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Mar 12th, 2018
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  1. #ID: 6396 | Datum: 12-03-2018 07:59 | E-Mail: | Passwort: j03061978 | Vorname: Daniela | Nachname: Hülle | Geburtsdatum: 21-12-1978 | Adresse: Moskauerstr, 54 | Postleitzahl: 99427 | Wohnort: Weimar | Geburtsort: Weimar | Telefonnummer: 3643216342 | Handynummer: 01734823986 | Packstation PostNummer: | Packstation Passwort: j03061978 | Kreditkartennummer: | Gültigkeit: | Prüfziffer: | Limit: | Bank: | Land: | Kategorie: | Level: | Kontonummer: | Bankleitzahl: | IBAN: | BIC: | OB-Login: | OB-Pass: | Sprache(n): | Browser: Chrome 64 | Betriebssystem: Windows 10 | Screen-Resolution: Current Resolution: Current Resolution: 1366x768, Available Resolution: 1366x768, Color Depth: 24, Device XDPI: undefined, Device YDPI: undefined | Plugins: Chrome PDF Plugin, Chrome PDF Viewer, Native Client, Widevine Content Decryption Module | Java aktiv? Version?: false | Flash aktiv? Version?: false | Silverlight aktiv? Version?: false | Mimetypes: true , Portable Document Format, Native Client Executable, Portable Native Client Executable, Widevine Content Decryption Module | Fonts: Arial Black, Arial, Bauhaus 93, Calibri Light, Calibri, Cambria Math, Cambria, Candara, Comic Sans MS, Consolas, Constantia, Corbel, Courier New, Ebrima, Franklin Gothic Heavy, Franklin Gothic Medium, Gabriola, Georgia, Impact, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Unicode, MS Gothic, MS PGothic, MS UI Gothic, MV Boli, Malgun Gothic, Marlett, Microsoft Himalaya, Microsoft JhengHei, Microsoft New Tai Lue, Microsoft PhagsPa, Microsoft Sans Serif, Microsoft Tai Le, Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft Yi Baiti, MingLiU-ExtB, MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB, Mongolian Baiti, NSimSun, PMingLiU-ExtB, Palatino Linotype, Segoe Print, Segoe Script, Segoe UI Light, Segoe UI Semibold, Segoe UI Symbol, Segoe UI, SimSun, SimSun-ExtB, Sylfaen, Symbol, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Webdings, Wingdings | Sprache(n): | Useragent: Chrome 64 | MailValid: 1 | CountryValid: | LoginValid: | IP-Adresse: | IP-Hostname: | Benutzt?:
  3. #ID: 6412 | Datum: 12-03-2018 08:01 | E-Mail: | Passwort: maick123456 | Vorname: Dieter | Nachname: Rochau | Geburtsdatum: 23-04-1954 | Adresse: Erich-Weinert-Str., 18 | Postleitzahl: 06667 | Wohnort: Weißenfels | Geburtsort: Weißenfels | Telefonnummer: 3443820631 | Handynummer: 017698262244 | Packstation PostNummer: | Packstation Passwort: | Kreditkartennummer: | Gültigkeit: | Prüfziffer: | Limit: | Bank: | Land: | Kategorie: | Level: | Kontonummer: | Bankleitzahl: | IBAN: | BIC: | OB-Login: | OB-Pass: | Sprache(n): | Browser: Chrome 49 | Betriebssystem: Windows Vista | Screen-Resolution: Current Resolution: Current Resolution: 1360x768, Available Resolution: 1360x738, Color Depth: 24, Device XDPI: undefined, Device YDPI: undefined | Plugins: Widevine Content Decryption Module, Shockwave Flash, Chrome PDF Viewer, Native Client, Chrome PDF Viewer | Java aktiv? Version?: false | Flash aktiv? Version?: true 22.0.0 | Silverlight aktiv? Version?: false | Mimetypes: true Widevine Content Decryption Module, Shockwave Flash, Shockwave Flash, , Native Client Executable, Portable Native Client Executable, Portable Document Format | Fonts: Aharoni, Andalus, Angsana New, AngsanaUPC, Arabic Transparent, Arabic Typesetting, Arial Black, Arial, Batang, BatangChe, Bauhaus 93, Browallia New, BrowalliaUPC, Calibri Light, Calibri, Cambria Math, Cambria, Candara, Comic Sans MS, Consolas, Constantia, Corbel, Cordia New, CordiaUPC, Courier New, DFKai-SB, DaunPenh, David, DilleniaUPC, DokChampa, Dotum, DotumChe, Estrangelo Edessa, EucrosiaUPC, Euphemia, FangSong, FrankRuehl, Franklin Gothic Medium, FreesiaUPC, Gautami, Georgia, Gisha, Gulim, GulimChe, Gungsuh, GungsuhChe, Impact, IrisUPC, Iskoola Pota, JasmineUPC, KaiTi, Kalinga, Kartika, KodchiangUPC, Latha, Leelawadee, Levenim MT, LilyUPC, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Unicode, MS Gothic, MS Mincho, MS PGothic, MS PMincho, MS UI Gothic, MV Boli, Malgun Gothic, Mangal, Marlett, Meiryo UI, Meiryo, Microsoft Himalaya, Microsoft JhengHei, Microsoft Sans Serif, Microsoft Uighur, Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft Yi Baiti, MingLiU, MingLiU-ExtB, MingLiU_HKSCS, MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB, Miriam Fixed, Miriam, Mongolian Baiti, MoolBoran, NSimSun, Narkisim, Nyala, PMingLiU, PMingLiU-ExtB, Palatino Linotype, Plantagenet Cherokee, Raavi, Rod, Segoe Print, Segoe Script, Segoe UI Light, Segoe UI Semibold, Segoe UI, Shruti, SimHei, SimSun, SimSun-ExtB, Simplified Arabic Fixed, Simplified Arabic, Sylfaen, Symbol, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Traditional Arabic, Trebuchet MS, Tunga, Verdana, Vrinda, Webdings, Wingdings | Sprache(n): | Useragent: Chrome 49 | MailValid: 1 | CountryValid: | LoginValid: | IP-Adresse: | IP-Hostname: | Benutzt?:
  5. #ID: 6423 | Datum: 12-03-2018 08:01 | E-Mail: | Passwort: Tofcar11 | Vorname: Karl | Nachname: Kyewski | Geburtsdatum: 24-05-1959 | Adresse: Nord Str 76 | Postleitzahl: 44628 | Wohnort: Herne | Geburtsort: Herne | Telefonnummer: 023239604134 | Handynummer: 01747294420 | Packstation PostNummer: | Packstation Passwort: | Kreditkartennummer: | Gültigkeit: | Prüfziffer: | Limit: | Bank: | Land: | Kategorie: | Level: | Kontonummer: | Bankleitzahl: | IBAN: | BIC: | OB-Login: | OB-Pass: | Sprache(n): | Browser: IE 11 | Betriebssystem: Windows 10 | Screen-Resolution: Current Resolution: Current Resolution: 1150x647, Available Resolution: 1150x617, Color Depth: 24, Device XDPI: 160, Device YDPI: 160 | Plugins: Shockwave Flash | Java aktiv? Version?: true | Flash aktiv? Version?: true 28.0.0 | Silverlight aktiv? Version?: false | Mimetypes: true Shockwave Flash, Shockwave Flash | Fonts: Agency FB, Arabic Transparent, Arial Baltic, Arial Black, Arial CE, Arial CYR, Arial Greek, Arial TUR, Arial, Bauhaus 93, Bell MT, Bodoni MT, Bookman Old Style, Broadway, Calibri Light, Calibri, Californian FB, Cambria Math, Cambria, Candara, Castellar, Centaur, Century Gothic, Colonna MT, Comic Sans MS, Consolas, Constantia, Copperplate Gothic Light, Corbel, Courier New Baltic, Courier New CE, Courier New CYR, Courier New Greek, Courier New TUR, Courier New, Ebrima, Engravers MT, Eras Bold ITC, Forte, Franklin Gothic Heavy, Franklin Gothic Medium, French Script MT, Gabriola, Georgia, Gigi, Goudy Old Style, Haettenschweiler, Harrington, Impact, Informal Roman, Lucida Bright, Lucida Console, Lucida Fax, Lucida Sans Unicode, MS Gothic, MS PGothic, MS Reference Sans Serif, MS UI Gothic, MV Boli, Magneto, Malgun Gothic, Marlett, Matura MT Script Capitals, Microsoft Himalaya, Microsoft JhengHei, Microsoft New Tai Lue, Microsoft PhagsPa, Microsoft Sans Serif, Microsoft Tai Le, Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft Yi Baiti, MingLiU-ExtB, MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB, Mongolian Baiti, NSimSun, Niagara Solid, PMingLiU-ExtB, Palace Script MT, Palatino Linotype, Papyrus, Perpetua, Playbill, Rockwell, Script MT Bold, Segoe Print, Segoe Script, Segoe UI Light, Segoe UI Semibold, Segoe UI Symbol, Segoe UI, Showcard Gothic, SimSun, SimSun-ExtB, Snap ITC, Sylfaen, Symbol, Tahoma, Times New Roman Baltic, Times New Roman CE, Times New Roman CYR, Times New Roman Greek, Times New Roman TUR, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Verdana, Vladimir Script, Webdings, Wide Latin, Wingdings | Sprache(n): | Useragent: IE 11 | MailValid: 1 | CountryValid: | LoginValid: | IP-Adresse: | IP-Hostname: | Benutzt?:
  7. #ID: 6470 | Datum: 12-03-2018 08:05 | E-Mail: | Passwort: 0annemarie | Vorname: annemarie | Nachname: thielmann | Geburtsdatum: 08-01-1946 | Adresse: wiesenstraße 5 | Postleitzahl: 35756 | Wohnort: mittenaar | Geburtsort: bad wildungen | Telefonnummer: 02772659020 | Handynummer: 015233700377 | Packstation PostNummer: | Packstation Passwort: | Kreditkartennummer: | Gültigkeit: | Prüfziffer: | Limit: | Bank: | Land: | Kategorie: | Level: | Kontonummer: | Bankleitzahl: | IBAN: | BIC: | OB-Login: | OB-Pass: | Sprache(n): | Browser: Firefox 58 | Betriebssystem: Windows 7 | Screen-Resolution: Current Resolution: Current Resolution: 1366x768, Available Resolution: 1366x728, Color Depth: 24, Device XDPI: undefined, Device YDPI: undefined | Plugins: Shockwave Flash | Java aktiv? Version?: false | Flash aktiv? Version?: true 28.0.0 | Silverlight aktiv? Version?: false | Mimetypes: true FutureSplash movie, Adobe Flash movie | Fonts: Aharoni, Andalus, Angsana New, AngsanaUPC, Aparajita, Arabic Transparent, Arabic Typesetting, Arial Baltic, Arial Black, Arial CE, Arial CYR, Arial Greek, Arial TUR, Arial, Batang, BatangChe, Bauhaus 93, Browallia New, BrowalliaUPC, Calibri Light, Calibri, Cambria Math, Cambria, Candara, Comic Sans MS, Consolas, Constantia, Corbel, Cordia New, CordiaUPC, Courier New Baltic, Courier New CE, Courier New CYR, Courier New Greek, Courier New TUR, Courier New, DFKai-SB, DaunPenh, David, DilleniaUPC, DokChampa, Dotum, DotumChe, Ebrima, Estrangelo Edessa, EucrosiaUPC, Euphemia, FangSong, FrankRuehl, Franklin Gothic Medium, FreesiaUPC, Gabriola, Gautami, Georgia, Gisha, Gulim, GulimChe, Gungsuh, GungsuhChe, Impact, IrisUPC, Iskoola Pota, JasmineUPC, KaiTi, Kalinga, Kartika, Khmer UI, KodchiangUPC, Kokila, Lao UI, Latha, Leelawadee, Levenim MT, LilyUPC, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Unicode, MS Gothic, MS Mincho, MS PGothic, MS PMincho, MS UI Gothic, MV Boli, Malgun Gothic, Mangal, Marlett, Meiryo UI, Meiryo, Microsoft Himalaya, Microsoft JhengHei, Microsoft New Tai Lue, Microsoft PhagsPa, Microsoft Sans Serif, Microsoft Tai Le, Microsoft Uighur, Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft Yi Baiti, MingLiU, MingLiU-ExtB, MingLiU_HKSCS, MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB, Miriam Fixed, Miriam, Mongolian Baiti, MoolBoran, NSimSun, Narkisim, Nyala, PMingLiU, PMingLiU-ExtB, Palatino Linotype, Plantagenet Cherokee, Raavi, Rod, Sakkal Majalla, Segoe Print, Segoe Script, Segoe UI Light, Segoe UI Semibold, Segoe UI Symbol, Segoe UI, Shonar Bangla, Shruti, SimHei, SimSun, SimSun-ExtB, Simplified Arabic Fixed, Simplified Arabic, Sylfaen, Symbol, Tahoma, Times New Roman Baltic, Times New Roman CE, Times New Roman CYR, Times New Roman Greek, Times New Roman TUR, Times New Roman, Traditional Arabic, Trebuchet MS, Tunga, Utsaah, Vani, Verdana, Vijaya, Vrinda, Webdings, Wingdings | Sprache(n): | Useragent: Firefox 58 | MailValid: 1 | CountryValid: | LoginValid: | IP-Adresse: | IP-Hostname: | Benutzt?:
  9. #ID: 6570 | Datum: 12-03-2018 08:15 | E-Mail: | Passwort: nele3107 | Vorname: Daniela | Nachname: Heinemann | Geburtsdatum: 31-07-1976 | Adresse: Pflugstr | Postleitzahl: 10115 | Wohnort: BERLIN | Geburtsort: Garmisch Partenkirchen | Telefonnummer: +493023406559 | Handynummer: 015730897326 | Packstation PostNummer: | Packstation Passwort: nele3107 | Kreditkartennummer: | Gültigkeit: | Prüfziffer: | Limit: | Bank: | Land: | Kategorie: | Level: | Kontonummer: | Bankleitzahl: | IBAN: | BIC: | OB-Login: | OB-Pass: | Sprache(n): | Browser: Chrome 56 | Betriebssystem: Android 7.0 | Screen-Resolution: Current Resolution: Current Resolution: 360x640, Available Resolution: 360x640, Color Depth: 32, Device XDPI: undefined, Device YDPI: undefined | Plugins: | Java aktiv? Version?: false | Flash aktiv? Version?: false | Silverlight aktiv? Version?: false | Mimetypes: false | Fonts: Arial, Bauhaus 93, Casual, Courier New, Georgia, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Verdana, | Sprache(n): | Useragent: Chrome 56 | MailValid: 1 | CountryValid: | LoginValid: | IP-Adresse: | IP-Hostname: | Benutzt?:
  11. #ID: 6581 | Datum: 12-03-2018 08:16 | E-Mail: | Passwort: hbolz1234 | Vorname: Hermann | Nachname: Berens | Geburtsdatum: 19-06-1954 | Adresse: Wambachring 22 | Postleitzahl: 54597 | Wohnort: Olzheim | Geburtsort: Olzheim | Telefonnummer: 065527378 | Handynummer: 065527378 | Packstation PostNummer: | Packstation Passwort: | Kreditkartennummer: | Gültigkeit: | Prüfziffer: | Limit: | Bank: | Land: | Kategorie: | Level: | Kontonummer: | Bankleitzahl: | IBAN: | BIC: | OB-Login: | OB-Pass: | Sprache(n): | Browser: IE 11 | Betriebssystem: Windows 7 | Screen-Resolution: Current Resolution: Current Resolution: 1366x768, Available Resolution: 1366x766, Color Depth: 24, Device XDPI: 96, Device YDPI: 96 | Plugins: | Java aktiv? Version?: true | Flash aktiv? Version?: false | Silverlight aktiv? Version?: false | Mimetypes: false | Fonts: Aharoni, Andalus, Angsana New, AngsanaUPC, Aparajita, Arabic Transparent, Arabic Typesetting, Arial Baltic, Arial Black, Arial CE, Arial CYR, Arial Greek, Arial TUR, Arial, Batang, BatangChe, Bookman Old Style, Browallia New, BrowalliaUPC, Calibri, Cambria Math, Cambria, Candara, Century Gothic, Comic Sans MS, Consolas, Constantia, Corbel, Cordia New, CordiaUPC, Courier New Baltic, Courier New CE, Courier New CYR, Courier New Greek, Courier New TUR, Courier New, DFKai-SB, DaunPenh, David, DilleniaUPC, DokChampa, Dotum, DotumChe, Ebrima, Estrangelo Edessa, EucrosiaUPC, Euphemia, FangSong, FrankRuehl, Franklin Gothic Medium, FreesiaUPC, Gabriola, Gautami, Georgia, Gisha, Gulim, GulimChe, Gungsuh, GungsuhChe, Impact, IrisUPC, Iskoola Pota, JasmineUPC, KaiTi, Kalinga, Kartika, Khmer UI, KodchiangUPC, Kokila, Lao UI, Latha, Leelawadee, Levenim MT, LilyUPC, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Unicode, MS Gothic, MS Mincho, MS PGothic, MS PMincho, MS UI Gothic, MV Boli, Malgun Gothic, Mangal, Marlett, Meiryo UI, Meiryo, Microsoft Himalaya, Microsoft JhengHei, Microsoft New Tai Lue, Microsoft PhagsPa, Microsoft Sans Serif, Microsoft Tai Le, Microsoft Uighur, Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft Yi Baiti, MingLiU, MingLiU-ExtB, MingLiU_HKSCS, MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB, Miriam Fixed, Miriam, Mongolian Baiti, MoolBoran, NSimSun, Narkisim, Nyala, PMingLiU, PMingLiU-ExtB, Palatino Linotype, Plantagenet Cherokee, Raavi, Rod, Sakkal Majalla, Segoe Print, Segoe Script, Segoe UI Light, Segoe UI Semibold, Segoe UI Symbol, Segoe UI, Shonar Bangla, Shruti, SimHei, SimSun, SimSun-ExtB, Simplified Arabic Fixed, Simplified Arabic, Sylfaen, Symbol, Tahoma, Times New Roman Baltic, Times New Roman CE, Times New Roman CYR, Times New Roman Greek, Times New Roman TUR, Times New Roman, Traditional Arabic, Trebuchet MS, Tunga, Utsaah, Vani, Verdana, Vijaya, Vrinda, Webdings, Wingdings | Sprache(n): | Useragent: IE 11 | MailValid: 1 | CountryValid: | LoginValid: | IP-Adresse: | IP-Hostname: | Benutzt?:
  13. #ID: 6590 | Datum: 12-03-2018 08:17 | E-Mail: | Passwort: polen141155 | Vorname: Brigitte | Nachname: Marb | Geburtsdatum: 14-11-1955 | Adresse: Kalkumer Str.166 | Postleitzahl: 40468 | Wohnort: Duesseldorf | Geburtsort: Duesseldorf | Telefonnummer: 021136184375 | Handynummer: 015777637380 | Packstation PostNummer: | Packstation Passwort: | Kreditkartennummer: | Gültigkeit: | Prüfziffer: | Limit: | Bank: | Land: | Kategorie: | Level: | Kontonummer: | Bankleitzahl: | IBAN: | BIC: | OB-Login: | OB-Pass: | Sprache(n): | Browser: Firefox 58 | Betriebssystem: Windows 10 | Screen-Resolution: Current Resolution: Current Resolution: 1536x864, Available Resolution: 1536x824, Color Depth: 24, Device XDPI: undefined, Device YDPI: undefined | Plugins: Shockwave Flash | Java aktiv? Version?: false | Flash aktiv? Version?: true 28.0.0 | Silverlight aktiv? Version?: false | Mimetypes: true FutureSplash movie, Adobe Flash movie | Fonts: Arabic Transparent, Arial Baltic, Arial Black, Arial CE, Arial CYR, Arial Greek, Arial TUR, Arial, Bauhaus 93, Bookman Old Style, Calibri Light, Calibri, Cambria Math, Cambria, Candara, Century Gothic, Comic Sans MS, Consolas, Constantia, Corbel, Courier New Baltic, Courier New CE, Courier New CYR, Courier New Greek, Courier New TUR, Courier New, Ebrima, Franklin Gothic Medium, French Script MT, Gabriola, Georgia, Impact, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Unicode, MS Gothic, MS PGothic, MS Reference Sans Serif, MS UI Gothic, MV Boli, Malgun Gothic, Marlett, Microsoft Himalaya, Microsoft JhengHei, Microsoft New Tai Lue, Microsoft PhagsPa, Microsoft Sans Serif, Microsoft Tai Le, Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft Yi Baiti, MingLiU-ExtB, MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB, Mongolian Baiti, NSimSun, PMingLiU-ExtB, Palatino Linotype, Papyrus, Segoe Print, Segoe Script, Segoe UI Light, Segoe UI Semibold, Segoe UI Symbol, Segoe UI, SimSun, SimSun-ExtB, Sylfaen, Symbol, Tahoma, Times New Roman Baltic, Times New Roman CE, Times New Roman CYR, Times New Roman Greek, Times New Roman TUR, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Webdings, Wingdings | Sprache(n): | Useragent: Firefox 58 | MailValid: 1 | CountryValid: | LoginValid: | IP-Adresse: | IP-Hostname: | Benutzt?:
  15. #ID: 6639 | Datum: 12-03-2018 08:22 | E-Mail: | Passwort: Schekal17 | Vorname: Doris | Nachname: Palluotto | Geburtsdatum: 17-07-1974 | Adresse: Hohes Feld 24 | Postleitzahl: 31787 | Wohnort: Hameln | Geburtsort: Regen | Telefonnummer: ... | Handynummer: O16093846792 | Packstation PostNummer: | Packstation Passwort: | Kreditkartennummer: | Gültigkeit: | Prüfziffer: | Limit: | Bank: | Land: | Kategorie: | Level: | Kontonummer: | Bankleitzahl: | IBAN: | BIC: | OB-Login: | OB-Pass: | Sprache(n): | Browser: Chrome 56 | Betriebssystem: Android 7.0 | Screen-Resolution: Current Resolution: Current Resolution: 360x640, Available Resolution: 360x640, Color Depth: 32, Device XDPI: undefined, Device YDPI: undefined | Plugins: | Java aktiv? Version?: false | Flash aktiv? Version?: false | Silverlight aktiv? Version?: false | Mimetypes: false | Fonts: Arial, Bauhaus 93, Casual, Courier New, Georgia, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Verdana, | Sprache(n): | Useragent: Chrome 56 | MailValid: 1 | CountryValid: | LoginValid: | IP-Adresse: | IP-Hostname: | Benutzt?:
  17. #ID: 6832 | Datum: 12-03-2018 08:56 | E-Mail: | Passwort: monocira17 | Vorname: Monika | Nachname: Engel | Geburtsdatum: 17-11-1951 | Adresse: An der Eisenbahn 5 | Postleitzahl: 15864 | Wohnort: Wendisch Rietz | Geburtsort: Wendisch Rietz | Telefonnummer: 015222691144 | Handynummer: 015222691144 | Packstation PostNummer: | Packstation Passwort: | Kreditkartennummer: | Gültigkeit: | Prüfziffer: | Limit: | Bank: | Land: | Kategorie: | Level: | Kontonummer: | Bankleitzahl: | IBAN: | BIC: | OB-Login: | OB-Pass: | Sprache(n): | Browser: Chrome 65 | Betriebssystem: Android 8.0.0 | Screen-Resolution: Current Resolution: Current Resolution: 320x658, Available Resolution: 320x658, Color Depth: 24, Device XDPI: undefined, Device YDPI: undefined | Plugins: | Java aktiv? Version?: false | Flash aktiv? Version?: false | Silverlight aktiv? Version?: false | Mimetypes: false | Fonts: Arial, Bauhaus 93, Casual, Courier New, Georgia, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Verdana, | Sprache(n): | Useragent: Chrome 65 | MailValid: 1 | CountryValid: | LoginValid: | IP-Adresse: | IP-Hostname: | Benutzt?:
  19. #ID: 6843 | Datum: 12-03-2018 08:57 | E-Mail: | Passwort: paule022 | Vorname: Bardo | Nachname: Junker | Geburtsdatum: 06-10-1948 | Adresse: Rheinstrasse 44 | Postleitzahl: 55299 | Wohnort: Nackenheim | Geburtsort: Nackenheim | Telefonnummer: 06135 4997 | Handynummer: 0171 2286974 | Packstation PostNummer: | Packstation Passwort: | Kreditkartennummer: | Gültigkeit: | Prüfziffer: | Limit: | Bank: | Land: | Kategorie: | Level: | Kontonummer: | Bankleitzahl: | IBAN: | BIC: | OB-Login: | OB-Pass: | Sprache(n): | Browser: IE 11 | Betriebssystem: Windows 7 | Screen-Resolution: Current Resolution: Current Resolution: 1707x960, Available Resolution: 1707x907, Color Depth: 24, Device XDPI: 72, Device YDPI: 72 | Plugins: Silverlight Plug-In | Java aktiv? Version?: true | Flash aktiv? Version?: false | Silverlight aktiv? Version?: true 5.1.50907.0 | Mimetypes: true Silverlight Plug-In, Silverlight Plug-In | Fonts: Agency FB, Aharoni, Andalus, Angsana New, AngsanaUPC, Aparajita, Arabic Transparent, Arabic Typesetting, Arial Baltic, Arial Black, Arial CE, Arial CYR, Arial Greek, Arial TUR, Arial, Batang, BatangChe, Bauhaus 93, Bell MT, Bodoni MT, Bookman Old Style, Broadway, Browallia New, BrowalliaUPC, Calibri Light, Calibri, Californian FB, Cambria Math, Cambria, Candara, Castellar, Centaur, Century Gothic, Colonna MT, Comic Sans MS, Consolas, Constantia, Copperplate Gothic Light, Corbel, Cordia New, CordiaUPC, Courier New Baltic, Courier New CE, Courier New CYR, Courier New Greek, Courier New TUR, Courier New, DFKai-SB, DaunPenh, David, DilleniaUPC, DokChampa, Dotum, DotumChe, Ebrima, Engravers MT, Eras Bold ITC, Estrangelo Edessa, EucrosiaUPC, Euphemia, FangSong, Forte, FrankRuehl, Franklin Gothic Heavy, Franklin Gothic Medium, FreesiaUPC, French Script MT, Gabriola, Gautami, Georgia, Gigi, Gisha, Goudy Old Style, Gulim, GulimChe, Gungsuh, GungsuhChe, Haettenschweiler, Harrington, Impact, Informal Roman, IrisUPC, Iskoola Pota, JasmineUPC, KaiTi, Kalinga, Kartika, Khmer UI, KodchiangUPC, Kokila, Lao UI, Latha, Leelawadee, Levenim MT, LilyUPC, Lucida Bright, Lucida Console, Lucida Fax, Lucida Sans Unicode, MS Gothic, MS Mincho, MS PGothic, MS PMincho, MS Reference Sans Serif, MS UI Gothic, MV Boli, Magneto, Malgun Gothic, Mangal, Marlett, Matura MT Script Capitals, Meiryo UI, Meiryo, Microsoft Himalaya, Microsoft JhengHei, Microsoft New Tai Lue, Microsoft PhagsPa, Microsoft Sans Serif, Microsoft Tai Le, Microsoft Uighur, Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft Yi Baiti, MingLiU, MingLiU-ExtB, MingLiU_HKSCS, MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB, Miriam Fixed, Miriam, Mongolian Baiti, MoolBoran, NSimSun, Narkisim, Niagara Solid, Nyala, PMingLiU, PMingLiU-ExtB, Palace Script MT, Palatino Linotype, Papyrus, Perpetua, Plantagenet Cherokee, Playbill, Raavi, Rockwell, Rod, Sakkal Majalla, Script MT Bold, Segoe Print, Segoe Script, Segoe UI Light, Segoe UI Semibold, Segoe UI Symbol, Segoe UI, Shonar Bangla, Showcard Gothic, Shruti, SimHei, SimSun, SimSun-ExtB, Simplified Arabic Fixed, Simplified Arabic, Snap ITC, Sylfaen, Symbol, Tahoma, Times New Roman Baltic, Times New Roman CE, Times New Roman CYR, Times New Roman Greek, Times New Roman TUR, Times New Roman, Traditional Arabic, Trebuchet MS, Tunga, Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, Univers, Utsaah, Vani, Verdana, Vijaya, Vladimir Script, Vrinda, Webdings, Wide Latin, Wingdings | Sprache(n): | Useragent: IE 11 | MailValid: 1 | CountryValid: | LoginValid: | IP-Adresse: | IP-Hostname: | Benutzt?:
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