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Jan 20th, 2021
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  2. [Animation]
  3. ;DistanceToCameraForAlwaysSample = 50.000000
  4. ;EnableRefreshLocoWrappersOnUnlock = true
  5. ;IKTurnOffDistance = 18.000000
  6. ;MaxAngleCosineBetweenCameraAndFacial = 0.500000
  7. ;MaxFacialAnimationsVisible = 3
  8. ;ReserveSkinningNumCharactersThreshold = 99999
  9. ;UseAnimSetupCaching = true
  10. ;UseFishsyncDebug = true
  11. ;UseLunaticMode = true
  13. [Crowd]
  14. AppropriateMinDistToPlayer = 30.000000
  15. AppropriateMinLastSeenTime = 10.000000
  16. BaseParkedCarProbability = 1.200000
  17. DespawnLastSeenMinTime = 90.000000
  18. ;Enabled = false
  19. ;EnablePedestrians = false
  20. ;EnableVehicles = false
  21. MinStreamingVelocityNormalizedToBlockSpawn = 15.000000
  22. ;OnlyCorpoMan = true
  23. ;PassengerProbabilityModifierOnConsoles = 0.300000
  24. SpawnLimit = 90
  25. ;UseFrustum = false
  26. ;ZCutoff = 90
  27. ;ZCutoffEnabled = false
  29. [CrowdMovement]
  30. ;AheadAngleMax = 45.000000
  31. ;AheadAngleMin = 40.000000
  32. ;AheadDistanceMax = 2.000000
  33. ;AheadDistanceMin = 1.500000
  34. AngularSpeedFactor = 2.300000
  35. BlockingObstaclesDetectionDistance = 1.000000
  36. BorderRepulsionSpeed = 2.000000
  37. CAPlayerDistanceThresholdBack = 30.000000
  38. CAPlayerDistanceThresholdFront = 40.000000
  39. ClosestObstacleToStayInPlace = 1.500000
  40. ;ComfortZoneRadiusFactor = 1.200000
  41. ;DebugSlotID = 0
  42. ;DebugSoftAdherenceOverride = true
  43. ;DesiredForwardLookupDistance = 1.750000
  44. DestinationDistance = 20.000000
  45. ;DilatationClamp = -1.000000
  46. ;DilatationLimit = -1.000000
  47. DirectionSmoothingAngleTolerance = 35.000000
  48. ;DistanceToStopBuffer = 1.750000
  49. ;EnableDirectionPostProcess = true
  50. ;EnableDirectionSmoothing = true
  51. EntryPathPositionSearchDistance = 5.000000
  52. ;EntryPathPositionSearchStep = 0.300000
  53. ;FearSpreadRadius = 10.000000
  54. ;FenceGapRepulsors = false
  55. ;FixedTimeStep = -1.000000
  56. ;ForceStopColliders = true
  57. ;ForceStopRepulsors = false
  58. ;FrontViewAngle = 45.000000
  59. ;GlobalDisableLOD = true
  60. ;InjectedCollidersZTolerance = 2.500000
  61. ;LaneLightsRecognitionDistance = 20.000000
  62. ;MarbleDirectionLookUp = 6
  63. ;MarblePathDisplayMaxPoints = 5
  64. MaxChancesToUseZebra = 30.000000
  65. MaxDirectionChangeAttempts = 0.500000
  66. ;MaxInterpAngle = 179.000000
  67. MaxLaneCheckToJoinTraffic = 4
  68. MaxResumeMoveAttempts = 0.150000
  69. ;NarrowGapRepulsors = true
  70. ;NearEndDistance = 25.000000
  71. ;NoGameplayNoUpdate = false
  72. ;NoSpeedUpTime = true
  73. ;NPCObstaclesMass = 0.100000
  74. ;NPCSeparationSpeed = 4.000000
  75. ObstacleMarbleRadiusMultiplier = 1.950000
  76. OppositePathToleranceInDeg = 45.000000
  77. ;OverlapTolerance = -1.000000
  78. PassingPoseStopAnimationTolerance = 0.010000
  79. ;PathConvergenceSpeed = 5.000000
  80. PathRefreshPlayerRadiusLimit = 20.000000
  81. PlanLimitDistanceToReplan = 45.000000
  82. PlayerObstaclesMass = 1.3000000
  83. ;PostProcessPositionCorrectionSpeed = 5.000000
  84. RotationSpeedFactor = 4.000000
  85. SeparationSpeedFactor = 1.00000
  86. ;SeparationSpringTime = 5.000000
  87. ;SharpAngle = 120.000000
  88. ;SingleThread = false
  89. ;SlopeSamples = 10
  90. ;SpeedCompensationFactor = 0.100000
  91. TrafficLightRelevantDistance = 45.000000
  92. VehicleObstaclesMass = 1.300000
  94. [Crowds]
  95. ;BufferForAllowedDrivingOffRoadPercentOfCarWidth = 1.800000
  96. ;BufferForAllowedDrivingOnPavementPercentOfPavementSide = 1.500000
  97. ;CheckOnLaneUseLookup = true
  98. EnterWorkspotDelay = 0.200000
  99. ;ExponentDrivingOnPavement = 4.000000
  100. MaxSpeedDrivingOnPavement = 75.000000
  101. MinimumSpeedForKnockdownByCar = 2.500000
  102. PlayerKnockDownByCarTolerance = 0.200000
  104. [Debug/ImGui/Population]
  105. ;BackgroundTeleportsEnabled = true
  106. ;RenderAttachDebug = false
  107. ;RenderEntities = false
  108. ;RenderLastSeenTime = false
  109. ;RenderStatsDebug = false
  110. ;VehicleTeleportsEnabled = false
  111. ZeroWastePolicyCooldown = 8.000000
  114. [Developer/FeatureToggles]
  115. ;Antialiasing = true
  116. ;AntialiasingSuppressed = false
  117. Bloom = false
  118. ;CharacterLightBlockers = true
  119. ;CharacterRimEnhancement = true
  120. ;CharacterSubsurfaceScattering = true
  121. CharacterSubsurfaceTranslucency = true
  122. ChromaticAberration = false
  123. ;ConstrastAdaptiveSharpening = true
  124. ;ContactShadows = true
  125. ;DepthOfField = true
  126. ;DistantFog = true
  127. ;DistantGI = true
  128. ;DistantShadows = true
  129. ;DistantVolFog = true
  130. ;DynamicDecals = true
  131. FilmGrain = false
  132. ;GlobalIllumination = true
  133. ;Hair = true
  134. ;ImageBasedFlares = true
  135. ;LocalShadows = true
  136. MotionBlur = false
  137. ;RainMap = true
  138. ;RuntimeTangentUpdate = true
  139. ;ScreenSpaceHeatHaze = true
  140. ;ScreenSpacePlanarReflection = true
  141. ;ScreenSpaceRain = true
  142. ScreenSpaceReflection = false
  143. ;ScreenSpaceUnderwater = true
  144. ;SSAO = true
  145. ;VolumetricClouds = true
  146. ;VolumetricFog = true
  147. ;Weather = true
  148. AllowVignette = false
  149. [Editor/Characters/Hair]
  150. ;AdditionalAreaRoughness = 0.100000
  151. AlbedoMultiplier = 0.700000
  152. ;ContactShadowClamp = 0.350000
  153. RoughnessFactor = 0.500000
  154. ;SpecularRandom_Max = 0.000000
  155. ;SpecularRandom_Min = -0.300000
  156. ;UseGlobalContactShadowsOnHair = true
  157. ;UseLocalContactShadowsOnHair = true
  158. ;UseReferenceImplementation = false
  160. [Editor/Characters/RimEnhancement]
  161. GlobalCharacterFresnel = 1.200000
  162. ;LightBlockerInfluence = 0.700000
  163. ;RoughnessFactor_Bias = 0.000000
  164. RoughnessFactor_Scale = 0.600000
  166. [Editor/Characters/RimEnhancement/Skin]
  167. ;ConstOffsetCoefficient = 0.000000
  168. FresnelCoefficient = 1.200000
  169. SpecularCoefficient = 0.800000
  171. [Editor/Characters/RimEnhancement/Standard]
  172. ;Standard_ConstOffsetCoefficient = 0.000000
  173. Standard_FresnelCoefficient = 1.200000
  174. Standard_SpecularCoefficient = 0.800000
  176. [Editor/Characters/RimEnhancement_RayTracing]
  177. GlobalCharacterFresnel = 1.000000
  178. ;LightBlockerInfluence = 0.700000
  179. ;RoughnessFactor_Bias = 0.000000
  180. RoughnessFactor_Scale = 0.600000
  182. [Editor/Characters/RimEnhancement_RayTracing/Foliage]
  183. ;Foliage_ConstOffsetCoefficient = 0.000000
  184. Foliage_FresnelCoefficient = 1.200000
  185. Foliage_SpecularCoefficient = 0.800000
  187. [Editor/Characters/RimEnhancement_RayTracing/Skin]
  188. ;ConstOffsetCoefficient = 0.000000
  189. FresnelCoefficient = 1.200000
  190. SpecularCoefficient = 0.800000
  192. [Editor/Characters/Skin]
  193. ;SubsurfaceSpecularTint_B = 0.290000
  194. ;SubsurfaceSpecularTint_G = 0.260000
  195. ;SubsurfaceSpecularTint_R = 0.125000
  196. SubsurfaceSpecularTintWeight = 0.600000
  198. [Editor/Navigation]
  199. DebugDrawDistance = 250.000000
  200. ;EnabledLocalDebug = false
  201. ;FileDimensionsFactor = 324.000000
  202. ;LocalDebugHorizontalLimit = 160.000000
  203. ;LocalDebugVerticalLimit = 50.000000
  204. ;NavCellHeight = 0.300000
  205. ;NavCellWidth = 0.100000
  206. TrafficDistanceThreshold = 60.000000
  207. ;ZOffset = 0.000000
  209. [Editor/RenderDebug]
  210. ;HideOverflowWarnings = true
  211. ;HidePhysicsOverflowWarnings = true
  212. ;MaxDistance = 1000000.000000
  213. ;PhysicsHighUsageThreshold = 0.800000
  214. ;PhysicsOverflowWarningTextSpeed = 3
  215. ;ShowAudioScreenWarnings = false
  217. [Editor/Streaming]
  218. ;ForceAutoHideDistanceMax = 16484.000000
  219. [Editor/Traffic]
  220. ;LaneSamplingStep = 0.500000
  221. ;LoadCollisionDebugResource = true
  222. ;MinLaneSamplingStep = 0.000000
  223. ;VisualizationRefreshInterval = 12
  225. [Editor/VolumetricFog]
  226. Exponent = 3.000000
  228. [Failsafe]
  229. ;MountingFacilityFailsafe = true
  230. ;PlayerTeleportationIfFallsUnderWorld = true
  231. ;VehicleTeleportationIfFallsUnderWorld = false
  235. [LevelOfDetail]
  236. DecalsHideDistance = 90.000000
  237. DynamicDecalsHideDistance = 60.000000
  239. [Locomotion]
  240. ;CollisionAvoidanceEnabled = false
  241. CoverAngleThreshold = 45.000000
  242. ;EntityAlignmentEnabled = true
  243. ;OffMeshLinkReservationEnabled = false
  244. PathCurvatureDetectionDistance = 1.500000
  245. ;SkippingAIRequestsEnabled = false
  246. ;SlopeDetectionDistance = 0.900000
  247. StrafeRotationSpeed = 45.000000
  248. StrafeThresholdAngle = 45.000000
  250. [LoSFinderSystem]
  251. ;AvoidNavmeshFindDist = 0.750000
  253. [Marble]
  254. AvoidanceMarblesAnticipation = 6
  255. ;ChainAngleSmooth = 15.000000
  256. ;ChainAngleVariationTolerance = 100.000000
  257. ;DirectionSmoothFactorMax = 0.650000
  258. ;DirectionSmoothFactorMin = 0.400000
  259. ;EnableAnticipationGrouping = false
  260. ;EnablePlayerSlot = false
  261. ;EnableZebraSpread = true
  262. ;LightSpreadingMarbleAnticipation = 3
  263. ;LocalPathMinimumPointDistance = 0.600000
  264. ;LocalPathProjection = true
  265. ;MarbleAnticipationAngleTolerance = 20.000000
  266. ;MarbleDebugLimit = 6
  267. ;MarbleLookupRange = 3.000000
  268. ;MarbleLookupZOffset = 1.500000
  269. ;MaximumFrontAngleToIgnoreObstacle = 75.000000
  270. ;NPCMarbleRepulsionFactor = 1.300000
  271. ;ObstacleLandingTimeTolerance = 1.000000
  272. ;ObstacleStopOffset = 0.150000
  273. ;SafePositionAngleDifferenceTolerance = 45.000000
  274. ;StaticMarbleRepulsionFactor = 1.100000
  275. ;ZebraEarlyStopMax = 2.500000
  276. ;ZebraEarlyStopMin = 0.10000
  277. ;ZebraSafePositionRadius = 0.500000
  280. [MovementPolicies]
  281. ;MoveAwayFromTargetOnInfluenceMap = true
  282. RunFromThreatOnInfluenceMap = true
  284. [Occlusion]
  285. ;BroadPhaseFraction = 16
  286. ;DepthBufferDimScale = 6
  287. ;FillphaseRangeFactor = 40.000000
  288. ;ForceFullTest = true
  289. MaxDistance = 3000.000000
  290. ;MaxFarPlane = 8000.000000
  291. ;MinBufferHeight = 128
  292. ;MinBufferWidth = 256
  293. ;MinNearPlane = 0.200000
  294. ;MultiFrustumOcclusionMode = 1
  295. ;MultiFrustumUseGlobalOcclusion = true
  296. ;RastTilesJobGranularity = 1
  297. ;SortDist0 = 140.000000
  298. ;SortDist1 = 200.000000
  299. ;SortDist2 = 260.000000
  300. ;TestPhasesCount = 6
  302. [RayTracing]
  303. ;AccelerationStructureBuildNumMax = 16
  304. ;AccumulationSpeed = 0.020000
  305. AmbientOcclusionRadiusFar = 500.000000
  306. AmbientOcclusionRadiusNear = 0.200000
  307. ;AmbientOcclusionRayNumber = 1
  308. ;AmbientOcclusionTransitionFar = -1.000000
  309. ;AmbientOcclusionTransitionNear = -1.000000
  310. AmbientScale = 0.800000
  311. ;DebugMode = 0
  312. ;DeflickerStrength = 0.100000
  313. ;DiffuseIlluminationAOModulation = 0.400000
  314. ;DynamicInstanceUpdateBatchSize = 128
  315. ;DynamicInstanceUpdateDistanceFactor = 1.000000
  316. DynamicInstanceUpdateDistanceThreshold = 30.000000
  317. DynamicInstanceUpdateNumMax = 8
  318. DynamicInstanceUpdateUseHalfFloat = true
  319. ;EmissiveClipRadius = 64.000000
  320. ;EmissiveRangeScale = 10.000000
  321. ;EmittanceScale = 1.000000
  322. ;Enable = true
  323. ;EnableAmbientOcclusion = true
  324. ;EnableDiffuseIllumination = true
  325. ;EnableDirectionalShadow = true
  326. ;EnableDirectionalShadowCulling = true
  327. ;EnableGlobalIllumination = false
  328. ;EnableImportanceSampling = true
  329. ;EnableLocalLights = true
  330. ;EnableMirrorMaterialReflection = false
  331. ;EnableNRD = true
  332. ;EnableReflection = true
  333. ;EnableResidencyManagement = false
  334. EnableShadowCasadesOptimization = true
  335. ;EnableSkinning = true
  336. ;EnableSpatialFiltering = true
  337. ;EnableTransparentReflection = true
  338. GeometryUpdateBufferSizeMB = 128
  339. ;HideFPPAvatar = true
  340. ;ImportanceSamplingTransitionMax = 4.000000
  341. ;ImportanceSamplingTransitionMin = 2.000000
  342. ;LightGridSize = 32
  343. ;LocalLightBatchSize = 16
  344. ;LocalLightClipRadius = 32.000000
  345. ;LocalLightNumMax = 32
  346. ;LocalLightTraceLightVolumes = false
  347. ;MaterialProxyNumMax = 65536
  348. MaterialProxyUpdateNumMax = 1024
  349. ;OverrideEnable = false
  350. ;RayNormalOffset = 0.005000
  351. ;RayViewOffset = 0.005000
  352. ScratchBufferSizeMB = 1024
  353. SkyRadianceExposureRatio = 390.000000
  354. ;SkyRadianceExposureScaling = true
  355. ;SkyRadianceScale = -1.000000
  356. SpeedTreeLodDistanceMultiplier = 0.100000
  357. ;SunAngularSize = 0.500000
  358. ;SunScatteringScale = 10.000000
  359. ;SunVisibility = 1.000000
  360. TracingRadius = 100.000000
  361. TracingRadiusReflections = 1000.000000
  362. TransparentReflectionEnvironmentBlendFactor = 0.800000
  363. ;UploadInstanceData = true
  364. VisibilityCullingRadius = 1000.000000
  365. VisibilityFrustumOffset = 100.000000
  367. [RayTracing/Multilayer]
  368. ResolutionScale = 0.010000
  369. ResolutionScaleEnable = 1.000000
  370. ;ResolutionScaleMicroblendFactor = 0.000000
  371. ResolutionScaleNormalFactor = 0.010000
  373. [RayTracing/Reflection]
  374. ;AccumulationSpeed = 0.100000
  375. ;EnableHalfResolutionTracing = 1
  376. ;FilterRadius = 128.000000
  377. ;RoughnessOverride = 0.000000
  378. RoughnessThreshold = 0.80000
  379. ;UseScreenSpaceData = true
  381. [Rendering]
  382. ;RainMapProxySorting = True
  383. ;UseExperimentalVolFog = False
  384. ;UseSkinningLOD = True
  386. [Rendering/AsyncCompute]
  387. ;DynamicTexture = false
  390. [Rendering/Shadows]
  391. ;CascadeDegreesLimit = 0.000000
  392. ;CascadeDepthBias0 = 0.030000
  393. ;CascadeDepthBias1 = 0.060000
  394. ;CascadeDepthBias2 = 0.120000
  395. ;CascadeDepthBias3 = 0.240000
  396. ;CascadeEnableScissors = true
  397. ;CascadeFillDepthBias = 20.000000
  398. ;CascadeFitToWorstCase = true
  399. ;CascadeFrontCullingPlaneDistance = 300.000000
  400. CascadeRange0 = 12.000000
  401. CascadeRange1 = 30.000000
  402. CascadeRange2 = 50.000000
  403. CascadeRange3 = 140.000000
  404. ;CascadeScissorsMarigin = 16
  405. ;CascadeShadowReceiverBiasAlongNormal = 0.020000
  406. ;CascadesHeuristicForceRefresh = false
  407. ;CascadesHeuristicMinMeshAutohideDistInCascade0 = 25.000000
  408. ;CascadesHeuristicMinMeshAutohideDistInCascade1 = 45.000000
  409. ;CascadesHeuristicMinMeshAutohideDistInCascade2 = 50.000000
  410. ;CascadesHeuristicMinMeshAutohideDistInCascade3 = 55.000000
  411. ;CascadesHeuristicMinMeshSizeInCascade0 = 0.100000
  412. ;CascadesHeuristicMinMeshSizeInCascade1 = 1.000000
  413. ;CascadesHeuristicMinMeshSizeInCascade2 = 1.500000
  414. ;CascadesHeuristicMinMeshSizeInCascade3 = 2.000000
  415. ;CascadeUseBackfacesAsCullingPlanes = true
  416. ;DistantHeuristicMinMeshAutohideDistInCascade0 = 100.000000
  417. ;DistantHeuristicMinMeshAutohideDistInCascade1 = 150.000000
  418. ;DistantHeuristicMinMeshAutohideDistInCascade2 = 300.000000
  419. ;DistantHeuristicMinMeshSizeInCascade0 = 2.000000
  420. ;DistantHeuristicMinMeshSizeInCascade1 = 3.000000
  421. ;DistantHeuristicMinMeshSizeInCascade2 = 6.000000
  422. ;DistantShadowsForceFoliageGeometry = false
  423. ;TimeShiftCooldownTime = 10.000000
  426. [Rendering/SpeedTree]
  427. ;BillboardsGlobalBleed = 0.500000
  428. SpeedTreeTerrainNormalmapFlatness = 2.000000
  430. [Streaming]
  431. DistanceBoost = 70.000000
  432. ;EditorThrottledMaxNodesPerFrame = 500
  433. ;ForceUnstream = false
  434. ;MaxNodesPerFrame = 300
  435. ;MaxNodesPerFrameWHileLoading = 999999
  436. ;MaxStreamingDistance = 23270.251953
  437. ;MaxStreamingObserverHeight = 3.500000
  438. ;MinStreamingDistance = 1.000000
  439. ;ObserverMaxAirVehicleForwardVelocity = 5.000000
  440. ObserverMaxNonAirVehicleForwardVelocity = 30.000000
  441. ;ObserverMaxOnFootForwardVelocity = 5.000000
  442. ;ObserverVelocityOffsetEnabled = false
  443. ;PrecacheDistance = 0.000000
  444. ;RadiusNearInvMult = 0.800000
  445. ;RadiusNearSecondaryRefPointAddend = 200.000000
  446. ;RadiusNearSubtrahend = 200.000000
  447. ;RadiusSecondaryRefPointMult = 1.250000
  448. ;StreamingEnabled = true
  449. ;TimeLimitAttachingPerFrame = 0.500000
  450. ;TimeLimitSectorLoadPerFrame = 2.000000
  451. ;TimeLimitSectorUnloadPerFrame = 1.000000
  452. ;TimeLimitStreamedPerFrame = 6.000000
  453. ;TimeLimitStreamedPerFrameWhileLoading = 8.000000
  455. [Streaming/Culling]
  456. ;Enabled = true
  457. ;ForceSSDMode = 0
  458. ;OnlyIfSingleObserver = true
  459. ;StreamingQueryRoadDataMaxNN = 5
  460. ;StreamingQueryRoadDataMaxZOffsetAbove = 5.000000
  461. ;StreamingQueryRoadDataMaxZOffsetBelow = -0.500000
  462. ;Strict = false
  463. ;VisibilityQuery = true
  464. ;VisibilityQueryActivationDistanceBoost = 40.000000
  467. [Streaming/Culling/NonAirVehicle]
  468. ;CentralMaxYawDegrees = 30.000000
  469. ;FakeTotalRoadWidth = 40.000000
  470. ;MaxSideOfRoadCutoffDistance = 5.000000
  471. ;MaxStreamingRadius = 64.000000
  472. ;PeripheralMaxYawDegrees = 60.000000
  473. ;SaturationVelocity = 20.000000
  474. ;ThresholdVelocity = 5.000000
  476. [Streaming/Culling/NonAirVehicle/RoadInterpolation]
  477. ;StraightConnectionRoadToRoadAngle = 20.000000
  478. ;StraightConnectionVehicleTurnAngle = 45.000000
  481. [Traffic]
  482. ;AccFactorMP = 2.000000
  483. ;AvoidanceLimitAngle = 2.500000
  484. ;AvoidZebra2Zebra = false
  485. ;BottomClampAngle = 5.000000
  486. ;BrakeFactorMP = 50.00000
  487. ;BufferBuffer = 0.100000
  488. ;carExpectedCollisionFactor = 0.0000000
  489. CurveLimitFactor = 0.600000
  490. ;DeathLimit = 10.000000
  491. decelerationFactor = 0.850000
  492. ;DisableLOD = false
  493. ;DisplacementCap = 2.000000
  494. ;DisposeOnSummon = false
  495. FrontAngle = 25.000000
  496. GreenWaveAveragePredictedCarSpeed = 8.000000
  497. ;GreenWaveLength = 100.000000
  498. leftLaneSpeedIncrease = 1.000000
  499. ;MaxLocalPathLength = 90.000000
  500. MaxPathLanes = 20
  501. MaxTimeBeforeGreenWave = 8.000000
  502. MinTimeBeforeGreenWave = 6.000000
  503. PathLaneIntersectionDownTolerance = 0.800000
  504. PathLaneIntersectionUpTolerance = 2.300000
  505. ;PlayerPrediction = 45.000000
  506. roadSpeedOverride = 25.000000
  507. ;SideAngle = 0.000000
  508. SlotLaneOccupancyArea_Pedestrian = 6.000000
  509. SlotLaneOccupancyArea_Vehicle_Length = 2.000000
  510. SpotDetectionPrecision = 6.000000
  511. SpotDetectionRange = 5.00000
  512. ;stopOnStaticCollisions = false
  513. ;StopSpawn = true
  514. ;StraightTurnLimit = 15.000000
  515. ;TaxiDespawnLookahead = 100.000000
  516. ;taxiPathDistance = -1.000000
  517. ;TeleportationDistance = 340282346638528859811704183484516925540.000000
  518. ;UncrowdMultiLaneRoads = false
  519. ;UncrowdOneLaneRoads = false
  521. [Vehicle]
  522. ;AirControlBikePitchHelper = false
  523. ;AirControlCarRollHelper = false
  524. ;BikeHackTiltCalcValue = 50.000000
  525. ;BlockChangeGear = true
  526. ;EnableAirResistane = false
  527. ;EnableFreeRotationResistantTorque = false
  528. ;EnableLowVelStoppingResistance = false
  529. ;EnableSmoothWheelContacts = false
  530. ;ForceDebugAll = true
  531. ;ForcedSurfaceName = ""
  532. ForceMoveToMaxAngularSpeed = 30.000000
  533. ForceMoveToMaxLinearSpeed = 10.000000
  534. ForceSimplifiedMovement = true
  535. ;MaxForceMoveToTeleportThreshold = 56.000000
  536. physicsCCD = true
  537. ;trafficVsTrafficCollisions = true
  538. ;UseDifferential = false
  539. ;vehicleVsVehicleCollisions = false
  540. VelocitySmoothingTime = 0.200000
  541. ;WeightTransferMode = 1
  542. ;AccelarationFactor = 2.000000
  543. ;DecelerationFactor = 1.500000
  545. [VehicleAI]
  546. ;BlockAIDrivingPreset = false
  547. ;ForceAIDrivingPreset = false
  548. PerceptionCollisionPropagationArea = 2.500000
  549. ;PerceptionNumSweeps = 30
  550. ;PerceptionNumSweepsRace = 30
  551. PerceptionTargetPropagationArea = 2.000000
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