Guest User


a guest
Feb 13th, 2017
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  1. requirements:
  2. subs: 10
  3. views: 0
  4. videos: 0
  5. specialvideo:
  6. amount: 0
  7. title: None
  8. desc: None
  9. messages:
  10. prefix: '&9YouTube>'
  11. stage:
  12. geturl:
  13. chat: '&7Write your Youtube Channel Url in the &eChat'
  14. actionbar: '&7Type your Youtube Channel Url in the &eChat'
  15. waiting:
  16. chat: '&7Add &eyt:{Player}&7 to your Channel description to verify'
  17. actionbar: '&7Add &eyt:{Player} &7to your Channel description'
  18. finished:
  19. chat: '&7Well done, you now have the &5Youtube Rank'
  20. actionbar: §aSuccess!
  21. blocked: '&7You already have the &5Youtube Rank'
  22. error:
  23. user: '&7You &cclosed &7the Setup'
  24. nosubs: '&7You don''t have enough &eSubscribers'
  25. novideos: '&c7You don''t have enough &eVideos'
  26. noviews: '&7You don''t have enough &eViews'
  27. nospecialvideo: '&7You don''t have enough &eSpecial Videos'
  28. invalidurl: '&7Your Youtube Channel Url is invalid, please try it again'
  29. alreadyusedlink: '&7The Youtube Channel Url is already linked with another account!'
  30. chatblock: '&7You are in the &eSetup Mode&7, write &ecancel &7to leave'
  31. settings:
  32. cmd: /yt
  33. execute:
  34. promote: Give {Player} DIAMOND
  35. demote: Give {Player} IRON_INGOT
  36. mysql:
  37. enabled: true
  38. host:
  39. port: '3306'
  40. username: root
  41. password: holahola
  42. database: network
  43. inventory:
  44. disable_gui: false
  45. title: Youtuber Rank
  46. rows: 3
  47. requirementbutton:
  48. disable: false
  49. slot: 12
  50. title: '&9Requirements to proceed'
  51. materialid: 340
  52. lore:
  53. subscriber: '&7You will need &e_+ Subscribers'
  54. videos: '&7with arround &e_+ Videos'
  55. views: '&7and &e_+ Views &7on all Videos together!'
  56. specialvideo:
  57. top: '&7You will also need &e_+ Videos&7 that include:'
  58. title: '&a{Element}&7 in the title of the Video'
  59. desc: '&7or &a{Element}&7 in the description of the Video'
  60. acceptbutton:
  61. title: '&a&lContinue'
  62. slot: 16
  63. materialid: 77
  64. lore:
  65. - '&7You will receive the &5Youtube Rank'
  66. panel:
  67. cmd: /panel
  68. title: Admin Panel
  69. message:
  70. noperm:
  71. open: '&7You dont have &cpermissions &7to open this panel'
  72. section: '&7You dont have &cpermissions &7to use this section!'
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