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Nov 15th, 2019
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  1. All of a sudden, she began to hallucinate. There were faces on the trees, everything started spinning, a blood-curdling laugh could be heard all around her.
  2. "What is happening right now? w-what the..a-am I dying? she thought, then suddnely, the darkness surrounded her and shee collapsed on the ground.
  4. Christina stood up, darkness still surrounding her and she felt dizzy.
  5. "What is this place? Where the hell am I?" she said aloud, she was quite scared. Not far from where she was standing, was the dark sillhouette of a woman. They eyes as dark as the night sky, with crimson red horns sprouting from their forehead, their hair was black fading to blonde. They had the same necklace that Christina always wore. In the midst of darkness, Christina could make out that they had a cut going across their neck, as if they had gotten their throat slit. It was extremely hard to make out who or what they were and why they had come for her. She was certain that she had done nothing wrong, but that's the thing, they always come for the most innocent of people...
  6. "Uh hello? w-who are you? Uh...h-how did I end up here?" she asked the shadow.
  7. "You're going crazy Christina, I'm not here. You will never be normal again you know. Not after what happened today. I'm always here, always watching." the shadow replied.
  8. "W-wh-what on earth are you talking about? Am I going crazy? Is this even real? Is this a nightmare?" Christina was baffled. She had never experienced anything like this before. She was extremely scared and confused. She just wanted to go home.
  9. Silence. There was no answer from the shadow. But all of a sudden, it got closer and at this point had Christina held up by the neck, with their clawed hands lifting her up off of the ground.
  10. "You will never be normal...I'm always here...always watching...until we meet again, Christina." Announced the shadow. It had said her name in a mocking way. It sent shivers down her spine. At this point, the shadow had dissapeared and Christina fell to the floor and passed out, again.
  12. The whole time that she was been unconscious, 2 days had passed. It was now Sunday. Christina had woken in the same place that she had passed out in.
  13. "What on earth just happened. I-I-Uh...w-what day is it?" she stuttered. Christina had witnessed some weird things in her life. An example of this would be one of her Year 7 students, named Dylan Goldsmith, who one day had brough in a collection of conkers and was gaining more every time she saw him. He was quite the character. Christina was still confused but had gotten up from the floor. She checked her watch and it read "Sunday."
  14. "I've been unconscious for 2 days?" She said, still in shock.
  15. Christina was extremely confused and began to speed walk home so she would not have to encounter that thing again. She was trying to process what she had just witnessed. She still had a mild headache, she could see the shadow sometimes when she was walking home, she felt dizzy aswell. What could she do? If she went to police they would say she is going crazy, but maybe they would be right. Just thinking about it made shivers rattle down her spine.
  16. "That can't have been real...right?" she thought to herself. "I don't think I can go to work tomorrow..not after what just happened."
  17. Christina decided she would take the Monday off of work and try to figure out what had happened, while dealing with headaches and cleaning herself up of course.
  19. Once she arrived home, Christina locked the door as quick as she could, but this was not very effective.
  20. "You can't escape me Christina. I'm inside you..." The strange voice echoed around the room. Christina just tried to ignore the screaming voice in her mind and concentrate on something else. She walked up to her bedroom and opened the door. She wandered over to her computer. Suddenly, something had changed inside of her. She wasn't in control of her body. She began to walk over to the window and open it. She lifted herself up onto the windowledge and dangeled her feet over the edge.
  21. "Jump." the voice said. "JUMP!"
  22. "W-what? are you insane?" Christina exclaimed.
  23. "Why of course I am!" the voice cackled a blood-curdling laugh.
  24. "Leave me alone!" Christina yelled while holding her head in her hands.
  25. "I'm afraid that's not how it works." the voice said. Its booming voice sounded like Christina's, it was Irish, but sounded more disfigured and demonic.
  26. "Everyone has their darkside Christina...but not everyone embraces it. Only the weak ones do..."
  27. Christina managed to gain control again. She turned herself around and slammed the window shut and then locked it. She took a deep breath and went into the bathroom. Once she had reached the bathroom, she turned the cold water tap on along with splashing the cold water over her face. She looked up at the mirror and saw herself, but every once in a while it would 'glitch' out and she could see the shadow, cackling at how it had so easily managed to control Christina's body. She was powerless. Nothing could save her. unless
  29. Christina had rung up the high school to inform them she will not be working tomorrow because she "was not feeling well" and they agreed to let her take the Monday off.
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