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Apr 23rd, 2018
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  1. PREFIX: '&8▎ &3&lOP&8&l:&b&lPRISON &8┃ &7'
  2. LANG:
  3. CONSOLE: Console
  4. ENABLED: aktivert
  5. DISABLED: deaktivert
  6. TIME:
  7. NOW: now
  8. YEARS:
  9. SINGULAR: år
  10. PLURAL: år
  11. MONTHS:
  12. SINGULAR: måned
  13. PLURAL: måneder
  14. WEEKS:
  15. SINGULAR: uke
  16. PLURAL: uker
  17. DAYS:
  18. SINGULAR: dag
  19. PLURAL: dager
  20. HOURS:
  21. SINGULAR: time
  22. PLURAL: timer
  23. MINUTES:
  24. SINGULAR: minutt
  25. PLURAL: minutter
  26. SECONDS:
  27. SINGULAR: sekund
  28. PLURAL: sekunder
  29. MSG:
  30. ERROR: '&c&oAn error occurred, please contact the server owner'
  31. NOACCESS: '&c&oYou do not have access to this command'
  32. PLAYERONLY: '&c&oThis command can only be used ingame'
  33. INGANGONLY: '&c&oYou must be a gang to use this command'
  34. NOGANGONLY: '&c&oYou can not use this command while in a gang'
  35. TOOLOWRANK: '&c&oYou must be in &d%rank% &c&oto do this'
  36. USAGE:
  37. FIGHT: '&c&oInvalid command usage. please check &e/gang help'
  38. GANG: '&c&oInvalid command usage. please check &e/gang help'
  39. GANGADMIN: '&c&oInvalid command usage. Correct usage: &e/gadmin <arena|bank|disband|reload|spy>'
  40. SUBCOMMAND: '&c&oInvalid command usage. Correct usage: &e%usage%'
  41. MODULE:
  42. DISABLED: '&c&oThis module is deactived on this server'
  43. GANGS:
  44. DISABLED: '&c&oThis is deactived on this server'
  45. INVALIDGANG: '&c&oInvalid username specified'
  46. INVALIDPLAYER: '&c&oInvalid player name specified'
  47. INVALIDAMOUNT: '&c&oInvalid amount of money specified'
  49. TELEPORT: You will be teleported in &a&l%time%
  50. AWAITING: '&c&oYou are already waiting for a teleportation'
  51. CANCELLED: '&c&oTeleporting request were canceled'
  53. TOGGLED: You have &e%state% &7allied-chat
  54. FIGHTS:
  55. START:
  56. WILLSTART: |-
  57. A match will start against &c&l%gang% &7in &f&l1 minutes
  58. &8▎ &3&lOP&8&l:&b&lPRISON &8┃ &7To join write, &a/fight join %gang%
  59. &8▎ &3&lOP&8&l:&b&lPRISON &8┃ &7Required members: &f%membersamount%
  60. CANNOT:
  61. MEMBERS: '&c&oThere are too few players from &e%gang% &c&oto start the fight,
  62. the fight has been cancelled'
  63. MONEY: '&c&oGang &e%gang% &c&odo not have enough money to pay entry fee,
  64. the fight has been cancelled'
  65. STARTED:
  66. BROADCAST: The fight against &e&l%gang1% &7and &a&l%gang2% &7has &f&lbegun!
  67. INARENA: '&6&lFight has started!'
  68. INGANG: Your gang has started a fight against &e&l%gang%
  69. END:
  70. MONEY: You have won &a&l$%amount% &7from this fight
  71. WON:
  72. BROADCAST: '&e&l%winner% &7has won the fight against &c&l%loser%'
  73. INGANG: You guys won! &a&l$%amount% &7has been added to the bank account
  74. LOST:
  75. INGANG: You lost the fight against &e&l%gang%
  76. TELEPORT: You will be teleported out of the arena in &a&l%time%
  77. ENDED:
  78. BROADCAST: The fight between &a&l%gang1% &7and &b&l%gang2% &7has &f&lfinished
  79. CANTUSECOMMAND: '&c&oYou can not use this command in fight'
  80. CANTMOVE: '&c&oYou can not move before the fight starts'
  81. CANTLEAVEARENA: '&c&oYou can not leave the fight arena'
  83. ELIMINATED: You have been &f&leliminated &7from the fight
  84. INARENA: '&c&6%player% has been &F&leliminated! &e&l%amount% &7players left
  85. from &e&l%gang%'
  87. NOTCONFIGURED: not setup
  88. EMPTY: empty
  89. WAITING: Waiting for players
  90. INPROGRESS: started
  91. ENDED: restarting
  92. FIGHT:
  93. ACCEPT:
  94. OWN: '&c&oYou can not fight your own gang'
  95. ALLY: '&c&oYou can not fight an allied gang'
  96. NOTCHALLENGED: '&e%gang% &c&ohas not challanged you to fight'
  98. OWN: '&c&oyour gang is fighting already'
  99. ENEMY: '&e%gang% &c&ofighting already'
  100. NOEMPTYARENA: '&c&oThere are no available arenas to have the match at the moment,
  101. &etry again later'
  103. OWN: '&c&oThere are not enough logged-in players from your gang to start the match.
  104. Minium &e2'
  105. ENEMY: '&c&oThere are not enough players from the gang &e%gang% &c&oto start the
  106. fight'
  108. OWN: '&c&oYour gang needs &e$%amount% &c&oon the bank account to start the fight'
  109. ENEMY: '&e%gang% &c&odoes not have enough money to start the fight'
  110. NOTENOUGHPRIVATEMONEY: '&c&oYou do not have enough money'
  111. PAIDPRIVATEMONEY: You paid &a&l$%amount% &7for the fight
  113. OWN: '&c&oYou can not challange your own gang'
  114. ALLY: '&c&oYou can not challange an allied gang'
  116. OWN: '&c&oYour gang has already challanged &e%gang%'
  117. ENEMY: Your gang got challanged by &e&l%gang%&7. &a/fight accept %gang%
  118. INVALID:
  119. MEMBERS: '&c&oInvalid member quantity specified'
  120. MEMBERS:
  121. RANGE: '&c&oPlease specify a member quantity between &e%min% &c&oog &e%max%'
  122. MONEY:
  123. RANGE: '&c&oPlease specify money amount between &e%min% &c&oand &e%max%'
  124. NOTENOUGHMEMBERS: '&c&oThere are not enough online players from your gang'
  125. NOTENOUGHMONEY: '&c&oYour gang does not have enough money'
  126. NOTENOUGHPRIVATEMONEY: '&c&oYou do not have enough money'
  127. PAIDPRIVATEMONEY: You have paid &a&l$%amount% &7for the challange
  129. BY: |-
  130. You gang has been challanged by &e&l%gang% &7to fight!
  131. &8▎ &3&lOP&8&l:&b&lPRISON &8┃ &7To join type, &a/fight accept %gang%
  132. &8▎ &3&lOP&8&l:&b&lPRISON &8┃ &7Requred members: &f%membersamount%
  133. &8▎ &3&lOP&8&l:&b&lPRISON &8┃ &7Cover charge: &a&l$%amount%
  134. INGANG: |-
  135. Your gang has challanged &e&l%gang% &7to fight!
  136. &8▎ &3&lOP&8&l:&b&lPRISON &8┃ &7Required members: &f%membersamount%
  137. &8▎ &3&lOP&8&l:&b&lPRISON &8┃ &7Cover charge: &a&l$%amount%
  138. CHALLENGED: You have challanged &e&l%gang% &7to fight
  139. DECLINE:
  140. NOTCHALLENGED: '&e%gang% &c&ohas not challanged you to fight'
  141. DECLINED: You refused to fight &e&l%gang%
  142. JOIN:
  143. NOTFIGHTING: '&c&oYour gang is not fighting at the moment'
  144. CANNOTJOIN: '&c&oYou can only participate in matches that have not started yet'
  145. JOINED: '&6%player% &7from &e&l%gang% &7Has joined the fight! (Nr.%membersamount%)'
  146. LEAVE:
  147. NOTFIGHTING: '&c&oYour gang is not fighting at the moment'
  148. NOTINARENA: '&c&oYou are not in any fightarena'
  149. LEFT: '&f&6%player% &7(%gang%) has left the fightarena'
  150. GANG:
  151. ALLY:
  152. OWN: '&c&oYou can not send alliancerequests to your own gang'
  153. ALREADYALLY: '&c&oThis gang is already your ally'
  155. BY: '&e&l%gang% &7has requested alliance. You can accept with &e/gang ally
  156. %gang%'
  157. INGANG: Your gang sent a alliancerequest to &e&l%gang%
  158. REQUESTED: Alliancerequest sent to &e&l%gang%
  159. ACCEPTED:
  160. BY: Your alliancerequest accepted by &e&l%gang%
  161. INGANG: Your gang is now allied with &e&l%gang%
  162. ACCEPTED: You accepted &e&l%gang%'s &7allianseforespørsel
  163. CONFIRM:
  164. NONE: '&c&oYou have no steps to confirm'
  165. CREATE:
  166. CANTAFFORD: '&c&oYou need &e$%amount% &c&oto create your own gang'
  167. LENGTH: '&c&oThe specified name is too long or short'
  168. SPECIALCHARS: '&c&oSpecified name contains prohibited characters'
  169. SPACES: '&c&oGang name must not contain empty spaces'
  170. BANNEDNAME: '&c&oYou can not make a gang with this name'
  171. ALREADYEXISTS: '&c&oA gang with this name already exists'
  172. COLORS: '&c&oYou do not have access to use colors in the gang name'
  173. BROADCAST: Gang &e&l%gang% &7has been created by &f&6%player%
  174. CREATED: You have &f&lsuccessfully &7created the gang, &e&l%gang%
  175. DELHOME:
  176. INVALIDHOME: Invalid home specified.
  177. DELETED: Home deleted.
  178. DEMOTE:
  179. NOTINGANG: '&6&6%player% &7is not a part of your gang'
  180. LOWEST: '&c&oYou can not demote &6&6%player% &c&oanymore'
  181. HIGHEST: '&c&oYou can not demote the leader. Change leader by using &e/gang
  182. leader'
  183. DEMOTED:
  184. BY: You have been demoted to &d%rank% &7by &6&6%player%
  185. INGANG: '&e%target% &7has been demoted to &d%rank% &7by &6&6%player%'
  186. DEMOTED: You have demoted &6%target% &7to &a&l&d%rank%
  187. DEPOSIT:
  188. INVALIDAMOUNT: '&c&oInvalid quantity of money specified'
  189. CANTAFFORD: '&c&oYou do not have that much money'
  191. INGANG: '&6%player% &7has deposited &a&l$%amount% &7to the gang''s bank account'
  192. DEPOSITED: You have deposited &a&l$%amount% &7to the gang''s bankkonto
  193. DISBAND:
  194. CONFIRM: Please confirm your request by writing &e/g confirm.
  195. FIGHTING: '&c&oYou can not delete the gang during a fight'
  196. BROADCAST: Gang &e&l%gang% has been deleted by &6%player%
  197. DISBANDED: You have deleted your gang
  199. DISABLED: '&c&oChange of friendly fire settings has been disabled by
  200. the server'
  201. TOGGLED:
  202. INGANG: '&6%player% has &e%state% friendly fire'
  203. TOGGLED: You have &e%state% &7friendly fire
  204. HELP:
  205. HELP: "&8▎ \n&8▎ &a/gang create <name> &8- &7Create a gang\n&8▎ &a/gang disband\
  206. \ &8- &7Delete your gang\n&8▎ &a/gang invite <name> &8- &7Send invitation\n\
  207. &8▎ &a/gang uninvite <name> &8- &7Cancel invitation\n&8▎ &a/gang kick <name>\
  208. \ &8- &7Kicks player from the gang\n&8▎ &a/gang join <gjeng> &8- &7Anwser invitation\n\
  209. &8▎ &a/gang leave &8- &7Leave gang\n&8▎ &a/gang levelup &8- &7Level up\
  210. \ the gang\n&8▎ &a/gang player <name> &8- &7Statistics about the player\n&8▎ &a/gang\
  211. \ info &8- &7Gang statistics\n&8▎ &a/gang promote <name> &8- &7Promote to\
  212. \ a higher rank\n&8▎ &a/gang demote <name> &8- &7Demote to lower rank\n&8▎\
  213. \ &a/gang deposit <sum> &8- &7Adds money to the account\n&8▎ &a/gang withdraw\
  214. \ <sum> &8- &7Takes out money from the account\n&8▎ &a/gang ally <gang> &8- &7Ally\
  215. \ with the gang\n&8▎ &a/gang neutral <gang> &8- &7No longer ally\n&8▎\
  216. \ &c/fight challenge <amount> <sum> <gang> &8- &7Duel\n&8▎ &c/fight leave\
  217. \ &8- &7Leaves a fight\n&8▎ &b/gc&8- &7Activates gangchat\n&8▎ &b/ac&8-\
  218. \ &7Activates alliancechat\n&8▎ "
  219. HOME:
  220. INVALIDHOME: Invalid home specified.
  221. UNSAFE: The home is uncertain, teleportation canceled.
  222. INVITE:
  223. FULL: '&c&oYou gang has achived maximum of members &7(7 members)'
  224. ALREADYINGANG: '&6%player% &7is already in a gang'
  225. ALREADYINVITED: '&6%player% &7has already been invited to your gang'
  226. INVITED:
  227. BY: You have been invited to &e&l%gang% &7gang by &6%player%
  228. INVITED: You have invited &6%target% &7to your gang
  229. JOIN:
  230. NOTINVITED: '&c&oYou are not invited to this gang'
  231. FULL: '&c&oThis gang is &efull &7(7 members)'
  232. JOINED:
  233. BROADCAST: '&6%player% &7has joined the gang, &e&l%gang%'
  234. INGANG: '&6%player% &7have joined your gang'
  235. JOINED: You have joined &e&l%gang%
  236. KICK:
  237. NOTINGANG: '&6%player% &c&ois not a part of your gang'
  238. OWNSELF: '&c&oYou can not kick yourself. Please use &e/gang leave'
  239. FIGHTING: '&c&oYou can not kick a player that is fighting at the moment'
  240. LEADER: '&c&oYou can not kick the leader'
  241. KICKED:
  242. BROADCAST: '&6%target% &7has been kicked from &e&l%gang%'
  243. INGANG: '&6%target% &7have been kicked from the gang by &e%player%'
  244. BY: You were kicked from &e&l%gang% &7by &6%player%
  245. KICKED: You kicked &6%target% &7from your gang
  246. LEADER:
  247. NOTINGANG: '&6%player% &7is not a part of your gang'
  248. ALREADYLEADER: '&6%player% &7is already leader'
  249. CHANGED:
  250. BROADCAST: '&6%player% &7has led the leadership of &e&l%gang% to &e%target%'
  251. INGANG: '&6%player% &7has led the leadership of &e%target%'
  252. BY: You have gotten the leadership of &e&l%gang% &7by &6%player%
  253. CHANGED: You have given the leadership of &e&l%gang% &7to &6%target%
  254. LEAVE:
  255. LEADER: '&c&oYou can not leave as gang leader, please give the leadershio
  256. to someone else with &e/gang leader <player>'
  257. FIGHTING: '&c&oYou can not leave the gang while fighting'
  258. NOMEMBERS: '&c&oYou can not leave an empty gang, please delete it instead'
  259. LEFT:
  260. BROADCAST: '&6%player% &7has left &e&l%gang%'
  261. INGANG: '&6%player% &7has left the gang'
  262. LEFT: You left &e&l%gang%
  263. LEVELUP:
  264. MAX: '&c&oYour gang reached the highest available level, you can not level
  265. up more'
  266. GANGCANTAFFORD: '&c&oYour gang needs &e$%amount% &c&oon the bank account to
  267. level up'
  268. CANTAFFORD: '&c&oYou need &e$%amount% &c&oto level up this gang'
  270. BROADCAST: Gang &e&l%gang% &7has been upgraded to level &f&l%level%
  271. INGANG: Your gang has been upgraded to level &f&l%level%
  272. LEVELEDUP: You upgraded your gang to level &F&l%level%
  273. LIST:
  274. NOGANGS: '&c&oThere are no gangs yet'
  275. HEADER: 'Gangs (%page%/%totalpages%):'
  276. GANG: '&7- &b%name%&7, leader: %leader%, level: %level%, members: %membersamount%'
  278. NOHOMES: Gang %gang% have no home.
  279. HEADER: '%gang% gang home:'
  280. NEUTRAL:
  281. OWN: '&c&oYou can not change relations with your own gang'
  282. NOTALLY: Gang &e&l%gang% &7is already neutral for you
  283. NEUTRAL:
  284. INGANG: Your gang is neutral to &e&l%gang%
  285. NEUTRAL: You have set your gang''s relation to &e&l%gang% &7to neutral
  286. PROMOTE:
  287. NOTINGANG: '&6%player% &c&ois not a part of your gang'
  288. LEADER: '&c&oYou can not promote &6%player% &c&oanymore. Use &e/gang leader
  289. %player% &c&oto change the leader of the gang'
  290. HIGHEST: '&c&oYou can not promote &6%player% &c&oanymore'
  291. PROMOTED:
  292. BY: You have been promoted to &d%rank% &7by &6%player%'
  293. INGANG: '&e%target% &7has been promoted to &d%rank% &7by &6%player%'
  294. PROMOTED: You have promoted &6%target% &7to &d%rank%.
  295. REGROUP:
  296. INVALIDHOME: Invalid home specified.
  297. INGANG: '&6%player% asked to regroup with home %home%.'
  298. SETHOME:
  299. INVALIDNAME: You can not use quotes in the home name.
  300. UNSAFELOCATION: You can go home only in a safe place.
  301. ALREADYEXISTS: Home with that name already exists.
  302. BANNEDWORLD: You can not make home in this world.
  303. LIMIT: 'Home limit reached. Current amount: %current%, Limit: %limit%'
  304. SET: Home %home% has been set.
  305. TOP:
  306. HEADER: 'Top %amount% gangs (sorted of %order%):'
  307. GANG: |
  308. &c&l%name% &7- &a$%bank% &7Kills: &f%kills%&7, KDR: &f%kdr%
  309. UNINVITE:
  310. NOTINVITED: '&6%player% &7has not been invited to your gang'
  312. BY: Your invitation to &e&l%gang% &7has been &f&lcancelled &7by &6%player%
  313. UNINVITED: You cancelled &6%target%''s &7invitation to your gang
  314. WITHDRAW:
  315. INVALIDAMOUNT: '&c&oInvalid amount of money provided'
  316. CANTAFFORD: '&c&oThere is not enough money on the gang bank'
  318. INGANG: '&6%player% &7has taken out &a&l$%amount% &7from the gangs bank account'
  319. WITHDRAWN: You have taken out &a&l$%amount% &7from the gangs bank account
  320. GANGCHAT:
  321. TOGGLED: You have &e%state% &7gang chat
  323. ARENA:
  324. INVALIDARENA: Invalid arena ID entered.
  325. INUSE: You can not edit an arena currently used.
  326. LIST:
  327. NOARENAS: There are no arenas.
  328. HEADER: 'Arenas:'
  329. ARENA: '- ID: %id%, name: %name%, state: %state%'
  330. CREATE:
  331. ALREADYEXISTS: Arena %id% exists already.
  332. SPECIALCHARS: Arena ID can only contain alphanumeric characters.
  333. CREATED: Arena %id% has been created. Now set the locations using &b/gadmin arena setlocation %id% <corner1|corner2|spawn1|spawn2>&7 and save it using &b/gadmin arena save %id%&7.
  334. REMOVE:
  335. REMOVED: Arena %id% has been removed.
  337. INVALIDLOCATION: 'Invalid location name specified. Valid ones: corner1, corner2,
  338. spawn1, spawn2'
  339. INVALIDWORLD: You can't set the location in a different world than the other locations for this arena (%world%).
  340. SET: Location %location% has been set for arena %id%.
  341. READYTOUSE: Arena %id% is now ready to use, save it using &b/gadmin arena save %id%&7.
  342. SETNAME:
  343. SPECIALCHARS: Arena name may contain only alphanumeric characters.
  344. SET: Arena's %id% name has been set to %name%. Now save it using &b/gadmin arena save %id%&7.
  345. SAVE:
  346. CANTSAVE: 'Arena %id% couldn''t be saved. Missing locations: %locations%'
  347. SAVED: Arena %id% has been saved.
  348. BANK:
  349. BALANCE:
  350. BALANCE: '&e&l%gang%''s &7economy: &f$%amount%'
  351. GIVE:
  352. GIVEN: '&a&l$%amount% &7has been added to the &e&l%gang%''s &7bank account'
  353. TAKE:
  354. TAKEN: '&a&l$%amount% &7was taken out from the &e&l%gang%''s &7bank account'
  355. TOOMUCH: '&c&oGang, &e%gang% &c&odoes not have that much money'
  356. RESET:
  357. RESET: '&e&l%gang%''s &7bank account was reset'
  358. DISBAND:
  359. FIGHTING: '&c&oYou can not delete a gang during a fight'
  361. BROADCAST: Gang &e&l%gang% &7has been deleted by &6%player%
  362. DISBANDED: You have delete the gang &e&l%gang%
  363. RELOAD:
  364. RELOADED: '&e&lReload complete'
  365. SPY:
  366. TOGGLED: You have &e%state% &7gang and ally chat spy for &6%player%
  367. TOGGLEDBY: Your gang and allied chat spy have been &e%state% &7by &6%player%
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