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a guest
Dec 18th, 2018
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  1. # autenticazione con service principal
  2. kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/hive.service.keytab hive/masternode01.domain.priv@DOMAIN.PRIV
  3. beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://masternode01.domain.priv:2181,masternode02.domain.priv:2181,masternode03.domain.priv:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2-hive2;principal=hive/masternode01.domain.priv@DOMAIN.PRIV"
  4. 0: jdbc:hive2://lcsgepalsv074.mis.priv:2181,l> CREATE DATABASE sbi;
  5. INFO : Compiling command(queryId=hive_20181218105103_1c9e8a83-c8b1-4cee-a85f-35b5f8f17c93): CREATE DATABASE sbi
  6. INFO : We are setting the hadoop caller context from HIVE_SSN_ID:5ffab31d-d355-4c16-a7c4-e968613bf499 to hive_20181218105103_1c9e8a83-c8b1-4cee-a85f-35b5f8f17c93
  7. INFO : Semantic Analysis Completed
  8. INFO : Returning Hive schema: Schema(fieldSchemas:null, properties:null)
  9. INFO : Completed compiling command(queryId=hive_20181218105103_1c9e8a83-c8b1-4cee-a85f-35b5f8f17c93); Time taken: 0.003 seconds
  10. INFO : We are resetting the hadoop caller context to HIVE_SSN_ID:5ffab31d-d355-4c16-a7c4-e968613bf499
  11. INFO : Concurrency mode is disabled, not creating a lock manager
  12. INFO : Setting caller context to query id hive_20181218105103_1c9e8a83-c8b1-4cee-a85f-35b5f8f17c93
  13. INFO : Executing command(queryId=hive_20181218105103_1c9e8a83-c8b1-4cee-a85f-35b5f8f17c93): CREATE DATABASE sbi
  14. INFO : Starting task [Stage-0:DDL] in serial mode
  15. INFO : Resetting the caller context to HIVE_SSN_ID:5ffab31d-d355-4c16-a7c4-e968613bf499
  16. INFO : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_20181218105103_1c9e8a83-c8b1-4cee-a85f-35b5f8f17c93); Time taken: 0.462 seconds
  17. INFO : OK
  18. No rows affected (0.472 seconds)
  20. # autenticazione via utente di dominio con privilegi sul DB scelto
  21. [supplier@lcsgepalsv072 ~]$ klist
  22. Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_124601946
  23. Default principal: supplier@MIS.PRIV
  25. Valid starting Expires Service principal
  26. 12/18/2018 10:59:30 12/18/2018 20:59:30 krbtgt/MIS.PRIV@MIS.PRIV
  27. renew until 12/25/2018 10:59:30
  28. [supplier@lcsgepalsv072 ~]$ beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://lcsgepalsv074.mis.priv:2181,lcsgepalsv075.mis.priv:2181,lcsgepalsv076.mis.priv:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2-hive2"
  29. Connecting to jdbc:hive2://lcsgepalsv074.mis.priv:2181,lcsgepalsv075.mis.priv:2181,lcsgepalsv076.mis.priv:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2-hive2
  30. Connected to: Apache Hive (version
  31. Driver: Hive JDBC (version 1.2.1000.
  32. Transaction isolation: TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ
  33. Beeline version 1.2.1000. by Apache Hive
  34. 0: jdbc:hive2://lcsgepalsv074.mis.priv:2181,l> USE sbi;
  35. INFO : Compiling command(queryId=hive_20181218110040_11502af1-0d20-454a-b24f-fb4a8907f1c1): USE sbi
  36. INFO : We are setting the hadoop caller context from HIVE_SSN_ID:98ed8585-6d0a-4536-accb-30ebf9c4e351 to hive_20181218110040_11502af1-0d20-454a-b24f-fb4a8907f1c1
  37. INFO : Semantic Analysis Completed
  38. INFO : Returning Hive schema: Schema(fieldSchemas:null, properties:null)
  39. INFO : Completed compiling command(queryId=hive_20181218110040_11502af1-0d20-454a-b24f-fb4a8907f1c1); Time taken: 0.008 seconds
  40. INFO : We are resetting the hadoop caller context to HIVE_SSN_ID:98ed8585-6d0a-4536-accb-30ebf9c4e351
  41. INFO : Concurrency mode is disabled, not creating a lock manager
  42. INFO : Setting caller context to query id hive_20181218110040_11502af1-0d20-454a-b24f-fb4a8907f1c1
  43. INFO : Executing command(queryId=hive_20181218110040_11502af1-0d20-454a-b24f-fb4a8907f1c1): USE sbi
  44. INFO : Starting task [Stage-0:DDL] in serial mode
  45. INFO : Resetting the caller context to HIVE_SSN_ID:98ed8585-6d0a-4536-accb-30ebf9c4e351
  46. INFO : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_20181218110040_11502af1-0d20-454a-b24f-fb4a8907f1c1); Time taken: 0.518 seconds
  47. INFO : OK
  48. No rows affected (0.59 seconds)
  49. 0: jdbc:hive2://lcsgepalsv074.mis.priv:2181,l> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dacancellare ( eid int, name String) STORED AS TEXTFILE;
  50. INFO : Compiling command(queryId=hive_20181218110339_879c2dd4-c43c-4c6d-b7ae-c0d6814f7f42): CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dacancellare ( eid int, name String) STORED AS TEXTFILE
  51. INFO : We are setting the hadoop caller context from HIVE_SSN_ID:98ed8585-6d0a-4536-accb-30ebf9c4e351 to hive_20181218110339_879c2dd4-c43c-4c6d-b7ae-c0d6814f7f42
  52. INFO : Semantic Analysis Completed
  53. INFO : Returning Hive schema: Schema(fieldSchemas:null, properties:null)
  54. INFO : Completed compiling command(queryId=hive_20181218110339_879c2dd4-c43c-4c6d-b7ae-c0d6814f7f42); Time taken: 0.012 seconds
  55. INFO : We are resetting the hadoop caller context to HIVE_SSN_ID:98ed8585-6d0a-4536-accb-30ebf9c4e351
  56. INFO : Concurrency mode is disabled, not creating a lock manager
  57. INFO : Setting caller context to query id hive_20181218110339_879c2dd4-c43c-4c6d-b7ae-c0d6814f7f42
  58. INFO : Executing command(queryId=hive_20181218110339_879c2dd4-c43c-4c6d-b7ae-c0d6814f7f42): CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dacancellare ( eid int, name String) STORED AS TEXTFILE
  59. INFO : Starting task [Stage-0:DDL] in serial mode
  60. INFO : Resetting the caller context to HIVE_SSN_ID:98ed8585-6d0a-4536-accb-30ebf9c4e351
  61. INFO : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_20181218110339_879c2dd4-c43c-4c6d-b7ae-c0d6814f7f42); Time taken: 0.465 seconds
  62. INFO : OK
  63. No rows affected (0.484 seconds)
  64. 0: jdbc:hive2://lcsgepalsv074.mis.priv:2181,l> SHOW TABLES;
  65. INFO : Compiling command(queryId=hive_20181218110347_32d8054e-72f4-4e8f-9870-354f34438cb6): SHOW TABLES
  66. INFO : We are setting the hadoop caller context from HIVE_SSN_ID:98ed8585-6d0a-4536-accb-30ebf9c4e351 to hive_20181218110347_32d8054e-72f4-4e8f-9870-354f34438cb6
  67. INFO : Semantic Analysis Completed
  68. INFO : Returning Hive schema: Schema(fieldSchemas:[FieldSchema(name:tab_name, type:string, comment:from deserializer)], properties:null)
  69. INFO : Completed compiling command(queryId=hive_20181218110347_32d8054e-72f4-4e8f-9870-354f34438cb6); Time taken: 0.006 seconds
  70. INFO : We are resetting the hadoop caller context to HIVE_SSN_ID:98ed8585-6d0a-4536-accb-30ebf9c4e351
  71. INFO : Concurrency mode is disabled, not creating a lock manager
  72. INFO : Setting caller context to query id hive_20181218110347_32d8054e-72f4-4e8f-9870-354f34438cb6
  73. INFO : Executing command(queryId=hive_20181218110347_32d8054e-72f4-4e8f-9870-354f34438cb6): SHOW TABLES
  74. INFO : Starting task [Stage-0:DDL] in serial mode
  75. INFO : Resetting the caller context to HIVE_SSN_ID:98ed8585-6d0a-4536-accb-30ebf9c4e351
  76. INFO : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_20181218110347_32d8054e-72f4-4e8f-9870-354f34438cb6); Time taken: 0.437 seconds
  77. INFO : OK
  78. +---------------+--+
  79. | tab_name |
  80. +---------------+--+
  81. | dacancellare |
  82. +---------------+--+
  83. 1 row selected (0.488 seconds)
  84. 0: jdbc:hive2://lcsgepalsv074.mis.priv:2181,l> DROP TABLE dacancellare;
  85. INFO : Compiling command(queryId=hive_20181218110501_0a4d80e1-5b21-40fb-9b7a-2033054259ec): DROP TABLE dacancellare
  86. INFO : We are setting the hadoop caller context from HIVE_SSN_ID:98ed8585-6d0a-4536-accb-30ebf9c4e351 to hive_20181218110501_0a4d80e1-5b21-40fb-9b7a-2033054259ec
  87. INFO : Semantic Analysis Completed
  88. INFO : Returning Hive schema: Schema(fieldSchemas:null, properties:null)
  89. INFO : Completed compiling command(queryId=hive_20181218110501_0a4d80e1-5b21-40fb-9b7a-2033054259ec); Time taken: 0.019 seconds
  90. INFO : We are resetting the hadoop caller context to HIVE_SSN_ID:98ed8585-6d0a-4536-accb-30ebf9c4e351
  91. INFO : Concurrency mode is disabled, not creating a lock manager
  92. INFO : Setting caller context to query id hive_20181218110501_0a4d80e1-5b21-40fb-9b7a-2033054259ec
  93. INFO : Executing command(queryId=hive_20181218110501_0a4d80e1-5b21-40fb-9b7a-2033054259ec): DROP TABLE dacancellare
  94. INFO : Starting task [Stage-0:DDL] in serial mode
  95. INFO : Resetting the caller context to HIVE_SSN_ID:98ed8585-6d0a-4536-accb-30ebf9c4e351
  96. INFO : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_20181218110501_0a4d80e1-5b21-40fb-9b7a-2033054259ec); Time taken: 0.535 seconds
  97. INFO : OK
  98. No rows affected (0.584 seconds)
  99. 0: jdbc:hive2://lcsgepalsv074.mis.priv:2181,l> SHOW TABLES;
  100. INFO : Compiling command(queryId=hive_20181218110506_4cb21f5b-426e-43a9-aa3a-4fafa846fa6f): SHOW TABLES
  101. INFO : We are setting the hadoop caller context from HIVE_SSN_ID:98ed8585-6d0a-4536-accb-30ebf9c4e351 to hive_20181218110506_4cb21f5b-426e-43a9-aa3a-4fafa846fa6f
  102. INFO : Semantic Analysis Completed
  103. INFO : Returning Hive schema: Schema(fieldSchemas:[FieldSchema(name:tab_name, type:string, comment:from deserializer)], properties:null)
  104. INFO : Completed compiling command(queryId=hive_20181218110506_4cb21f5b-426e-43a9-aa3a-4fafa846fa6f); Time taken: 0.006 seconds
  105. INFO : We are resetting the hadoop caller context to HIVE_SSN_ID:98ed8585-6d0a-4536-accb-30ebf9c4e351
  106. INFO : Concurrency mode is disabled, not creating a lock manager
  107. INFO : Setting caller context to query id hive_20181218110506_4cb21f5b-426e-43a9-aa3a-4fafa846fa6f
  108. INFO : Executing command(queryId=hive_20181218110506_4cb21f5b-426e-43a9-aa3a-4fafa846fa6f): SHOW TABLES
  109. INFO : Starting task [Stage-0:DDL] in serial mode
  110. INFO : Resetting the caller context to HIVE_SSN_ID:98ed8585-6d0a-4536-accb-30ebf9c4e351
  111. INFO : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_20181218110506_4cb21f5b-426e-43a9-aa3a-4fafa846fa6f); Time taken: 0.422 seconds
  112. INFO : OK
  113. +-----------+--+
  114. | tab_name |
  115. +-----------+--+
  116. +-----------+--+
  117. No rows selected (0.437 seconds)
  118. 0: jdbc:hive2://lcsgepalsv074.mis.priv:2181,l>
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