Guest User


a guest
Nov 19th, 2017
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  2. GREETINGS=~w~Welcome back to ~r~***L5RP***~w~ server!
  3. REGISTER=~r~There's no account associated with your username!
  4. LOGIN=~r~You need to login to the server, using: ~o~/login!
  5. AUTO_LANG=~b~You weren't registered, so we picked ~o~%s~b~ language as default for you!
  6. USAGE=~b~Usage:
  7. PASSWORD=Password
  8. WRONG_PASSWORD=~r~Password that you have entered is wrong!
  9. ALREADY_REGISTERED=~r~You are already registered here!
  10. ALREADY_LOGIN=~r~You are already logged in here!
  11. GOOD_LOGIN=~g~You successfully ~o~logged in~g~!
  12. GOOD_REGISTER=~g~You successfully ~o~registered~g~!
  13. PASSWORD_LENGHT_TOO_BIG=~r~Your password must be shorter then ~o~30 ~r~letters!
  14. PASSWORD_LENGHT_TOO_SMALL=~r~Your password must be longer then ~o~3 ~r~letters!
  15. COMMAND_DNTE=~r~This command does not exist!
  16. PLAYER_NTF=~r~Player was not found!
  17. SETSKIN_MSG_S=~g~You changed ~o~%s's~g~ skin!
  18. SETSKIN_MSG_G=~o~%s ~g~changed your skin!
  19. SKIN=Skin
  20. PLAYER=Player
  21. SETPRIV_GET=~o~%s ~g~changed your privileges to: ~o~%s~g~!
  22. SETPRIV_SET=~g~You changed ~o~%s's~g~ privileges to: ~o~%s~g~!
  23. PRIV_DOESNT_EXIST=~r~These priviliges doesn't exist!
  24. P_NO_PRIV=No Privileges
  25. P_VIP=Bronze
  26. P_ADMIN1=Silver
  27. P_ADMIN2=Gold
  28. P_ADMIN3=Support
  29. P_ADMIN4=Staff
  30. P_OWNER=Owner
  31. PRIV=Privileges
  32. VEHICE_MODEL=CarModel
  33. CREATECAR_TXT=~g~Car, with ~o~%s~g~ model, was created!
  34. NOT_E_PRIV=~r~If you want to use this command, you need to have ~o~%s~r~ privileges!
  35. GET_SET=~g~You teleported ~o~%s~g~, to yourself!
  36. GET_GET=~o~%s~g~ teleported you to himself!
  37. TO_SET=~g~You teleported to ~o~%s~g~!
  38. TO_GET=~o~%s~g~ teleported to you!
  39. TAKSI_BLIP=~y~Los Santos Taxi
  40. POLICE_BLIP=~b~Los Santos Police Departament
  41. J_NO=Unemployed
  42. J_TAKSI=Los Santos Taxi driver
  43. J_POLICE=Los Santos Police officer
  44. JOB_BAD_VEHICLE=~r~Only ~o~%s~r~ can drive this vehicle!
  45. JOB_GOOD_VEHICLE=~b~While you will be driving this car you will get ~o~%i~b~€/min!
  46. DONT_HAVE_JOB=~r~You dont work anywhere!
  47. LEFT_LOB=~g~You left your job!
  48. YOU_HAVE_JOB=~r~You already work somewhere, if you want to leave your job, use ~o~/leavejob~r~!
  49. NEW_JOB=~g~Congratulations, you found new job ~o~%s~g~!
  50. GOT_XP=~o~L5RP: ~g~You got ~o~%i~g~ experience points!
  51. GOT_MONEY=~o~Job: ~g~You got ~o~%i~g~€ to your earnings!
  52. EARNINGS=~b~You have ~o~%i~b~€ in your earnings!
  53. SCORE_S=~b~You have ~o~%i~b~ experience points.
  54. SCORE_O=~o~%s~b~ has ~o~%i~b~ experience points.
  55. MONEY_1=~b~---~o~%s~b~ money---
  56. MONEY_2=~b~*Inside ~o~Pocket~b~: ~o~%i~b~€.
  57. MONEY_3=~b~*Inside ~o~Bank~b~: ~o~%i~b~€.
  58. MONEY_4=~b~*Inside ~o~Earnings~b~: ~o~%i~b~€.
  59. CC_TOJOB=~g~You put on your ~o~work~g~ clothes.
  60. CC_TONOR=~g~You put on your ~o~holiday~g~ clothes.
  61. C_NOUNIFORM=~r~You're without uniform, use ~o~%s~r~ to change your clothes!
  62. JOBS_NOUNIFORM=~r~Your job doesn't have an uniform!
  63. LANG=Language
  64. ALL_LANGS=~b~Available languages: ~o~%s~b~, ~o~%s~b~, ~o~%s~b~!
  65. LANG_CHANGED=~g~You changed your language to ~o~%s~g~!
  66. LANG_NEXIST=~r~This language doesn't exist!
  67. JOB=Job
  68. JOB_NEXIST=~r~This job doesn't exist!
  69. JOB_NBOSS=~r~This job doesn't have boss!
  70. SETBOSS_SET=~g~You gave ~o~%s~g~ boss position in~o~ '%s'~g~ corporation!
  71. SETBOSS_GET=~g~Congratulations, you are the new boss of ~o~'%s'~g~ corporation!
  72. CLEARBOSS=~o~%s~g~ job's boss position was cleared!
  73. JOB_INV_NOXP_O=~o~%s~r~ doesn't have enough experience points for this job!
  74. JOB_INV_WORK_O=~o~%s~r~ already works somewhere!
  75. JOB_INV_GET=~g~Congratulations, you were invited to join ~o~%s~g~ job's team!
  76. JOB_INV_SET=~g~You invited ~o~%s~g~ to join your job's team!
  77. NOXP=~r~You don't have enough experience points!
  78. JOB_NOINV=~r~This job requires invitation to join it's team!
  79. JOB_DROP_BADJOB=~o~%s~r~ doesn't work at your job!
  80. JOB_DROP_GET=~o~%s~r~ dropped you from your job!
  81. JOB_DROP_SET=~r~You dropped ~o~%s~r~ from your job!
  82. MONEY=Money
  83. SCORE=Experience
  84. SETMONEY_SET=~g~You changed ~o~%s's~g~ ammount of money in the pocket, to ~o~%i~g~€!
  85. SETMONEY_GET=~o~%s~g~ changed your ammount of money in the pocket, to ~o~%i~g~€!
  86. SETSCORE_SET=~g~You changed ~o~%s's~g~ ammount of experience to ~o~%i~g~ experience points!
  87. SETSCORE_GET=~o~%s~g~ changed your ammount of experience to ~o~%i~g~ experience points!
  88. MESSAGE=Message
  89. WT_PREFIX=~o~[Walkie-Talkie]~y~
  90. JOB_NOWT=~r~Your job doesn't have walkie-talkie!
  91. MSG_TOOLONG=~r~Your message is too long!
  92. TP_JOB=~g~You travelled to your ~o~job~g~!
  93. TP_LS=~g~You travelled to ~o~Los Santos~g~ city!
  94. TP_CHUCH=~g~You travelled to ~o~Church~g~!
  95. TP_MOUNTAIN=~g~You travelled ~o~Chilliad ~g~mountain!
  96. PRIV_NOVIP=~r~You don't have ~o~VIP~r~ privileges, for more information type ~o~/iwantvip~r~!
  97. JOB_NOJOB=~r~You don't work anywhere!
  98. COLOR=Color
  99. COLOR_WRONG=~r~This color doesn't exist!
  100. COLOR_SETCOLOR_SET=~g~You changed ~o~%s's~g~ username's color to ~%c~COLOR~g~!
  101. COLOR_SETCOLOR_GET=~o~%s~g~ changed your username's color to ~%c~COLOR~g~!
  102. CALL_ISKV_SET=~g~You asked ~o~%s~g~ to arrive!
  103. CALL_ISKV_GET=~o~Job: ~o~%s~y~ calls you to arrive! Take the call with ~o~/driving~y~!
  104. COMING_WT=~o~Job~y~: ~o~%s~y~: I'm driving to ~o~%s~y~!
  105. COMING_GET=~o~%s~g~ is coming to you!
  106. COMING_NO1=~o~%s~r~ isn't calling for you!
  107. COMING_NO2=~r~Another employee is driving to ~o~%s~r~!
  108. COMING_DONE_CALLER=~o~%s~g~ arrived to you!
  109. COMING_DONE_EMPLOY=~o~Job: ~g~You got ~o~200~g~€ bonus to your earnings!
  110. COMING_DONE_WT=~o~Job~y~: ~o~%s~y~ arrived to ~o~%s~y~!
  111. TO_YOURSELF=~r~To yourself?
  112. JOB_MSG=~o~%s~b~ works at ~o~%s~b~!
  113. PLAYER_TOO_FAR_AWAY=~o~%s~r~ is too far away from you!
  114. CMD_ANT_GET_BAD=~o~%s~r~ locked you!
  115. CMD_ANT_GET_GOOD=~o~%s~g~ unlocked you!
  116. CMD_ANT_SET_BAD=~g~You locked ~o~%s~g~!
  117. CMD_ANT_SET_GOOD=~g~You unlocked ~o~%s~g~!
  118. DISTANCE_MSG=~o~%s~g~ is ~o~%.2f~g~ metres away from you!
  119. FOLLOW_STOP=~r~Following was cancelled!
  120. FOLLOW_START=~g~You started following ~o~%s~g~!
  121. NOT_IN_VEHICLE=~r~You are not in any vehicle!
  122. ARE_IN_VEHICLE=~r~YOu are in vehicle!
  123. CARCOLOR_SET=~g~Vehicle's color was changed!
  124. RED=Red
  125. GREEN=Green
  126. BLUE=Blue
  127. ITS_JOB_CAR=~r~It's job car!
  128. CAR_HAS_OWNER=~r~This car has an owner!
  129. GOT_CAR=~g~Congratulations, you have bought a car!
  130. RIDA=~b~Car's milage: ~o~%.1f~b~km!
  131. FUEL=~b~Car's fuel tank contains ~o~%.1f~b~l petrol!
  132. CHEALTH=~b~Car's health: Engine's:~o~%i~b~ Tank's:~o~%i~b~
  133. FIX_SET=~g~Car was fixed, for ~o~%i~g~€!
  134. NOMONEY=~r~You don't have ~o~%i~r~€!
  135. TANKOK=~g~You filled vehicle's petrol tank!
  136. ENGINE_OFF=~y~*~o~%s~y~ turned vehicle's engine off!
  137. ENGINE_ON=~y~*~o~%s~y~ turned vehicle's engine on!
  138. NOFUEL=~r~There's no petrol in this vehicle!
  139. VEHICLE_SEAT=Seat
  140. ISODINTI_SET=~g~You forced ~o~%s~g~ to sit in your car!
  141. ISODINTI_GET=~o~%s~r~ forced you to sit in your car!
  142. PLAYER_NOT_LOCKED=~o~%s~r~ isn't locked!
  143. CARLIST=~b~--- ~o~%s~b~ cars ---
  144. CARLIST_F=~b~%i. ~o~%s~b~ (~o~%s~b~).
  145. INVALID_VEHICLE_HANDLE=~r~Vehicle doesn't exist!
  146. TPM_MSG=~g~You travelled to your vehicle!
  147. VEHICLE=Car
  148. ISKV_STOP_DISC=~r~Calling was cancelled, because player has disconnected!
  149. ISKV_STOP_CANC=~r~Call was cancelled!
  150. KVIECIA=~y~---Callers:---
  151. KVIECIA_F=~y~%i. ~o~%s~y~(~o~%i~y~)
  152. BUYCAR_1=~g~Hello, thanks for visiting this shop!
  153. BUYCAR_2=~g~We suggest you to buy ~o~%s~g~ for ~o~%i~g~€!
  154. BUYCAR_3=~g~If you accept this offer write ~o~/cbuy~g~!
  155. BUYCAR_BAD_CAR=~r~This car is not for sale!
  156. BUYCAR_SET=~y~*~o~%s~y~ bought ~o~%s~y~ vehicle!
  157. BUYCAR_LIMIT=~r~One player can only own two vehicles!
  158. V_F=~o~~h~VIP ~g~%s:~h~%s
  159. VIP_F=~g~~h~[VIP Chat]~h~ %s: %s
  160. S_F=~o~~h~Admin ~g~%s: ~h~%s
  161. ADMIN_F=~w~~h~[Admin Chat]~h~ %s: %s
  162. SMS_GOT_HEADER=~y~---You got message from ~o~%s~y~---
  163. SMS_SENT_HEADER=~y~---Message was sent to ~o~%s~y~---
  164. GOTOPOS=~g~You successfully teleported!
  165. SETTIME=~g~Time was changed!
  166. BANK=Bank
  167. EARN_TAKE=~g~You took your earnings! And paid ~o~%i~g~%% royalties!
  168. USERNAME_TOOLONG=~r~Your username is too long! Longest possible length: ~o~30~r~ letters!
  169. USERNAME_TOOSHORT=~r~Your username is too short! Shortest possible lentht: ~o~3~r~ letters!
  170. USERNAME_NONRP=~r~Your username format is wrong! Correct Example: ~o~Vardas_Pavarde~r~!
  171. HOURS=Hours
  172. MINUTES=Minutes
  173. WANTED_LEVEL=WantedLevel
  174. SETWANTEDLEVEL_SET=~g~You changed ~o~%s's~g~ wanted level to ~o~%i~g~!
  175. SETWANTEDLEVEL_GET=~o~%s~g~ changed your wanted level to ~o~%i~g~!
  176. WANTED_LEVEL_F=~o~%s's~b~ wanted level: ~o~%i~b~!
  177. FINE_NOWANTED=~r~Player doesn't have wanted level!
  178. FINE_GET=~y~*~o~%s~y~ offered ~o~%s~y~ to pay ~o~%i~y~€ fine!
  179. FINE_GET2=~y~You can pay fine by tiping ~o~/fpay~g~!
  180. FINE_NASKTOPAY=~r~Nobody didn't offer you to pay fine!
  181. FINE_PAID_SET=~g~You just paid ~o~%i~g~€ fine!
  182. FINE_PAID_GET=~o~%s~g~ paid ~o~%i~g~€ fine! You got ~o~%i~g~€ to your earnings!
  183. MECHANIC_BLIP=~w~Mechanic's job
  184. J_MECHANIC=Mechanic
  185. MODPLACEID=Mod'sPlaceID
  186. MODINDEXID=Mod'sIndexID
  187. INVALIDMODSPLACEID=~r~Invalid Mod's place ID (0-48)!
  188. CARTUNE_SET=~y~*~o~%s~y~ tuned vehicle!
  189. TIME_SET=~b~Current time is ~o~%i~b~:~o~%i~b~!
  190. DIRZAS_YES=~o~%s~y~ put on his seat belt!
  191. DIRZAS_NO=~o~%s~y~ put out his seat belt!
  192. ISWITHBELT_YES=~g~Player is with belt!
  193. ISWITHBELT_NO=~r~Player is without belt! He got additional 5 wanted levels!
  194. ISWITHBELT_GET=~o~%s~y~ checks if ~o~%s~y~ is with belt!
  195. ISWITHBELT_GET_NO=~o~%s~r~ noticed that you are without belt! You got 5 wanted levels!
  196. PLAYER_NOT_DRIVER=~o~%s~r~ isn't vehicle's driver!
  197. ISWITHLIGTHS_YES=~g~In player's vehicle ligths are on!
  198. ISWITHLIGTHS_NO=~r~In player's vehicle ligths are off! Player got 5 wanted levels!
  199. ISWITHLIGTHS_GET=~o~%s~y~ checks if ~o~%s~y~ is driving with lights!
  200. ISWITHLIGTHS_GET_NO=~o~%s~r~ noticed that you are driving without ligths, you got 5 wanted levels!
  201. CMD_LOGIN=/login
  202. CMD_REGISTER=/register
  203. CMD_LANG=/lang
  204. CMD_SETSKIN=/setskin
  205. CMD_SETPRIV=/setpriv
  206. CMD_CREATECAR=/createcar
  207. CMD_GET=/get
  208. CMD_TO=/to
  209. CMD_LEAVEJOB=/jleave
  210. CMD_EARNINGS=/earnings
  211. CMD_XP=/xp
  212. CMD_MONEY=/money
  213. CMD_CHANGECLOTHES=/cchange
  214. CMD_GIVEBOSS=/bgive
  215. CMD_CLEARBOSS=/bclear
  216. CMD_BINVITE=/binvite
  217. CMD_BFIRE=/bfire
  218. CMD_SETMONEY=/setmoney
  219. CMD_SETXP=/setxp
  220. CMD_WT=/wt
  221. CMD_TPJ=/jtp
  222. CMD_TPLS=/tpls
  223. CMD_TPC=/tpb
  224. CMD_TPMOUNTAIN=/tpmountain
  225. CMD_IWANTVIP=/iwantvip
  226. CMD_SETCOLOR=/setcolor
  227. CMD_CALL=/call
  228. CMD_COMING=/driving
  229. CMD_JOB=/job
  230. CMD_CUFF=/cuff
  231. CMD_DISTANCE=/distance
  232. CMD_FOLLOW=/follow
  233. CMD_CARCOLOR=/ccolor
  234. CMD_CLAIMCAR=/claimcar
  235. CMD_MILAGE=/cmilage
  236. CMD_FUEL=/cfuel
  237. CMD_CARHEALTH=/chealth
  238. CMD_CARFIX=/cfix
  239. CMD_FILLFUEL=/cfill
  240. CMD_ENGINE=/engine
  241. CMD_FORCETOSIT=/fsit
  242. CMD_CARS=/cars
  243. CMD_CARTP=/ctp
  244. CMD_CALLERS=/callers
  245. CMD_GETPOS=/getpos
  246. CMD_BUYCAR=/cbuy
  247. CMD_VIP_GLOBAL=/v
  248. CMD_VIP_CHAT=/vip
  250. CMD_ADMIN_CHAT=/admin
  251. CMD_SMS=/sms
  252. CMD_GOTOPOS=/gotopos
  253. CMD_SETTIME=/settime
  254. CMD_SETWANTEDLEVEL=/setwlevel
  255. CMD_WANTEDLEVEL=/wlevel
  256. CMD_FINE=/fine
  257. CMD_PAYFINE=/fpay
  258. CMD_CARTUNE=/ctune
  259. CMD_TIME=/time
  260. CMD_BELT=/belt
  261. CMD_ISWITHBELT=/wbelt
  262. CMD_ISWITHLIGTHS=/wligths
  263. CMD_GIVEMONEY=/give
  264. GIVEMONEY=~o~%s~y~ gave ~o~%s %i~y~ €!
  265. CMD_MUTE=/mute
  266. MUTE_ONMSG=~r~You are muted. You will be able to talk after ~o~%i~r~ seconds (%s)!
  267. MUTE=~o~%s~r~ muted ~o~%s~r~ for ~o~%i~r~ seconds (%s)!
  268. SECONDS=Seconds
  269. MUTE_PLAYER_MUTED=~o~%s~r~ is already muted!
  270. CMD_JAILTIME=/jail
  271. JAILTIME=~o~%i~y~ seconds left for you in jail!
  272. JAILTIME_NIJ=~r~You are not jailed!
  273. YOU_INJAIL=~r~You are in jail!
  274. HE_INJAIL=~o~%s ~r~is in jail!
  275. NAME_WASINVALID=~r~Your username didn't meet requirements!
  276. CMD_ITA=/ita
  277. REASON=Reason
  278. ITA_MSG=~y~*~o~%s~y~ added ~o~%i~y~ wanted levels to ~o~%s~y~!
  279. ITA_MSG_REASON=~y~*Reason: ~o~%s~y~!
  280. TIME_MSG=~y~*~o~%s~y~ patikrino laika!
  281. ME_FORMAT=~y~*~o~%s~y~ %s!
  282. CMD_ME=/me
  283. NO_STARTS=~r~You aren't criminal!
  284. JAIL_MSG=~y~You were imprisoned for ~o~%i~y~ seconds!
  285. JAIL_MSG2=~y~You can check how long you will be imprisoned with ~o~/jail~y~!
  286. FREED_FROM_JAIL_Y=~g~You were freed from jail!
  287. DOESNT_USE_ENGINE=~r~Si masina neturi variklio!
  288. DOESNT_USE_FUEL=~r~Si masina nenaudoja degalu!
  289. DOESNT_USE_ENGINE=~r~This vehicle doesn't have engine!
  290. DOESNT_USE_FUEL=~r~This vehicle doesn't use any fuel!
  291. CMD_MEXTRA=/cextra
  292. BOOL=0/1(off/on)
  293. EXTRA=Extra(0-8)
  294. EXTRA_OOF=~r~Given extra argument was out of range! ~o~(0-8)
  295. BOOL_OOF=r~Given bool argument was out of range! ~o~(0-1)
  296. CMD_TCALC=/tstart
  297. NOT_IN_YOUR_VEHICLE=~o~%s~r~ isn't in your vehicle!
  298. HAS_CONTRACT=~o~%s~r~ already has contract with taxi!
  299. TCALC_MSG=~y~*~o~%s~y~ started taxi contract with ~o~%s~y~!
  300. TCALC_GET1=~o~---TAXI-CONTRACT---
  301. TCALC_GET2=~y~Taxi driver has started taxi offer with you!
  302. TCALC_GET3=~y~When you will exit the car you will pay for your ride!
  303. TCALC_GET4=~y~Use: /tcontract, to check information about offer!
  304. CMD_TMONEY=/tcontract
  305. TMONEY_NO_OFFER=~r~You don't have any contracts with taxi!
  306. TMONEY_GET2=~y~Expenses: ~o~%i~y~ €!
  307. TMONEY_GET3=~y~Price: ~o~%i~y~ €/km!
  308. TMONEY_GET4=~y~Distance: ~o~%.1f~y~ km!
  309. DIDNT_PAY_FOR_TAXI=~y~*~o~%s~y~ didn't pay for the ride to ~o~%s~y~!
  310. ISNT_NUMBER=~o~%s~r~ isn't number!
  311. CMD_NUMBERPLATE=/cnumberplate
  312. NUMBERPLATE=NumberPlate
  313. NUMBERPLATE_OOF=r~Given NumberPlate argument was out of range! ~o~(0-5)
  314. SAY_F=%s~t~ says %s
  315. EVENT_F=~y~*~o~%s~y~ %s
  316. N_MYSQP_USERNAME=~r~Your username uses not allowed characters!
  317. N_MYSQP_PASSWORD=~r~Your password uses not allowed characters!
  318. LANG_LT=Lithuanian
  319. LANG_EN=English
  320. LANG_DE=German
  321. N_SWITCH_LANG=~r~You are already using ~o~%s ~r~language!
  322. N_REGISTER_ATWEBSIE=~r~Create your account at:!
  323. CHARLIST_H=~y~---~o~%s's~y~ characters---
  324. CHARLIST_F=~y~%i. ~%c~%s~y~;
  325. CMD_LISTCHARACTERS=/characters
  326. SELECT_CHAR=~y~Select character with which you want to play!
  327. SELECT_CHAR_LIST=~y~Check available characters with ~o~%s~y~!
  328. SELECT_CHAR_SELECT=~y~Select character with ~o~%s~y~!
  330. USERNAME=Username
  331. CHARACTER_N_EXIST=~r~Character, that is named ~o~%s~r~, doesn't exist!
  332. CHARACTER_SELECTED=~g~You started playing with ~o~%s~g~ character!
  333. NO_CHARACTERS=~r~You don't have any characters in this region!
  334. NO_CHARACTERS_CREATE=~r~You can create characters at website!
  335. NO_CHARACTERS_REGION=~r~This server's region: ~o~%s~r~!
  336. CMD_OOC=/ooc
  337. OOC_F=[OOC] %s: %s!
  338. COMMAND_OFOR_LAW=~r~Only ~o~Law Enforcement~r~ can use this command~r~!
  339. OOC_F_P=[OOC] %s %s: %s!
  340. CMD_PRIV=/priv
  341. PRIV_F=~o~%s~y~ has ~o~%s~y~ privileges!
  342. CMD_CFOLLOW=/cfollow
  343. CFOLLOW_START=~g~You started following ~o~%s~g~ vehicle!
  344. CMD_REFRESH=/refresh
  345. LOS_SANTOS_AIRPORT=Los Santos Airport
  346. NORTH_YANKTON_AIRPORT=North Yankton Travel Agency
  347. TRAVELLED_F=~g~You travelled to ~o~%s~g~, travel costed ~o~%i~g~ €!
  348. LOS_SANTOS=Los Santos
  349. NORTH_YANKTON=North Yankton
  350. TAKSI_MORETHANONE_CONTRACT=~r~You have more than one contract!
  351. TAKSI_SELECT_CONTRACT=~y~If you want to check contract use: ~o~%s id~y~!
  352. TAKSI_LIST_CONTRACT=~y~You can use ~o~%s %s~y~ to look at entire contract list!
  353. LIST=list
  354. TAKSI_CONTRACT_NEXIST=~r~Invalid contract's ID!
  355. BANK_ENTER=~y~You walked near to ATM!
  356. BANK_EXIT=~y~You walked away from ATM!
  357. CMD_BANKPUT=/bput
  358. CMD_BANKTAKE=/btake
  359. BANKPUT_MSG=~g~You put ~o~%i~g~ € into your bank account!
  360. BANKTAKE_MSG=~g~You took ~o~%i~g~ € from your bank account!
  361. BANKPUT_ENTER=~y~You can put money into your bank account using ~o~%s~y~!
  362. BANKTAKE_ENTER=~y~You can take money from your bank account using ~o~%s~y~!
  363. BANKTAKE_NEM=~r~You don't have ~o~%i~r~ € in your bank account!
  364. NO_BANK_NEAR=~r~There's no ATM near you!
  366. VEHICLE_PUT_BELT=~y~Put on your seat belt with ~o~%s~y~!
  367. VEHICLE_TURN_LIGHTS=~y~Make sure that your front lights are enabled.
  368. VEHICLE_LAST_SEAT=~y~Vehicle's last driver is ~o~%s~y~!
  369. SERVER=Server
  370. KICK_F=~b~%s was kicked out from the server, by %s (%s).
  371. TRIGGER_ANTI_CHEAR=~r~AntiCheat script kicked you out from the server.
  372. NO_NATIVE_TRAINER_ALLOWED=~r~Native trainers are disallowed in this server!
  373. CMD_KICK=/kick
  374. BANNED_ACC=~r~Account ~o~%s~r~ is banned from the server!
  375. BANNED_ADMIN=~r~You were banned by ~o~%s~r~!
  376. BANNED_REASON=~r~Reason: ~o~%s!
  377. BANNED_TIME=~r~Unban Date: ~o~%s!
  378. PERNAMENT=Never
  379. BANNED_UNBAN=~r~In forum you can find some information about how you can get unbanned!
  380. CMD_BAN_ACCOUNT=/ban
  381. ACCOUNT_BANNED_F=~o~%s's account was banned by %s, until %s (%s).
  382. CMD_BAN_TIME_ACCOUNT=/bantime
  383. TOO_MUCH_TIME=~r~Your privileges doesn't let you to ban for longer than %i seconds!
  384. BANNED_CHARACTER=~r~Character ~o~%s~r~ is banned from the server!
  385. CMD_BAN_CHARACTER=/cban
  386. CMD_BAN_CHARACTER_TIME=/cbantime
  387. CHARACTER_BANNED_F=~o~%s character was banned, by %s, until %s (%s).
  388. CMD_UNBAN_CHARACER=/cunban
  389. CMD_UNBAN_ACCOUNT=/unban
  390. CHARACTER_NOT_BANNED=~r~Character ~o~%s~r~ isn't banned from the server!
  391. ACCOUNT_NOT_BANNED=~r~Account ~o~%s~r~ isn't banned from the Server!
  392. CHARACTER_NOT_FOUND=~r~Character wasn't found!
  393. ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND=~r~Account wasn't found!
  394. CHARACTER_UNBAN=~g~Character ~o~%s~g~ was unbanned from the server!
  395. ACCOUNT_UNBAN=~g~Account ~o~%s~g~ was unbanned from the server!
  396. CMD_SUPPORT=/support
  397. SUPPORT_F=~w~[SUPPORT] %s: %s.
  398. CMD_REPORT=/report
  399. REPORT_F=~w~[REPORT] %s: %s.
  400. REPORT_MSG=~g~Your issue was reported. We will try to fix it ASAP!
  401. STRING_NOT_SAFE=~o~%s~r~ string isn't safe to use in database: ~o~Invalid Character %c~r~!
  402. PLYR_NOT_IN_VEHICLE=~o~%s~r~ isn't in vehicle!
  403. COUPES_DEALERSHIP=Coupe Car Dealership
  404. MOTORBIKES_DEALERSHIP=Motorbikes Dealership
  405. FIRST_DRIVER=~y~You're first this vehicle's driver!
  406. CMD_GIVEWEAPON=/givegun
  407. GIVEWEAPON_SET=~g~You gave ~o~%s %s~g~ weapon, with ~o~%i~g~ bullets!
  408. GIVEWEAPON_GET=~o~%s~g~ gave you ~o~%s~g~ weapon, with ~O~%i~g~ bullets!
  409. WEAPON=Weapon
  410. AMMO=Ammo
  411. SANDY_SHORES_DS=Sandy Shores Driving school
  412. DRIVING_SCHOOL_HEAD=~y~---Driving School---
  413. DRIVING_SCHOOL_MSG=~y~Use ~o~%s~y~ in order to get ~o~%s~y~ license!
  414. DRIVING_SCHOOL_COST=~y~Driving exam will cost ~o~%i~y~€!
  415. CAR=Car's
  416. MOTORBIKE=Motorbike's
  417. TRUCKING=Trucker's
  418. PLANE=Plane's
  419. CMD_STARTEXAM=/estart
  420. NOT_IN_DRIVING_VEH=~r~This vehicle doesn't belong to driving school!
  421. U_HAVE_DRIVING=~r~You already have %s license!
  422. DRIVING_EXAM_STARTED=~y~Driving exam has started!
  423. DRIVING_EXAM_TIME=~y~Your lap time must be lower, than ~o~%i~y~ seconds!
  424. DRIVING_EXAM_HEALTH=~y~You must end race with more, than ~o~%i~y~ vehicle's HP!
  425. D_CHECKPOINT_TIME=~y~*Current Time: ~o~%i~y~ seconds!
  426. D_CHECKPOINT_HEALTH=~y~Current Vehicle's HP: ~o~%i~y~!
  427. DRIVING_EXAM_FINISH=~g~Driving exam was successfully finished!
  428. DRIVING_EXAM_FAIL=~r~You failed at driving exam!
  429. VEH_HP_TOO_LOW=~r~Your vehicle got too much damage!
  430. TOO_SLOW=~r~Your lap time was too slow!
  431. YOU_NOT_VEHICLE_DRIVER=~r~You're not vehicle's driver!
  432. EXAM_A_STARTED=~r~Driving exam is already started!.
  433. CMD_LICENSES=/licenses
  434. LICENSES_H=~b~--- ~o~%s~b~ Licenses ---
  435. LICENSES_F=~b~%s license: ~o~%s~b~!
  436. HAS=Has
  437. NHAS=Doesn't Have
  438. CMD_SAVECAR=/savecar
  439. CAR_SAVED=~g~Car was saved successfully!
  440. CMD_TASER=/taser
  441. TASER_ON=~g~Taser was turned on!
  442. TASER_OFF=~r~Taser was turned off!
  443. TASER_WORK=~r~You were tased by ~o~%s~r~!
  444. TASER_GET=~y~You tased ~o~%s~y~!
  445. CAN_MOVE=~g~Now you can move!
  446. CMD_LOADIPL=/loadipl
  447. LOADIPL=~g~IPL was loaded!
  448. CMD_UNLOADIPL=/unloadipl
  449. UNLOADIPL=~g~IPL was unloaded!
  451. CMD_O=/o
  452. CMD_UNMUTE=/unmute
  453. UNMUTE=~o~%s~r~ unmuted ~o~%s~r~!
  454. NOT_MUTED=~o~%s~r~ isn't muted!
  455. CMD_INFO=/info
  456. INFO_H=~y~---~o~%s~y~ information---
  457. INFO_F1=~y~Account: ~o~%s~y~.
  458. INFO_F2=~y~Privileges: ~o~%s~y~.
  459. INFO_F3=~y~Experience: ~o~%i~y~.
  460. INFO_F4=~y~Job: ~o~%s~y~.
  461. INFO_F5=~y~Mute: ~o~%i~y~ seconds (~o~%s~y~) by ~o~%s~y~.
  462. J_NY_POLICE=North Yankton Police Officer
  463. J_NY_POLICE_BLIP=~b~North Yankton Police Departament
  464. J_NY_TAXI=North Yankton Taxi Driver
  465. J_NY_TAXI_BLIP=~y~North Yankton Taxi
  466. CMD_HELP=/help
  467. HELP_H=~y~---Help ~o~%i~y~ page from ~o~%i~y~ (~o~%s [page]~y~)---
  468. HELP_F=~o~%s~y~: ~o~%s~y~!
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