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HoroBot English translations

a guest
Apr 12th, 2017
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  1. language-help = Usage: .horolanguage [en/nl] - Changes the language HoroBot speaks
  2. language-changed = Okay, I will speak English now
  3. status = .horohelp for commands
  4. ecchi-help = Usage: .horoecchi [tags] - Search for an ecchi picture with given tags
  5. nsfw-help = Usage: .horonsfw [tags] - Search for an NSFW(18+) picture with given tags
  6. help-help = Usage: .horohelp or .horohelp [command] - Lists all commands or describes the command
  7. kawaii-is = **%s** is **%s** kawaii!
  8. kawaii-help = Usage: .horokawaii [person] - See how kawaii someone is
  9. kona-help = Usage: .horokona [tags] - Search for a cute picture with given tags
  10. shoot-help = Usage: .horoshoot [person] - Shoot at someone and see how you fare
  11. shoot-hit = **%s**, you hit **%s** for **%s** damage!
  12. shoot-miss = ... You missed ... You really suck at this, don't you?
  13. no-command = is not a command!
  14. html-no-results = No results
  15. html-server-error = Unexpected reply from server
  16. html-error = An unexpected error occured
  17. say-help = Usage: .horosay [sentence] - Make me say what you want
  18. ps-help =  Usage: .horops - This is your pornstar name
  19. pornstar-name = **%s**, your pornstar name is: **%s**
  20. 8ball-help = Usage: .horo8ball [question] - Ask away~!
  21. 8ball-1 = It is certain
  22. 8ball-2 = It is decidedly so
  23. 8ball-3 = Without a doubt
  24. 8ball-4 = Yes - definitely
  25. 8ball-5 = You may rely on it
  26. 8ball-6 = As I see it, yes
  27. 8ball-7 = Most likely
  28. 8ball-8 = Outlook good
  29. 8ball-9 = Signs point to yes
  30. 8ball-10 = Yes
  31. 8ball-11 = Reply hazy, try again
  32. 8ball-12 = Ask again later
  33. 8ball-13 = Better not tell you now
  34. 8ball-14 = Cannot predict it now
  35. 8ball-15 = Concentrate and ask again
  36. 8ball-16 = Don't count on it
  37. 8ball-17 = My reply is no
  38. 8ball-18 = My sources say no
  39. 8ball-19 = Very doubtful
  40. 8ball-20 = Outlook not so good
  41. private-channel = I'm sorry, I can't execute commands in PM because my developer sucks!
  42. stats-help = Usage: .horostats - See what my current stats are
  43. no-role = That role doesn't exist!
  44. user-role-added = The role was added to the user!
  45. user-role-removed = The role was removed from the user!
  46. no-dev = I'm sorry, only my developer can use that command!
  47. reboot-help = This is a dev only command, it is not for the public
  48. anime-help = Usage: .horoanime [anime name] - Fetches information about the anime given
  49. assign-help = Usage: .horoassign [user] [role] - Assign a role to someone
  50. remove-help = Usage: .hororemove [user] [role] - Remove someones role
  51. has-role = That user already has that role!
  52. has-no-role = That user doesn't have that role!
  53. woop-help = Usage: .horowoop - WOOP~! WOOP~!
  54. coinflip-help = Usage: .horocoinflip - Flip a coin~! What will it be? Heads or tails?
  55. coinflip-head = **%s** flipped a coin and got **heads**!
  56. coinflip-tails = **%s** flipped a coin and got **tails**!
  57. cat-help = Usage: .horocat - A random image of a cute kitty~! Nyaa~!
  58. invite-help = Usage: .horoinvite - PMs an invite link for the bot
  59. ping-help = Usage: .horoping - Returns pong and the ping in ms
  60. github-help = Usage: .horogithub - Returns a link to the GitHub repository
  61. no-channels = No channels were found with that name/ID
  62. channel-help = Usage: .horochannel [channel name/id] [modifier] - Adds a modifier to a channel. Valid modifiers are: ecchi, nsfw
  63. no-mods = That's not a modifier! Valid modifiers are: ecchi, nsfw
  64. mod-added = The modifier was successfully added to the channel
  65. user-kicked-reason = %s has been kicked from the guild with the reason; %s
  66. user-not-found = Couldn't find a user
  67. user-banned = %s has been banned from the guild with reason; %s
  68. kick-help = Usage: .horokick [user] [reason] - Kicks a user with an optional reason
  69. rate = I'd rate **%s** a **%s**
  70. no-language = That language is not supported!
  71. ban-help = Usage: .horoban [user] [reason] - Bans a user with an optional reason
  72. purge-help = Usage: .horopurge [count] - Deletes x messages from the channel
  73. purged-messages = Purged %s messages
  74. hug-from = **%s** you got a hug from **%s**
  75. hug-help = Usage: .horohug [@mention] - Give someone a big hug
  76. rate-help = Usage: .hororate [person/thing] - Horo will rate whatever you ask her to!
  77. prefix-help = Usage: .horoprefix [prefix] - Change the prefix Horo uses, you will always be able to use .horo
  78. current-prefix = The current prefixes are **%s** and **.horo**
  79. prefix-updated = The guild prefix has been changed to **%s**
  80. patreon-help = Usage: .horopatreon - Get a link to the HoroBot Patreon page
  81. invert-help = Usage: .horoinvert [text] - Invert your text
  82. manga-help = Usage: .horomanga [manga name] - Search for a manga on MAL
  83. urban-help = Usage: .horourban [term] - Search for a term on UrbanDictionary
  84. join-help = Usage: .horojoin [channel name] - Make Horo join a voice channel
  85. no-voice-channel = That's not a voice channel!
  86. joined-voice = Okay, I joined that voice channel!
  87. not-in-channel = I'm not in a voice channel!
  88. leave-help = Usage: .horoleave - Make Horo leave a voice channel
  89. left-voice = I left the voice channel
  90. queue-added = The song was added to the queue!
  91. playlist-loaded = The playlist was loaded successfully!
  92. no-matches = Nothing was found!
  93. load-failed = Failed to play the song!
  94. track-skipped = The song was skipped
  95. play-help = Usage: .horoplay [link to the song or stream] - Play a song, it something is already playing it will be queued
  96. pause-help = Usage: .horopause - The currently playing song will be paused
  97. unpause-help = Usage: .horounpause - Unpause the song
  98. skip-help = Usage: .horoskip - Skip the song
  99. repeat-on = Repeat enabled
  100. repeat-off = Repeat disabled
  101. repeat-help = Usage: .hororepeat - Toggle song looping
  102. no-song-playing = Nothing is currently playing
  103. queue-full = You cannot queue more than 10 songs
  104. paused = The song was paused
  105. resumed = The song was resumed
  106. missing-embed-perm = I can't do that because I'm missing the Embed Links permission
  107. missing-manage-roles-perm = I can't do that because I'm missing the Manage Roles permission
  108. missing-ban-perm = I can't do that because I'm missing the Ban permission
  109. missing-kick-perm = I can't do that because I'm missing the Kick permission
  110. missing-messages-manage-perm = I can't do that because I'm missing the Manage Messages permission
  111. missing-voice-perm = I can't do that because I'm missing the Voice Connect permission
  112. nothing-playing = Couldn't skip the track because nothing is playing
  113. song-help = Usage: .horosong - Get information about the current song
  114. translate-help = Usage: .horotranslate [from] [to] [text] - Translate something from one language to another
  115. no-sub-command = There's no such sub-command
  116. wolf-help = Usage: .horowolf <feed/rename/background/strip/inventory/capsule> - Display your wolf or execute one of the sub-commands
  117. background-success = Equipped %s!
  118. feed-wolf = You decide to feed your wolf a %s
  119. name-too-long = That name is too long! The limit is 30 characters
  120. name-success = Wolf name changed to %s!
  121. no-food = That's not a valid food type! Try Cracker
  122. on-cooldown = You are giving your wolf too much attention, try again in %s
  123. no-item = You can't equip that item because you don't own it
  124. loop-help = Usage: .horoloop - Loop all songs that are currently in the queue
  125. eval-help = Developer only command
  126. wolf-full = Your wolf is full! You must wait **%s!**
  127. stripped-items = You decide to strip your wolf of his clothes, for some reason?
  128. capsule-opened = You opened a capsule for **100 Coins** and got **%s!**
  129. got-everything = It looks like you already own every item
  130. desc-changed = Your profile description was successfully updated!
  131. on-cooldown2 = You're going too fast! Please wait %s
  132. desc-too-long = That description is too long! The limit is 54 characters including spaces
  133. invalid-item = That's not a valid item!
  134. background-updated = Background changed to **%s!**
  135. profile-help = Usage: .horoprofile <background/info/capsule/ranking> - Display your profile or execute one of the sub-commands
  136. insufficient-funds = You do not have enough coins to do that!
  137. feed-help = Usage: .horowolf feed <cracker> - Feed your wolf one of the available foods
  138. pong = Pong! My ping is **%s**
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