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a guest
Apr 20th, 2018
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  1. program hurr;
  2. uses crt;
  3. var x, y, i:integer; s:string;
  4. begin
  5. clrscr;
  6. x:=0;
  7. y:=0;
  8. writeln('Введите строку '); readln(s);
  9. for i:=1 to length(s) do begin
  10. if s[i]='о' then x:=x+1;
  11. if s[i]='е' then y:=y+1;
  12. end;
  13. if x>y then writeln('"О" больше');
  14. if y>x then writeln('"Е" больше');
  15. end.
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