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Jul 8th, 2017
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  1. [start]
  2. print "Hello, mighty adventurer."
  3. print "You reside in the land of Baron."
  4. print "You can:"
  5. print "Buy new weapons,"
  6. print "But great armour,"
  7. print "Heal up fully in the tent, "
  8. print "Bet in the casino,"
  9. print "Fight in the forest,"
  10. print "Or use the notepad"
  11. damage = 10
  12. health = 1000
  13. money = 500
  14. defense = 0
  15. [town]
  16. print "You're in the main part of Baron."
  17. print "You have "; money ;" money."
  18. print "Your defense is "; defense ; "."
  19. print "Your health is "; health;"."
  20. print "Your damage amount is " ;damage; "."
  21. print "Do you want to bet some money? (b)"
  22. print "Fight other monsters (f)"
  23. print "Heal in the tent (h)"
  24. print "Buy some armour (a)"
  25. print "Use the note pad (n) or"
  26. input "Buy some new weapons? (w)"; action$
  27. if action$ = "b" then goto [bet]
  28. if action$ = "f" then goto [fight]
  29. if action$ = "h" then goto [heal]
  30. if action$ = "w" then goto [weapon]
  31. if action$ = "n" then goto [notepad]
  32. if action$ = "a" then goto [armour]
  33. goto [nothing]
  34. [nothing]
  35. print "Get up lazy warrior, you have to do something. Press Enter to return to the town."
  36. goto [town]
  37. [bet]
  38. cls
  39. chance = int(rnd(1)*100)+1
  40. print "Welcome to the casino of Baron. Here you can make a fortune by betting some money."
  41. print "But have have to bet atleast $20"
  42. print "You have "; money;" money.";
  43. input "How much do you want to bet?"; bet
  44. if bet = 0 then goto [bettoolow]
  45. if bet < 20 then goto [bettoolow]
  46. if bet > money then goto [bettoohigh]
  47. money = money - bet
  48. win = bet * 2
  49. if chance > 30 then goto [betwon]
  50. if chance < 30 then goto [betlost]
  51. cls
  52. [betwon]
  53. cls
  54. money = money + win
  55. print "You have won!"
  56. print "Press Enter to return to the town of Baron.";
  57. input "Press Y to bet again."; return4$
  58. if return4$ = "Y" then goto [bet]
  59. goto [town]
  60. [bettoohigh]
  61. cls
  62. input "You have bet more then the money you have. Press enter to return to the casino. Or press T to return to the town."; return1$
  63. if return1$ = "T" then goto [town]
  64. goto [bet]
  65. [bettoolow]
  66. cls
  67. print "You have bet too low. You must bet atleast $20. Press enter to return to the casino."
  68. input "Or press T to return to the town."; return2$
  69. if return2$ = "T" then goto [town]
  70. goto [bet]
  71. [betlost]
  72. cls
  73. if chance < 50 then money = money - win
  74. print "You lost";
  75. print "Press Enter to return to the city.";
  76. input "Press Y to bet again."; return3$
  77. if return3$ = "Y" goto [bet]
  79. goto [town]
  80. [heal]
  81. cls
  82. print "Welcome to the camp site young warrior. In the tent here you can rest and be fully healed for a small price."
  83. print "Your current health is" ;health
  84. input "For just $20 you will be fully healed. (type y)"; heal$
  85. if heal$ = "y" then goto [healed]
  86. goto [town]
  87. [healed]
  88. cls
  89. money = money - 20
  90. health = 100
  91. print "You have been fully healed. Press enter to go to the town."
  92. print "Your health now is:" ;health
  93. goto [town]
  94. [weapon]
  95. cls
  96. print "Welcome to the weapon shop. Here you can buy more weapons to increase the damage you do."
  97. print "Right now, your damage is:" ;damage
  98. print "And you have:" ;money; "money."
  99. print "Sword 1 (15 damage) costs $100."
  100. print "Sword 2 (25 damage) costs $150."
  101. print "Sword 3 (35 damage) costs $200."
  102. print "Sword 4, (45 damage) costs $300"
  103. print "Sword 5 (60 damage) costs $450."
  104. input "Which sword do you want to buy? (type 1,2,3,4,5 for each sword or 0 to leave)"; buy$
  105. cls
  106. if buy$ = "1" goto [sword1]
  107. if buy$ = "2" goto [sword2]
  108. if buy$ = "3" goto [sword3]
  109. if buy$ = "4" goto [sword4]
  110. if buy$ = "5" goto [sword5]
  111. if buy$ = "0" goto [town]
  112. [sword1]
  113. cls
  114. if money < 100 goto [nomoney]
  115. money = money - 100
  116. damage = 15
  117. print "You've bought Sword One."
  118. print "Press enter to return to the town.";
  119. goto [town]
  121. [sword2]
  122. cls
  123. if money < 150 goto [nomoney]
  124. money = money - 150
  125. damage = 25
  126. print "You've bought Sword Two."
  127. print "Press enter to return to the town."
  128. goto [town]
  130. [sword3]
  131. cls
  132. if money < 200 goto [nomoney]
  133. money = money - 200
  134. damage = 35
  135. print "You've bought Sword Three."
  136. print "Press enter to return to the town."
  137. goto [town]
  139. [sword4]
  140. cls
  141. if money < 300 goto [nomoney]
  142. money = money - 300
  143. damage = 45
  144. print "You've bought Sword Four."
  145. print "Press enter to return to the town."
  146. goto [town]
  148. [sword5]
  149. cls
  150. if money < 450 goto [nomoney]
  151. money = money - 450
  152. damage = 60
  153. print "You've bought Sword Five."
  154. print "Press enter to return to the town."
  155. goto [town]
  157. [nomoney]
  158. cls
  159. print "You do not have enough money. Press enter to return to the town."
  160. goto [town]
  161. [fight]
  162. cls
  163. demonhealth = 250
  164. encounter = int(rnd(1)*100)+1
  165. demondamage = 150
  166. runchance = int(rnd(1)*100)+1
  167. print "Welcome"
  168. input "Enter to continue or Y to enter town."; fight$
  169. if fight$ = "Y" then goto [town]
  170. goto [demon]
  171. [demon]
  172. cls
  173. print "Demon appeared"
  174. print "Your health: " ;health
  175. print "His health: " ;demonhealth
  176. input "Press R to run or A to attack"; ar$
  177. if ar$ = "A" then goto [demonattack]
  178. if ar$ = "R" then goto [demonrun]
  179. [demonattack]
  180. cls
  181. print "You attack him and so does he."
  182. demonhealth = demonhealth - damage
  183. health = health - demondamage
  184. if demonhealth < 1 then goto [triumph]
  185. if health < 1 then goto [failure]
  186. if health < 150 then Notice "In the next turn, the demon can kill you. I would suggest trying to run."
  187. goto [demon]
  188. [demonrun]
  189. cls
  190. if runchance < 30 then goto [demonrunsuccess]
  191. if runchance > 30 then Notice "Failed to run"
  192. health = health - demondamage
  193. goto [demon]
  194. [demonrunsuccess]
  195. Notice "You were able to run away"
  196. goto [town]
  197. [triumph]
  198. cls
  199. print "You have defeated the demon! You have gained $40 and 50 health. Press enter to return to the town."
  200. money = money + 40
  201. health = health + 30
  202. goto [town]
  203. [failure]
  204. Notice "You have lost. The demon defeated you. Press OK to go to the town and the healing tent."
  205. goto [heal]
  206. [notepad]
  207. cls
  208. dim hey$(100)
  209. [ask]
  210. input "Entry " ;meow + 1; ":"; entry$
  211. if entry$ = "0" then goto [ans]
  212. meow = meow + 1
  213. hey$(meow) = entry$
  214. if meow = 100 then goto [ans]
  215. goto [ask]
  216. [ans]
  217. if meow = 0 then goto [quit]
  218. wee = meow
  219. meow = 0
  220. goto [ent]
  221. [ent]
  222. meow = meow + 1
  223. print "Entry " ;meow; " is: " ;hey$(meow)
  224. if meow < wee then goto [ent]
  225. goto [quit]
  226. [quit]
  227. input "Press Enter to go to the notepad again or T to go to the town."; lll$
  228. if lll$ = "T" then goto [town]
  229. goto [notepad]
  230. [armour]
  231. cls
  232. print "Welcome to the Armour shop. Here you can buy more Armour to increase your defense."
  233. print "Right now, your damage is:" ;damage
  234. print "And you have:" ;money; "money."
  235. print "Armour 1 (15 defense) costs $100."
  236. print "Armour 2 (25 defense) costs $150."
  237. print "Armour 3 (30 defense) costs $200."
  238. print "Armour 4,(35 defense) costs $300"
  239. print "Armour 5 (40 defense) costs $450."
  240. input "Which sword do you want to buy? (type 1,2,3,4,5 for each armour or press Enter to leave)"; arm$
  241. cls
  242. if arm$ = "1" goto [arm1]
  243. if arm$ = "2" goto [arm2]
  244. if arm$ = "3" goto [arm3]
  245. if arm$ = "4" goto [arm4]
  246. if arm$ = "5" goto [arm5]
  247. goto [town]
  248. [arm1]
  249. cls
  250. if money < 100 goto [nomoney]
  251. money = money - 100
  252. defense = 15
  253. print "You've bought Armour One."
  254. print "Press enter to return to the town.";
  255. goto [town]
  257. [arm2]
  258. cls
  259. if money < 150 goto [nomoney]
  260. money = money - 150
  261. defense = 25
  262. print "You've bought Armour Two."
  263. print "Press enter to return to the town."
  264. goto [town]
  266. [arm3]
  267. cls
  268. if money < 200 goto [nomoney]
  269. money = money - 200
  270. defense = 30
  271. print "You've bought Armour Three."
  272. print "Press enter to return to the town."
  273. goto [town]
  275. [arm4]
  276. cls
  277. if money < 300 goto [nomoney]
  278. money = money - 300
  279. defense = 35
  280. print "You've bought Armour Four."
  281. print "Press enter to return to the town."
  282. goto [town]
  284. [arm5]
  285. cls
  286. if money < 450 goto [nomoney]
  287. money = money - 450
  288. defense = 40
  289. print "You've bought Armour Five."
  290. print "Press enter to return to the town."
  291. goto [town]
  292. end
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