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Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. Moon Moon Product Quantity Ore TypeID SolarSystemID PlanetID MoonID
  2. AZ3F-N II - Moon 1
  3. Loparite 0.48 45512 30000672 40042353 40042355
  4. Resplendant Kernite 0.3 46683 30000672 40042353 40042355
  5. Platinoid Omber 0.22 46684 30000672 40042353 40042355
  6. AZ3F-N III - Moon 7
  7. Coesite 0.23 45493 30000672 40042356 40042363
  8. Sparkling Plagioclase 0.31 46685 30000672 40042356 40042363
  9. Opulent Pyroxeres 0.27 46686 30000672 40042356 40042363
  10. Glossy Scordite 0.19 46687 30000672 40042356 40042363
  11. AZ3F-N IV - Moon 3
  12. Chromite 0.22 45501 30000672 40042371 40042374
  13. Pellucid Crokite 0.29 46677 30000672 40042371 40042374
  14. Jet Ochre 0.28 46675 30000672 40042371 40042374
  15. Brilliant Gneiss 0.21 46679 30000672 40042371 40042374
  16. AZ3F-N IV - Moon 8
  17. Cinnabar 0.19 45506 30000672 40042371 40042379
  18. Stable Veldspar 0.33 46689 30000672 40042371 40042379
  19. Flawless Arkonor 0.25 46678 30000672 40042371 40042379
  20. Cubic Bistot 0.23 46676 30000672 40042371 40042379
  21. AZ3F-N VI - Moon 1
  22. Loparite 0.48 45512 30000672 40042395 40042397
  23. Resplendant Kernite 0.3 46683 30000672 40042395 40042397
  24. Platinoid Omber 0.22 46684 30000672 40042395 40042397
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