Guest User


a guest
Oct 20th, 2017
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  1. d97e7a8720a206c8b11768eb92922731
  2. 5539bd4adab5b1803e0cc833e17286be
  3. and bootmode is: bp-tools
  4. /proc beginning
  5. HOME=/TERM=linuxbrdrev=P2A
  6. /proc ending
  7. Address for the injection: 0x0001D800.
  8. image_base: 0x00008000.
  9. image_size: 0x00016000.
  10. execve located on: 0x000081A0.
  11. Setting /init PC to: 0x0001D800.
  12. Detaching...
  13. d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
  14. 5539bd4adab5b1803e0cc833e17286be
  15. and bootmode is: bp-tools
  16. mount: permission denied. (are you root?)
  17. /proc beginning
  19. /proc ending
  20. Couldn't read /init enviromental variables.
  21. root@cdma_solana:/#
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