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1
  195. }
  196. else { echo -a *** Error you're not an op on $chan *** }
  197. }
  198. }
  199. if ($1 == .massdo) {
  200. alias mass {
  201. if ($me isop $chan) {
  202. if (deop isin -odeop) { set %prefix $+(-,$str(o,$modespl)) }
  203. :start
  204. set %massing $nick($chan,0)
  205. while (%massing) {
  206. if ($nick($chan,%massing) != $me) { set %mass1 %mass1 $nick($chan,%massing) }
  207. if ($gettok(%mass1,0,32) = $modespl) { mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1 }
  208. dec %massing
  209. }
  210. mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1
  211. }
  212. else { echo -a *** Error you're not an op on $chan *** }
  213. }
  214. }
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