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  1. <phobos> he he he xD
  2. * dan gives channel operator status to phobos
  3. <phobos> kale you dont have anything
  4. <phobos> anymore
  5. <mrbraindead> LOL
  6. <phobos> just cry
  7. <mrbraindead> this is great
  8. <mrbraindead> both rooms
  9. <phobos> cry your internet tears
  10. <dan> you guys settle your shit man to man
  11. * kale_ sets ban on *!*lol@brb.hyrule
  12. * You have been kicked from #forum by kale_ (fucktard)
  13. * Now talking on #forum
  14. * Topic for #forum is: weak
  15. * Topic for #forum set by dan at Fri Apr 08 16:58:12 2011
  16. * mediacrat gives voice to phobos
  17. <dan> its my fucking channel you dipshit
  18. <Patroclus> kale_ respect your elders
  19. <Patroclus> dan is older than time itself
  20. * dan gives channel operator status to phobos
  21. <phobos> lol kale is mad
  22. * phobos sets ban on kale!*@*
  23. <phobos> no kales here
  24. * kale_ sets ban on *!*lol@brb.hyrule
  25. * You have been kicked from #forum by kale_ (nope)
  26. * Cannot join #forum (You are banned).
  27. * Cannot join #forum (You are banned).
  28. * Cannot join #forum (You are banned).
  29. * Cannot join #forum (You are banned).
  30. * Cannot join #forum (You are banned).
  31. * Now talking on #forum
  32. * Topic for #forum is: weak
  33. * Topic for #forum set by dan at Fri Apr 08 16:58:12 2011
  34. * mediacrat gives voice to phobos
  35. <Patroclus> how do you chat out of a bag
  36. <blah> that's rude dan
  37. <Patroclus> publish a manual plz
  38. <phobos> lol
  39. <phobos> kale is spergin
  40. <phobos> thanx dan
  41. <RagingBull> kale is just going to retreat to #ed where they suck his dick
  42. * molbee ( has joined #forum
  43. <Patroclus> i have left #ed for this reason
  44. <blah> @dan i don't mean it's not 100% completely right
  45. <blah> i just mean kinda rude
  46. <dan> i told them to not ban
  47. <dan> and they kept doing it
  48. <blah> both of them?
  49. <dan> yep
  50. <blah> well then
  51. <dan> kale isnt anything here
  52. * TheCowDestroyer (thecowdest@BF6CE8CC.E8E927DC.45D05AD7.IP) has joined #forum
  53. <blah> they should be punished
  54. <Needsmoarsyrup> Oh Mel, I'm at half mast.
  55. <dan> nah, they should man up and chat it out
  56. <Needsmoarsyrup> Keep going.
  57. <RagingBull> dan: that is way too mature of a thing to do
  58. <dan> or
  59. <dan> is it?
  60. <dan> banning means they cant rant at each other anymore
  61. * TheCowDestroyer has quit (Quit: TheCowDestroyer)
  62. <dan> and i like to watch
  63. * TheCowDestroyer (thecowdest@BF6CE8CC.E8E927DC.45D05AD7.IP) has joined #forum
  64. * TheCowDestroyer has quit (Quit: TheCowDestroyer)
  65. <blah> lol Needsmoarsyrup
  66. <blah> dan
  67. * TheCowDestroyer (thecowdest@BF6CE8CC.E8E927DC.45D05AD7.IP) has joined #forum
  68. <blah> have you used a ~q:<banmask> before?
  69. <Patroclus> oh hey dan
  70. <dan> i didnt ban anybody
  71. <Patroclus> is mass kicking socially acceptable yet
  72. <dan> i just levelled the playing field
  73. <dan> kale chose to leave on his own
  74. <phobos> stop crowding dan you faggots
  75. <phobos> fuck you blah you are a fucking faggot
  76. <blah> dan the ~q: part
  77. <phobos> go back to #kale-ed
  78. <phobos> go back to #kale-ed
  79. <phobos> go back to #kale-ed
  80. <phobos> shut the fuck up blah
  81. <dan> when the tough gets going, kale gets going
  82. <phobos> no one likes you lol
  83. <blah> means they can still join and everything
  84. <dan> i WANT kale to join
  85. <Patroclus> i want to know when mass kicking is socially acceptable so i can have my hops back
  86. <blah> but it's just like not having +v when the room is +m
  87. <dan> dont you get it?
  88. <blah> they can't talk
  89. <dan> sigh
  90. <blah> it makes ppl quiet
  91. <blah> !op
  92. * mediacrat gives channel operator status to blah
  93. <dan> shut up blah
  94. * kale_ ( has joined #forum
  95. <dan> i dont give a fuck about that stuff
  96. * blah removes channel operator status from blah
  97. <dan> kale wasnt banned
  98. <phobos> hello kale
  99. <phobos> would you like to chat
  100. <nigamajiga> nice to see you again
  101. <blah> i know i was just inviting kale back
  102. <kale_> ?
  103. <kale_> yes hello
  104. <phobos> hello kale
  105. <blah> wb kale
  106. <phobos> would you like to chat
  107. <blah> <3
  108. <dan> like i said, i want them to chat. i just wanted to level the playing field
  109. <nigamajiga> hey bro
  110. <phobos> look at that sorry ass motherfucker sucking your dick kale
  111. <phobos> its like elixir
  112. <phobos> and its firday night
  113. <phobos> do you require dick suckers
  114. <dan> blah, its not a bother and notices are for fags
  115. * kale_ rolls eyes
  116. <dan> I CHAT IN HERE
  117. <phobos> yeah roll those eyes
  118. <phobos> what are you 12
  119. * blah shrugs
  120. <kale_> phobos seriously comeback when you got new material
  121. <phobos> come back when you have any material kale
  122. <kale_> untill then shut the fuck up and learn to irc
  123. * blah rolls her eyes
  124. <phobos> I am IRC
  125. <phobos> ur chattin
  126. <dan> kale, when you go mad, why did you leave #forum?
  127. <phobos> would you like to chat on my dick
  128. <kale_> i wasnt mat
  129. <dan> *got
  130. <kale_> mad
  131. <phobos> you so mad you cant spell
  132. <phobos> lol
  133. <kale_> theres no reason for me to be here anyway
  134. <phobos> no there isnt
  135. <phobos> so leave
  136. <phobos> you dumb shit
  137. <phobos> you disgraced
  138. <kale_> not with phobos sucking your dick
  139. <phobos> lol
  140. <phobos> that was my joke
  141. <phobos> who has the material now
  142. <phobos> fgt
  143. <dan> if there isnt a reason...yeah?
  144. * toastmonster sets ban on *!*@brb.hyrule
  145. <kale_> so im off and phobos when you can say something other that omg you fucked a fat bitch OMG I SO TROLLED YOU then come back
  147. * You have been kicked from #forum by toastmonster (god you are a faggot)
  148. * Cannot join #forum (You are banned).
  149. * Cannot join #forum (You are banned).
  150. * Cannot join #forum (You are banned).
  151. * Cannot join #forum (You are banned).
  152. * Now talking on #forum
  153. * Topic for #forum is: weak
  154. * Topic for #forum set by dan at Fri Apr 08 16:58:12 2011
  155. * mediacrat gives voice to phobos
  156. <toastmonster> yeah somebody will unban him
  157. <toastmonster> yeah see right there
  158. <phobos> hello
  159. <toastmonster> god you people are like fucking enablers
  160. <phobos> i am better than you
  161. <toastmonster> for a drug addict
  162. <nigamajiga> hi there
  163. * dan sets ban on *!*@ca.hoon
  164. * dan has kicked toastmonster from #forum (dan)
  165. <Patroclus> oh hey phobos
  166. <RagingBull> toastmonster: then get the fuck out
  167. <Patroclus> i didn't hear you come in
  168. <nigamajiga> you sure showed them
  169. <phobos> I didnt show anyone anything
  170. <kale_> jesus christ
  171. <phobos> Im a necessary chat force
  172. * kale_ ( has left #forum
  173. <phobos> lol
  174. <RagingBull> god damn, some faggots would actually prefer this place habing no fun or drama
  175. <phobos> rage quit
  176. <phobos> what a fucking cry baby
  177. * dan removes ban on *!*@ca.hoon
  178. <RagingBull> having*
  179. <Needsmoarsyrup> I'm loving this actually.
  180. <dan> me too
  181. <Needsmoarsyrup> It's like a sitcom
  182. <dan> thats why banning and kicking is gay
  183. <dan> let them chat it out
  184. <blah> only douchebag that pisses me off
  185. <Needsmoarsyrup> But I don't have to turn on my TV
  186. <blah> is pynchon
  187. * Knots has quit (Ping timeout)
  188. <blah> pynchon can suck my strapon
  189. <Patroclus> dan: kicking isn't always gay
  190. <Patroclus> mass kicking is manly
  191. <Needsmoarsyrup> Pynchon should be respecced and Op'd.
  192. <dan> yeah, sorry
  193. <dan> kicking is love
  194. <phobos> nah mang
  195. <Needsmoarsyrup> *respected
  196. <dan> banning is faggotry
  197. <phobos> mass kicks fuck up shit
  198. <blah> pynchon can choak on my strapon
  199. <phobos> mass bans are pure faggot
  200. <dan> Needsmoarsyrup, no
  201. <blah> Needsmoarsyrup ^^^
  202. <dan> pynchon is more trouble than he is worth
  203. <Patroclus> mass kick is high class op work
  204. <dan> i have a mass script, but for the most part i dont need to use it here
  205. <dan> so i dont load it normally
  206. <phobos> im gonna pm kale lets see how this goes lol
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