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Oct 22nd, 2018
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  1. What is Socialism?
  2. Socialism: something feared by the wealthy. But what exactly IS Socialism? Many people simply don’t know. Socialism is where the government helps the people socially and economically. The government doesn’t want to leech you of your money, it wants to help you. Free health care, for example, is a common characteristic of most socialist systems. It is there to help you stay alive. In a capitalist system, money is the center, and the peoples’ actual health and conditions are not the concern of the state. Free health care is great for the families of lower middle class or lower, in which every last penny is saved. It will, in the long run, help families overcome health problems and challenges which tear them apart. The health care may even save lives. Capitalists try to give the argument that free health care is unconstitutional. How is helping the poor unconstitutional!? Another characteristic of socialist governments is higher taxes on the wealthy. This is here because if you are, in fact, a government of the people, you will want to help the lower class people to prosper, and help them save up to help their families. They have enough weighing them down. Also, this helps even out classes, creating a common middle class, eliminating class warfare. So, in the long run, Socialism is good for everyone. Governments should be humane, not giant clanking monsters of greed and corruption.
  3. © 2012 Thatcher Donovan
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