
Snekbuild Rules EGP By KrazziPro

Apr 27th, 2018
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  1. @name Snekbuild Rules EGP By KrazziPro
  2. @inputs [EGP1, EGP2, EGP3, EGP4]:wirelink
  3. @persist L
  4. setName("Snekbuild Sandbox Rules EGP - Made By KrazziPro")
  5. EGP1:egpClear()
  6. EGP1:egpBox(1,vec2(250),vec2(700))
  7. EGP1:egpColor(1,vec(10,10,0))
  8. EGP1:egpText(2,"Snek Build Sandbox Rules:",vec2(10,10))
  9. EGP1:egpText(3,"#1- No Spamming",vec2(10,30))
  10. EGP1:egpText(4,"#2- No Prop Killing, Prop-Pushing or Prop-Blocking",vec2(10,50))
  11. EGP1:egpText(5,"#3- No buiding in skybox without permission from Staff",vec2(10,70))
  12. EGP1:egpText(6,"#4- No Large or Lag causing dupes",vec2(10,90))
  13. EGP1:egpText(7,"#5- Delete your stuff when you're done",vec2(10,110))
  14. EGP1:egpText(8,"#6- No Pronogrphic materials",vec2(10,130))
  15. EGP1:egpText(9,"#7- Listen to staff, they are the law",vec2(10,150))
  16. EGP1:egpText(12,"#8- No votekicks/votebans if staff is on",vec2(10,170))
  17. EGP1:egpText(13,"#9- No Mingy E2's",vec2(10,190))
  18. EGP1:egpText(14,"#10- Killing IS allowed until staff says to stop",vec2(10,210))
  19. EGP1:egpText(15,"#11- Do not advertise other servers",vec2(10,230))
  20. EGP1:egpText(16,"#12- Do not abuse god in combat",vec2(10,250))
  21. EGP1:egpText(17,"#13- Threatening to DDOD the server leads to an instant ban",vec2(10,270))
  22. EGP1:egpText(18,"#14- If you are AFK for too long, you will be kicked",vec2(10,290))
  23. EGP1:egpText(19,"#15- No Mingy or annoying PACs, This includess loud music,",vec2(10,310))
  24. EGP1:egpText(20,"resizing and sunbeams",vec2(10,330))
  25. EGP1:egpText(21,"--------------------------------------",vec2(10,350))
  26. EGP1:egpText(22,"E2's Banned:",vec2(10,370))
  27. EGP1:egpText(23,"- Prop Madness",vec2(10,390))
  28. EGP1:egpText(24,"- Any sort of launcher",vec2(10,410))
  29. EGP1:egpText(25,"- Blinding or Minging",vec2(10,430))
  30. EGP1:egpText(26,"- Drunk Combine or other laggy ones",vec2(10,450))
  31. EGP1:egpText(27,"- Screamers",vec2(10,470))
  32. EGP1:egpText(28,"- Any other the staff deems not ok",vec2(10,490))
  33. EGP1:egpFont(L,"Lucida Console")
  34. EGP1:egpAlign(L,0)
  35. EGP1:egpSize(L,42)
  36. #————————-
  37. #@name E2_Fonts_By:Krazzipro
  38. # WireGPU_ConsoleFont
  39. # Coolvetica
  40. # Arial
  41. # Lucida Console
  42. # Trebuchet
  43. # Courier New
  44. # Times New Roman
  45. # ChatFont
  46. # Marxlett
  47. EGP2:egpBox(1,vec2(250),vec2(700))
  48. EGP2:egpColor(1,vec(10,10,0))
  49. EGP2:egpText(2,"Snek Build Sandbox Rules:",vec2(10,10))
  50. EGP2:egpText(3,"#1- No Spamming",vec2(10,30))
  51. EGP2:egpText(4,"#2- No Prop Killing, Prop-Pushing or Prop-Blocking",vec2(10,50))
  52. EGP2:egpText(5,"#3- No buiding in skybox without permission from Staff",vec2(10,70))
  53. EGP2:egpText(6,"#4- No Large or Lag causing dupes",vec2(10,90))
  54. EGP2:egpText(7,"#5- Delete your stuff when you're done",vec2(10,110))
  55. EGP2:egpText(8,"#6- No Pronogrphic materials",vec2(10,130))
  56. EGP2:egpText(9,"#7- Listen to staff, they are the law",vec2(10,150))
  57. EGP2:egpText(12,"#8- No votekicks/votebans if staff is on",vec2(10,170))
  58. EGP2:egpText(13,"#9- No Mingy E2's",vec2(10,190))
  59. EGP2:egpText(14,"#10- Killing IS allowed until staff says to stop",vec2(10,210))
  60. EGP2:egpText(15,"#11- Do not advertise other servers",vec2(10,230))
  61. EGP2:egpText(16,"#12- Do not abuse god in combat",vec2(10,250))
  62. EGP2:egpText(17,"#13- Threatening to DDOD the server leads to an instant ban",vec2(10,270))
  63. EGP2:egpText(18,"#14- If you are AFK for too long, you will be kicked",vec2(10,290))
  64. EGP2:egpText(19,"#15- No Mingy or annoying PACs, This includess loud music,",vec2(10,310))
  65. EGP2:egpText(20,"resizing and sunbeams",vec2(10,330))
  66. EGP2:egpText(21,"--------------------------------------",vec2(10,350))
  67. EGP2:egpText(22,"E2's Banned:",vec2(10,370))
  68. EGP2:egpText(23,"- Prop Madness",vec2(10,390))
  69. EGP2:egpText(24,"- Any sort of launcher",vec2(10,410))
  70. EGP2:egpText(25,"- Blinding or Minging",vec2(10,430))
  71. EGP2:egpText(26,"- Drunk Combine or other laggy ones",vec2(10,450))
  72. EGP2:egpText(27,"- Screamers",vec2(10,470))
  73. EGP2:egpText(28,"- Any other the staff deems not ok",vec2(10,490))
  74. EGP2:egpFont(L,"Lucida Console")
  75. EGP2:egpAlign(L,0)
  76. EGP2:egpSize(L,42)
  77. #————————-
  78. #@name E2_Fonts_By:Krazzipro
  79. # WireGPU_ConsoleFont
  80. # Coolvetica
  81. # Arial
  82. # Lucida Console
  83. # Trebuchet
  84. # Courier New
  85. # Times New Roman
  86. # ChatFont
  87. # Marxlett
  88. EGP3:egpBox(1,vec2(250),vec2(700))
  89. EGP3:egpColor(1,vec(10,10,0))
  90. EGP3:egpText(2,"Snek Build Sandbox Rules:",vec2(10,10))
  91. EGP3:egpText(3,"#1- No Spamming",vec2(10,30))
  92. EGP3:egpText(4,"#2- No Prop Killing, Prop-Pushing or Prop-Blocking",vec2(10,50))
  93. EGP3:egpText(5,"#3- No buiding in skybox without permission from Staff",vec2(10,70))
  94. EGP3:egpText(6,"#4- No Large or Lag causing dupes",vec2(10,90))
  95. EGP3:egpText(7,"#5- Delete your stuff when you're done",vec2(10,110))
  96. EGP3:egpText(8,"#6- No Pronogrphic materials",vec2(10,130))
  97. EGP3:egpText(9,"#7- Listen to staff, they are the law",vec2(10,150))
  98. EGP3:egpText(12,"#8- No votekicks/votebans if staff is on",vec2(10,170))
  99. EGP3:egpText(13,"#9- No Mingy E2's",vec2(10,190))
  100. EGP3:egpText(14,"#10- Killing IS allowed until staff says to stop",vec2(10,210))
  101. EGP3:egpText(15,"#11- Do not advertise other servers",vec2(10,230))
  102. EGP3:egpText(16,"#12- Do not abuse god in combat",vec2(10,250))
  103. EGP3:egpText(17,"#13- Threatening to DDOD the server leads to an instant ban",vec2(10,270))
  104. EGP3:egpText(18,"#14- If you are AFK for too long, you will be kicked",vec2(10,290))
  105. EGP3:egpText(19,"#15- No Mingy or annoying PACs, This includess loud music,",vec2(10,310))
  106. EGP3:egpText(20,"resizing and sunbeams",vec2(10,330))
  107. EGP3:egpText(21,"--------------------------------------",vec2(10,350))
  108. EGP3:egpText(22,"E2's Banned:",vec2(10,370))
  109. EGP3:egpText(23,"- Prop Madness",vec2(10,390))
  110. EGP3:egpText(24,"- Any sort of launcher",vec2(10,410))
  111. EGP3:egpText(25,"- Blinding or Minging",vec2(10,430))
  112. EGP3:egpText(26,"- Drunk Combine or other laggy ones",vec2(10,450))
  113. EGP3:egpText(27,"- Screamers",vec2(10,470))
  114. EGP3:egpText(28,"- Any other the staff deems not ok",vec2(10,490))
  115. EGP3:egpFont(L,"Lucida Console")
  116. EGP3:egpAlign(L,0)
  117. EGP3:egpSize(L,42)
  118. #————————-
  119. #@name E2_Fonts_By:Krazzipro
  120. # WireGPU_ConsoleFont
  121. # Coolvetica
  122. # Arial
  123. # Lucida Console
  124. # Trebuchet
  125. # Courier New
  126. # Times New Roman
  127. # ChatFont
  128. # Marxlett
  129. EGP4:egpBox(1,vec2(250),vec2(700))
  130. EGP4:egpColor(1,vec(10,10,0))
  131. EGP4:egpText(2,"Snek Build Sandbox Rules:",vec2(10,10))
  132. EGP4:egpText(3,"#1- No Spamming",vec2(10,30))
  133. EGP4:egpText(4,"#2- No Prop Killing, Prop-Pushing or Prop-Blocking",vec2(10,50))
  134. EGP4:egpText(5,"#3- No buiding in skybox without permission from Staff",vec2(10,70))
  135. EGP4:egpText(6,"#4- No Large or Lag causing dupes",vec2(10,90))
  136. EGP4:egpText(7,"#5- Delete your stuff when you're done",vec2(10,110))
  137. EGP4:egpText(8,"#6- No Pronogrphic materials",vec2(10,130))
  138. EGP4:egpText(9,"#7- Listen to staff, they are the law",vec2(10,150))
  139. EGP4:egpText(12,"#8- No votekicks/votebans if staff is on",vec2(10,170))
  140. EGP4:egpText(13,"#9- No Mingy E2's",vec2(10,190))
  141. EGP4:egpText(14,"#10- Killing IS allowed until staff says to stop",vec2(10,210))
  142. EGP4:egpText(15,"#11- Do not advertise other servers",vec2(10,230))
  143. EGP4:egpText(16,"#12- Do not abuse god in combat",vec2(10,250))
  144. EGP4:egpText(17,"#13- Threatening to DDOD the server leads to an instant ban",vec2(10,270))
  145. EGP4:egpText(18,"#14- If you are AFK for too long, you will be kicked",vec2(10,290))
  146. EGP4:egpText(19,"#15- No Mingy or annoying PACs, This includess loud music,",vec2(10,310))
  147. EGP4:egpText(20,"resizing and sunbeams",vec2(10,330))
  148. EGP4:egpText(21,"--------------------------------------",vec2(10,350))
  149. EGP4:egpText(22,"E2's Banned:",vec2(10,370))
  150. EGP4:egpText(23,"- Prop Madness",vec2(10,390))
  151. EGP4:egpText(24,"- Any sort of launcher",vec2(10,410))
  152. EGP4:egpText(25,"- Blinding or Minging",vec2(10,430))
  153. EGP4:egpText(26,"- Drunk Combine or other laggy ones",vec2(10,450))
  154. EGP4:egpText(27,"- Screamers",vec2(10,470))
  155. EGP4:egpText(28,"- Any other the staff deems not ok",vec2(10,490))
  156. EGP4:egpFont(L,"Lucida Console")
  157. EGP4:egpAlign(L,0)
  158. EGP4:egpSize(L,42)
  159. #————————-
  160. #@name E2_Fonts_By:Krazzipro
  161. # WireGPU_ConsoleFont
  162. # Coolvetica
  163. # Arial
  164. # Lucida Console
  165. # Trebuchet
  166. # Courier New
  167. # Times New Roman
  168. # ChatFont
  169. # Marxlett
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