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a guest
Apr 26th, 2019
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  1. command /stats [<offline player>]:
  2. trigger:
  3. if arg-1 is set:
  4. open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "Stats" to player
  5. wait 1 tick
  6. format slot 4 of player with skull of arg-1 named "&b&lStats of %arg-1%" to close
  7. format slot 2 of player with clock named "&e&lPlayTime" with lore "&b&lSeconds: &f&l%{playtimeS.%arg-1%}%" to close
  8. format slot 6 of player with paper named "&4&lRank" with lore "&c&l%arg-1's group%" to close
  9. if arg-1 is not set:
  10. open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "Stats" to player
  11. wait 1 tick
  12. format slot 4 of player with skull of arg-1 named "&b&lStats of %arg-1%" to close
  13. format slot 2 of player with clock named "&e&lPlayTime" with lore "&b&lSeconds: &f&l%{playtimeS.%arg-1%}%||&b&lMinutes: &f&l%{playtimeM.%arg-1%}%||&b&lHours: &f&l%{playtimeH.%arg-1%}%||&b&lDays: &f&l%{playtimeD.%arg-1%}%" to close
  14. format slot 6 of player with paper named "&4&lRank" with lore "%arg-1's group%" to close
  16. every 1 second:
  17. loop all players:
  18. add 1 to {playtimeS.%loop-player%}
  19. if {playtimeS.%loop-player%} is 60:
  20. remove 60 from {playtimeS.%loop-player%}
  21. add 1 to {playtimeM.%loop-player%}
  22. if {playtimeM.%loop-player%} is 60:
  23. remove 60 from {playtimeM.%loop-player%}
  24. add 1 to {playtimeH.%loop-player%}
  25. if {playtimeH.%loop-player%} is 24:
  26. remove 24 from {playtimeH.%loop-player%}
  27. add 1 to {playtimeD.%loop-player%}
  29. command /resetplaytime [<offline player>]:
  30. permission: resetpt.use
  31. permission message: no lol
  32. trigger:
  33. if arg-1 is set:
  34. set {playtimeS.%arg-1%} to 0
  35. set {playtimeM.%arg-1%} to 0
  36. set {playtimeH.%arg-1%} to 0
  37. set {playtimeD.%arg-1%} to 0
  39. on first join:
  40. set {playtimeS.%player%} to 0
  41. set {playtimeM.%player%} to 0
  42. set {playtimeH.%player%} to 0
  43. set {playtimeD.%player%} to 0
  45. command /playtime [<text>]:
  46. trigger:
  47. if arg-1 isn't set:
  48. send "&fSeconds: &7%{playtimeS.%player%}%"
  49. send "&fMinutes: &7%{playtimeM.%player%}%"
  50. send "&fHours: &7%{playtimeH.%player%}%"
  51. send "&fDays: &7%{playtimeD.%player%}%"
  52. if arg-1 is set:
  53. if arg-1 is "help" or "Help":
  54. send "&f/playtime - &7Shows your playtime"
  55. send "&f/playtime help - &7Shows this message"
  56. send "&f/playtime credits - &7Shows the credits of this skript"
  57. if arg-1 is "credits" or "Credits":
  58. send "&fMade by iPingSpoof"
  59. send "&f*made while using airpods*"
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