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Nov 20th, 2017
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  1. Wow you just hit 80! And now that you’re here it’s time to find something to do, but first, You NEED to unlock a few things.
  3. (If you have both expansions)
  4. 1. Unlock your first mount. This can be done by completing the First mission in path of fire
  5. 2. Unlock gliding! This is also unlocked from the first mission of Heart of thorns. You’ll need to get one HoT mastery point and level up basic gliding to use it
  6. 3. Gearing our characters- You’ll want to aim for one of the meta PVE builds on this website ( ) which will allow you to do dungeons, fractals, and other pve content with ease. WvW ordungeons. You can also buy gear from vendors with karma, but I prefer just to buy the gear off the Trading post.
  7. Okay now that we have our mount and gliding, we can split off into a few sections.
  9. Dailies
  11. These are heavily recommended. Not only are the rewards fantastic, but the content is pretty enjoyable too. If you don’t have a ton of time each day you’ll want to at least the first two in the list
  12. 1. Login daily - for login dailies you have a total of 30 rewards and each day progresses to the next. After logging in for 30 days you’ll get a chest that boosts gold found on enemies. You’ll also get to chose from ascended materials, laurels(recommended for ascended amulets), tomes of knawllege(never get this. Ever), and obsidian shards.(also never get this unless you’re out of karma and need to craft some gear.) the other rewards are just small little boosts
  13. 2. Daily challenges - this is really easy to do and takes around 20 minutes or less. There’s a list of dailies you can do and you only need to complete 3 to get your reward. You’ll be rewarded with 2 gold(free money!), spirit shards, and some achievement points.
  14. 3. Fractal dailies - these take more time but are worth the time invested. You have a chance to obtain ascended gear which is the best gear in the game. Even if you get the wrong stats on the armor, you’ll be able to stat swap this to whatever you want just costing some gold.
  16. Other recommendations
  18. 1. Living story. This is a great way to get ascended trinkets. Each map offers different trinkets but you’ll need to complete part of the story to access this area(unless you have teleport to a friend) the story is pretty decent as well. The best map to farm is called bitterfrost frontier.
  19. 2. HoT and PoF story - decent rewards and great maps to farm gold.
  20. 3. WvW and PvP - great way to learn the ins and outs of all classes
  21. That’s all for now. If you have any other questions @noodle on discord and I’ll answer it.
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