Guest User


a guest
Jul 13th, 2021
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  1. {
  2. "factionsPermissionPrefix": "factionsx",
  3. "autoSave": true,
  4. "autoSaveBroadcast": false,
  5. "autoSaveBroadcastMessage": "&7[&6✕&7] &7Saving factions data...",
  6. "autoSaveBroadcastComplete": false,
  7. "autoSaveBroadcastCompleteMessage": "&7[&6✕&7] &7Saved factions data successfully.",
  8. "autoSaveIntervalInMilliseconds": 21600000,
  9. "wildernessDescription": "&7Unclaimed",
  10. "safezoneDescription": "&7PVP is disabled in spawn.",
  11. "warzoneDescription": "&4PVP is enabled! &7Move further to claim land.",
  12. "defaultFactionDescription": "&7Set your faction description.&o /f desc",
  13. "allowMobsNaturalSpawnInWarZone": false,
  14. "allowMobsNaturalSpawnInSafeZone": false,
  15. "allowMobsNaturalSpawnInWilderness": true,
  16. "allowMobsNaturalSpawnInFactionTerritories": true,
  17. "warZoneNoPowerLoss": true,
  18. "safeZoneNoPowerLoss": true,
  19. "wildernessNoPowerLoss": false,
  20. "denyHomeTeleportInEnemyLand": true,
  21. "denyWarpTeleportInEnemyLand": true,
  22. "disableOverclaimMechanism": true,
  23. "teleportToFactionHomeOnRespawn": false,
  24. "timeFormatted": "{hours}h {minutes}m {seconds}s",
  25. "deleteInactivePlayers": {
  26. "enabled": false,
  27. "unit": "DAYS",
  28. "time": 30
  29. },
  30. "helpGeneratorPageEntries": 10,
  31. "relationOwnColor": "&a",
  32. "relationNeutralColor": "&f",
  33. "relationEnemyColor": "&c",
  34. "relationAllyColor": "&d",
  35. "relationTruceColor": "&5",
  36. "relationWarzoneColor": "&4",
  37. "relationSafezoneColor": "&e",
  38. "relationWildernessColor": "&8",
  39. "relationNeutralReplacement": "Neutral",
  40. "relationEnemyReplacement": "Enemy",
  41. "relationAllyReplacement": "Ally",
  42. "relationTruceReplacement": "Truce",
  43. "defaultRelation": "NEUTRAL",
  44. "disabledRelations": [],
  45. "forceBothFactionsToRequestNeutral": false,
  46. "disableSetHomeInRelationTerritory": [
  47. "ENEMY"
  48. ],
  49. "sendPrefixForWhoCommand": true,
  50. "whoFormatWilderness": [
  51. "&7Tag &l&7» &6{tag}"
  52. ],
  53. "blacklistedCommands": [],
  54. "whoFormat": [
  55. "&7Tag &l&7» &6{tag}",
  56. "&7Description &l&7» &6{description}",
  57. "&7Leader &l&7» &6{leader}",
  58. "&7Online &l&7» &6{online_members}",
  59. "&7Offline &l&7» &6{offline_members}",
  60. "&7Claims &l&7» &6{claims}&7/&6{max-claims}",
  61. "&7Power &l&7» &6{faction-power}&7/&6{faction-max-power}",
  62. "&7Allies &l&7» &6{allies}",
  63. "&7Enemies &l&7» &6{enemies}",
  64. "&7truce &l&7» &6{truces}",
  65. "&7Shield Duration &l&7» &6{shield-duration}"
  66. ],
  67. "whoMemberFormat": "&7{chat-tag}&r{prefix}&r &6{member-name}",
  68. "fNearRadiusInBlocks": 200.0,
  69. "positionMonitorChunkChanged": "&6{tag}&7 - &6{description}.",
  70. "positionMonitorChunkChangedMessage": false,
  71. "positionMonitorChunkChangeTitle": true,
  72. "positionMonitorChunkChangedTitle": {
  73. "title": "{tag}",
  74. "subtitle": "{description}"
  75. },
  76. "warpTeleportWarmupSeconds": 5,
  77. "homeTeleportWarmupSeconds": 4,
  78. "warpLimit": 3,
  79. "allyLimit": 5,
  80. "truceLimit": 3,
  81. "enemyLimit": 5,
  82. "listCommandPageRows": 9,
  83. "factionTagEnforceLength": true,
  84. "factionTagsMinLength": 4,
  85. "factionTagsMaxLength": 16,
  86. "factionTagEnforceAlphaNumeric": true,
  87. "triedToHurtYouFactionNotify": true,
  88. "factionCreationDateFormat": "MMMM dd, yyyy, HH:mm",
  89. "factionCreationCommandsToExecute": [],
  90. "factionDisbandCommandsToExecutePerPlayer": [],
  91. "factionJoinCommandsToExecute": [],
  92. "factionLeaveCommandsToExecute": [],
  93. "factionStrikeAlerts": true,
  94. "factionStrikeMax": 3,
  95. "factionStrikeActions": {
  96. "3": [
  97. "[faction:message] &7Your faction has received &6&l3 &7strikes!"
  98. ]
  99. },
  100. "territoryDeniedCommands": {
  101. "ENEMY": [
  102. "/sethome",
  103. "/esethome",
  104. "/f warp",
  105. "/f home",
  106. "/f sethome"
  107. ]
  108. },
  109. "chatChannelTruce": "truce",
  110. "chatChannelTruceShortHand": "T",
  111. "chatChannelTruceFormat": "&5Truce {tag} &8&l> &r{prefix} {chat-tag} {member-name}: {message}",
  112. "chatChannelAlly": "ally",
  113. "chatChannelAllyShortHand": "A",
  114. "chatChannelAllyFormat": "&dAlly {tag} &8&l> &r{prefix} {chat-tag} {member-name}: {message}",
  115. "chatChannelFaction": "faction",
  116. "chatChannelFactionShortHand": "F",
  117. "chatChannelFactionFormat": "&6Faction &8&l> &r{prefix} {chat-tag} {member-name}: {message}",
  118. "chatChannelPublic": "public",
  119. "chatChannelPublicShortHand": "P",
  120. "seeChunkWildernessColor": {
  121. "r": 1,
  122. "g": 153,
  123. "b": 51
  124. },
  125. "seeChunkOwnFactionColor": {
  126. "r": 1,
  127. "g": 255,
  128. "b": 0
  129. },
  130. "seeChunkWarzoneColor": {
  131. "r": 255,
  132. "g": 0,
  133. "b": 0
  134. },
  135. "seeChunkSafezoneColor": {
  136. "r": 255,
  137. "g": 255,
  138. "b": 0
  139. },
  140. "seeChunkTruceColor": {
  141. "r": 128,
  142. "g": 0,
  143. "b": 128
  144. },
  145. "seeChunkEnemyColor": {
  146. "r": 255,
  147. "g": 0,
  148. "b": 0
  149. },
  150. "seeChunkNeutralColor": {
  151. "r": 255,
  152. "g": 255,
  153. "b": 255
  154. },
  155. "seeChunkAllyColor": {
  156. "r": 255,
  157. "g": 0,
  158. "b": 255
  159. },
  160. "teleportFromEnemyClaimOnJoin": false,
  161. "teleportFromEnemyClaimLocation": {
  162. "x": -3101.0,
  163. "y": 97.0,
  164. "z": 1807.0,
  165. "world": "Survival"
  166. },
  167. "teleportFromClaimOnLeave": true,
  168. "teleportFromClaimOnLeaveLocation": {
  169. "x": -3101.0,
  170. "y": 97.0,
  171. "z": 1807.0,
  172. "world": "Survival"
  173. },
  174. "nearbyEnemyDisallowedCommandsDistance": 15.0,
  175. "nearbyEnemyDisallowedCommands": [
  176. "spawn"
  177. ],
  178. "creditSettings": {
  179. "startingCredits": 50.0,
  180. "maximumCredits": 500.0,
  181. "minimumCreditsPay": 1.0,
  182. "enabled": false
  183. },
  184. "powerSettings": {
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  186. "maxPlayerPower": 10.0,
  187. "minPlayerPower": -10.0,
  188. "startingPower": 5.0,
  189. "powerOfflineLossPerDay": 0.0,
  190. "powerOfflineLossLimit": 0.0,
  191. "powerPerDeath": 2.0,
  192. "powerRegenPerMinute": 0.1,
  193. "powerRegenOffline": false,
  194. "dtrBased": false,
  195. "dtrBasedActions": [
  196. "BREAK_BLOCK",
  197. "PLACE_BLOCK"
  198. ]
  199. },
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  201. "maxClaimRadius": 20,
  202. "claimWorldBorderBuffer": 0,
  203. "setHomeOnClaimIfNotSetYet": false,
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  205. "minFactionMembers": false,
  206. "minFactionMembersToClaim": 2,
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  209. "worldGuardRegionAllowedClaimInWorlds": {
  210. "example_world": "myRegion"
  211. },
  212. "worldsNoClaiming": [
  213. "Survival",
  214. "Survival_nether",
  215. "Survival_the_end",
  216. "Creative"
  217. ],
  218. "worldsNoPvpHandling": [
  219. "Survival",
  220. "Survival_nether",
  221. "Survival_the_end",
  222. "Creative"
  223. ],
  224. "worldsNoFlyHandling": [
  225. "Survival",
  226. "Survival_nether",
  227. "Survival_the_end",
  228. "Creative"
  229. ],
  230. "worldsNoPowerLoss": [
  231. "Survival",
  232. "Survival_nether",
  233. "Survival_the_end",
  234. "Creative"
  235. ],
  236. "worldsNoInteractionHandling": [
  237. "Survival",
  238. "Survival_nether",
  239. "Survival_the_end",
  240. "Creative"
  241. ],
  242. "worldsNoChunkMessageHandling": [
  243. "Survival",
  244. "Survival_nether",
  245. "Survival_the_end",
  246. "Creative"
  247. ],
  248. "barLength": 49,
  249. "factionShieldEnabled": false,
  250. "factionShield": {
  251. "durationInSeconds": 28800
  252. },
  253. "factionShieldInfoItem": {
  254. "hide": false,
  255. "coordinate": {
  256. "row": 0,
  257. "column": 13
  258. },
  259. "displayItem": {
  260. "material": "WRITABLE_BOOK",
  261. "name": "&7Faction Shield Schedule",
  262. "lore": [
  263. "&7Set your shield schedule",
  264. "&7Once selected, it cannot be changed",
  265. "&7Current Server Time:",
  266. "&7{server-time}"
  267. ],
  268. "amt": 1
  269. }
  270. },
  271. "factionShieldTimes": {
  272. "row": 1,
  273. "column": 0
  274. },
  275. "shieldsGUIRows": 5,
  276. "shieldsGUIName": "&6Faction Shields",
  277. "shieldsGUIBackgroundItem": {
  278. "material": "BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE",
  279. "name": "&8",
  280. "lore": [],
  281. "amt": 1
  282. },
  283. "shieldTimeLeftInvalid": "N/A",
  284. "shieldActivePlaceholderTrue": "Yes",
  285. "shieldActivePlaceholderFalse": "No",
  286. "shieldTimerItem": {
  287. "material": "CLOCK",
  288. "name": "&7{time}",
  289. "lore": [
  290. "&7Shield timings everyday:",
  291. "-> Starts: {time}",
  292. "-> Ends: {end}"
  293. ],
  294. "amt": 1
  295. },
  296. "shieldMode": "PAGINATION",
  297. "shieldModeTwoTimerItem": {
  298. "hide": false,
  299. "coordinate": {
  300. "row": 2,
  301. "column": 4
  302. },
  303. "displayItem": {
  304. "material": "CLOCK",
  305. "name": "&7{time}",
  306. "lore": [
  307. "&7Shield timings everyday:",
  308. "-> Starts: {time}",
  309. "-> Ends: {end}"
  310. ],
  311. "amt": 1
  312. }
  313. },
  314. "shieldModeTwoPreviousItem": {
  315. "hide": false,
  316. "coordinate": {
  317. "row": 2,
  318. "column": 3
  319. },
  320. "displayItem": {
  321. "material": "STONE_BUTTON",
  322. "name": "&6< Previous",
  323. "lore": [],
  324. "amt": 1
  325. }
  326. },
  327. "shieldModeTwoNextItem": {
  328. "hide": false,
  329. "coordinate": {
  330. "row": 2,
  331. "column": 5
  332. },
  333. "displayItem": {
  334. "material": "STONE_BUTTON",
  335. "name": "&6Next >",
  336. "lore": [],
  337. "amt": 1
  338. }
  339. },
  340. "scoreboardOptions": {
  341. "enabled": true,
  342. "internal": false,
  343. "perTerritory": false
  344. },
  345. "disableCustomRoleCommands": true,
  346. "chatHandledByAnotherPlugin": false,
  347. "chatFactionPlaceholder": "{FACTION}",
  348. "chatFactionReplaceString": "[RELATIONAL_COLOR]&l[FACTION]",
  349. "chatNoFactionReplaceString": "",
  350. "defaultWildernessTag": "&2&lWilderness",
  351. "defaultWarzoneTag": "&4&lNo Mans Land",
  352. "defaultSafezoneTag": "&4&lPVP Island",
  353. "factionMemberLimit": 20,
  354. "factionAltLimit": 10,
  355. "altsInvitesFormat": "&6%s",
  356. "altsInvitesSeparator": "&7, ",
  357. "altsListFormat": "&6%s",
  358. "altsListSeparator": "&7, ",
  359. "memberActionKick": "kick",
  360. "memberActionDisband": "disband",
  361. "memberActionDeInvite": "deinvite",
  362. "memberActionDemote": "demote",
  363. "memberActionInvite": "invite",
  364. "memberActionPrefix": "prefix",
  365. "memberActionRename": "rename",
  366. "memberActionUnclaimall": "unclaimall",
  367. "memberActionFly": "fly",
  368. "memberActionHome": "home",
  369. "memberActionSetHome": "set_home",
  370. "memberActionChangeDescription": "change_description",
  371. "memberActionClaim": "claim",
  372. "memberActionUnclaim": "unclaim",
  373. "memberActionWarp": "warp",
  374. "memberActionSetWarp": "set_warp",
  375. "memberActionDelWarp": "del_warp",
  376. "memberActionViewWarpPassword": "view_warp_password",
  377. "memberActionRelation": "relation",
  378. "memberActionPromote": "promote",
  379. "memberActionOpen": "open",
  380. "memberActionSetPaypal": "setpaypal",
  381. "memberActionSetDiscord": "setdiscord",
  382. "memberActionBankWithdraw": "bank_withdraw",
  383. "memberActionBankDeposit": "bank_deposit",
  384. "memberActionBankPay": "bank_pay",
  385. "memberActionBankLogs": "bank_logs",
  386. "memberActionAltsInvite": "alts_invite",
  387. "memberActionAltsKick": "alts_kick",
  388. "memberActionAltsRevoke": "alts_revoke",
  389. "memberActionAltsOpen": "alts_open",
  390. "memberActionAltsClose": "alts_close",
  391. "memberActionAltsInvites": "alts_invites",
  392. "memberActionAltsList": "alts_list",
  393. "memberActionAccessFactions": "access_factions",
  394. "memberActionAccessPlayers": "access_players",
  395. "memberActionUpgrade": "upgrade",
  396. "confirmTimeOutSeconds": 10,
  397. "placeholderCouldntBeParsedValue": "N/A",
  398. "placeholderNameCoundntBeParsed": "N/A",
  399. "placeholderNumberInvalidParse": "0",
  400. "playerRoleTagNoFactionPlaceholder": "None",
  401. "systemOwnedFactionPlaceholderValue": "System",
  402. "placeholderFactionNameCustom": " {name}",
  403. "placeholderFactionNameCustomWilderness": "",
  404. "placeholderRelationNonePresent": "None",
  405. "placeholderFactionAltsEmpty": "None",
  406. "internalPlaceholderRelationsColor": false
  407. }
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