Guest User


a guest
Oct 22nd, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. botname: Westmine History
  3. prefixes: "!", "%mention tag of event-bot% "
  4. modroles: Head Staff/Admin Team, Warden, Supervisor and Senior Guard
  5. memberroles: mute
  6. helperroles: Helper and Trial Guard
  8. on load:
  9. wait 1 second
  10. login to "NjI5NTE5Mjg3ODc0NDg2Mjgy.Xa4DoA.8daIiafkzMokbCyXmazlGNHIFD0" with name "{@botname}"
  11. make embed:
  12. set color of embed to green
  13. set description of embed to "**:white_check_mark: Server is online**"
  14. send last made embed to channel with id "635853018683932672" with "{@botname}"
  15. broadcast "&aDiscord bot is ready"
  17. on unload:
  18. logout of "{@botname}"
  19. broadcast "&cDiscord bot disconnected"
  21. on chat:
  22. send "%sender% > %message%" to channel with id "635853018683932672" with "{@botname}"
  24. on join:
  25. make embed:
  26. set color of embed to green
  27. set description of embed to "%player% joined"
  28. send last made embed to channel with id "635853018683932672" with "{@botname}"
  30. on quit:
  31. make embed:
  32. set color of embed to red
  33. set description of embed to "%player% left"
  34. send last made embed to channel with id "635853018683932672" with "{@botname}"
  36. on guild message received seen by "{@botname}":
  37. if id of event-channel is "635853018683932672":
  38. delete event-message
  39. if content of event-message contains "@":
  40. send ":x: **%mention tag of event-member% You can't ping people on this channel!**" to channel with id "635853018683932672" with "{@botname}"
  41. stop
  42. set {_roles::*} to roles of event-member
  43. broadcast "&bDiscord &8> &7[%{_roles::1}%] &b%event-member%: &7%content of event-message%"
  44. send "%event-member% > %event-message%" to channel with id "635853018683932672" with "{@botname}"
  46. discord command ip:
  47. prefixes: {@prefixes}
  48. bots: {@botname}
  49. trigger:
  50. make embed:
  51. set color of embed to red
  52. set title of embed to "Join our server!"
  53. set description of embed to "**Server ip**: **"
  54. reply with last made embed
  56. discord command ban [<member>] [<text>]:
  57. roles: {@modroles}
  58. bots: {@botname}
  59. prefixes: {@prefixes}
  60. trigger:
  61. if arg 1 is not set:
  62. reply with ":x: **%mention tag of event-member% specify the member you would like to ban!**"
  63. stop
  64. if arg 2 is set:
  65. set {_reason} to arg 2
  66. else:
  67. set {_reason} to "Banned by a moderator"
  68. ban arg 1 from event-guild due to "%{_reason}%"
  69. reply with ":white_check_mark: %arg 1% has been banned! %nl% Reason: %{_reason}%"
  71. discord command mute [<member>]:
  72. roles: {@modroles} {@memberroles}
  73. bots: {@botname}
  74. prefixes: {@prefixes}
  75. trigger:
  76. if arg 1 is not set:
  77. reply with ":x: **%mention tag of event-member% specify the member you would like to mute!**"
  78. stop
  79. if arg 1 is set:
  80. add role with id "635925630785028126" to roles of arg 1
  81. reply with ":white_check_mark: %arg 1% has been muted!"
  83. discord command unmute [<member>]:
  84. roles: {@modroles} {@memberroles}
  85. bots: {@botname}
  86. prefixes: {@prefixes}
  87. trigger:
  88. if arg 1 is not set:
  89. reply with ":x: **%mention tag of event-member% specify the member you would like to unmute!**"
  90. stop
  91. if arg 1 is set:
  92. remove role with id "635925630785028126" from roles of arg 1
  93. reply with ":white_check_mark: %arg 1% has been unmuted!"
  96. command /boton:
  97. trigger:
  98. login to "NjI5NTE5Mjg3ODc0NDg2Mjgy.Xa4DoA.8daIiafkzMokbCyXmazlGNHIFD0" with name "{@botname}"
  99. make embed:
  100. set color of embed to green
  101. set description of embed to "**:white_check_mark: Server is online**"
  102. send last made embed to channel with id "&635853018683932672" with "{@botname}"
  103. broadcast "&aDiscord bot is ready"
  107. command /botoff:
  108. trigger:
  109. logout of "{@botname}"
  110. broadcast "&cDiscord bot disconnected"
  112. discord command kick [<member>] [<text>]:
  113. roles: {@modroles}
  114. bots: {@botname}
  115. prefixes: {@prefixes}
  116. trigger:
  117. if arg 1 is not set:
  118. reply with ":x: **%mention tag of event-member% specify the member you would like to ban!**"
  119. stop
  120. if arg 2 is set:
  121. set {_reason} to arg 2
  122. else:
  123. set {_reason} to "You have been kicked ask ♡rosa♡0954 for a new link"
  124. kick arg 1 from event-guild due to "%{_reason}%"
  125. reply with ":white_check_mark: %arg 1% has been kicked! %nl% Reason: %{_reason}%"
  129. discord command warn [<member>] [<text>]:
  130. roles: {@modroles} {@helperroles}
  131. bots: {@botname}
  132. prefixes: {@prefixes}
  133. trigger:
  134. if arg 1 is not set:
  135. reply with ":x: **%mention tag of event-member% specify the member you would like to warn!**"
  136. stop
  137. if arg 2 is set:
  138. set {_reason} to arg 2
  139. else:
  140. set {_reason} to "You have been warned, you have 3 chances before a possible punishment!"
  141. reply with ":white_check_mark: %arg 1% has been WARNED! %nl% Reason: %{_reason}%"
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