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Jun 29th, 2013
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  1. [2013-06-29 21:57:56] <Gamesmaster> *It is 7th September, 3067. After their brush with the pilot of the VTOL, the main body of cadets managed to successfully redirect the VTOL
  3. to the main starport. The cadets who were on the VTOL now open their eyes, arising from unconciousness, to a familiar scene - that of a medical bay. The quiet chat of orderlies
  5. is overheard over the beeping of cardiac monitoring machines, as one by one they stir from unconciousness.*
  6. [2013-06-29 21:58:44] *** ^stephan^ ( joined
  7. [2013-06-29 21:59:34] <^stephan^> gretings he-bro is here!!!
  8. [2013-06-29 21:59:55] <Gamesmaster> \\asshole, session has begun
  9. [2013-06-29 21:59:59] * Ridian groans and covers his head from the bright hospital light. the aftereffets of stim are quite apparent
  10. [2013-06-29 22:00:40] <Gamesmaster> *An orderly walks over to Ridian, and gives him a quiet prod* Looks like they are coming around, the slows affects are wearing off. I want a
  12. stimulant line in each of them, stat.
  13. [2013-06-29 22:00:59] <^stephan^> \\ WTF session never starts the early noobs
  14. [2013-06-29 22:01:15] <Dierson_Pyre> \\ its because fuck you
  15. [2013-06-29 22:01:26] <Dierson_Pyre> \\ go back for round 2 or whatever
  16. [2013-06-29 22:01:40] <^stephan^> \\obviously.. give me a mint to get ts 3 working here
  17. [2013-06-29 22:01:41] <Ridian> .AhhFackaff
  18. [2013-06-29 22:01:51] * Ridian mumbles out at the prod
  19. [2013-06-29 22:01:57] * Jacob_Dorn stirts faintly for a moment then panics and bolts sittin up right
  20. [2013-06-29 22:02:17] <Jacob_Dorn> Fuck what happend!
  21. [2013-06-29 22:02:51] <Gamesmaster> *The orderlies rush into action, activating the connected machines. Adrenaline surges through your bodies*
  22. [2013-06-29 22:03:01] *** Bjorn_ ( joined
  23. [2013-06-29 22:03:36] * ^Bran^ wakes and sits up slowly
  24. [2013-06-29 22:03:50] <^Bran^> Wow that was a strange way to get here.
  25. [2013-06-29 22:03:59] <^Bran^> where ever here is.
  26. [2013-06-29 22:04:14] * Jacob_Dorn stares at teh wall with a maniac grin as the drugs begins to kick in
  27. [2013-06-29 22:04:17] <Jacob_Dorn> Yeeeeeeeeee
  28. [2013-06-29 22:04:38] <Gamesmaster> "Stay still and dont try to move" a voice explains "You were exposed to a chemical leak, and it will have affected your motor functions"
  29. [2013-06-29 22:05:19] <^Bran^> aff
  30. [2013-06-29 22:05:21] <^stephan^> \\\ do we remberanything?
  31. [2013-06-29 22:05:32] <Gamesmaster> \\ Nothing since you passed out
  32. [2013-06-29 22:06:33] <Ridian> ahhh, just what the doctor orderd, someone out there likes me
  33. [2013-06-29 22:06:34] <^stephan^> \\ can some 1 give me our ts address
  34. [2013-06-29 22:06:40] * Ridian trie to adjust stim line for a bigger hit
  35. [2013-06-29 22:06:51] <Dierson_Pyre> \\ god your ruin everything
  36. [2013-06-29 22:06:51] <Gamesmaster> "The cargo that VTOL was containing was obviously unsecured, this should not have happened.. " you hear another, different voice in the
  38. distance.
  39. [2013-06-29 22:07:11] <^stephan^> \\ you're*
  40. [2013-06-29 22:08:19] * Linus_Svenssen groans and squints in the bright artificial light of the medbay
  41. [2013-06-29 22:08:37] <Jacob_Dorn> I did not know i needed a piss that badly in flight.
  42. [2013-06-29 22:09:49] <Jacob_Dorn> But we are at the star port?
  43. [2013-06-29 22:09:57] <^Bran^> Dorn do you think with your bladder all the time?
  44. [2013-06-29 22:09:59] *** Ridian quit (Quit: Page closed)
  45. [2013-06-29 22:10:10] *** Ridian ( joined
  46. [2013-06-29 22:10:38] <Gamesmaster> "It was definetly a blunder... definetly.." the voice continues. Suddenly, Dorn spots the man, a wispy figure, but exerting an air of
  48. authority.
  49. [2013-06-29 22:10:39] <Jacob_Dorn> Ha, my Balls perhaps.
  50. [2013-06-29 22:10:57] <Ridian> Blunder my hairy arse
  51. [2013-06-29 22:11:31] <Jacob_Dorn> But most would more likely argue that i dont have any
  52. [2013-06-29 22:11:38] * Linus_Svenssen throws a weak grin towards Ridian
  53. [2013-06-29 22:11:41] <Jacob_Dorn> To witch my response would be at least mine still work
  54. [2013-06-29 22:11:46] <Linus_Svenssen> I'll try not to
  55. [2013-06-29 22:11:53] <Linus_Svenssen> blunder your arse, that is
  56. [2013-06-29 22:11:59] <Gamesmaster> *The man notices the now more awake cadets* "Ah excellent, you all seem awake enough. You must be very confused.. yes you are at the
  58. starport, the VTOL sucessfully landed."
  59. [2013-06-29 22:12:31] <^Bran^> that is a good sign. So what is the next step.
  60. [2013-06-29 22:12:43] <Ridian> Well thats good.....Honestly wasnt sure where I was pointing us but seemed to work
  61. [2013-06-29 22:12:48] * Bjorn_ grunts
  62. [2013-06-29 22:13:19] <Gamesmaster> "You were all exposed to an exceptionally high level of chemical, I'ms urprised you managed to land the craft. You are out of immedaite
  64. danger, and you will soon be fit for duty. It was only a powerful anaesthetic, potentially life threatening but the worst is over"
  65. [2013-06-29 22:14:13] <Gamesmaster> "It was a shame about the pilot..."
  66. [2013-06-29 22:14:53] <^stephan^> if i recall correctly,, he we the one administrating the cemical
  67. [2013-06-29 22:15:01] <Gamesmaster> "He must have taken a direct dose.." he continues
  68. [2013-06-29 22:15:15] <Ridian> If you mean shot to the face then I suppose youy are correct
  69. [2013-06-29 22:15:25] * Jacob_Dorn bursts into laughter
  70. [2013-06-29 22:15:30] <Gamesmaster> "Shot?" the orderly looks puzzled
  71. [2013-06-29 22:16:09] <Ridian> Yes, you know froma gun, in the face....the thing on your head where food goes in and sound and bullshit come out
  72. [2013-06-29 22:16:40] <Linus_Svenssen> Now, don't quote me on this, Doc, but I don't think having ones head missing is a symptom of anasthetic overdose..
  73. [2013-06-29 22:16:45] <Gamesmaster> "I have no idea what you are talking about" he replies bluntly
  74. [2013-06-29 22:17:11] <Gamesmaster> "Maybe we should scan for internal damage.." he mutters
  75. [2013-06-29 22:17:57] <^stephan^> \\ brb
  76. [2013-06-29 22:18:03] * Dierson_Pyre enters the room
  77. [2013-06-29 22:18:07] <Dierson_Pyre> who is in charge here?
  78. [2013-06-29 22:18:09] <Linus_Svenssen> Wait, hang on then. What exactly is the Pilot's condition?
  79. [2013-06-29 22:18:13] <Ridian> maybe we should scan your eyes for retinal damage
  80. [2013-06-29 22:18:30] <Jacob_Dorn> Where is teh pilot any how?
  81. [2013-06-29 22:18:54] <Bjorn_> And is he anywhere near his face?
  82. [2013-06-29 22:19:01] <Dierson_Pyre> I SAID, WHO IS IN COMMAND OF THE MEDICAL FACILITY!
  83. [2013-06-29 22:19:02] <Gamesmaster> "The pilot has been moved to the morgue.. he is most assuredly dead by the same chemical, just a much higher dose. One second"
  84. [2013-06-29 22:19:28] <Dierson_Pyre> Bjorn, what is going on here....I have been waiting almost 6 hours
  85. [2013-06-29 22:19:33] <Gamesmaster> "What do you want?" the man says, turning to address the bag of noise that has just entered through the front entrance in a whirldwind of
  87. annoyed rage
  88. [2013-06-29 22:19:36] <Jacob_Dorn> hmmm..
  89. [2013-06-29 22:19:57] <Dierson_Pyre> I want an explanation
  90. [2013-06-29 22:20:14] <Dierson_Pyre> why are these freebirths being detained in the med bay
  91. [2013-06-29 22:20:29] <Jacob_Dorn> Shit happend.
  92. [2013-06-29 22:20:36] * Dierson_Pyre looks at dorn
  93. [2013-06-29 22:20:38] <Dierson_Pyre> silence
  94. [2013-06-29 22:20:53] <Gamesmaster> "They are suffering from acute poisoning from medical anaesthetic, from a leak onboard their transport. We have been tending them prior to
  96. your units formal meeting with your commander"
  97. [2013-06-29 22:21:19] <Ridian> IF you call medical grade anaesthetic " A Leak"
  98. [2013-06-29 22:21:24] <Ridian> coming froma tank
  99. [2013-06-29 22:21:29] <Ridian> into the ac
  100. [2013-06-29 22:21:34] <Ridian> from the pilots cockpit
  101. [2013-06-29 22:21:40] <Ridian> with a gun
  102. [2013-06-29 22:21:46] <Ridian> ....yeah, a leak
  103. [2013-06-29 22:21:46] <Ridian> after he threatens us
  104. [2013-06-29 22:22:02] <Ridian> like the one I will take on your report
  105. [2013-06-29 22:22:54] <Dierson_Pyre> what is your rank, are you in charge here
  106. [2013-06-29 22:23:16] * Dierson_Pyre facing the med bay personnel
  107. [2013-06-29 22:23:24] <Gamesmaster> "My name is Ludolf, sir, I am the head medic of this facility. So that would be a yes"
  108. [2013-06-29 22:23:39] *** ^stephan^_ ( joined
  109. [2013-06-29 22:23:45] <Gamesmaster> "Your personnel seem to be suffering the after effects. They are making some ridiculous claims"
  110. [2013-06-29 22:23:48] <Dierson_Pyre> very well, are they all cleared to depart Medical
  111. [2013-06-29 22:23:57] *** ^stephan^ quit (Ping timeout)
  112. [2013-06-29 22:24:00] <Gamesmaster> "I am not sure, considering. Physically, yes"
  113. [2013-06-29 22:24:31] * Jacob_Dorn mutters
  114. [2013-06-29 22:24:34] <Dierson_Pyre> physically is enough
  115. [2013-06-29 22:24:36] <Jacob_Dorn> Ludolf?
  116. [2013-06-29 22:24:39] * Dierson_Pyre turns to Bjorn
  117. [2013-06-29 22:25:10] <Gamesmaster> *he nods*
  118. [2013-06-29 22:25:16] <Dierson_Pyre> Bjorn, I would like a more detailed report later...right now gather the other recruits
  119. [2013-06-29 22:25:25] <Gamesmaster> "They are your command, not mine. If you require them, you may sign them out" he replies
  120. [2013-06-29 22:25:26] <Bjorn_> Aff
  121. [2013-06-29 22:25:36] <Dierson_Pyre> Aff
  122. [2013-06-29 22:26:00] <Bjorn_> You heard the leader, shore leave is over men.
  123. [2013-06-29 22:26:00] * Dierson_Pyre takes signout log
  124. [2013-06-29 22:26:41] <Jacob_Dorn> So we are to just walk out of here in night gowns with our bares ass haning out?
  125. [2013-06-29 22:27:04] * Dierson_Pyre stares Dorn down
  126. [2013-06-29 22:27:28] <eRkkituo> \\why so serious
  127. [2013-06-29 22:27:40] <Dierson_Pyre> not be of laborer intellengence, dress first
  128. [2013-06-29 22:27:46] <^stephan^_> \\ cause i cant speak over ts
  129. [2013-06-29 22:27:51] <Dierson_Pyre> the Commander has been waiting
  130. [2013-06-29 22:28:12] * ^stephan^_ get's himself ready to leave the medbay
  131. [2013-06-29 22:28:23] * ^Bran^ gets up, gets dressed and ready to leave.
  132. [2013-06-29 22:28:29] <Ridian> Yo ludolf, wheres our stuff
  133. [2013-06-29 22:28:33] <Jacob_Dorn> I would if I knew where my stuff is
  134. [2013-06-29 22:28:55] * Dierson_Pyre finishes signing signout roster, and walks out the sliding doors of the med bay
  135. [2013-06-29 22:28:59] <Gamesmaster> "Its over in the storage area2 comes the reply. Ludolf points to the direction
  136. [2013-06-29 22:29:15] <Gamesmaster> *where your equipment was temporarily stored*
  137. [2013-06-29 22:29:17] <Jacob_Dorn> But strutting bare ass around teh star port would be amusing
  138. [2013-06-29 22:29:34] * Ridian wheels drip line feed bag (Im assuming its on one of the wheel stands ) to the storage bay to get dressed
  139. [2013-06-29 22:29:41] <Gamesmaster> "Also, I have this for a Jacob" he says. *you can see he is bearing a note, sealed in a non descript white envelope*
  140. [2013-06-29 22:30:04] <Jacob_Dorn> That would be me
  141. [2013-06-29 22:30:12] <Gamesmaster> *He hands it to you"
  142. [2013-06-29 22:30:26] <Jacob_Dorn> Thank you
  143. [2013-06-29 22:30:42] <Gamesmaster> "And another, for a Bran?" he continues *This envelope is clearly marked, with the stamp indicating its arrival from the main CJW holdings on
  145. Trivia*
  146. [2013-06-29 22:31:24] *** Inks (~Inks@ joined
  147. [2013-06-29 22:31:29] * ^Bran^ takes the letter with a nod.
  148. [2013-06-29 22:31:46] <^Bran^> thank you.
  149. [2013-06-29 22:31:56] * ^stephan^_ leaves the toom for storage dock to get dressed
  150. [2013-06-29 22:32:05] <^stephan^_> room**
  151. [2013-06-29 22:32:18] <Gamesmaster> "No problem" he replies. At this point, he notices that a certain IV Drip Bag equipment stand wheeling past him
  152. [2013-06-29 22:32:41] * Ridian squeeky squeeky squeeky
  153. [2013-06-29 22:32:53] <Gamesmaster> "Where do you think your going with that you surat" he says sternly
  154. [2013-06-29 22:33:07] <Ridian> Not collapsing?
  155. [2013-06-29 22:33:19] <Gamesmaster> *He gives Ridian a death stare*
  156. [2013-06-29 22:33:41] <Ridian> *sighs* worth a shot I suppose
  157. [2013-06-29 22:33:44] <Jacob_Dorn> For a joy ride down the hall by the look of it
  158. [2013-06-29 22:33:49] * Jacob_Dorn smirks at Ridian
  159. [2013-06-29 22:33:58] * Ridian removes the feed
  160. [2013-06-29 22:36:26] * Ridian leaves the feed back and goes to get dressed grumbling
  161. [2013-06-29 22:36:33] *** Inks changed nick to Linus_Svenssen_
  162. [2013-06-29 22:36:40] *** Linus_Svenssen quit (Quit: Page closed)
  163. [2013-06-29 22:36:53] *** Linus_Svenssen_ changed nick to Linus_Svenssen
  164. [2013-06-29 22:38:07] *** IceVamp (~IceVamp@ joined
  165. [2013-06-29 22:38:12] <Gamesmaster> "If you are leaving, make sure its orderly, and do not steal supplies.. " he grumbles turning to Dierson.
  166. [2013-06-29 22:38:15] *** IceVamp changed nick to ^Vane^
  167. [2013-06-29 22:39:49] <Jacob_Dorn> Well better get dressed as not to piss people off
  168. [2013-06-29 22:40:13] <Gamesmaster> *Not seeing him, he shrugs*
  169. [2013-06-29 22:40:16] * Jacob_Dorn heads off to the store room bare assed
  170. [2013-06-29 22:41:25] * Ridian looks around the store room casually when he gets to it, while getting changed
  171. [2013-06-29 22:43:17] <^Vane^> Mf..
  172. [2013-06-29 22:43:21] <^Vane^> What?
  173. [2013-06-29 22:44:16] <^Vane^> the fuck is going on..?
  174. [2013-06-29 22:44:37] * Jacob_Dorn standing in the store room he grabs his things and gets dressed as well as opens the envelope and examins its contents
  175. [2013-06-29 22:46:17] <Gamesmaster> *Reading intently, he soon discerns the contents*
  176. [2013-06-29 22:46:40] * ^stephan^_ returns dressed
  177. [2013-06-29 22:46:49] * ^Vane^ swings his legs on the floor.
  178. [2013-06-29 22:46:50] <^stephan^_> I am prepared to depart.
  179. [2013-06-29 22:47:02] <^Bran^> Bran looks at his letter as well.
  180. [2013-06-29 22:47:51] <^stephan^_> what are my orders
  181. [2013-06-29 22:49:02] * ^Vane^ looks at the others in the room, puzzled.
  182. [2013-06-29 22:50:29] <^Vane^> What did I miss? Why..
  183. [2013-06-29 22:51:10] * ^Vane^ reaches for his clothes.
  184. [2013-06-29 22:51:31] <^Bran^> We were poisoned.
  185. [2013-06-29 22:51:46] <^stephan^_> we have awakened
  186. [2013-06-29 22:52:21] <^Bran^> The doctors say it was anasthetic poisoning.
  187. [2013-06-29 22:52:23] <^stephan^_> your belonings are in storega ares 2
  188. [2013-06-29 22:52:42] <^stephan^_> area*
  189. [2013-06-29 22:52:48] <^Vane^> Which should bring up; Why are we not dead and or why are we not in lockup..
  190. [2013-06-29 22:52:56] <^Vane^> Oh.
  191. [2013-06-29 22:53:10] <^Vane^> Where's that?
  192. [2013-06-29 22:53:22] * ^Vane^ shuffles for the door.
  193. [2013-06-29 22:53:46] * ^stephan^_ points the direction to vane
  194. [2013-06-29 22:53:51] <^stephan^_> there.
  195. [2013-06-29 22:55:11] * ^Vane^ nods and heads in the noted direction looking for this store room.
  196. [2013-06-29 23:01:57] *** Bjorn_ quit (Quit: Page closed)
  197. [2013-06-29 23:02:11] *** Bjorn_ ( joined
  198. [2013-06-29 23:04:44] * Ridian is getting fully kitted up again
  199. [2013-06-29 23:04:52] * Jacob_Dorn after reading the letter he folds it up and keeps it in his pocket
  200. [2013-06-29 23:04:54] * ^Vane^ gets his belongings.
  201. [2013-06-29 23:05:15] * ^Bran^ Reading the letter he starts shaking a cloud of emotion on his face and tears starting to well from his eyes.
  202. [2013-06-29 23:05:20] * ^stephan^_ joins dierson outside
  203. [2013-06-29 23:05:41] <^stephan^_> -my orders?
  204. [2013-06-29 23:05:50] <Gamesmaster> *Stephan realises Dierson has already left for the SCs office. A cloud of realisation hits him. This wont be good*
  205. [2013-06-29 23:06:28] <^Bran^> 'Surats' Bran whispers to himself.
  206. [2013-06-29 23:07:09] * ^Vane^ comes out og the store room, strapping his side arm to his thigh.
  207. [2013-06-29 23:07:14] <^Vane^> So?
  208. [2013-06-29 23:07:29] * Ridian sighing, starts to walk out
  209. [2013-06-29 23:07:32] <^Vane^> Anyone know what the fuck is going on?
  210. [2013-06-29 23:07:35] * ^stephan^_ goes to the SC office
  211. [2013-06-29 23:07:47] * ^Bran^ getting himself together and folding the letter he wipes his eyes and walks to the SC office lost in his own thoughts.
  212. [2013-06-29 23:08:07] * Jacob_Dorn should now arive at the Comanders office
  213. [2013-06-29 23:08:10] <^Vane^> ...
  214. [2013-06-29 23:08:13] * ^Vane^ follows.
  215. [2013-06-29 23:08:21] * ^Vane^ muttering.
  216. [2013-06-29 23:10:55] <Gamesmaster> *As you cadets leave, you enter the long winding and bvusy corridors of the spaceport. You see numerous labourers and warriors, techs and
  218. aerospace pilots. Its difficult to get through the throng of people, but eventually you make your way through the plasteel and ferroglasss corridors to the nondescript,
  220. functional room that you believe to be the meeting place where DeVega resides*
  221. [2013-06-29 23:11:13] <Gamesmaster> *Stephan is the first to arrive, and can hearing talking from the room*
  222. [2013-06-29 23:11:19] * Linus_Svenssen knocks...
  223. [2013-06-29 23:11:28] <Gamesmaster> "Enter" comes the reply
  224. [2013-06-29 23:11:40] * ^stephan^_ enters
  225. [2013-06-29 23:12:04] * Dierson_Pyre still braced at attention
  226. [2013-06-29 23:12:09] <^stephan^_> Reporting for duty, sir.
  227. [2013-06-29 23:12:17] * ^Bran^ follows in looking a little frazzled.
  228. [2013-06-29 23:12:19] * ^stephan^_ braces at attention
  229. [2013-06-29 23:12:24] * Ridian strolls in
  230. [2013-06-29 23:12:25] <Ridian> Yp
  231. [2013-06-29 23:12:26] * Jacob_Dorn enters the room stands at a tention and SHUTS THE FUCK UP
  232. [2013-06-29 23:12:31] <Ridian> *yo
  233. [2013-06-29 23:12:56] * ^Bran^ stands to attention.
  234. [2013-06-29 23:13:02] * ^Vane^ get's in last. Salutes and stands at attention.
  235. [2013-06-29 23:13:04] * Ridian slumps to attention
  236. [2013-06-29 23:13:17] * Dierson_Pyre grimaces
  237. [2013-06-29 23:13:19] * Linus_Svenssen follows in after them, salutes, and joins the ranks at attention.
  238. [2013-06-29 23:13:48] * Bjorn_ siddles in a takes up a space at the back as usual
  239. [2013-06-29 23:13:50] <Gamesmaster> *Stephan sees two figures as he enters. Infront of him, he can see Pyre stood opposite a seated figure infront of a desk. This figure is
  241. partially obscured from view by his bulk. The far wall is dominated by a large, ferroglss window which backlights them with the full light of Boreas day. several seats are
  243. placed infront of the table, unused. Apart from a computer, and several office implements, the room is bare, except for a large holovid screen to the right. It is then the
  245. cadets notice another figure
  246. [2013-06-29 23:14:18] <Gamesmaster> standing to the seated figures left. Her thin cheekbones, and aggressive nature, mark her as a mechwarrior*
  247. [2013-06-29 23:14:45] * ^stephan^_ tries to dscern the images..if he can
  248. [2013-06-29 23:16:39] <Gamesmaster> "Its glad to see you could join us, pup" the man says. You finally see past Dierson as you squeeze in. You see the almost hairless, unshaven
  250. and rugged face of Captain DeVega, his face pitted and markeds with glowing, dark purple electoos. His eyes are discerning, deep and sharp. The other figure remains in semi
  252. darkness, but remains alert*
  253. [2013-06-29 23:17:40] <Gamesmaster> *he stares at stephan for several seconds, and then returns his view to Dierson*
  254. [2013-06-29 23:18:04] <Dierson_Pyre> Reporting sir
  255. [2013-06-29 23:18:26] <Gamesmaster> "I hope you have an explanation for why this meeting has had to occur hours later than arranged. I'm afraid your account is lacking" he says
  256. [2013-06-29 23:20:07] <Dierson_Pyre> Neg SC, I do not...the account given me for the tardiness of their arrival was abbreviated....Bjorn or Vane can give you a more in depth
  258. account of their arrival
  259. [2013-06-29 23:20:23] <Dierson_Pyre> ...or perhaps Stephan
  260. [2013-06-29 23:20:36] *** Bjorn_ quit (Quit: Page closed)
  261. [2013-06-29 23:20:46] * ^Vane^ nods briskly.
  262. [2013-06-29 23:20:58] <Dierson_Pyre> he might have a suitable explanation...I thought it best to........"attempt" to hurry them here instead of prolong the wait with a full
  264. report
  265. [2013-06-29 23:21:08] <Ridian> If I may captain?
  266. [2013-06-29 23:21:08] * ^stephan^_ still stands at attentions
  267. [2013-06-29 23:22:03] <Gamesmaster> "You may not, Cadet. Your leader recommended others. Step forward, Cadet Bjorn, Cadet Vane, Cadet Stephan."
  268. [2013-06-29 23:22:24] * Ridian shrugs and steps back
  269. [2013-06-29 23:22:29] * ^stephan^_ stands forward
  270. [2013-06-29 23:22:32] * ^Vane^ takes one step forward.
  271. [2013-06-29 23:23:12] <Gamesmaster> "Explain why I should induct you into my unit, and not ship you back to the hellhole labourer world you came from to die a labourers death"
  272. [2013-06-29 23:24:02] <Gamesmaster> *he slams his fist down on the table, never taking his eyes off the group*
  273. [2013-06-29 23:25:29] <^stephan^_> because we have the necessary training that would waste years of Clan Jade Wolf time and rsurces yhould you try to induct fresh cadets, sir.
  274. [2013-06-29 23:25:40] * Ridian looks at vane...then stephan..................supresses groan
  275. [2013-06-29 23:25:54] * Dierson_Pyre closes eyes at stephans response
  276. [2013-06-29 23:27:12] <Gamesmaster> "I did not ask for a clever response, Cadet, but oned befitting of a warrior. You may have training, but training never made anyone a
  278. warrior. Again, Cadet"
  279. [2013-06-29 23:28:00] <^Vane^> Sir. Because I am a proven good pilot, and, as proven through the labours and assassination attempts put forth after arrival, can take whatever
  281. you throw at me or my Claw, Sir.
  282. [2013-06-29 23:28:17] * Dierson_Pyre grunts
  283. [2013-06-29 23:28:30] <Dierson_Pyre> I think the commander was looking for the reason for being late
  284. [2013-06-29 23:28:34] <^stephan^_> I was not trying to be clever, sir. I appologise.
  285. [2013-06-29 23:28:58] <Dierson_Pyre> not....each of our individual ...."accomplishments"
  286. [2013-06-29 23:29:04] <^stephan^_> Mearly realistic.
  287. [2013-06-29 23:29:15] <^Vane^> I defer to the mentioned assassination attempt, this is why our arrival was delayed.
  288. [2013-06-29 23:29:22] <Gamesmaster> *robs his forehead* "Team Leader is correct. Cadet Vane, you may explain yourself further. Obviously, Iam not going to get anything useful
  290. out of the other Cadet"
  291. [2013-06-29 23:29:47] * ^Vane^ nods.
  292. [2013-06-29 23:30:15] <Dierson_Pyre> back in line Stephan
  293. [2013-06-29 23:30:25] * Dierson_Pyre glaring
  294. [2013-06-29 23:31:41] * ^stephan^_ steps back in line
  295. [2013-06-29 23:33:25] <^Vane^> 10 minutes after boarding the transport to this place, an attempt to gas us was attempted by the pilot. We managed to twhart him, but not before
  297. coming into too much contact with the gas. After successfully venting the craft by opening the door, I myself lost conciousness. How we arrived safely might be explained by
  299. another Cadet.
  300. [2013-06-29 23:35:57] <Gamesmaster> "If this was the case, I would have been told of it. All I know, from the security reports, was of a chemical leak, one that you barely dealt
  302. with despite your rigorous training and operational histories. There was no 'assassination' attempt, it has been certified as a breach in a transport cannister. A routine
  304. accident"
  305. [2013-06-29 23:36:15] * Ridian steps forward
  306. [2013-06-29 23:36:44] <Ridian> With all due respect captain, that report is about as useful as an umbrella in a hurricane
  307. [2013-06-29 23:36:45] <^stephan^_> the reports may have been falsified, sir.
  308. [2013-06-29 23:37:15] * Dierson_Pyre looks at stephan
  309. [2013-06-29 23:37:28] <Dierson_Pyre> you were dismissed from reporting further
  310. [2013-06-29 23:37:41] <Ridian> A breach in a transport container does not cover deliberatly attached medical anaesteic to the air system
  311. [2013-06-29 23:37:42] <Gamesmaster> *he pauses for a second* "You are seriously suggesting this is a possibility?"
  312. [2013-06-29 23:37:47] <Dierson_Pyre> silence...."trueborn" (dripping sarcasm)
  313. [2013-06-29 23:37:48] * ^stephan^_ looks at SC to comfirn diersons orders
  314. [2013-06-29 23:37:54] <^Vane^> Sir. I do not lie.
  315. [2013-06-29 23:37:55] <Ridian> Aff Captain
  316. [2013-06-29 23:38:26] <^stephan^_> AFF.. I am.
  317. [2013-06-29 23:38:44] <Gamesmaster> "You should show more respect to your commanding officer. That is a very serious allegation, with no supporting evidence."
  318. [2013-06-29 23:39:31] * ^stephan^_ nods and remains quiet
  319. [2013-06-29 23:39:31] <Gamesmaster> *A voice cuts in from the corner* "And no motive. Who would want to assassinate these useless bags of flesh"
  320. [2013-06-29 23:39:31] * Dierson_Pyre growls
  321. [2013-06-29 23:39:39] <Dierson_Pyre> now back in line stephan
  322. [2013-06-29 23:39:44] <Dierson_Pyre> and keep silent
  323. [2013-06-29 23:40:18] <Ridian> In all honesty, I believe assassination was not the intention
  324. [2013-06-29 23:40:24] <Ridian> so perhaps yes the wrong word
  325. [2013-06-29 23:40:38] <Ridian> I was last awake on the ship, and I reprogrammed the auto pilot here
  326. [2013-06-29 23:40:49] <Ridian> the auto pilot had been adjusted by the pilot to a different location
  327. [2013-06-29 23:41:46] <Dierson_Pyre> Sir, I would not believe stephan...however, I would take Vane and Ridian's...they have proven as least capable of some honor
  328. [2013-06-29 23:41:57] * Jacob_Dorn remains silent
  329. [2013-06-29 23:42:12] <Linus_Svenssen> With respect, Sir, the auto-pilot will have destination logs which might corroborate that aspect of the incident.
  330. [2013-06-29 23:42:58] <Ridian> agreed, although considering the obvious anaestethic tank has disappeared, I would not doubt the logs have mysteriously vanished already
  331. [2013-06-29 23:43:05] *** Yalk ( joined
  332. [2013-06-29 23:43:36] <Yalk> \\ am I still Dierson
  333. [2013-06-29 23:43:39] <Yalk> nope
  334. [2013-06-29 23:43:39] <Gamesmaster> *he nods slowly* "If what you say is true, it is highly possible that would be the case. However, that is not what the reports state" *he
  336. pushes across a dataslate*
  337. [2013-06-29 23:44:42] <^Vane^> Sir. There is also the case of the pilot. I believe he was a tech that briefly was in the mess with us at base. If that tech is missing, and the
  339. pilot's corpse is not him.. Vid from the base might identify him.
  340. [2013-06-29 23:44:49] *** Yalk changed nick to Dierson_Pyre_
  341. [2013-06-29 23:45:52] * Dierson_Pyre_ takes data tablet
  342. [2013-06-29 23:46:08] * Dierson_Pyre_ begins reading report
  343. [2013-06-29 23:46:18] *** Dierson_Pyre quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
  344. [2013-06-29 23:46:29] <Ridian> EH HEH
  345. [2013-06-29 23:46:30] <Ridian> KINDA
  346. [2013-06-29 23:46:40] *** Dierson_Pyre_ changed nick to Dierson_Pyre
  347. [2013-06-29 23:48:28] * Dierson_Pyre grunts
  348. [2013-06-29 23:50:24] <Dierson_Pyre> ...the report states what the commander is telling us, that the VTOL came down near the starport...landed, not crashed...the crew was
  350. poisoned and unconscious...the pilot was dead from said poison...
  351. [2013-06-29 23:50:27] * Dierson_Pyre reading further
  352. [2013-06-29 23:51:06] <Dierson_Pyre> ...there is no mention of blood or gore from a weapon discharge at close range
  353. [2013-06-29 23:51:12] * Dierson_Pyre reading further
  354. [2013-06-29 23:54:05] <Dierson_Pyre> also said there were considerable delays retrieving the pilot...the computer showed only 1 waypoint entered confirming said course for
  356. the entire trip...
  357. [2013-06-29 23:54:12] <Ridian> Well thats funny, because I distinctly remember the pilot having no head the last time I saw him
  358. [2013-06-29 23:54:14] <Dierson_Pyre> nothing about shooting the pilot
  359. [2013-06-29 23:54:33] <^Vane^> Reported by whom exactly?
  360. [2013-06-29 23:54:42] <Ridian> Well I know that wrong as I am freely admitting to shooting his head off
  361. [2013-06-29 23:55:23] <Gamesmaster> "Well read, Cadet Pyre." he says
  362. [2013-06-29 23:55:31] <Jacob_Dorn> Does teh report say anything about damaged door control?
  363. [2013-06-29 23:55:40] <Gamesmaster> "Reported by the response team, Cadet Vane"
  364. [2013-06-29 23:55:43] * Dierson_Pyre looks back at the report
  365. [2013-06-29 23:56:26] <Dierson_Pyre> says the door was found open upon rescue teams reaching the VTOL
  366. [2013-06-29 23:57:03] <^Vane^> I closed it. As my last concious act.
  367. [2013-06-29 23:57:22] <^Vane^> I do not lie. Sir.
  368. [2013-06-29 23:57:34] <Jacob_Dorn> The cockpit door that is
  369. [2013-06-29 23:58:32] * Dierson_Pyre looks annoyed...looks at data tablet again
  370. [2013-06-30 00:02:17] <Dierson_Pyre> ...several addendum says that the pilot compartment was in excellent condition...pristine in fact
  371. [2013-06-30 00:02:40] <Dierson_Pyre> ...this includes the door I presume
  372. [2013-06-30 00:03:44] <Jacob_Dorn> Curious...
  373. [2013-06-30 00:04:08] <Gamesmaster> "So in effect, you are suggesting a conspiracy, with no supporting evidence, or motive.."
  374. [2013-06-30 00:04:48] <^Vane^> Not exactly. I did mention the tech from the base.
  375. [2013-06-30 00:05:10] <^Vane^> Sir. If this is some "game" I highly protest.
  376. [2013-06-30 00:05:42] <Gamesmaster> *The figure from the corner steps forward* "Star Captain, this is ridiculous. This rabble only serve to waste more of our precious deployment
  378. time."
  379. [2013-06-30 00:06:10] * Dierson_Pyre looks at the mechwarrior with raised eyebrows
  380. [2013-06-30 00:06:16] <Jacob_Dorn> Pardon the interuption Captain however this may intrest you
  381. [2013-06-30 00:06:39] * Jacob_Dorn pulls the letterfr om his pocket and hands it to the Star Captain
  382. [2013-06-30 00:06:44] * Dierson_Pyre looks back at Dorn, fearful of what will be said
  383. [2013-06-30 00:07:15] <Gamesmaster> *The female mechwarrior looks at Dorn with scorn. The star captain only raises his hand to prevent her from advancing*
  384. [2013-06-30 00:07:41] <Gamesmaster> "Let it be, Star Commander." he snaps
  385. [2013-06-30 00:07:54] <Gamesmaster> "What is this?" he asks Dorn
  386. [2013-06-30 00:08:52] <Jacob_Dorn> Upon leaing medbay on of the staff gave this leter to me
  387. [2013-06-30 00:09:14] <Gamesmaster> *With a look of puzzlement, he opens it and begins reading aloud.* ""This should have easily reached you by now, interesting considering that
  389. I should not have had to be sending this mail in the first place. So troublesome, and this communication method so primitive... I have managed to read your report on the
  391. facility incident. Your continued inquiries, although commedable given the situation, will no longer be tolerated. I have my doubts that what was expressed i
  392. [2013-06-30 00:09:14] <Gamesmaster> n those reports are accurate, and you have no idea who, or what you are dealing with. I suggest you, and the other cadets, especially Cadet
  394. Dierson and Cadet Stephan, watch where their inquiries are headed lest you open up a box you cannot close. I'm the wry. - Mr X"
  395. [2013-06-30 00:09:16] <Gamesmaster> "
  396. [2013-06-30 00:10:05] * Dierson_Pyre looks shocked
  397. [2013-06-30 00:10:25] <Jacob_Dorn> The contents are...
  398. [2013-06-30 00:10:40] <Gamesmaster> *His expression changes, and he places the letter down slowly* "Interesting.... Very interesting..."
  399. [2013-06-30 00:11:17] * ^stephan^_ looks surprised
  400. [2013-06-30 00:11:18] <Gamesmaster> "An obvious forgery, to ensure these Freebirths do not face disciplinary action" the Star Commander interrupts again
  401. [2013-06-30 00:11:45] <eRkkituo> \\a real cunthammer, that one
  402. [2013-06-30 00:12:37] <Dierson_Pyre> I hope you are referring to the others with that remark....Star commander
  403. [2013-06-30 00:13:27] <^stephan^_> If you think that is so, then I release myself to the disciplinary action.
  404. [2013-06-30 00:15:26] * ^Vane^ raises an eyebrow.
  405. [2013-06-30 00:17:01] <Gamesmaster> *With a stride, the star commander walks over to Stephan, and grabs him in a headlock, dragging him to the side of the desk* "You talk
  407. impressive, for a lowly cadet." *she scowls*. "If it would not be to the detriment to our mission, I would kill you where you are for believing you are indeed worth my
  409. discipline."
  410. [2013-06-30 00:17:23] * Dierson_Pyre nods with approval
  411. [2013-06-30 00:17:33] * Dierson_Pyre "he likes this mechwarrior"
  412. [2013-06-30 00:17:34] <Gamesmaster> *With a motion, she takes Stephan to the ground and keeps him there in a lock, his face pressed to the ground*
  413. [2013-06-30 00:18:49] <Gamesmaster> *The star captain does not even look in their direction* "Whilst I believe Star Commander Zenobia might indeed be correct, these
  415. circumstances are indeed unusual"
  416. [2013-06-30 00:19:01] <Gamesmaster> *You see the Star Commanders face change to a look of puzzlement*
  417. [2013-06-30 00:19:05] <^stephan^_> And you believe this disproves the conspiracy now , star commander?
  418. [2013-06-30 00:21:34] <Gamesmaster> *WIth a thrust, Star Commander Zenobia pushes his head sharply into the hard floor. Stephan winces as he connects with the ground suddenly.*
  420. "No" The star Captain says in reply, again not looking in stephans direction
  421. [2013-06-30 00:21:49] <Gamesmaster> "However, It also cannot be ignored. It will be noted for further investigation" he states
  422. [2013-06-30 00:22:04] <Gamesmaster> "Although I will have to think of a way to approach this.. " he continues.
  423. [2013-06-30 00:22:17] <Dierson_Pyre> Aff SCpt
  424. [2013-06-30 00:22:45] <Gamesmaster> "You cannot be serious Star Captain DeVega" Zenobia cuts across but she is silenced immediately. "Let that cadet up, my decision is final
  426. unless you wish to take it to trial".
  427. [2013-06-30 00:22:52] <Gamesmaster> he commands.
  428. [2013-06-30 00:23:19] <Gamesmaster> *Grunting in disapproval, she lets stephan up, not before placing all her weight on stephans spine as she rises up*
  429. [2013-06-30 00:23:53] * Dierson_Pyre looks at SC Zenobia with...interest
  430. [2013-06-30 00:24:05] * ^stephan^_ gets up
  431. [2013-06-30 00:24:26] <Gamesmaster> *Luckily, SC Zenobia doesn't notice*
  432. [2013-06-30 00:25:08] * ^stephan^_ gets back into line
  433. [2013-06-30 00:25:49] <Gamesmaster> "Unfortunately, this is not the reason you have been asked here. Although serious, I must get onto another matter. Have a seat, Cadets" the
  435. star captain says
  436. [2013-06-30 00:26:07] * Dierson_Pyre immediately finds seat and sits
  437. [2013-06-30 00:26:38] * Ridian walks over and sits down
  438. [2013-06-30 00:26:39] * ^Vane^ takes a seat.
  439. [2013-06-30 00:27:09] * Jacob_Dorn has a seat
  440. [2013-06-30 00:27:14] * ^Bran^ takes a seat.
  441. [2013-06-30 00:27:25] * Linus_Svenssen sits
  442. [2013-06-30 00:27:26] * ^stephan^_ sits
  443. [2013-06-30 00:28:10] <Gamesmaster> *Zenobia follows suit, next to the commanders right, passing behind him* "As of now, you are all officially part of the Third White Fangs
  445. trinary, replacing... *he stops for a second* combat losses.
  446. [2013-06-30 00:28:53] <Dierson_Pyre> Aff SCpt
  447. [2013-06-30 00:30:15] <Gamesmaster> "Your assigned mechs have already been prepared, and loaded aboard both of the units supporting dropships. I presume Star Captain Jerrold
  449. already informed you of your assigned units, correct?"
  450. [2013-06-30 00:30:38] <Dierson_Pyre> Aff SCpt
  451. [2013-06-30 00:31:45] <Gamesmaster> "Good, then I can confirm that our unit will be being deployed within the next 48 hours. AS such, I wish to immediately bring you up to speed
  453. on the current situation, and how we are involved."
  454. [2013-06-30 00:32:21] <Gamesmaster> *He motions to the holovid screen, and it comes on, showing the planets of CJWs territory, the Ristar Expanse*
  455. [2013-06-30 00:32:47] <Gamesmaster> *A circle appears onscreen, circling several nondescription systems near what is labelled *Western Quadrant*
  456. [2013-06-30 00:33:52] * Jacob_Dorn pays atention to the vid screen
  457. [2013-06-30 00:34:08] <Gamesmaster> "As you may, or may not know, we have been exploring for potential new settlement sites in these areas for several years now. However, our
  459. efforts have been hampered by the discovery of a large group of bandits which lay claim to the area"
  460. [2013-06-30 00:34:22] <Gamesmaster> "Until now, they have been nothing but a nuisance, and easily removed by our warriors."
  461. [2013-06-30 00:35:08] <Gamesmaster> "However, several months ago, their attacks became much more severe, and it was observed they used considerable mech assets to destroy one of
  463. our outposts. The biodome integrity was compromised, and there were no survivors."
  464. [2013-06-30 00:35:28] * ^Bran^ bran looks a little more intently at the screen. anger starting to come to the service.
  465. [2013-06-30 00:35:59] * ^Bran^ serface8
  466. [2013-06-30 00:36:25] <Gamesmaster> "Since then, the situation has become even more out of control. Several of our transports and jumpships have been attacked and destroyed,
  468. their crews and passengers killed or captured"
  469. [2013-06-30 00:38:18] <Gamesmaster> " As such, the keshik has finally taken notice, and decided to mobile the White Fangs Galaxy to drive them out of this sector, and put them
  471. all to the sword if they cannot be repurposed for the good of the clan"
  472. [2013-06-30 00:38:37] <^stephan^_> \\\
  473. [2013-06-30 00:38:39] <Gamesmaster> "Our mission is conduct your onsite blooding trial utilising this opportunity. Failure will not be tolerated"
  474. [2013-06-30 00:38:47] <^stephan^_> \\ this is now stephan
  475. [2013-06-30 00:39:22] <Dierson_Pyre> failure will not occure SCpt
  476. [2013-06-30 00:40:06] <Gamesmaster> *he nods* "Questions are encouraged Cadet, before I go onto the next section."
  477. [2013-06-30 00:40:43] <Dierson_Pyre> Neg SCpt...Pirate bandits inhabit a location we desire...they shall be removed
  478. [2013-06-30 00:41:25] <Gamesmaster> "Any other questions from the others? Seeing how they like to interrupt their superiors" he says
  479. [2013-06-30 00:42:29] * Jacob_Dorn remains silent though he does glance at Stephan for a few second
  480. [2013-06-30 00:43:41] * Dierson_Pyre appears relieved that no one spoke up
  481. [2013-06-30 00:43:49] <^Bran^> How would you like them desposed of Scpt?
  482. [2013-06-30 00:43:52] <^stephan^_> What opposition are we to expet
  483. [2013-06-30 00:43:56] * Dierson_Pyre sighs
  484. [2013-06-30 00:44:01] <^stephan^_> what mechs and tanks
  485. [2013-06-30 00:44:09] <^stephan^_> and other assets?
  486. [2013-06-30 00:44:26] * Dierson_Pyre looks at SCpt with a "kill me now" look
  487. [2013-06-30 00:44:38] <Gamesmaster> *DeVega smiles, and his electoos reflect the light for a second*
  488. [2013-06-30 00:45:11] * Linus_Svenssen shows remarkable restraint in not facepalming
  489. [2013-06-30 00:45:22] <Gamesmaster> "They will be engaged with the units mechs. Due to us operating for the most part alone, salvage and capture will not be necessary due to
  491. being impractical logistically"
  492. [2013-06-30 00:46:05] * Jacob_Dorn keeps a blank and almost emotionless "I dont give a fuck" expresion on his face
  493. [2013-06-30 00:46:06] * Dierson_Pyre thinks "will disregard if insorla is a Summoner or Stormcrow"
  494. [2013-06-30 00:46:07] <Gamesmaster> "As for mechs, so far they have used outdated mechs from the precontact era, with some more recent units potentially acquired from outside
  496. sources. One or two designs appear unique, and we have not encountered them. For the most part, nothing to be concerned about"
  497. [2013-06-30 00:46:48] * Dierson_Pyre expectations of a glorious death sinks
  498. [2013-06-30 00:46:51] <Gamesmaster> "If you are capable of the task" Zenobia cuts in.
  499. [2013-06-30 00:47:04] <Dierson_Pyre> we are
  500. [2013-06-30 00:47:11] * Dierson_Pyre replies flatly
  501. [2013-06-30 00:47:50] <Gamesmaster> *Zenobia raises an eyebrow* "Even the bloodname wasn't enough to keep you from testing out, Cadet Pyre. Remember that whilst we are in the
  503. field, it may serve you well"
  504. [2013-06-30 00:48:19] <Dierson_Pyre> Aff Star....Commander....
  505. [2013-06-30 00:48:28] * Dierson_Pyre small smirk crosses his face
  506. [2013-06-30 00:48:30] <Gamesmaster> *Zenobia nods*
  507. [2013-06-30 00:49:19] <Gamesmaster> "The bandits also use outdated vehicle and infantry assets, but those do not concern mechwarriors" DeVega finishes
  508. [2013-06-30 00:49:28] <Gamesmaster> "The first phase of the mission is as follows."
  509. [2013-06-30 00:50:56] <Gamesmaster> "We will jump to system MT-698, the closest border plant, in order to fufil our first task as fufilled by command. This task involves
  511. multiple stages, but is highly critical to the operation. Our unit is to secure this system, destroying both one primary and secondary objective."
  512. [2013-06-30 00:51:58] <Gamesmaster> "Firstly, we will hit a confirmed bandit sensor and communications station, located on the 2nd planets primary moon. Once this is complete,
  514. we will commence the primary phase of the operation"
  515. [2013-06-30 00:52:08] <Gamesmaster> *planet
  516. [2013-06-30 00:53:00] <Gamesmaster> "This primary phase will be the eradication of a sizeable bandit military presence of what we believe to be one of their primary settlements,
  518. and pacification of its population through any means necessary until garrison forces arrive"
  519. [2013-06-30 00:53:02] <Dierson_Pyre> \\corrected due to immense trolling
  520. [2013-06-30 00:53:51] <Gamesmaster> "This phase will also involve the retrieval of one of our scout operatives who has leaked us considerable information over the last six
  522. months he has been investigating these attacks"
  523. [2013-06-30 00:54:04] <Dierson_Pyre> Will we be operating under zellbrigen SCpt
  524. [2013-06-30 00:54:14] <Gamesmaster> "Of course not" he replies quickly
  525. [2013-06-30 00:54:35] <Gamesmaster> "Freebirths who attack our civilians and avoid conflict are to be treated with utter contempt"
  526. [2013-06-30 00:54:52] * Dierson_Pyre nods
  527. [2013-06-30 00:55:05] <Gamesmaster> "The primary phase will be when your blooding trial begins, so I will detail the rules as many of you will be unfamiliar with it"
  528. [2013-06-30 00:56:21] <Gamesmaster> "In the secondary phase, you will have had our support from our dropship, Hazens Pride, as well as our combat support if you fail in your
  530. task. In the primary phase, your trial will begin. You will be airdropped onto the planet and expected to complete the mission on your own, without resupply, repair or any
  532. support outside of intelligence assistance.
  533. [2013-06-30 00:56:36] <Gamesmaster> Therefore, you will be left planetside until the mission is assumed complete"
  534. [2013-06-30 00:57:17] <Gamesmaster> "Your own dropship, assigned to both claws, the 'Claws of Vengeance', will not be permitted to land for whatever reason."
  535. [2013-06-30 00:57:41] <Dierson_Pyre> Aff SCpt, understood
  536. [2013-06-30 00:57:52] <Gamesmaster> *he nods* and the rest of you cadets?
  537. [2013-06-30 00:58:05] <^Vane^> Aff SCpt.
  538. [2013-06-30 00:58:11] <Ridian> aff scpt
  539. [2013-06-30 00:58:26] <Linus_Svenssen> Aff S'Cpt.
  540. [2013-06-30 00:58:41] <^stephan^_> Aff. SC
  541. [2013-06-30 00:59:06] <Jacob_Dorn> Aff Star Captain
  542. [2013-06-30 01:00:02] <^Bran^> aff
  543. [2013-06-30 01:00:32] <Gamesmaster> "Good. Then your current orders are to depart for our dropships on pads five and six, and assist the techs in final preliminary checks. One
  545. exception exists to this, and I will let Star Commander Zenobia explain in more detail..."
  546. [2013-06-30 01:01:13] <Gamesmaster> "This is condoned by me, and must be performed before we are scheduled to depart" he adds
  547. [2013-06-30 01:01:28] <Gamesmaster> *Zenobia turns to face the assembled cadets*
  548. [2013-06-30 01:02:27] <Gamesmaster> "I have read the reports, and I can see for myself the fact that this 'unit' does not move as one, as a clan unit should" she begins
  549. [2013-06-30 01:03:23] <Gamesmaster> "Conflicts, disobeyed orders, dangerous and wreckless behaviour breaching all of clan protocol. It is not to be unexpected from a unit of
  551. Dark caste, Washouts, and the Genetically Inferior"
  552. [2013-06-30 01:03:49] * Dierson_Pyre stiffens at the insults but does not respond
  553. [2013-06-30 01:04:22] * Jacob_Dorn keeps the blank I dont give a fuck exspresion as he listens
  554. [2013-06-30 01:04:35] * ^Bran^ throws a glare at the mechwarrior.
  555. [2013-06-30 01:04:51] * ^stephan^_ does not react
  556. [2013-06-30 01:05:00] * Ridian mentally shrugs
  557. [2013-06-30 01:05:16] <Gamesmaster> "As such, I believe that before we depart, that the conflicts that have arisen between members of the unit be settled by trials. As I
  559. messaged Cadet Dierson, I requested the Star Captains approval, and eventually he accepted my requests"
  560. [2013-06-30 01:05:58] <Gamesmaster> "As such, two wasp battlemechs have been requested and lent to us from Jerrolds training facility, and a trial of grievance may be
  562. undertaken to settle any disputes. Only one trial may be performed, due to logistics and time constraints"
  563. [2013-06-30 01:06:25] <Gamesmaster> "I believe this was a honour that could and should be extended, even to this unit, lest our traditions go completely by the wayside under
  565. this new order"
  566. [2013-06-30 01:06:31] <Gamesmaster> *you hear a small amount of disdain in her voice*
  567. [2013-06-30 01:06:54] <Dierson_Pyre> SC...what about trials preformed outside of the battlemechs...that would allow for more....disputes to be resolved
  568. [2013-06-30 01:07:45] <Gamesmaster> "As such, I will be hearing any formal requests if this offer is taken up upon." *she looks at Dierson* "That is a reasonable request, but it
  570. has taken me time and effort to acquire these mechs, and afterall, we are mechwarriors. I leave it up to the challenged party to choose their method of combat"
  571. [2013-06-30 01:08:08] * Dierson_Pyre nods approval
  572. [2013-06-30 01:09:17] <^stephan^_> \\ihte internet is dying here lol
  573. [2013-06-30 01:09:28] <Dierson_Pyre> \\ we know...we can tell
  574. [2013-06-30 01:09:33] <Gamesmaster> "It would be preferable if neither party was killed, due to it leading to delaying the mission. However, such a trial by nature can result in
  576. Death, so consider wisely" *she stops and considers the cadets for a second*
  577. [2013-06-30 01:12:27] * Jacob_Dorn remains silent
  578. [2013-06-30 01:12:52] * ^stephan^_ also
  579. [2013-06-30 01:13:09] <Dierson_Pyre> Does this mean there is only room for a single challenge then SC? whether the method of said challenge?
  580. [2013-06-30 01:13:39] <Gamesmaster> "That depends on the time limit, but it was mostly a restriction on mech combat"
  581. [2013-06-30 01:13:46] <Gamesmaster> she answers
  582. [2013-06-30 01:14:07] <Dierson_Pyre> understood
  583. [2013-06-30 01:14:40] <Gamesmaster> "Any questions?" she asks, seemingly already beginning to get disinterested
  584. [2013-06-30 01:14:47] <Dierson_Pyre> will you consider all requests or the first that is initiated?
  585. [2013-06-30 01:15:03] <^stephan^_> What mechs, if I may be so curious?
  586. [2013-06-30 01:15:28] <^Bran^> wasps
  587. [2013-06-30 01:16:12] <Gamesmaster> "I will consider all requests." she says, now seemingly already.. irritated.
  588. [2013-06-30 01:16:48] <Dierson_Pyre> No more questions SC
  589. [2013-06-30 01:17:15] <Gamesmaster> "Aff" she replies. "That is all Star Captain" she says to DeVega. "Permission to leave to ensure the techs have performed the calibrations to
  591. the Glass Spider Two?"
  592. [2013-06-30 01:17:32] * Dierson_Pyre looks back at the SCpt
  593. [2013-06-30 01:17:50] <Gamesmaster> *he nods* "As you wish" he says, and Star Captain Zenobia exits with haste.
  594. [2013-06-30 01:19:05] <Gamesmaster> *Taking stock of all of you, DeVega says* "That is all cadets, dismissed. Report immediately to the mech bays, we are already behind. I
  596. promise to investigate the situation on the VTOL and ascertain the truth. Conspiracy is not the clan way"
  597. [2013-06-30 01:19:27] <Dierson_Pyre> Aff SCpt
  598. [2013-06-30 01:19:32] * Dierson_Pyre stands to leave
  599. [2013-06-30 01:19:57] * ^Bran^ stands up as well.
  600. [2013-06-30 01:20:42] * ^stephan^_ departs
  601. [2013-06-30 01:21:13] * Linus_Svenssen exits hastily
  602. [2013-06-30 01:21:22] * Ridian leaves with the oethers
  603. [2013-06-30 01:22:27] * Dierson_Pyre leaves room to find the others outside
  604. [2013-06-30 01:23:13] <Dierson_Pyre> Dorn
  605. [2013-06-30 01:23:31] <Jacob_Dorn> How can I help Lead?
  606. [2013-06-30 01:23:45] * Dierson_Pyre pulls him aside from the others
  607. [2013-06-30 01:23:58] <Dierson_Pyre> are you telling the truth about the VTOL?
  608. [2013-06-30 01:24:44] <Jacob_Dorn> The moments of where I was concious, Aff
  609. [2013-06-30 01:26:24] <Dierson_Pyre> You....have not gained my respect or full trust freeborn...but Vane and Bran have and you corroborate their story...I will back your and the
  611. others word in any investigation...
  612. [2013-06-30 01:26:43] <Dierson_Pyre> I wanted you to know
  613. [2013-06-30 01:26:58] * Jacob_Dorn Nods
  614. [2013-06-30 01:27:50] <Dierson_Pyre> Also, it appears I and stephan were the true targets of...the....attack....I will watch the backs of those that watch mine....and remove
  616. those that do not....quiaff?
  617. [2013-06-30 01:28:10] <Jacob_Dorn> Aff
  618. [2013-06-30 01:28:18] <Dierson_Pyre> good....
  619. [2013-06-30 01:28:30] * Dierson_Pyre moves on...passed the others toward the mechbay
  620. [2013-06-30 01:28:40] * Jacob_Dorn seems suprisingly sober
  621. [2013-06-30 01:29:41] * ^Bran^ moves on and towards the mechbay to get aquainted with his mech.
  622. [2013-06-30 01:29:48] * Jacob_Dorn follows Dierson
  623. [2013-06-30 01:33:38] <Gamesmaster> *After another 15 minutes of navigating the corridors, you eventually find the exterior airlock to 5 and 6 landing pads. OPening the circular
  625. exit bay doors, you are blinded by the glint of Boreas harsh sun from the dropships in front of you. One is smaller than the other, potentially a Leopard Class, and you notice
  627. the large, spherical shape of another, a Union-C class dropship that you indentify from your previous training*
  628. [2013-06-30 01:35:19] <Gamesmaster> *They are landed at most 20 or 30 meatures from the complex, well within walking distance, and you can see that the both dropship bays are
  630. open. Personnel swarm in and out of them, and you see in front of the Leopard the crouched form of two mechs, one of them being a Hellbringer of some descrption with nonstandard
  632. weapon mounts*
  633. [2013-06-30 01:36:29] <Gamesmaster> *The large Union-C has painted on the side a large CJW motif on the left side, and what you believe to be the start of a wolfs claw on the
  635. right side that tapers out of view. The entire dropship is painted a drab, forest green that bears the marks of multiple weapons impacts*
  636. [2013-06-30 01:37:15] <Gamesmaster> *The leopard appears in a similar fashion, instead sporting a large, eagle motif and a potmarked hull that gives even the Union-C and run for
  638. its money*
  639. [2013-06-30 01:37:50] * Dierson_Pyre grumbles
  640. [2013-06-30 01:37:53] <Gamesmaster> *You notice that in large text, freshly painted, the Union-Cs hull declares it is the 'Claws of Vengeance'*
  641. [2013-06-30 01:37:58] <Dierson_Pyre> I assume the beat to hell one is ours
  642. [2013-06-30 01:38:57] * ^stephan^_ looks surpried in diersons direction, thenlooks back
  643. [2013-06-30 01:39:11] <Jacob_Dorn> Looks Robust
  644. [2013-06-30 01:40:24] * Ridian looks like what our usual levekl of wuality has been so far
  645. [2013-06-30 01:43:18] * Linus_Svenssen mutters under his breath
  646. [2013-06-30 01:43:21] <Linus_Svenssen> ... Looks like a death-trap.
  647. [2013-06-30 01:43:25] <^Bran^> Well it don't matter what it looks like lets get to it.
  648. [2013-06-30 01:45:12] <Jacob_Dorn> Cant bet any worse than what we flew on before
  649. [2013-06-30 01:45:27] <Gamesmaster> *You notice that the Leopard is actually an upgraded, heavier chassis of the Venerable dropship, known as the Broadsword, modified to carry a
  651. full star of mechs. *
  652. [2013-06-30 01:48:31] *** ^Bran^ quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803])
  653. [2013-06-30 01:49:57] <Gamesmaster> *You begin to head towards the "Claws of Vengeance", and begin your way up the access ramp into the mech hanger*
  654. [2013-06-30 01:49:59] *** ^stephan^_ quit (Quit: Page closed)
  655. [2013-06-30 01:50:05] *** Linus_Svenssen quit (Quit: Freebirth scum!)
  656. [2013-06-30 01:50:19] <Gamesmaster> ***END OF SESSION 11***
  657. [2013-06-30 01:51:38] *** Dierson_Pyre quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- The alternative IRC client)
  658. [2013-06-30 01:51:51] *** Jacob_Dorn quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- \o/)
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