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Sep 18th, 2019
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  1. variables:
  2. {tokens.%player%} = 0
  3. {tokensperblock.%player%} = 10
  4. {brokenblocks.%player%} = 0
  6. on break:
  7. add {tokensperblock.%player%} to {tokens.%player%}
  8. add 1 to {brokenblocks.%player%}
  10. on rightclick holding a diamond pickaxe:
  11. make player execute command "/pickshop"
  13. command /lucky:
  14. trigger:
  15. if player is holding a pickaxe:
  16. if line 1 of lore of player's tool is not set:
  17. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&7Jackhammer 0"
  18. if line 2 of lore of player's tool is not set:
  19. set line 2 of lore of player's tool to "&7Explosive 0"
  20. if line 3 of lore of player's tool is not set:
  21. set line 3 of lore of player's tool to "&7InstaSell 0"
  22. if line 4 of lore of player's tool is not set:
  23. set line 4 of lore of player's tool to "&7Merchant 0"
  24. if line 5 of lore of player's tool is not set:
  25. set line 5 of lore of player's tool to "&7Crate Finder 0"
  26. if line 6 of lore of player's tool is not set:
  27. set line 6 of lore of player's tool to "&7Token Excavator 0"
  28. if line 7 of lore of player's tool is not set:
  29. set line 7 of lore of player's tool to "&7Laser 0"
  30. if line 8 of lore of player's tool is not set:
  31. set line 8 of lore of player's tool to "&7Lucky 0"
  32. if line 9 of lore of player's tool is not set:
  33. set line 9 of lore of player's tool to "&7Drill 0"
  34. if {lucky.%player%} is less than 1:
  35. set line 8 of the lore of the player's tool to "&7Lucky 0"
  36. set {lucky.%player%} to 1
  37. else:
  38. if {tokens.%player%} is less than 250000:
  39. send "&7You Need 250,000 Tokens For This!"
  40. if {tokens.%player%} is greater than 249999:
  41. line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 100":
  42. send "&7Your Lucky is already maxed!"
  43. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is not "&7Lucky 100":
  44. remove 250000 from {tokens.%player%}
  45. send "&7You Bought +1 Lucky For 250,000 Tokens!"
  46. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 0":
  47. set line 8 of the lore of the player's tool to "&7Lucky 1"
  48. stop
  49. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 1":
  50. set line 8 of the lore of the player's tool to "&7Lucky 2"
  51. stop
  52. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 2":
  53. set line 8 of the lore of the player's tool to "&7Lucky 3"
  54. stop
  55. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 3":
  56. set line 8 of the lore of the player's tool to "&7Lucky 4"
  57. stop
  58. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 4":
  59. set line 8 of the lore of the player's tool to "&7Lucky 5"
  60. stop
  61. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 5":
  62. set line 8 of the lore of the player's tool to "&7Lucky 6"
  63. stop
  64. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 6":
  65. set line 8 of the lore of the player's tool to "&7Lucky 7"
  66. stop
  67. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 7":
  68. set line 8 of the lore of the player's tool to "&7Lucky 8"
  69. stop
  70. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 8":
  71. set line 8 of the lore of the player's tool to "&7Lucky 9"
  72. stop
  73. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 9":
  74. set line 8 of the lore of the player's tool to "&7Lucky 10"
  75. stop
  79. command /tokens [<text>] [<number>]:
  80. trigger:
  81. if arg-1 is not set:
  82. send "&aTokens &7>> &fYou have &a%{tokens.%player%}%&f!" to player
  83. if arg-1 is give:
  84. if arg-2 is set:
  85. add arg-2 to {tokens.%player%}
  86. else:
  87. send "You need to specify an amount!" to player
  89. command /pickshop:
  90. trigger:
  91. close player's inventory
  92. wait 2 ticks
  93. open chest with 2 rows named "&ePickaxes" to player
  94. format slot 0 of player with anvil named "&7Jackhammer - 200,000 N-Tokens" with lore "&cMax Level: 50" to run [make player execute command "/jh"]
  95. format slot 2 of player with blaze rod named "&7Laser - 50,000 N-Tokens" with lore "&cMax Level: 50" to run [make player execute command "/laser"]
  96. format slot 1 of player with tnt named "&7Explosive - 200,000 N-Tokens" with lore "&cMax Level: 50" to run [make player execute command "/explo"]
  97. format slot 3 of player with paper named "&7InstaSell - 200,000 N-Tokens" with lore "&cMax Level: 25" to run [make player execute command "/instasell"]
  98. format slot 4 of player with emerald block named "&7Merchant - 250,000 N-Tokens" with lore "&cMax Level: 15" to run [make player execute command "/merchant"]
  99. format slot 5 of player with gold pickaxe named "&7Efficiency - 5,000 N-Tokens" with lore "&cMax Level: 5000" to run [make player execute command "/eff"]
  100. format slot 6 of player with emerald named "&7Fortune - 15,000 N-Tokens" with lore "&cMax Level: 5000" to run [make player execute command "/fortune"]
  101. format slot 7 of player with sponge named "&7Lucky - 250,000 N-Tokens" with lore "&cMax Level: 10" to run [make player execute command "/lucky"]
  102. format slot 8 of player with nether star named "&7Drill - 50,000 N-Tokens" with lore "&cMax Level: 50" to run [make player execute command "/drill"]
  103. format slot 9 of player with tripwire hook named "&7CrateFinder - 1,500,000 N-Tokens" with lore "&cMax Level: 10" to run [make player execute command "/cratefinder"]
  104. format slot 10 of player with 64 magma cream named "&7Token Excavator - 150,000 N-Tokens" with lore "&cMax Level: 100" to run [make player execute command "/nte"]
  105. format slot 11 of player with red stained glass named "&0&lBorder" to be unstealable
  106. format slot 12 of player with red stained glass named "&0&lBorder" to be unstealable
  107. format slot 13 of player with red stained glass named "&0&lBorder" to be unstealable
  108. format slot 14 of player with red stained glass named "&0&lBorder" to be unstealable
  109. format slot 15 of player with red stained glass named "&0&lBorder" to be unstealable
  110. format slot 16 of player with red stained glass named "&0&lBorder" to be unstealable
  111. format slot 17 of player with barrier named "&7Close" to close
  114. on break:
  115. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 1":
  116. chance of 10%:
  117. set {lucky.%player%} to "true"
  118. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 2":
  119. chance of 20%:
  120. set {lucky.%player%} to "true"
  121. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 3":
  122. chance of 30%:
  123. set {lucky.%player%} to "true"
  124. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 4":
  125. chance of 40%:
  126. set {lucky.%player%} to "true"
  127. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 5":
  128. chance of 50%:
  129. set {lucky.%player%} to "true"
  130. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 6":
  131. chance of 60%:
  132. set {lucky.%player%} to "true"
  133. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 7":
  134. chance of 70%:
  135. set {lucky.%player%} to "true"
  136. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 8":
  137. chance of 80%:
  138. set {lucky.%player%} to "true"
  139. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 9":
  140. chance of 90%:
  141. set {lucky.%player%} to "true"
  142. if line 8 of the lore of the player's tool is "&7Lucky 10":
  143. chance of 100%:
  144. set {lucky.%player%} to "true"
  148. on break:
  149. if {lucky.%player%} is "true":
  150. set {_lucky} to a random integer between 1 and 5000
  151. add {_lucky} to {tokens.%player%}
  152. send "&7You Got Lucky and recieved &a%{_lucky}% &7Tokens From Your Lucky Enchant!"
  153. set {lucky.%player%} to "false"
  155. command /getpick:
  156. trigger:
  157. give player unbreakable diamond pickaxe of efficiency 10 and fortune 5 named "&5&lPickaxe &7[&a%{blocksbroken.%player%}%&7]" with lore "&7Jackhammer 0" and "&7Explosive 0" and "&7InstaSell 0" and "&7Merchant 0" and "&7Crate Finder 0" and "&7Token Excavator 0" and "&7Laser 0" and "&7Lucky 0" and "&7Drill 0"
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