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Nov 22nd, 2017
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  1. <23:10:04> "Eagle [F-700]": Cant tlak
  2. <23:10:07> "Eagle [F-700]": Im here
  3. <23:10:32> "Queen Pauline":
  5. <23:10:50> "Eagle [F-700]": The first one
  6. <23:10:54> "Eagle [F-700]": Isnt even bad..
  7. <23:11:07> "Eagle [F-700]": Its describing Smith
  8. <23:11:13> "Eagle [F-700]": about how he doesnt deserve deputy
  9. <23:11:20> "Eagle [F-700]": Which sinatra would of explained
  10. <23:11:22> "Queen Pauline": Second?
  11. <23:11:25> "Eagle [F-700]": The second
  12. <23:11:26> "Eagle [F-700]": let me check
  13. <23:11:37> "Eagle [F-700]": Ok
  14. <23:11:41> "Eagle [F-700]": So the 2nd one is basically a meme
  15. <23:11:48> "Eagle [F-700]": if you ask stone
  16. <23:11:55> "Eagle [F-700]": We say Super visor
  17. <23:12:04> "Eagle [F-700]": As in Supper and just Visor as in Visitor
  18. <23:12:17> "Eagle [F-700]": The you get fire part
  19. <23:12:21> "Eagle [F-700]": Was explained as in
  20. <23:12:32> "Eagle [F-700]": You get fired
  21. <23:12:37> "Queen Pauline": Sinatra explained to me that you proposition him that if you gave him the Fire Supression then he'd give you supervisor?
  22. <23:13:04> "Eagle [F-700]": Lmao
  23. <23:13:16> "Eagle [F-700]": Does he not understand sarcasm
  24. <23:13:20> "[1-A-5] T. Morris (Kryptonic)": I recommend you answer the question
  25. <23:13:23> "Eagle [F-700]": Everyone knows
  26. <23:13:29> "Eagle [F-700]": That reserve dont get divisions
  27. <23:13:30> "Queen Pauline": This is far from sarcasm.
  28. <23:13:35> "[1-A-5] T. Morris (Kryptonic)": you are avoiding the question eagle
  29. <23:13:38> "Eagle [F-700]": Well then we had a mistrained guy in the department
  30. <23:13:43> "Eagle [F-700]": Sinatra explained to me that you proposition him that if you gave him the Fire Supression then he'd give you supervisor?
  31. <23:13:49> "Eagle [F-700]": The mem
  32. <23:13:51> "Eagle [F-700]": about supervisor
  33. <23:13:53> "Eagle [F-700]": Scroll up and read
  34. <23:14:02> "Eagle [F-700]": And as i was saying if your were reading
  35. <23:14:05> "Eagle [F-700]": I said
  36. <23:14:12> "Eagle [F-700]": Everyone knows taht volunteers dont get fire supression
  37. <23:14:22> "Eagle [F-700]": So
  38. <23:14:31> "Eagle [F-700]": Sinatra was improperly trained
  39. <23:14:32> "[1-A-5] T. Morris (Kryptonic)": Ill bet that you pulled that whole "meme" story out of your ass but thats just me
  40. <23:14:42> "Eagle [F-700]": Ask stone
  41. <23:14:46> "Eagle [F-700]": Stone wont lie for shit
  42. <23:14:48> "Eagle [F-700]": And you know it
  43. <23:14:54> "Eagle [F-700]": Ask him about the supervisor meme
  44. <23:15:01> "Eagle [F-700]": Get him in here
  45. <23:15:06> "Eagle [F-700]": Or after you move me out
  46. <23:15:36> "Eagle [F-700]": So,
  47. <23:15:41> "Eagle [F-700]": Sinatra was improperly trained
  48. <23:15:43> "[1-A-5] T. Morris (Kryptonic)": "I get supervisor, you get fired" is basically what you said you are saying, which makes no logical sense whatsoever
  49. <23:15:52> "Eagle [F-700]": Ok
  50. <23:15:54> "[1-A-5] T. Morris (Kryptonic)": therefor I dont think you are telling me the whole truth here
  51. <23:16:03> "Eagle [F-700]": I really am its just a bit to explain
  52. <23:16:12> "[1-A-5] T. Morris (Kryptonic)": is it though?
  53. <23:16:17> "Eagle [F-700]": It kinda is
  54. <23:16:35> "[1-A-5] T. Morris (Kryptonic)": Because to any rational person, those screenshots looks like you are asking for a bribe\
  55. <23:16:36> "Eagle [F-700]": You really think
  56. <23:16:42> "Eagle [F-700]": Im asking him for supervisor
  57. <23:16:43> "Eagle [F-700]": to get him fired
  58. <23:16:46> "Eagle [F-700]": That makes sense to you
  59. <23:16:56> "Eagle [F-700]": "I get supervisor you get fired"
  60. <23:16:56> "Eagle [F-700]": Now
  61. <23:16:58> "Eagle [F-700]": If i said that to you
  62. <23:17:02> "[1-A-5] T. Morris (Kryptonic)": Not exactly because a supervisor cannot fire their commanding officer
  63. <23:17:03> "Eagle [F-700]": Would it sound like im serious
  64. <23:17:06> "Eagle [F-700]": No shit sherlock
  65. <23:17:15> "[1-A-5] T. Morris (Kryptonic)": so what you said there makes no logical sense
  66. <23:17:31> "Eagle [F-700]": Yea
  67. <23:17:34> "Eagle [F-700]": It doesnt
  68. <23:17:37> "Eagle [F-700]": But thats the truth
  69. <23:17:51> "[1-A-5] T. Morris (Kryptonic)": so I recommend you stop bullshiting me, because this seems like a large load of it
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