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Apr 23rd, 2018
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  1. [12:07] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): I'm so happy Diedtriek made this group. I wish he was here he would probably pass out from laughter. I miss him too and the hours we spent laughing and making fun of scrubs.
  2. [12:08] Dalia Mayako: Oh you two were close?
  3. [12:08] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): For him, this group is where I will be talking the most in from now on.
  4. [12:08] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): Yeah we were in that noob sim uhh
  5. [12:08] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): trying to rememeb the anme
  6. [12:08] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): danielle lavine co-owned it
  7. [12:09] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): that one faggot scream lyric thought he was running it
  8. [12:09] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): he was funny
  9. [12:09] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): he thought he was lord vader
  10. [12:09] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): i was on voice with them too
  11. [12:10] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): ill tell you the raid that made me leave their pathetic group
  12. [12:10] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): god these ultra light cigarettes are so fucking good
  13. [12:11] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): i dont smoke cigs, but only when my bipolar is really bad that i buy a pack or two then i can quit because of my dominant willpower
  14. [12:11] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): ok cig is done
  15. [12:11] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): we were at valhalla and they were bitching and crying as usual, some dumb cunt slave said lets all out to the docks, which shes a slave no idea why shes barking orders like a little bitch
  16. [12:12] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): i was the only one to remain and fight all of valhalla only, which i lost, my skills are actually limited believe it or not
  17. [12:12] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): then i was on ts talking shit to them
  18. [12:12] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): scream force moved me to a dif channel with the 2 cunts that were trying to raise their voices higher than mine
  19. [12:12] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): hew as like
  20. [12:12] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): "ok now let's talk about this"
  21. [12:12] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): cause he's a little bitch and loves the drama it gets him off
  22. [12:12] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): i said
  23. [12:13] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): you know what?
  24. [12:13] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): i'm done
  25. [12:13] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): and respectfully left that group and didn't give them an explanation
  26. [12:13] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): i was sad though i left my friend diedtrik with those scrubs, but it's just a game who cares
  27. [12:13] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): i still can't remember the name of that group
  28. [12:13] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): i probably subconsciously removed it from my memory
  29. [12:13] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): so if it's ringing any bells feel free to state the name of that group
  30. [12:15] Dalia Mayako: Good for you.
  31. [12:17] Noomi Rapace Macro Laville (fkitalracingthoughtemotionsucks): me him and danielle used to be the only three standing there sometimes, chillin, they tried to get me into ow but i don't play gay ass games like leauge ow heatthstone h1z1 pubg cs:go or that stupid kids game fortnite which requires no skill , i reptended that i couldnt access my credit card so i couldnt play ow with them , all these games require no skill or original though, they are only clones of each other to make money, which i respect because you have to make a living somehow, and i imagine making a living making video games is pretty cool
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