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a guest
May 5th, 2020
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  1. #################################################################################################################
  2. # _ _ _ _____ _____
  3. # | | | | | | / __ \ / __ \
  4. # | | ___ | |__ | |__ _ _| / \/ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _ ___ ___ `' / /'
  5. # | | / _ \| '_ \| '_ \| | | | | / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _` / __/ __| / /
  6. # | |___| (_) | |_) | |_) | |_| | \__/\ (_) | | | | | | |_) | (_| \__ \__ \ ./ /___
  7. # \_____/\___/|_.__/|_.__/ \__, |\____/\___/|_| |_| |_| .__/ \__,_|___/___/ \_____/
  8. # __/ | | |
  9. # |___/ |_|
  10. #
  11. #
  12. # For the COLOR CODE, please look here:
  13. # For the name of the ITEMS, please look here: (after the "minecraft:")
  14. # For the name of the SOUNDS, please look here:
  15. # Use %name% in the commands to get the player name when you execute from the console !
  16. #################################################################################################################
  18. #############################################################################################
  19. # This section is related to the plugin in general
  20. #############################################################################################
  22. # Material of the item you want to use (case insensitive)
  23. item-to-use: compass
  24. # This is the name of the item you have in your hand
  25. compass-name: '&6&lGamemodes'
  26. # The name of the inventory when the user right-click on the item
  27. compass-inventory-name: '&8Click to execute command(s)'
  28. # This is the number of lines you want in your inventory (Min: 1, Max, 6)
  29. inventory-lines-amount: 1
  30. # If this is set to true, the item will drop when the player die (not recommended for lobbies)
  31. drop-compass-on-death: false
  32. # Gives a player a new compass when they respawn (only if they don't already have one)
  33. get-compass-on-respawn: true
  34. # If set to true, the user will be able to drop that compass on the ground
  35. can-drop-compass: false
  36. # If set to true, will give a compass to the user when they log in
  37. get-compass-on-join: true
  38. # The slot in the player hotbar where the compass will go (warning: it will overwrite the current item on this slot)
  39. get-compass-on-join-slot: 4
  41. # This is the list of the worlds where people will get the compass automatically
  42. get-compass-world:
  43. - world
  44. - world_nether
  45. - world_the_end
  47. # If set to true, the players will only be able to do /lc get in the worlds listed above (if they have the right permission)
  48. only-allow-command-lc_get-command-in-worlds: false
  51. #############################################################################################
  52. # This section is for the items in the inventory
  53. #############################################################################################
  55. # This is the list of the items you want in the inventory
  56. options:
  57. - Modded_Survival
  59. # Now we edit them !
  60. data:
  61. Modded_Survival:
  62. name: "&c&lModded Survival"
  63. lore:
  64. - "&7Survival with our mods and plugins"
  65. - "&7Login and vote daily to earn money"
  66. - "&7Trade with players safely"
  67. # The item name case iNseNsItIvE
  68. item: diamond_pickaxe
  69. owner-name-or-uuid: AnythingBecauseThisIsNotAPlayerHead
  70. # The position in the inventory !
  71. position-in-inventory: 1
  73. # Play a little sound when you click on the item !
  74. sound-effect: false
  75. sound-to-use:
  77. # You can use multiple commands, one command or put nothing for no commands !
  78. cmds:
  79. -/broadcast thecoolmousek is cool
  81. # Should we run ALL the commands from the console ?
  82. executed-by-player: false
  83. # If set to true, AND executed-by-player is false, ALL commands will be executed as a BungeeCord command
  84. isBungeeCommand: false
  86. # Give your item an amazing look like you!
  87. enchanted: true
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