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Aug 14th, 2017
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  1. #!/usr/bin/perl
  3. ###########################################################
  4. #::: Automatic (Database) Upgrade Script
  5. #::: Author: Akkadius
  6. #::: Purpose: To upgrade databases with ease and maintain versioning
  7. ###########################################################
  9. $menu_displayed = 0;
  11. use Config;
  12. use File::Copy qw(copy);
  13. use POSIX qw(strftime);
  14. use File::Path;
  15. use File::Find;
  16. use URI::Escape;
  17. use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
  19. $time_stamp = strftime('%m-%d-%Y', gmtime());
  21. $console_output .= " Operating System is: $Config{osname}\n";
  22. if($Config{osname}=~/linux/i){ $OS = "Linux"; }
  23. if($Config{osname}=~/Win|MS/i){ $OS = "Windows"; }
  25. #::: If current version is less than what world is reporting, then download a new one...
  26. $current_version = 14;
  28. if($ARGV[0] eq "V"){
  29. if($ARGV[1] > $current_version){
  30. print " Automatic Database Upgrade Needs updating...\n";
  31. print " Current version: " . $current_version . "\n";
  32. print " New version: " . $ARGV[1] . "\n";
  33. get_remote_file("", "");
  34. exit;
  35. }
  36. else{
  37. print "[Upgrade Script] No script update necessary \n";
  38. }
  39. exit;
  40. }
  42. #::: Sets database run stage check
  43. $db_run_stage = 0;
  45. $perl_version = $^V;
  46. $perl_version =~s/v//g;
  47. print "Perl Version is " . $perl_version . "\n";
  48. if($perl_version > 5.12){ no warnings 'uninitialized'; }
  49. no warnings;
  51. ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime();
  53. my $confile = "eqemu_config.xml"; #default
  54. open(F, "<$confile");
  55. my $indb = 0;
  56. while(<F>) {
  57. s/\r//g;
  58. if(/<database>/i) { $indb = 1; }
  59. next unless($indb == 1);
  60. if(/<\/database>/i) { $indb = 0; last; }
  61. if(/<host>(.*)<\/host>/i) { $host = $1; }
  62. elsif(/<username>(.*)<\/username>/i) { $user = $1; }
  63. elsif(/<password>(.*)<\/password>/i) { $pass = $1; }
  64. elsif(/<db>(.*)<\/db>/i) { $db = $1; }
  65. }
  67. $console_output =
  68. "============================================================
  69. EQEmu: Automatic Upgrade Check
  70. ============================================================
  71. ";
  73. if($OS eq "Windows"){
  74. $has_mysql_path = `echo %PATH%`;
  75. if($has_mysql_path=~/MySQL|MariaDB/i){
  76. @mysql = split(';', $has_mysql_path);
  77. foreach my $v (@mysql){
  78. if($v=~/MySQL|MariaDB/i){
  79. $v =~s/\n//g;
  80. $path = trim($v) . "/mysql";
  81. last;
  82. }
  83. }
  84. $console_output .= " (Windows) MySQL is in system path \n";
  85. $console_output .= " Path = " . $path . "\n";
  86. $console_output .= "============================================================\n";
  87. }
  88. }
  90. #::: Linux Check
  91. if($OS eq "Linux"){
  92. $path = `which mysql`;
  93. if ($path eq "") {
  94. $path = `which mariadb`;
  95. }
  96. $path =~s/\n//g;
  98. $console_output .= " (Linux) MySQL is in system path \n";
  99. $console_output .= " Path = " . $path . "\n";
  100. $console_output .= "============================================================\n";
  101. }
  103. #::: Path not found, error and exit
  104. if($path eq ""){
  105. print "MySQL path not found, please add the path for automatic database upgrading to continue... \n\n";
  106. print "script_exiting...\n";
  107. exit;
  108. }
  110. if($ARGV[0] eq "install_peq_db"){
  112. $db_name = "peq";
  113. if($ARGV[1]){
  114. $db_name = $ARGV[1];
  115. }
  117. $db = $db_name;
  119. #::: Database Routines
  120. print "MariaDB :: Creating Database '" . $db_name . "'\n";
  121. print `"$path" --host $host --user $user --password="$pass" -N -B -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $db_name;"`;
  122. print `"$path" --host $host --user $user --password="$pass" -N -B -e "CREATE DATABASE $db_name"`;
  123. if($OS eq "Windows"){ @db_version = split(': ', `world db_version`); }
  124. if($OS eq "Linux"){ @db_version = split(': ', `./world db_version`); }
  125. $bin_db_ver = trim($db_version[1]);
  126. check_db_version_table();
  127. $local_db_ver = trim(get_mysql_result("SELECT version FROM db_version LIMIT 1"));
  128. fetch_peq_db_full();
  129. print "\nFetching Latest Database Updates...\n";
  130. main_db_management();
  131. print "\nApplying Latest Database Updates...\n";
  132. main_db_management();
  134. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `launcher` SET `dynamics` = 30 WHERE `name` = 'zone'");
  135. }
  137. if($ARGV[0] eq "remove_duplicate_rules"){
  138. remove_duplicate_rule_values();
  139. exit;
  140. }
  142. if($ARGV[0] eq "installer"){
  143. print "Running EQEmu Server installer routines...\n";
  144. mkdir('logs');
  145. mkdir('updates_staged');
  146. mkdir('shared');
  147. fetch_latest_windows_binaries();
  148. map_files_fetch_bulk();
  149. opcodes_fetch();
  150. plugins_fetch();
  151. quest_files_fetch();
  152. lua_modules_fetch();
  154. #::: Binary dll's
  155. get_remote_file("", "lua51.dll", 1);
  156. get_remote_file("", "zlib1.dll", 1);
  157. get_remote_file("", "libmysql.dll", 1);
  159. #::: Server scripts
  160. fetch_utility_scripts();
  162. #::: Database Routines
  163. print "MariaDB :: Creating Database 'peq'\n";
  164. print `"$path" --host $host --user $user --password="$pass" -N -B -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS peq;"`;
  165. print `"$path" --host $host --user $user --password="$pass" -N -B -e "CREATE DATABASE peq"`;
  166. if($OS eq "Windows"){ @db_version = split(': ', `world db_version`); }
  167. if($OS eq "Linux"){ @db_version = split(': ', `./world db_version`); }
  168. $bin_db_ver = trim($db_version[1]);
  169. check_db_version_table();
  170. $local_db_ver = trim(get_mysql_result("SELECT version FROM db_version LIMIT 1"));
  171. fetch_peq_db_full();
  172. print "\nFetching Latest Database Updates...\n";
  173. main_db_management();
  174. print "\nApplying Latest Database Updates...\n";
  175. main_db_management();
  177. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `launcher` SET `dynamics` = 30 WHERE `name` = 'zone'");
  179. if($OS eq "Windows"){
  180. check_windows_firewall_rules();
  181. do_windows_login_server_setup();
  182. }
  183. exit;
  184. }
  186. if($ARGV[0] eq "db_dump_compress"){ database_dump_compress(); exit; }
  187. if($ARGV[0] eq "login_server_setup"){
  188. do_windows_login_server_setup();
  189. exit;
  190. }
  192. #::: Create db_update working directory if not created
  193. mkdir('db_update');
  195. #::: Check if db_version table exists...
  196. if(trim(get_mysql_result("SHOW COLUMNS FROM db_version LIKE 'Revision'")) ne "" && $db){
  197. print get_mysql_result("DROP TABLE db_version");
  198. print "Old db_version table present, dropping...\n\n";
  199. }
  201. sub check_db_version_table{
  202. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'db_version'") eq "" && $db){
  203. print get_mysql_result("
  204. CREATE TABLE db_version (
  205. version int(11) DEFAULT '0'
  206. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
  207. INSERT INTO db_version (version) VALUES ('1000');");
  208. print "Table 'db_version' does not exists.... Creating...\n\n";
  209. }
  210. }
  212. check_db_version_table();
  214. if($OS eq "Windows"){ @db_version = split(': ', `world db_version`); }
  215. if($OS eq "Linux"){ @db_version = split(': ', `./world db_version`); }
  217. $bin_db_ver = trim($db_version[1]);
  218. $local_db_ver = trim(get_mysql_result("SELECT version FROM db_version LIMIT 1"));
  220. #::: If ran from Linux startup script, supress output
  221. if($bin_db_ver == $local_db_ver && $ARGV[0] eq "ran_from_start"){
  222. print "Database up to date...\n";
  223. exit;
  224. }
  225. else{
  226. print $console_output if $db;
  227. }
  229. if($db){
  230. print " Binary Revision / Local: (" . $bin_db_ver . " / " . $local_db_ver . ")\n";
  232. #::: Bots
  233. #::: Make sure we're running a bots binary to begin with
  234. if(trim($db_version[2]) > 0){
  235. $bots_local_db_version = get_bots_db_version();
  236. if($bots_local_db_version > 0){
  237. print " (Bots) Binary Revision / Local: (" . trim($db_version[2]) . " / " . $bots_local_db_version . ")\n";
  238. }
  239. }
  241. #::: If World ran this script, and our version is up to date, continue...
  242. if($bin_db_ver <= $local_db_ver && $ARGV[0] eq "ran_from_world"){
  243. print " Database up to Date: Continuing World Bootup...\n";
  244. print "============================================================\n";
  245. exit;
  246. }
  248. }
  250. if($local_db_ver < $bin_db_ver && $ARGV[0] eq "ran_from_world"){
  251. print "You have missing database updates, type 1 or 2 to backup your database before running them as recommended...\n\n";
  252. #::: Display Menu
  253. show_menu_prompt();
  254. }
  255. else{
  256. #::: Most likely ran standalone
  257. print "\n";
  258. show_menu_prompt();
  259. }
  261. sub do_update_self{
  262. get_remote_file("", "");
  263. die "Rerun";
  264. }
  266. sub fetch_utility_scripts {
  267. if($OS eq "Windows"){
  268. get_remote_file("", "t_database_backup.bat");
  269. get_remote_file("", "t_start_server.bat");
  270. get_remote_file("", "t_start_server_with_login_server.bat");
  271. get_remote_file("", "t_stop_server.bat");
  272. get_remote_file("", "");
  273. get_remote_file("", "");
  274. get_remote_file("", "t_start_server_with_login_server.bat");
  275. }
  276. else {
  277. print "No scripts found for OS: " . $OS . "...\n";
  278. }
  279. }
  281. sub show_menu_prompt {
  282. my %dispatch = (
  283. 1 => \&database_dump,
  284. 2 => \&database_dump_compress,
  285. 3 => \&main_db_management,
  286. 4 => \&bots_db_management,
  287. 5 => \&opcodes_fetch,
  288. 6 => \&map_files_fetch,
  289. 7 => \&plugins_fetch,
  290. 8 => \&quest_files_fetch,
  291. 9 => \&lua_modules_fetch,
  292. 10 => \&aa_fetch,
  293. 11 => \&fetch_latest_windows_binaries,
  294. 12 => \&fetch_server_dlls,
  295. 13 => \&do_windows_login_server_setup,
  296. 14 => \&remove_duplicate_rule_values,
  297. 15 => \&fetch_utility_scripts,
  298. 19 => \&do_bots_db_schema_drop,
  299. 20 => \&do_update_self,
  300. 0 => \&script_exit,
  301. );
  303. while (1) {
  304. {
  305. local $| = 1;
  306. if(!$menu_show && ($ARGV[0] eq "ran_from_world" || $ARGV[0] eq "ran_from_start")){
  307. $menu_show++;
  308. next;
  309. }
  310. print menu_options(), '> ';
  311. $menu_displayed++;
  312. if($menu_displayed > 50){
  313. print "Safety: Menu looping too many times, exiting...\n";
  314. exit;
  315. }
  316. }
  318. my $choice = <>;
  320. $choice =~ s/\A\s+//;
  321. $choice =~ s/\s+\z//;
  323. if (defined(my $handler = $dispatch{$choice})) {
  324. my $result = $handler->();
  325. unless (defined $result) {
  326. exit 0;
  327. }
  328. }
  329. else {
  330. if($ARGV[0] ne "ran_from_world"){
  331. # warn "\n\nInvalid selection\n\n";
  332. }
  333. }
  334. }
  335. }
  337. sub menu_options {
  338. if(@total_updates){
  339. if($bots_db_management == 1){
  340. $option[3] = "Check and stage pending REQUIRED Database updates";
  341. $bots_management = "Run pending REQUIRED updates... (" . scalar (@total_updates) . ")";
  342. }
  343. else{
  344. $option[3] = "Run pending REQUIRED updates... (" . scalar (@total_updates) . ")";
  345. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'bots'") eq ""){
  346. $bots_management = "Install bots database pre-requisites (Requires bots server binaries)";
  347. }
  348. else{
  349. $bots_management = "Check for Bot pending REQUIRED database updates... (Must have bots enabled)";
  350. }
  351. }
  352. }
  353. else{
  354. $option[3] = "Check and stage pending REQUIRED Database updates";
  355. $bots_management = "Check for Bot REQUIRED database updates... (Must have bots enabled)";
  356. }
  358. return <<EO_MENU;
  359. ============================================================
  360. #::: EQEmu Update Utility Menu: (
  361. ============================================================
  362. 1) [Backup Database] :: (Saves to Backups folder)
  363. 2) [Backup Database Compressed] :: (Saves to Backups folder)
  364. 3) [EQEmu DB Schema] :: $option[3]
  365. 4) [EQEmu DB Bots Schema] $bots_management
  366. 5) [OPCodes] :: Download latest opcodes for each EQ Client
  367. 6) [Maps] :: Download latest map and water files
  368. 7) [Plugins (Perl)] :: Download latest Perl plugins
  369. 8) [Quests (Perl/LUA)] :: Download latest PEQ quests and stage updates
  370. 9) [LUA Modules] :: Download latest LUA Modules (Required for Lua)
  371. 10) [DB Data : Alternate Advancement] :: Download Latest AA's from PEQ (This overwrites existing data)
  372. 11) [Windows Server Build] :: Download Latest and Stable Server Build (Overwrites existing .exe's, includes .dll's)
  373. 12) [Windows Server .dll's] :: Download Pre-Requisite Server .dll's
  374. 13) [Windows Server Loginserver Setup] :: Download and install Windows Loginserver
  375. 14) [Remove Duplicate Rule Values] :: Looks for redundant rule_values entries and removes them
  376. 15) [Fetch Utility Scripts] :: Fetches server management utility scripts
  377. 19) [EQEmu DB Drop Bots Schema] :: Remove Bots schema and return database to normal state
  378. 20) [Update the updater] Force update this script (Redownload)
  379. 0) Exit
  381. Enter numbered option and press enter...
  383. EO_MENU
  384. }
  386. sub check_for_database_dump_script{
  387. if(`perl`=~/Need arguments/i){
  388. return;
  389. }
  390. else{
  391. print " not found... retrieving...\n\n";
  392. get_remote_file("", "");
  393. }
  394. }
  396. sub ran_from_world {
  397. print "Running from world...\n";
  398. }
  400. sub database_dump {
  401. check_for_database_dump_script();
  402. print "Performing database backup....\n";
  403. print `perl database="$db" loc="backups"`;
  404. }
  405. sub database_dump_compress {
  406. check_for_database_dump_script();
  407. print "Performing database backup....\n";
  408. print `perl database="$db" loc="backups" compress`;
  409. }
  411. sub script_exit{
  412. #::: Cleanup staged folder...
  413. rmtree("updates_staged/");
  414. exit;
  415. }
  417. #::: Returns Tab Delimited MySQL Result from Command Line
  418. sub get_mysql_result{
  419. my $run_query = $_[0];
  420. if(!$db){ return; }
  421. if($OS eq "Windows"){ return `"$path" --host $host --user $user --password="$pass" $db -N -B -e "$run_query"`; }
  422. if($OS eq "Linux"){
  423. $run_query =~s/`//g;
  424. return `$path --user="$user" --host $host --password="$pass" $db -N -B -e "$run_query"`;
  425. }
  426. }
  428. sub get_mysql_result_from_file{
  429. my $update_file = $_[0];
  430. if(!$db){ return; }
  431. if($OS eq "Windows"){ return `"$path" --host $host --user $user --password="$pass" --force $db < $update_file`; }
  432. if($OS eq "Linux"){ return `"$path" --host $host --user $user --password="$pass" --force $db < $update_file`; }
  433. }
  435. #::: Gets Remote File based on URL (1st Arg), and saves to destination file (2nd Arg)
  436. #::: Example: get_remote_file("", "db_update/db_update_manifest.txt");
  437. sub get_remote_file{
  438. my $URL = $_[0];
  439. my $Dest_File = $_[1];
  440. my $content_type = $_[2];
  442. #::: Build file path of the destination file so that we may check for the folder's existence and make it if necessary
  443. if($Dest_File=~/\//i){
  444. my @dir_path = split('/', $Dest_File);
  445. $build_path = "";
  446. $di = 0;
  447. while($dir_path[$di]){
  448. $build_path .= $dir_path[$di] . "/";
  449. #::: If path does not exist, create the directory...
  450. if (!-d $build_path) {
  451. mkdir($build_path);
  452. }
  453. if(!$dir_path[$di + 2] && $dir_path[$di + 1]){
  454. # print $actual_path . "\n";
  455. $actual_path = $build_path;
  456. last;
  457. }
  458. $di++;
  459. }
  460. }
  462. if($OS eq "Windows"){
  463. #::: For non-text type requests...
  464. if($content_type == 1){
  465. $break = 0;
  466. while($break == 0) {
  467. use LWP::Simple qw(getstore);
  468. if(!getstore($URL, $Dest_File)){
  469. # print "Error, no connection or failed request...\n\n";
  470. }
  471. # sleep(1);
  472. #::: Make sure the file exists before continuing...
  473. if(-e $Dest_File) {
  474. $break = 1;
  475. print " [URL] :: " . $URL . "\n";
  476. print " [Saved] :: " . $Dest_File . "\n";
  477. } else { $break = 0; }
  478. usleep(500);
  479. }
  480. }
  481. else{
  482. $break = 0;
  483. while($break == 0) {
  484. require LWP::UserAgent;
  485. my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
  486. $ua->timeout(10);
  487. $ua->env_proxy;
  488. my $response = $ua->get($URL);
  489. if ($response->is_success){
  490. open (FILE, '> ' . $Dest_File . '');
  491. print FILE $response->decoded_content;
  492. close (FILE);
  493. }
  494. else {
  495. # print "Error, no connection or failed request...\n\n";
  496. }
  497. if(-e $Dest_File) {
  498. $break = 1;
  499. print " [URL] :: " . $URL . "\n";
  500. print " [Saved] :: " . $Dest_File . "\n";
  501. } else { $break = 0; }
  502. usleep(500);
  503. }
  504. }
  505. }
  506. if($OS eq "Linux"){
  507. #::: wget -O db_update/db_update_manifest.txt
  508. $wget = `wget --no-check-certificate --quiet -O $Dest_File $URL`;
  509. print " o URL: (" . $URL . ")\n";
  510. print " o Saved: (" . $Dest_File . ") \n";
  511. if($wget=~/unable to resolve/i){
  512. print "Error, no connection or failed request...\n\n";
  513. #die;
  514. }
  515. }
  516. }
  518. #::: Trim Whitespaces
  519. sub trim {
  520. my $string = $_[0];
  521. $string =~ s/^\s+//;
  522. $string =~ s/\s+$//;
  523. return $string;
  524. }
  526. #::: Fetch Latest PEQ AA's
  527. sub aa_fetch{
  528. if(!$db){
  529. print "No database present, check your eqemu_config.xml for proper MySQL/MariaDB configuration...\n";
  530. return;
  531. }
  533. print "Pulling down PEQ AA Tables...\n";
  534. get_remote_file("", "db_update/peq_aa_tables_post_rework.sql");
  535. print "\n\nInstalling AA Tables...\n";
  536. print get_mysql_result_from_file("db_update/peq_aa_tables_post_rework.sql");
  537. print "\nDone...\n\n";
  538. }
  540. #::: Fetch Latest Opcodes
  541. sub opcodes_fetch{
  542. print "Pulling down latest opcodes...\n";
  543. %opcodes = (
  544. 1 => ["opcodes", ""],
  545. 2 => ["mail_opcodes", ""],
  546. 3 => ["Titanium", ""],
  547. 4 => ["Secrets of Faydwer", ""],
  548. 5 => ["Seeds of Destruction", ""],
  549. 6 => ["Underfoot", ""],
  550. 7 => ["Rain of Fear", ""],
  551. 8 => ["Rain of Fear 2", ""],
  552. );
  553. $loop = 1;
  554. while($opcodes{$loop}[0]){
  555. #::: Split the URL by the patches folder to get the file name from URL
  556. @real_file = split("patches/", $opcodes{$loop}[1]);
  557. $find = 0;
  558. while($real_file[$find]){
  559. $file_name = $real_file[$find];
  560. $find++;
  561. }
  563. print "\nDownloading (" . $opcodes{$loop}[0] . ") File: '" . $file_name . "'...\n\n";
  564. get_remote_file($opcodes{$loop}[1], $file_name);
  565. $loop++;
  566. }
  567. print "\nDone...\n\n";
  568. }
  570. sub remove_duplicate_rule_values{
  571. $ruleset_id = trim(get_mysql_result("SELECT `ruleset_id` FROM `rule_sets` WHERE `name` = 'default'"));
  572. print "Default Ruleset ID: " . $ruleset_id . "\n";
  574. $total_removed = 0;
  575. #::: Store Default values...
  576. $mysql_result = get_mysql_result("SELECT * FROM `rule_values` WHERE `ruleset_id` = " . $ruleset_id);
  577. my @lines = split("\n", $mysql_result);
  578. foreach my $val (@lines){
  579. my @values = split("\t", $val);
  580. $rule_set_values{$values[1]}[0] = $values[2];
  581. }
  582. #::: Compare default values against other rulesets to check for duplicates...
  583. $mysql_result = get_mysql_result("SELECT * FROM `rule_values` WHERE `ruleset_id` != " . $ruleset_id);
  584. my @lines = split("\n", $mysql_result);
  585. foreach my $val (@lines){
  586. my @values = split("\t", $val);
  587. if($values[2] == $rule_set_values{$values[1]}[0]){
  588. print "DUPLICATE : " . $values[1] . " (Ruleset (" . $values[0] . ")) matches default value of : " . $values[2] . ", removing...\n";
  589. get_mysql_result("DELETE FROM `rule_values` WHERE `ruleset_id` = " . $values[0] . " AND `rule_name` = '" . $values[1] . "'");
  590. $total_removed++;
  591. }
  592. }
  594. print "Total duplicate rules removed... " . $total_removed . "\n";
  595. }
  597. sub copy_file{
  598. $l_source_file = $_[0];
  599. $l_dest_file = $_[1];
  600. if($l_dest_file=~/\//i){
  601. my @dir_path = split('/', $l_dest_file);
  602. $build_path = "";
  603. $di = 0;
  604. while($dir_path[$di]){
  605. $build_path .= $dir_path[$di] . "/";
  606. #::: If path does not exist, create the directory...
  607. if (!-d $build_path) {
  608. mkdir($build_path);
  609. }
  610. if(!$dir_path[$di + 2] && $dir_path[$di + 1]){
  611. # print $actual_path . "\n";
  612. $actual_path = $build_path;
  613. last;
  614. }
  615. $di++;
  616. }
  617. }
  618. copy $l_source_file, $l_dest_file;
  619. }
  621. sub fetch_latest_windows_binaries{
  622. print "\n --- Fetching Latest Windows Binaries... --- \n";
  623. get_remote_file("", "updates_staged/", 1);
  624. print "\n --- Fetched Latest Windows Binaries... --- \n";
  625. print "\n --- Extracting... --- \n";
  626. unzip('updates_staged/', 'updates_staged/binaries/');
  627. my @files;
  628. my $start_dir = "updates_staged/binaries";
  629. find(
  630. sub { push @files, $File::Find::name unless -d; },
  631. $start_dir
  632. );
  633. for my $file (@files) {
  634. $dest_file = $file;
  635. $dest_file =~s/updates_staged\/binaries\///g;
  636. print "Installing :: " . $dest_file . "\n";
  637. copy_file($file, $dest_file);
  638. }
  639. print "\n --- Done... --- \n";
  641. rmtree('updates_staged');
  642. }
  644. sub do_windows_login_server_setup{
  645. print "\n --- Fetching Loginserver... --- \n";
  646. get_remote_file("", "updates_staged/", 1);
  647. print "\n --- Extracting... --- \n";
  648. unzip('updates_staged/', 'updates_staged/login_server/');
  649. my @files;
  650. my $start_dir = "updates_staged/login_server";
  651. find(
  652. sub { push @files, $File::Find::name unless -d; },
  653. $start_dir
  654. );
  655. for my $file (@files) {
  656. $dest_file = $file;
  657. $dest_file =~s/updates_staged\/login_server\///g;
  658. print "Installing :: " . $dest_file . "\n";
  659. copy_file($file, $dest_file);
  660. }
  661. print "\n Done... \n";
  663. print "Pulling down Loginserver database tables...\n";
  664. get_remote_file("", "db_update/login_server_tables.sql");
  665. print "\n\nInstalling Loginserver tables...\n";
  666. print get_mysql_result_from_file("db_update/login_server_tables.sql");
  667. print "\nDone...\n\n";
  669. add_login_server_firewall_rules();
  671. rmtree('updates_staged');
  672. rmtree('db_update');
  674. print "\nPress any key to continue...\n";
  676. <>; #Read from STDIN
  678. }
  680. sub add_login_server_firewall_rules{
  681. #::: Check Loginserver Firewall install for Windows
  682. if($OS eq "Windows"){
  683. $output = `netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all`;
  684. @output_buffer = split("\n", $output);
  685. $has_loginserver_rules_titanium = 0;
  686. $has_loginserver_rules_sod = 0;
  687. foreach my $val (@output_buffer){
  688. if($val=~/Rule Name/i){
  689. $val=~s/Rule Name://g;
  690. if($val=~/EQEmu Loginserver/i && $val=~/Titanium/i){
  691. $has_loginserver_rules_titanium = 1;
  692. print "Found existing rule :: " . trim($val) . "\n";
  693. }
  694. if($val=~/EQEmu Loginserver/i && $val=~/SOD/i){
  695. $has_loginserver_rules_sod = 1;
  696. print "Found existing rule :: " . trim($val) . "\n";
  697. }
  698. }
  699. }
  701. if($has_loginserver_rules_titanium == 0){
  702. print "Attempting to add EQEmu Loginserver Firewall Rules (Titanium) (TCP) port 5998 \n";
  703. print `netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="EQEmu Loginserver (Titanium) (5998) TCP" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=5998`;
  704. print "Attempting to add EQEmu Loginserver Firewall Rules (Titanium) (UDP) port 5998 \n";
  705. print `netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="EQEmu Loginserver (Titanium) (5998) UDP" dir=in action=allow protocol=UDP localport=5998`;
  706. }
  707. if($has_loginserver_rules_sod == 0){
  708. print "Attempting to add EQEmu Loginserver Firewall Rules (SOD+) (TCP) port 5999 \n";
  709. print `netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="EQEmu Loginserver (SOD+) (5999) TCP" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=5999`;
  710. print "Attempting to add EQEmu Loginserver Firewall Rules (SOD+) (UDP) port 5999 \n";
  711. print `netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="EQEmu Loginserver (SOD+) (5999) UDP" dir=in action=allow protocol=UDP localport=5999`;
  712. }
  714. print "If firewall rules don't add you must run this script ( as administrator\n";
  715. print "\n";
  716. print "#::: Instructions \n";
  717. print "In order to connect your server to the loginserver you must point your eqemu_config.xml to your local server similar to the following:\n";
  718. print "
  719. <loginserver1>
  720. <host></host>
  721. <port>5998</port>
  722. <account></account>
  723. <password></password>
  724. </loginserver1>
  725. <loginserver2>
  726. <host></host>
  727. <port>5998</port>
  728. <account></account>
  729. <password></password>
  730. </loginserver2>
  731. ";
  732. print "\nWhen done, make sure your EverQuest client points to your loginserver's IP (In this case it would be in the eqhosts.txt file\n";
  733. }
  734. }
  736. sub check_windows_firewall_rules{
  737. $output = `netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all`;
  738. @output_buffer = split("\n", $output);
  739. $has_world_rules = 0;
  740. $has_zone_rules = 0;
  741. foreach my $val (@output_buffer){
  742. if($val=~/Rule Name/i){
  743. $val=~s/Rule Name://g;
  744. if($val=~/EQEmu World/i){
  745. $has_world_rules = 1;
  746. print "Found existing rule :: " . trim($val) . "\n";
  747. }
  748. if($val=~/EQEmu Zone/i){
  749. $has_zone_rules = 1;
  750. print "Found existing rule :: " . trim($val) . "\n";
  751. }
  752. }
  753. }
  755. if($has_world_rules == 0){
  756. print "Attempting to add EQEmu World Firewall Rules (TCP) port 9000 \n";
  757. print `netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="EQEmu World (9000) TCP" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=9000`;
  758. print "Attempting to add EQEmu World Firewall Rules (UDP) port 9000 \n";
  759. print `netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="EQEmu World (9000) UDP" dir=in action=allow protocol=UDP localport=9000`;
  760. }
  761. if($has_zone_rules == 0){
  762. print "Attempting to add EQEmu Zones (7000-7500) TCP \n";
  763. print `netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="EQEmu Zones (7000-7500) TCP" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=7000-7500`;
  764. print "Attempting to add EQEmu Zones (7000-7500) UDP \n";
  765. print `netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="EQEmu Zones (7000-7500) UDP" dir=in action=allow protocol=UDP localport=7000-7500`;
  766. }
  767. }
  769. sub fetch_server_dlls{
  770. print "Fetching lua51.dll, zlib1.dll, libmysql.dll...\n";
  771. get_remote_file("", "lua51.dll", 1);
  772. get_remote_file("", "zlib1.dll", 1);
  773. get_remote_file("", "libmysql.dll", 1);
  774. }
  776. sub fetch_peq_db_full{
  777. print "Downloading latest PEQ Database... Please wait...\n";
  778. get_remote_file("", "updates_staged/", 1);
  779. print "Downloaded latest PEQ Database... Extracting...\n";
  780. unzip('updates_staged/', 'updates_staged/peq_db/');
  781. my $start_dir = "updates_staged\\peq_db";
  782. find(
  783. sub { push @files, $File::Find::name unless -d; },
  784. $start_dir
  785. );
  786. for my $file (@files) {
  787. $dest_file = $file;
  788. $dest_file =~s/updates_staged\\peq_db\///g;
  789. if($file=~/peqbeta|player_tables/i){
  790. print "MariaDB :: Installing :: " . $dest_file . "\n";
  791. get_mysql_result_from_file($file);
  792. }
  793. if($file=~/eqtime/i){
  794. print "Installing eqtime.cfg\n";
  795. copy_file($file, "eqtime.cfg");
  796. }
  797. }
  798. }
  800. sub map_files_fetch_bulk{
  801. print "\n --- Fetching Latest Maps... (This could take a few minutes...) --- \n";
  802. get_remote_file("", "maps/", 1);
  803. unzip('maps/', 'maps/');
  804. my @files;
  805. my $start_dir = "maps\\EQEmuMaps-master\\maps";
  806. find(
  807. sub { push @files, $File::Find::name unless -d; },
  808. $start_dir
  809. );
  810. for my $file (@files) {
  811. $dest_file = $file;
  812. $dest_file =~s/maps\\EQEmuMaps-master\\maps\///g;
  813. print "Installing :: " . $dest_file . "\n";
  814. copy_file($file, "maps/" . $new_file);
  815. }
  816. print "\n --- Fetched Latest Maps... --- \n";
  818. rmtree('maps/EQEmuMaps-master');
  819. unlink('maps/');
  820. }
  822. sub map_files_fetch{
  823. print "\n --- Fetching Latest Maps --- \n";
  825. get_remote_file("!eqemu_maps_manifest.txt", "updates_staged/eqemu_maps_manifest.txt");
  827. #::: Get Data from manifest
  828. open (FILE, "updates_staged/eqemu_maps_manifest.txt");
  829. $i = 0;
  830. while (<FILE>){
  831. chomp;
  832. $o = $_;
  833. @manifest_map_data = split(',', $o);
  834. if($manifest_map_data[0] ne ""){
  835. $maps_manifest[$i] = [$manifest_map_data[0], $manifest_map_data[1]];
  836. $i++;
  837. }
  838. }
  840. #::: Download
  841. $fc = 0;
  842. for($m = 0; $m <= $i; $m++){
  843. my $file_existing = $maps_manifest[$m][0];
  844. my $file_existing_size = (stat $file_existing)[7];
  845. if($file_existing_size != $maps_manifest[$m][1]){
  846. print "Updating: '" . $maps_manifest[$m][0] . "'\n";
  847. get_remote_file("" . $maps_manifest[$m][0], $maps_manifest[$m][0], 1);
  848. $fc++;
  849. }
  850. }
  852. if($fc == 0){
  853. print "\nNo Map Updates found... \n\n";
  854. }
  855. }
  857. sub quest_files_fetch{
  858. if (!-e "updates_staged/Quests-Plugins-master/quests/") {
  859. print "\n --- Fetching Latest Quests --- \n";
  860. get_remote_file("", "updates_staged/", 1);
  861. print "\nFetched latest quests...\n";
  862. mkdir('updates_staged');
  863. unzip('updates_staged/', 'updates_staged/');
  864. }
  866. $fc = 0;
  867. use File::Find;
  868. use File::Compare;
  870. my @files;
  871. my $start_dir = "updates_staged/Quests-Plugins-master/quests/";
  872. find(
  873. sub { push @files, $File::Find::name unless -d; },
  874. $start_dir
  875. );
  876. for my $file (@files) {
  877. if($file=~/\.pl|\.lua|\.ext/i){
  878. $staged_file = $file;
  879. $dest_file = $file;
  880. $dest_file =~s/updates_staged\/Quests-Plugins-master\///g;
  882. if (!-e $dest_file) {
  883. copy_file($staged_file, $dest_file);
  884. print "Installing :: '" . $dest_file . "'\n";
  885. $fc++;
  886. }
  887. else{
  888. $diff = do_file_diff($dest_file, $staged_file);
  889. if($diff ne ""){
  890. $backup_dest = "updates_backups/" . $time_stamp . "/" . $dest_file;
  892. print $diff . "\n";
  893. print "\nFile Different :: '" . $dest_file . "'\n";
  894. print "\nDo you wish to update this Quest? '" . $dest_file . "' [Yes (Enter) - No (N)] \nA backup will be found in '" . $backup_dest . "'\n";
  895. my $input = <STDIN>;
  896. if($input=~/N/i){}
  897. else{
  898. #::: Make a backup
  899. copy_file($dest_file, $backup_dest);
  900. #::: Copy staged to running
  901. copy($staged_file, $dest_file);
  902. print "Installing :: '" . $dest_file . "'\n\n";
  903. }
  904. $fc++;
  905. }
  906. }
  907. }
  908. }
  910. rmtree('updates_staged');
  912. if($fc == 0){
  913. print "\nNo Quest Updates found... \n\n";
  914. }
  915. }
  917. sub lua_modules_fetch{
  918. if (!-e "updates_staged/Quests-Plugins-master/quests/lua_modules/") {
  919. print "\n --- Fetching Latest LUA Modules --- \n";
  920. get_remote_file("", "updates_staged/", 1);
  921. print "\nFetched latest LUA Modules...\n";
  922. unzip('updates_staged/', 'updates_staged/');
  923. }
  925. $fc = 0;
  926. use File::Find;
  927. use File::Compare;
  929. my @files;
  930. my $start_dir = "updates_staged/Quests-Plugins-master/quests/lua_modules/";
  931. find(
  932. sub { push @files, $File::Find::name unless -d; },
  933. $start_dir
  934. );
  935. for my $file (@files) {
  936. if($file=~/\.pl|\.lua|\.ext/i){
  937. $staged_file = $file;
  938. $dest_file = $file;
  939. $dest_file =~s/updates_staged\/Quests-Plugins-master\/quests\///g;
  941. if (!-e $dest_file) {
  942. copy_file($staged_file, $dest_file);
  943. print "Installing :: '" . $dest_file . "'\n";
  944. $fc++;
  945. }
  946. else{
  947. $diff = do_file_diff($dest_file, $staged_file);
  948. if($diff ne ""){
  949. $backup_dest = "updates_backups/" . $time_stamp . "/" . $dest_file;
  950. print $diff . "\n";
  951. print "\nFile Different :: '" . $dest_file . "'\n";
  952. print "\nDo you wish to update this LUA Module? '" . $dest_file . "' [Yes (Enter) - No (N)] \nA backup will be found in '" . $backup_dest . "'\n";
  953. my $input = <STDIN>;
  954. if($input=~/N/i){}
  955. else{
  956. #::: Make a backup
  957. copy_file($dest_file, $backup_dest);
  958. #::: Copy staged to running
  959. copy($staged_file, $dest_file);
  960. print "Installing :: '" . $dest_file . "'\n\n";
  961. }
  962. $fc++;
  963. }
  964. }
  965. }
  966. }
  968. if($fc == 0){
  969. print "\nNo LUA Modules Updates found... \n\n";
  970. }
  971. }
  973. sub plugins_fetch{
  974. if (!-e "updates_staged/Quests-Plugins-master/plugins/") {
  975. print "\n --- Fetching Latest Plugins --- \n";
  976. get_remote_file("", "updates_staged/", 1);
  977. print "\nFetched latest plugins...\n";
  978. unzip('updates_staged/', 'updates_staged/');
  979. }
  981. $fc = 0;
  982. use File::Find;
  983. use File::Compare;
  985. my @files;
  986. my $start_dir = "updates_staged/Quests-Plugins-master/plugins/";
  987. find(
  988. sub { push @files, $File::Find::name unless -d; },
  989. $start_dir
  990. );
  991. for my $file (@files) {
  992. if($file=~/\.pl|\.lua|\.ext/i){
  993. $staged_file = $file;
  994. $dest_file = $file;
  995. $dest_file =~s/updates_staged\/Quests-Plugins-master\///g;
  997. if (!-e $dest_file) {
  998. copy_file($staged_file, $dest_file);
  999. print "Installing :: '" . $dest_file . "'\n";
  1000. $fc++;
  1001. }
  1002. else{
  1003. $diff = do_file_diff($dest_file, $staged_file);
  1004. if($diff ne ""){
  1005. $backup_dest = "updates_backups/" . $time_stamp . "/" . $dest_file;
  1006. print $diff . "\n";
  1007. print "\nFile Different :: '" . $dest_file . "'\n";
  1008. print "\nDo you wish to update this Plugin? '" . $dest_file . "' [Yes (Enter) - No (N)] \nA backup will be found in '" . $backup_dest . "'\n";
  1009. my $input = <STDIN>;
  1010. if($input=~/N/i){}
  1011. else{
  1012. #::: Make a backup
  1013. copy_file($dest_file, $backup_dest);
  1014. #::: Copy staged to running
  1015. copy($staged_file, $dest_file);
  1016. print "Installing :: '" . $dest_file . "'\n\n";
  1017. }
  1018. $fc++;
  1019. }
  1020. }
  1021. }
  1022. }
  1024. if($fc == 0){
  1025. print "\nNo Plugin Updates found... \n\n";
  1026. }
  1027. }
  1029. sub do_file_diff{
  1030. $file_1 = $_[0];
  1031. $file_2 = $_[1];
  1032. if($OS eq "Windows"){
  1033. eval "use Text::Diff";
  1034. $diff = diff($file_1, $file_2, { STYLE => "Unified" });
  1035. return $diff;
  1036. }
  1037. if($OS eq "Linux"){
  1038. # print 'diff -u "$file_1" "$file_2"' . "\n";
  1039. return `diff -u "$file_1" "$file_2"`;
  1040. }
  1041. }
  1043. sub unzip{
  1044. $archive_to_unzip = $_[0];
  1045. $dest_folder = $_[1];
  1047. if($OS eq "Windows"){
  1048. eval "use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS )";
  1049. my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
  1050. unless ( $zip->read($archive_to_unzip) == AZ_OK ) {
  1051. die 'read error';
  1052. }
  1053. print "Extracting...\n";
  1054. $zip->extractTree('', $dest_folder);
  1055. }
  1056. if($OS eq "Linux"){
  1057. print `unzip -o "$archive_to_unzip" -d "$dest_folder"`;
  1058. }
  1059. }
  1061. sub are_file_sizes_different{
  1062. $file_1 = $_[0];
  1063. $file_2 = $_[1];
  1064. my $file_1 = (stat $file_1)[7];
  1065. my $file_2 = (stat $file_2)[7];
  1066. # print $file_1 . " :: " . $file_2 . "\n";
  1067. if($file_1 != $file_2){
  1068. return 1;
  1069. }
  1070. return;
  1071. }
  1073. sub do_bots_db_schema_drop{
  1074. #"drop_bots.sql" is run before reverting database back to 'normal'
  1075. print "Fetching drop_bots.sql...\n";
  1076. get_remote_file("", "db_update/drop_bots.sql");
  1077. print get_mysql_result_from_file("db_update/drop_bots.sql");
  1079. print "Restoring normality...\n";
  1080. print get_mysql_result("DELETE FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:%';");
  1082. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'commands'") ne "" && $db){
  1083. print get_mysql_result("DELETE FROM `commands` WHERE `command` LIKE 'bot';");
  1084. }
  1086. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'command_settings'") ne "" && $db){
  1087. print get_mysql_result("DELETE FROM `command_settings` WHERE `command` LIKE 'bot';");
  1088. }
  1090. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW KEYS FROM `group_id` WHERE `Key_name` LIKE 'PRIMARY'") ne "" && $db){
  1091. print get_mysql_result("ALTER TABLE `group_id` DROP PRIMARY KEY;");
  1092. }
  1093. print get_mysql_result("ALTER TABLE `group_id` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`groupid`, `charid`, `ismerc`);");
  1095. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW KEYS FROM `guild_members` WHERE `Key_name` LIKE 'PRIMARY'") ne "" && $db){
  1096. print get_mysql_result("ALTER TABLE `guild_members` DROP PRIMARY KEY;");
  1097. }
  1098. print get_mysql_result("ALTER TABLE `guild_members` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`char_id`);");
  1100. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `spawn2` SET `enabled` = 0 WHERE `id` IN (59297,59298);");
  1102. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `db_version` LIKE 'bots_version'") ne "" && $db){
  1103. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `db_version` SET `bots_version` = 0;");
  1104. }
  1105. }
  1107. sub modify_db_for_bots{
  1108. #Called after the db bots schema (2015_09_30_bots.sql) has been loaded
  1109. print "Modifying database for bots...\n";
  1110. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `spawn2` SET `enabled` = 1 WHERE `id` IN (59297,59298);");
  1112. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW KEYS FROM `guild_members` WHERE `Key_name` LIKE 'PRIMARY'") ne "" && $db){
  1113. print get_mysql_result("ALTER TABLE `guild_members` DROP PRIMARY KEY;");
  1114. }
  1116. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW KEYS FROM `group_id` WHERE `Key_name` LIKE 'PRIMARY'") ne "" && $db){
  1117. print get_mysql_result("ALTER TABLE `group_id` DROP PRIMARY KEY;");
  1118. }
  1119. print get_mysql_result("ALTER TABLE `group_id` ADD PRIMARY KEY USING BTREE(`groupid`, `charid`, `name`, `ismerc`);");
  1121. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'command_settings'") ne "" && get_mysql_result("SELECT `command` FROM `command_settings` WHERE `command` LIKE 'bot'") eq "" && $db){
  1122. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `command_settings` VALUES ('bot', '0', '');");
  1123. }
  1125. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'commands'") ne "" && get_mysql_result("SELECT `command` FROM `commands` WHERE `command` LIKE 'bot'") eq "" && $db){
  1126. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `commands` VALUES ('bot', '0');");
  1127. }
  1129. if(get_mysql_result("SELECT `rule_name` FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:BotAAExpansion'") ne "" && $db){
  1130. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `rule_values` SET `rule_name` = 'Bots:AAExpansion' WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:BotAAExpansion';");
  1131. }
  1132. if(get_mysql_result("SELECT `rule_name` FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:AAExpansion'") eq "" && $db){
  1133. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `rule_values` VALUES ('1', 'Bots:AAExpansion', '8', 'The expansion through which bots will obtain AAs');");
  1134. }
  1136. if(get_mysql_result("SELECT `rule_name` FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:CreateBotCount'") ne "" && $db){
  1137. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `rule_values` SET `rule_name` = 'Bots:CreationLimit' WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:CreateBotCount';");
  1138. }
  1139. if(get_mysql_result("SELECT `rule_name` FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:CreationLimit'") eq "" && $db){
  1140. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `rule_values` VALUES ('1', 'Bots:CreationLimit', '150', 'Number of bots that each account can create');");
  1141. }
  1143. if(get_mysql_result("SELECT `rule_name` FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:BotFinishBuffing'") ne "" && $db){
  1144. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `rule_values` SET `rule_name` = 'Bots:FinishBuffing' WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:BotFinishBuffing';");
  1145. }
  1146. if(get_mysql_result("SELECT `rule_name` FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:FinishBuffing'") eq "" && $db){
  1147. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `rule_values` VALUES ('1', 'Bots:FinishBuffing', 'false', 'Allow for buffs to complete even if the bot caster is out of mana. Only affects buffing out of combat.');");
  1148. }
  1150. if(get_mysql_result("SELECT `rule_name` FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:BotGroupBuffing'") ne "" && $db){
  1151. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `rule_values` SET `rule_name` = 'Bots:GroupBuffing' WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:BotGroupBuffing';");
  1152. }
  1153. if(get_mysql_result("SELECT `rule_name` FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:GroupBuffing'") eq "" && $db){
  1154. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `rule_values` VALUES ('1', 'Bots:GroupBuffing', 'false', 'Bots will cast single target buffs as group buffs, default is false for single. Does not make single target buffs work for MGB.');");
  1155. }
  1157. if(get_mysql_result("SELECT `rule_name` FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:BotManaRegen'") ne "" && $db){
  1158. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `rule_values` SET `rule_name` = 'Bots:ManaRegen' WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:BotManaRegen';");
  1159. }
  1160. if(get_mysql_result("SELECT `rule_name` FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:ManaRegen'") eq "" && $db){
  1161. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `rule_values` VALUES ('1', 'Bots:ManaRegen', '3.0', 'Adjust mana regen for bots, 1 is fast and higher numbers slow it down 3 is about the same as players.');");
  1162. }
  1164. if(get_mysql_result("SELECT `rule_name` FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:BotQuest'") ne "" && $db){
  1165. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `rule_values` SET `rule_name` = 'Bots:QuestableSpawnLimit' WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:BotQuest';");
  1166. }
  1167. if(get_mysql_result("SELECT `rule_name` FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:QuestableSpawnLimit'") eq "" && $db){
  1168. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `rule_values` VALUES ('1', 'Bots:QuestableSpawnLimit', 'false', 'Optional quest method to manage bot spawn limits using the quest_globals name bot_spawn_limit, see: /bazaar/');");
  1169. }
  1171. if(get_mysql_result("SELECT `rule_name` FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:BotSpellQuest'") ne "" && $db){
  1172. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `rule_values` SET `rule_name` = 'Bots:QuestableSpells' WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:BotSpellQuest';");
  1173. }
  1174. if(get_mysql_result("SELECT `rule_name` FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:QuestableSpells'") eq "" && $db){
  1175. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `rule_values` VALUES ('1', 'Bots:QuestableSpells', 'false', 'Anita Thrall\\\'s ( Bot Spell Scriber quests.');");
  1176. }
  1178. if(get_mysql_result("SELECT `rule_name` FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:SpawnBotCount'") ne "" && $db){
  1179. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `rule_values` SET `rule_name` = 'Bots:SpawnLimit' WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:SpawnBotCount';");
  1180. }
  1181. if(get_mysql_result("SELECT `rule_name` FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Bots:SpawnLimit'") eq "" && $db){
  1182. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `rule_values` VALUES ('1', 'Bots:SpawnLimit', '71', 'Number of bots a character can have spawned at one time, You + 71 bots is a 12 group raid');");
  1183. }
  1185. convert_existing_bot_data();
  1186. }
  1188. sub convert_existing_bot_data{
  1189. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'bots'") ne "" && $db){
  1190. print "Converting existing bot data...\n";
  1191. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `bot_data` (`bot_id`, `owner_id`, `spells_id`, `name`, `last_name`, `zone_id`, `gender`, `race`, `class`, `level`, `creation_day`, `last_spawn`, `time_spawned`, `size`, `face`, `hair_color`, `hair_style`, `beard`, `beard_color`, `eye_color_1`, `eye_color_2`, `drakkin_heritage`, `drakkin_tattoo`, `drakkin_details`, `ac`, `atk`, `hp`, `mana`, `str`, `sta`, `cha`, `dex`, `int`, `agi`, `wis`, `fire`, `cold`, `magic`, `poison`, `disease`, `corruption`) SELECT `BotID`, `BotOwnerCharacterID`, `BotSpellsID`, `Name`, `LastName`, `LastZoneId`, `Gender`, `Race`, `Class`, `BotLevel`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`BotCreateDate`), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`LastSpawnDate`), `TotalPlayTime`, `Size`, `Face`, `LuclinHairColor`, `LuclinHairStyle`, `LuclinBeard`, `LuclinBeardColor`, `LuclinEyeColor`, `LuclinEyeColor2`, `DrakkinHeritage`, `DrakkinTattoo`, `DrakkinDetails`, `AC`, `ATK`, `HP`, `Mana`, `STR`, `STA`, `CHA`, `DEX`, `_INT`, `AGI`, `WIS`, `FR`, `CR`, `MR`, `PR`, `DR`, `Corrup` FROM `bots`;");
  1193. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `bot_inspect_messages` (`bot_id`, `inspect_message`) SELECT `BotID`, `BotInspectMessage` FROM `bots`;");
  1195. print get_mysql_result("RENAME TABLE `bots` TO `bots_old`;");
  1196. }
  1198. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'botstances'") ne "" && $db){
  1199. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `bot_stances` (`bot_id`, `stance_id`) SELECT bs.`BotID`, bs.`StanceID` FROM `botstances` bs INNER JOIN `bot_data` bd ON bs.`BotID` = bd.`bot_id`;");
  1201. print get_mysql_result("RENAME TABLE `botstances` TO `botstances_old`;");
  1202. }
  1204. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'bottimers'") ne "" && $db){
  1205. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `bot_timers` (`bot_id`, `timer_id`, `timer_value`) SELECT bt.`BotID`, bt.`TimerID`, bt.`Value` FROM `bottimers` bt INNER JOIN `bot_data` bd ON bt.`BotID` = bd.`bot_id`;");
  1207. print get_mysql_result("RENAME TABLE `bottimers` TO `bottimers_old`;");
  1208. }
  1210. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'botbuffs'") ne "" && $db){
  1211. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `bot_buffs` (`buffs_index`, `bot_id`, `spell_id`, `caster_level`, `duration_formula`, `tics_remaining`, `poison_counters`, `disease_counters`, `curse_counters`, `corruption_counters`, `numhits`, `melee_rune`, `magic_rune`, `persistent`) SELECT bb.`BotBuffId`, bb.`BotId`, bb.`SpellId`, bb.`CasterLevel`, bb.`DurationFormula`, bb.`TicsRemaining`, bb.`PoisonCounters`, bb.`DiseaseCounters`, bb.`CurseCounters`, bb.`CorruptionCounters`, bb.`HitCount`, bb.`MeleeRune`, bb.`MagicRune`, bb.`Persistent` FROM `botbuffs` bb INNER JOIN `bot_data` bd ON bb.`BotId` = bd.`bot_id`;");
  1213. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `botbuffs` LIKE 'dot_rune'") ne "" && $db){
  1214. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `bot_buffs` bb INNER JOIN `botbuffs` bbo ON bb.`buffs_index` = bbo.`BotBuffId` SET bb.`dot_rune` = bbo.`dot_rune` WHERE bb.`bot_id` = bbo.`BotID`;");
  1215. }
  1217. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `botbuffs` LIKE 'caston_x'") ne "" && $db){
  1218. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `bot_buffs` bb INNER JOIN `botbuffs` bbo ON bb.`buffs_index` = bbo.`BotBuffId` SET bb.`caston_x` = bbo.`caston_x` WHERE bb.`bot_id` = bbo.`BotID`;");
  1219. }
  1221. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `botbuffs` LIKE 'caston_y'") ne "" && $db){
  1222. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `bot_buffs` bb INNER JOIN `botbuffs` bbo ON bb.`buffs_index` = bbo.`BotBuffId` SET bb.`caston_y` = bbo.`caston_y` WHERE bb.`bot_id` = bbo.`BotID`;");
  1223. }
  1225. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `botbuffs` LIKE 'caston_z'") ne "" && $db){
  1226. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `bot_buffs` bb INNER JOIN `botbuffs` bbo ON bb.`buffs_index` = bbo.`BotBuffId` SET bb.`caston_z` = bbo.`caston_z` WHERE bb.`bot_id` = bbo.`BotID`;");
  1227. }
  1229. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `botbuffs` LIKE 'ExtraDIChance'") ne "" && $db){
  1230. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `bot_buffs` bb INNER JOIN `botbuffs` bbo ON bb.`buffs_index` = bbo.`BotBuffId` SET bb.`extra_di_chance` = bbo.`ExtraDIChance` WHERE bb.`bot_id` = bbo.`BotID`;");
  1231. }
  1233. print get_mysql_result("RENAME TABLE `botbuffs` TO `botbuffs_old`;");
  1234. }
  1236. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'botinventory'") ne "" && $db){
  1237. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `bot_inventories` (`inventories_index`, `bot_id`, `slot_id`, `item_id`, `inst_charges`, `inst_color`, `inst_no_drop`, `augment_1`, `augment_2`, `augment_3`, `augment_4`, `augment_5`) SELECT bi.`BotInventoryID`, bi.`BotID`, bi.`SlotID`, bi.`ItemID`, bi.`charges`, bi.`color`, bi.`instnodrop`, bi.`augslot1`, bi.`augslot2`, bi.`augslot3`, bi.`augslot4`, bi.`augslot5` FROM `botinventory` bi INNER JOIN `bot_data` bd ON bi.`BotID` = bd.`bot_id`;");
  1239. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `botinventory` LIKE 'augslot6'") ne "" && $db){
  1240. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE `bot_inventories` bi INNER JOIN `botinventory` bio ON bi.`inventories_index` = bio.`BotInventoryID` SET bi.`augment_6` = bio.`augslot6` WHERE bi.`bot_id` = bio.`BotID`;");
  1241. }
  1243. print get_mysql_result("RENAME TABLE `botinventory` TO `botinventory_old`;");
  1244. }
  1246. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'botpets'") ne "" && $db){
  1247. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `bot_pets` (`pets_index`, `pet_id`, `bot_id`, `name`, `mana`, `hp`) SELECT bp.`BotPetsId`, bp.`PetId`, bp.`BotId`, bp.`Name`, bp.`Mana`, bp.`HitPoints` FROM `botpets` bp INNER JOIN `bot_data` bd ON bp.`BotId` = bd.`bot_id`;");
  1249. print get_mysql_result("RENAME TABLE `botpets` TO `botpets_old`;");
  1250. }
  1252. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'botpetbuffs'") ne "" && $db){
  1253. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `bot_pet_buffs` (`pet_buffs_index`, `pets_index`, `spell_id`, `caster_level`, `duration`) SELECT bpb.`BotPetBuffId`, bpb.`BotPetsId`, bpb.`SpellId`, bpb.`CasterLevel`, bpb.`Duration` FROM `botpetbuffs` bpb INNER JOIN `bot_pets` bp ON bpb.`BotPetsId` = bp.`pets_index`;");
  1255. print get_mysql_result("RENAME TABLE `botpetbuffs` TO `botpetbuffs_old`;");
  1256. }
  1258. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'botpetinventory'") ne "" && $db){
  1259. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `bot_pet_inventories` (`pet_inventories_index`, `pets_index`, `item_id`) SELECT bpi.`BotPetInventoryId`, bpi.`BotPetsId`, bpi.`ItemId` FROM `botpetinventory` bpi INNER JOIN `bot_pets` bp ON bpi.`BotPetsId` = bp.`pets_index`;");
  1261. print get_mysql_result("RENAME TABLE `botpetinventory` TO `botpetinventory_old`;");
  1262. }
  1264. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'botgroup'") ne "" && $db){
  1265. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `bot_groups` (`groups_index`, `group_leader_id`, `group_name`) SELECT bg.`BotGroupId`, bg.`BotGroupLeaderBotId`, bg.`BotGroupName` FROM `botgroup` bg INNER JOIN `bot_data` bd ON bg.`BotGroupLeaderBotId` = bd.`bot_id`;");
  1267. print get_mysql_result("RENAME TABLE `botgroup` TO `botgroup_old`;");
  1268. }
  1270. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'botgroupmembers'") ne "" && $db){
  1271. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `bot_group_members` (`group_members_index`, `groups_index`, `bot_id`) SELECT bgm.`BotGroupMemberId`, bgm.`BotGroupId`, bgm.`BotId` FROM `botgroupmembers` bgm INNER JOIN `bot_groups` bg ON bgm.`BotGroupId` = bg.`groups_index` INNER JOIN `bot_data` bd ON bgm.`BotId` = bd.`bot_id`;");
  1273. print get_mysql_result("RENAME TABLE `botgroupmembers` TO `botgroupmembers_old`;");
  1274. }
  1276. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'botguildmembers'") ne "" && $db){
  1277. print get_mysql_result("INSERT INTO `bot_guild_members` (`bot_id`, `guild_id`, `rank`, `tribute_enable`, `total_tribute`, `last_tribute`, `banker`, `public_note`, `alt`) SELECT bgm.`char_id`, bgm.`guild_id`, bgm.`rank`, bgm.`tribute_enable`, bgm.`total_tribute`, bgm.`last_tribute`, bgm.`banker`, bgm.`public_note`, bgm.`alt` FROM `botguildmembers` bgm INNER JOIN `guilds` g ON bgm.`guild_id` = g.`id` INNER JOIN `bot_data` bd ON bgm.`char_id` = bd.`bot_id`;");
  1279. print get_mysql_result("RENAME TABLE `botguildmembers` TO `botguildmembers_old`;");
  1280. }
  1281. }
  1283. sub get_bots_db_version{
  1284. #::: Check if bots_version column exists...
  1285. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW COLUMNS FROM db_version LIKE 'bots_version'") eq "" && $db){
  1286. print get_mysql_result("ALTER TABLE db_version ADD bots_version int(11) DEFAULT '0' AFTER version;");
  1287. print "\nColumn 'bots_version' does not exists.... Adding to 'db_version' table...\n\n";
  1288. }
  1289. $bots_local_db_version = trim(get_mysql_result("SELECT bots_version FROM db_version LIMIT 1"));
  1290. return $bots_local_db_version;
  1291. }
  1293. sub bots_db_management{
  1294. #::: Main Binary Database version
  1295. $bin_db_ver = trim($db_version[2]);
  1297. #::: If we have stale data from main db run
  1298. if($db_run_stage > 0 && $bots_db_management == 0){
  1299. clear_database_runs();
  1300. }
  1302. if($bin_db_ver == 0){
  1303. print "Your server binaries (world/zone) are not compiled for bots...\n";
  1304. return;
  1305. }
  1307. #::: Set on flag for running bot updates...
  1308. $bots_db_management = 1;
  1310. $bots_local_db_version = get_bots_db_version();
  1312. run_database_check();
  1313. }
  1315. sub main_db_management{
  1316. #::: If we have stale data from bots db run
  1317. if($db_run_stage > 0 && $bots_db_management == 1){
  1318. clear_database_runs();
  1319. }
  1321. #::: Main Binary Database version
  1322. $bin_db_ver = trim($db_version[1]);
  1324. $bots_db_management = 0;
  1325. run_database_check();
  1326. }
  1328. sub clear_database_runs{
  1329. # print "DEBUG :: clear_database_runs\n\n";
  1330. #::: Clear manifest data...
  1331. %m_d = ();
  1332. #::: Clear updates...
  1333. @total_updates = ();
  1334. #::: Clear stage
  1335. $db_run_stage = 0;
  1336. }
  1338. #::: Responsible for Database Upgrade Routines
  1339. sub run_database_check{
  1341. if(!$db){
  1342. print "No database present, check your eqemu_config.xml for proper MySQL/MariaDB configuration...\n";
  1343. return;
  1344. }
  1346. if(!@total_updates){
  1347. #::: Pull down bots database manifest
  1348. if($bots_db_management == 1){
  1349. print "Retrieving latest bots database manifest...\n";
  1350. get_remote_file("", "db_update/db_update_manifest.txt");
  1351. }
  1352. #::: Pull down mainstream database manifest
  1353. else{
  1354. print "Retrieving latest database manifest...\n";
  1355. get_remote_file("", "db_update/db_update_manifest.txt");
  1356. }
  1357. }
  1359. #::: Run 2 - Running pending updates...
  1360. if(@total_updates){
  1361. @total_updates = sort @total_updates;
  1362. foreach my $val (@total_updates){
  1363. $file_name = trim($m_d{$val}[1]);
  1364. print "Running Update: " . $val . " - " . $file_name . "\n";
  1365. print get_mysql_result_from_file("db_update/$file_name");
  1366. print get_mysql_result("UPDATE db_version SET version = $val WHERE version < $val");
  1368. if($bots_db_management == 1 && $val == 9000){
  1369. modify_db_for_bots();
  1370. }
  1371. }
  1372. $db_run_stage = 2;
  1373. }
  1374. #::: Run 1 - Initial checking of needed updates...
  1375. else{
  1376. print "Reading manifest...\n\n";
  1377. use Data::Dumper;
  1378. open (FILE, "db_update/db_update_manifest.txt");
  1379. while (<FILE>) {
  1380. chomp;
  1381. $o = $_;
  1382. if($o=~/#/i){ next; }
  1383. @manifest = split('\|', $o);
  1384. $m_d{$manifest[0]} = [@manifest];
  1385. }
  1386. #::: Setting Manifest stage...
  1387. $db_run_stage = 1;
  1388. }
  1390. @total_updates = ();
  1392. #::: This is where we set checkpoints for where a database might be so we don't check so far back in the manifest...
  1393. $revision_check = 1000;
  1394. if(get_mysql_result("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'character_data'") ne ""){
  1395. $revision_check = 9000;
  1396. }
  1398. #::: Iterate through Manifest backwards from binary version down to local version...
  1399. for($i = $bin_db_ver; $i > $revision_check; $i--){
  1400. if(!defined($m_d{$i}[0])){ next; }
  1402. $file_name = trim($m_d{$i}[1]);
  1403. $query_check = trim($m_d{$i}[2]);
  1404. $match_type = trim($m_d{$i}[3]);
  1405. $match_text = trim($m_d{$i}[4]);
  1407. #::: Match type update
  1408. if($match_type eq "contains"){
  1409. if(trim(get_mysql_result($query_check))=~/$match_text/i){
  1410. print "Missing DB Update " . $i . " '" . $file_name . "' \n";
  1411. fetch_missing_db_update($i, $file_name);
  1412. push(@total_updates, $i);
  1413. }
  1414. else{
  1415. print "DB up to date with: " . $i . " - '" . $file_name . "' \n";
  1416. }
  1417. print_match_debug();
  1418. print_break();
  1419. }
  1420. if($match_type eq "missing"){
  1421. if(get_mysql_result($query_check)=~/$match_text/i){
  1422. print "DB up to date with: " . $i . " - '" . $file_name . "' \n";
  1423. next;
  1424. }
  1425. else{
  1426. print "Missing DB Update " . $i . " '" . $file_name . "' \n";
  1427. fetch_missing_db_update($i, $file_name);
  1428. push(@total_updates, $i);
  1429. }
  1430. print_match_debug();
  1431. print_break();
  1432. }
  1433. if($match_type eq "empty"){
  1434. if(get_mysql_result($query_check) eq ""){
  1435. print "Missing DB Update " . $i . " '" . $file_name . "' \n";
  1436. fetch_missing_db_update($i, $file_name);
  1437. push(@total_updates, $i);
  1438. }
  1439. else{
  1440. print "DB up to date with: " . $i . " - '" . $file_name . "' \n";
  1441. }
  1442. print_match_debug();
  1443. print_break();
  1444. }
  1445. if($match_type eq "not_empty"){
  1446. if(get_mysql_result($query_check) ne ""){
  1447. print "Missing DB Update " . $i . " '" . $file_name . "' \n";
  1448. fetch_missing_db_update($i, $file_name);
  1449. push(@total_updates, $i);
  1450. }
  1451. else{
  1452. print "DB up to date with: " . $i . " - '" . $file_name . "' \n";
  1453. }
  1454. print_match_debug();
  1455. print_break();
  1456. }
  1457. }
  1458. print "\n";
  1460. if(scalar (@total_updates) == 0 && $db_run_stage == 2){
  1461. print "No updates need to be run...\n";
  1462. if($bots_db_management == 1){
  1463. print "Setting Database to Bots Binary Version (" . $bin_db_ver . ") if not already...\n\n";
  1464. get_mysql_result("UPDATE db_version SET bots_version = $bin_db_ver");
  1465. }
  1466. else{
  1467. print "Setting Database to Binary Version (" . $bin_db_ver . ") if not already...\n\n";
  1468. get_mysql_result("UPDATE db_version SET version = $bin_db_ver");
  1469. }
  1471. clear_database_runs();
  1472. }
  1473. }
  1475. sub fetch_missing_db_update{
  1476. $db_update = $_[0];
  1477. $update_file = $_[1];
  1478. if($db_update >= 9000){
  1479. if($bots_db_management == 1){
  1480. get_remote_file("" . $update_file, "db_update/" . $update_file . "");
  1481. }
  1482. else{
  1483. get_remote_file("" . $update_file, "db_update/" . $update_file . "");
  1484. }
  1485. }
  1486. elsif($db_update >= 5000 && $db_update <= 9000){
  1487. get_remote_file("" . $update_file, "db_update/" . $update_file . "");
  1488. }
  1489. }
  1491. sub print_match_debug{
  1492. if(!$debug){ return; }
  1493. print " Match Type: '" . $match_type . "'\n";
  1494. print " Match Text: '" . $match_text . "'\n";
  1495. print " Query Check: '" . $query_check . "'\n";
  1496. print " Result: '" . trim(get_mysql_result($query_check)) . "'\n";
  1497. }
  1498. sub print_break{
  1499. if(!$debug){ return; }
  1500. print "\n==============================================\n";
  1501. }
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