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a guest
Mar 18th, 2019
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  1. Game 1
  2. Game 1
  3. In-Game
  4. Halocowboy: if I stay under his tower nasus cant last hit
  5. Halocowboy: and I win
  6. Halocowboy: or mine
  7. Halocowboy: and 4
  8. Halocowboy: and 5
  9. Halocowboy: and so on
  10. Halocowboy: nah jk
  11. Halocowboy: I can play solo for the most part
  12. Halocowboy: Im sion
  13. Halocowboy: just come last hit him when he's under tower
  14. Halocowboy: hes useless until level 8
  15. Halocowboy: wtf
  16. Halocowboy: wow
  17. Halocowboy: that
  18. Halocowboy: gj
  19. Halocowboy: XD
  20. Halocowboy: see
  21. Halocowboy: last hit him
  22. Halocowboy: elise afking top
  23. Halocowboy: she's legit just tower diving me
  24. Halocowboy: fuck sake
  25. Halocowboy: SERIOUSLY
  26. Halocowboy: SHE AFK TOP
  27. Halocowboy: elise afk top
  28. Halocowboy: what if you
  29. Halocowboy: wanted to farm top
  30. Halocowboy: but elise said
  31. Halocowboy: jinx and nami
  32. Halocowboy: go top
  33. Halocowboy: this bot lane
  34. Halocowboy: is braindead
  35. Halocowboy: single handedly losing us the gamer
  36. Halocowboy: game
  37. Halocowboy: *
  38. Halocowboy: fucking elise
  39. Halocowboy: stfu nami
  40. Halocowboy: trash player
  41. Halocowboy: you lost us the game
  42. Halocowboy: inting
  43. Halocowboy: "does shit"
  44. Halocowboy: but I won my lane and helped mid
  45. Halocowboy: and all you did is int
  46. Halocowboy: along with jinx
  47. Halocowboy: you lost us the game
  48. Halocowboy: fed their 2 carries
  49. Halocowboy: lee has 5/7
  50. Halocowboy: 2 deaths debt
  51. Halocowboy: you have 3 deaths debt
  52. Halocowboy: ape
  53. Halocowboy: no excuse
  54. Halocowboy: to die
  55. Halocowboy: lol
  56. Halocowboy: gg report bot inting
  57. Game 2
  58. In-Game
  59. Halocowboy: sssuuuuuuuuuuuuure
  60. Halocowboy: Im garen I'll definitely win lane and not die
  61. Halocowboy: ..
  62. Halocowboy: Aftershock blitz = tanky blitz
  63. Halocowboy: I dont see how that rune can help you considering you barely would use autos
  64. Halocowboy: imo
  65. Halocowboy: ks
  66. Halocowboy: pls
  67. Halocowboy: wtf are you doing
  68. Halocowboy: rep akali
  69. Halocowboy: LOL
  70. Halocowboy: retard
  71. Halocowboy: omg gtfo my lane
  72. Halocowboy: go int somewhere else
  73. Halocowboy: go int somewhere else
  74. Halocowboy: he was 0/2
  75. Halocowboy: you inted on him
  76. Halocowboy: too bad
  77. Halocowboy: defend your lanes
  78. Halocowboy: gj
  79. Halocowboy: no one told you to engage
  80. Halocowboy: where's my team?
  81. Halocowboy: gg
  82. Halocowboy: 0/3 khazix now can 1v1 me
  83. Halocowboy: report bot trolling
  84. Post-Game
  85. Halocowboy: 9/12 akali np
  86. Halocowboy: Negative attitude + Intentional feeding
  87. Halocowboy: enjoy your report
  88. Halocowboy: for?
  89. Halocowboy: actually playing the game and not inting?
  90. Halocowboy: sad kid
  91. Halocowboy: "too ez"
  92. Halocowboy: you were 0/3 in lane
  93. Halocowboy: wym ryze
  94. Halocowboy: you only got fed off this boosted team
  95. Halocowboy: not much better
  96. Halocowbo
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