
some shit in a nutshell

Dec 17th, 2018
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  1. Welcome to Garry's Mod! We're playing gm_flatgrass.
  2. [UTime]Welcome back fuck1, you last played on this server Sun Oct 28 21:24:11 2018
  3. (Server) fuck1 is done loading!
  4. Player megaknight456 left the game (Disconnect by user.)
  5. (Server) megaknight456 left the server!
  6. svtgod: buy
  8. *DEAD* Daredixed: CAN I LIVE IN PEACE
  9. *DEAD* Gelato: ECK
  10. Become a member by typing !steamgroup
  11. *DEAD* Gelato: I is so laggs
  12. *DEAD* fuck1: best aimer yet?
  13. (Server) Smitty451 left the server!
  15. Player [xG] CorruptedCobalt has joined the game
  16. (Server) [xG] CorruptedCobalt is joining the server!
  17. Become a member by typing !steamgroup
  18. (Server) Twoja stara left the server!
  19. fuck1: ew cobalt
  20. *DEAD* fuck1: shitty anti-aim module
  21. Daredixed: I CAN LIVE NOW
  22. Daredixed: welp
  23. Daredixed: im by myself now
  24. fuck1: shut up
  25. Player fancy5w has joined the game
  26. (Server) fancy5w is joining the server!
  27. Daredixed: nobody aint getting in here
  28. *DEAD* fuck1: i have 100% senstive skills
  29. fuck1: im god like
  30. Player Mr. Sun Bro has joined the game
  31. (Server) Mr. Sun Bro is joining the server!
  32. Daredixed: ARRGH'
  33. fuck1: i said shut up
  34. Festive Beluga: no u
  35. *DEAD* fuck1: wasn't talking to you
  36. (Server) Anim.A left the server!
  37. Gelato: well he doesnt have to listen to you
  38. *DEAD* brutalise: fuck off
  39. *DEAD* fuck1: he can listen to me whatever the fuck he wants to
  40. (Server) Mr. Sun Bro is done loading!
  41. Daredixed: come into the light
  42. Daredixed: TO
  43. Daredixed: THY STOARGE
  44. Daredixed: DAMNIT
  45. *DEAD* brutalise: dickheads
  46. fuck1: shut up
  47. *DEAD* brutalise: fuck off
  48. Become a member by typing !steamgroup
  49. *DEAD* brutalise: lol
  50. (Server) Festive Beluga left the server!
  51. Daredixed: YES
  52. Daredixed: ITS WORKING
  53. Daredixed: LIL CHIPPY
  54. fuck1: best skills i bet its better than fucking better
  55. Daredixed: GOOOOO
  56. Daredixed: uhh
  57. Daredixed: ok
  58. *DEAD* brutalise: serve u right
  59. Daredixed: chippy
  60. Daredixed: what the fuck
  61. fuck1: are you talking to sticky
  62. (TEAM) brutalise: you fuck1
  63. *DEAD* fuck1: who are you talking too LOL
  64. Player pizzatime has joined the game
  65. (Server) pizzatime is joining the server!
  66. brutalise: your mom?
  67. fuck1: i dont have a mom?
  68. fuck1: are you fooled or embarrasssed
  69. *DEAD* fuck1: what i don't have neither
  70. brutalise: ok ophen
  71. Player JDLM has joined the game
  72. (Server) JDLM is joining the server!
  73. Gelato: my masterpeice
  74. brutalise: lol
  75. *DEAD* Daredixed: lil chippy
  76. *DEAD* Daredixed: GOOOOO
  77. *DEAD* Daredixed: oh really
  78. fuck1: no cheating
  79. *DEAD* fuck1: i know ur using ula
  80. Daredixed: wait
  81. Daredixed: AYYY
  82. *DEAD* (TEAM) brutalise: serve u right doucelads
  83. (Server) pizzatime is done loading!
  85. fuck1: can't speak english
  86. Daredixed: CHIPPY IS A PLANE
  87. brutalise: ok
  88. Daredixed: ERR
  89. *DEAD* fuck1: AIMWARE.NET | Superior Gmod Cheat
  90. Daredixed: oww
  91. fuck1: AIMWARE.NET | Superior Gmod Cheat
  92. fuck1: AIMWARE.NET | Superior Gmod Cheat
  93. fuck1: oh shit
  94. fuck1: totally not using aimware
  95. Daredixed: chippy died
  96. (Server) pizzatime left the server!
  97. (Server) JDLM is done loading!
  98. *DEAD* Daredixed: DAMNNIT
  99. (Someone) banned steamid STEAM_0:1:172278456 for 1 day (!cake Anticheat: Incident STEAM_0:1:172278456/192: clientside lua execution)
  100. Player TheRichest4th has joined the game
  101. (Server) TheRichest4th is joining the server!
  104. *DEAD* Daredixed: go chippy
  105. *DEAD* Daredixed: oh
  106. fuck1: HE GOT BANNED FOR LUA
  107. fuck1: LOL
  108. fuck1: SHIT CAC
  109. Daredixed: NO
  110. *DEAD* fuck1: cake allows cheaters
  111. *DEAD* Daredixed: DAMNIT
  112. *DEAD* brutalise: you need to go to the toilet? cause you are shiting everywhere
  113. Become a member by typing !steamgroup
  114. fuck1: wtf are you talking about
  115. *DEAD* fuck1: im talking about cac
  116. fuck1: a anti-cheat u retard
  117. fuck1: im not talking about shit
  118. fuck1: u fucking menal
  119. brutalise: your are now
  120. fuck1: wrong ur are
  121. fuck1: u said it
  122. (Server) Gelato left the server!
  123. *DEAD* brutalise: keep telling urself that
  124. *DEAD* Daredixed: h
  125. *DEAD* Daredixed: oh
  126. *DEAD* Daredixed: ok
  127. fuck1: no u can
  128. *DEAD* Daredixed: ho ho ho
  129. *DEAD* brutalise: u dont have a mouth
  130. *DEAD* Daredixed: shit
  131. fuck1: were not talking?? ? ?? ?
  132. fuck1: were chatting u idioetic
  133. *DEAD* Daredixed: damnit
  134. *DEAD* fuck1: thats why ur borned in 2010
  135. Daredixed: NO
  136. *DEAD* Daredixed: stapIT
  137. *DEAD* brutalise: what who
  138. fuck1: nobody cares ft
  139. fuck1: how old are u
  140. Daredixed: 2
  141. fuck1: 22?
  142. *DEAD* Daredixed: lol
  143. *DEAD* fuck1: ur too old to play gmod
  144. *DEAD* Daredixed: santa gives you a present
  145. *DEAD* fuck1: u fooool
  146. fuck1: by now when ur 22 and ur still playing gmod
  147. *DEAD* Daredixed: WHAAA
  148. fuck1: u must have some very good gmod experience thinking
  149. brutalise: santa
  150. *DEAD* Daredixed: wee
  151. *DEAD* Daredixed: oof
  152. (Server) svtgod left the server!
  153. fuck1: how old are you
  154. *DEAD* brutalise: wa dafuq
  155. *DEAD* fuck1: i have a anti-spread thingy
  156. fuck1: basically what it does
  157. *DEAD* fuck1: is litteraly spam ur fucking +attack
  158. Daredixed: uh
  159. fuck1: lemme activate it
  160. *DEAD* Daredixed: OOF
  161. brutalise: get owned
  162. (Server) Titus left the server!
  163. *DEAD* fuck1: its a pretty bad
  164. fuck1: function
  165. fuck1: anti-spread
  166. *DEAD* fuck1: makes the accuracy very shit
  167. *DEAD* fuck1: its also detected by cac since ftw its all coded in lua
  168. Become a member by typing !steamgroup
  169. *DEAD* fuck1: or decomplied lua i think
  170. fuck1: im not sure about C++
  171. *DEAD* brutalise: get rekt
  172. Player rmdillman has joined the game
  173. (Server) rmdillman is joining the server!
  174. fuck1: no one
  175. fuck1: in the world
  176. fuck1: created a cheat in gmod
  177. fuck1: in python language
  178. fuck1: only the 1%
  179. fuck1: the 1% of the cheaters
  180. fuck1: in gmod
  181. fuck1: are coded in phython
  182. fuck1: pythno
  183. fuck1: 60% are litteraly C++ hacks
  184. fuck1: and 40% are just lua hacks
  185. fuck1: i prefer C++ because its very good and competietive against lua
  186. *DEAD* fuck1: i even beat a fuking idiotbox user into gibs
  187. Daredixed: hoH O HO
  188. Daredixed: missiles FOR PRESNETS
  189. fuck1: no dont
  190. Daredixed: lol
  191. fuck1: im actually friends with the owner in this server
  192. Daredixed: ok
  193. fuck1: he hostes server using
  194. fuck1: one time i was admen on server
  195. fuck1: and i used to
  196. fuck1: oh wait the min
  197. *DEAD* fuck1: that was a different story
  198. (Server) rmdillman is done loading!
  199. *DEAD* fuck1: the only thing i got correct was
  200. fuck1: i know the host of the server
  201. *DEAD* Daredixed: ooF
  202. fuck1: here
  203. *DEAD* Daredixed: who really cares
  204. fuck1: who really cares
  205. fuck1: who REALLY CARES
  206. (Server) rmdillman left the server!
  207. fuck1: u don't care about the dev of the server
  208. Daredixed: te
  209. *DEAD* Daredixed: yes
  210. fuck1: he litteraly worked so hard
  211. *DEAD* Daredixed: uh
  212. fuck1: to make this fuckin server
  213. fuck1: and you don't care
  214. *DEAD* Daredixed: ok
  215. fuck1: god damn
  216. fuck1: u don't have a single heart functioning very well
  217. *DEAD* Daredixed: uhh
  218. fuck1: soo
  219. *DEAD* Daredixed: when in regret, no u
  220. fuck1: uuh
  221. brutalise: sarcasm
  222. fuck1: dont tell me
  223. fuck1: the host of the server is these peopl
  224. fuck1: /Bhop.ColorWhY iS YoUr ProFiLE PriVatEiamthekekmann
  225. fuck1: ur actually fucking dumb
  226. Player vision2k1 has joined the game
  227. (Server) vision2k1 is joining the server!
  228. fuck1: it belongs to this guy called Mr.Bean
  229. *DEAD* Daredixed: what
  230. *DEAD* fuck1: which is
  231. *DEAD* fuck1: ImTooGood
  232. Daredixed: ok
  233. fuck1: when i was in the trusted rank
  234. brutalise: toogood at dying?
  235. fuck1: we caught
  236. fuck1: soo much
  237. fuck1: cheaters
  238. fuck1: like
  239. Become a member by typing !steamgroup
  240. *DEAD* Daredixed: lol
  241. *DEAD* fuck1: so many cheaters mass murdering
  242. fuck1: the spawn
  243. fuck1: area
  244. (Server) vision2k1 is done loading!
  245. fuck1: with aimbot
  246. (Server) vision2k1 left the server!
  247. fuck1: one of the cheaters got caught hacking and kicked by that anti-cheat
  248. fuck1: whilist others were using
  249. fuck1: undetected hax
  250. fuck1: godliek one
  251. Daredixed: says the person who had an aim bind
  252. fuck1: um
  253. fuck1: i don't think i have aim bind?
  254. fuck1: how can you prove i have aim bind
  255. Daredixed: no no
  256. *DEAD* fuck1: when my +attack
  257. *DEAD* fuck1: and my
  258. *DEAD* fuck1: +attack2
  259. *DEAD* fuck1: are binded to
  260. *DEAD* fuck1: mouse1
  261. Daredixed: the binf you had
  262. *DEAD* fuck1: mouse2
  263. fuck1: noo
  264. Daredixed: the chat bind
  265. *DEAD* fuck1: im just very sensetive
  266. brutalise: dicks
  267. fuck1:
  268. fuck1: this guy
  269. fuck1: is my friend
  270. fuck1: i actually fucking hate him xDDDD
  271. fuck1: do u hate him?
  272. *DEAD* Daredixed: AIMWARE.NET | Superior Gmod Cheat
  273. *DEAD* Daredixed: thats the bind you used
  274. Player THE WAY MAN has joined the game
  275. (Server) THE WAY MAN is joining the server!
  276. fuck1: oh nononon
  277. fuck1: that was
  278. fuck1: a chat spam
  279. *DEAD* Daredixed: HMMMMMMM
  280. *DEAD* Daredixed: :thonking:
  281. fuck1: uh oh
  282. fuck1: thats not good
  283. *DEAD* Daredixed: StoP
  284. Player THE WAY MAN has joined the game
  285. (Server) THE WAY MAN is joining the server!
  286. fuck1: there he is
  287. fuck1:
  288. fuck1: Mr.Bean
  289. fuck1: host of this server
  290. Player Sheldon has joined the game
  291. (Server) Sheldon is joining the server!
  292. brutalise: kill him
  293. Player margaritasoledad has joined the game
  294. (Server) margaritasoledad is joining the server!
  295. fuck1: he names this server as
  296. *DEAD* Daredixed: whaaaa
  297. fuck1: sp00ky sandbox
  298. fuck1:
  299. *DEAD* fuck1: sp00ky sandbox because
  300. fuck1: it was created
  301. fuck1: before halloween
  302. fuck1: wait no
  303. fuck1: it was actually created in the summer
  304. fuck1: for real
  305. Player margaritasoledad has joined the game
  306. (Server) margaritasoledad is joining the server!
  307. *DEAD* fuck1: we alway's were on that gm_bigcity map
  308. fuck1: so basically
  309. *DEAD* fuck1: what we were doing
  310. (Server) Daredixed left the server!
  311. fuck1: is to
  312. fuck1: keep
  313. (Server) THE WAY MAN is done loading!
  314. fuck1: playing those
  315. fuck1: god darn video games
  316. brutalise: are u done
  317. fuck1: and there alway's cool!
  318. fuck1: so yea
  319. fuck1: video games are cool
  320. fuck1: good luck
  321. fuck1: ok back
  322. fuck1: tappde
  323. brutalise: mray
  324. fuck1: shut up
  325. brutalise: make me
  326. fuck1: wasn't talking to you i was talking to mray
  327. brutalise: ok
  328. Become a member by typing !steamgroup
  329. fuck1: also -10 sin
  330. *DEAD* brutalise: misunderstood
  331. fuck1: because i seen people say make me 500 times
  332. fuck1: oh no.
  333. Player bleach has joined the game
  334. (Server) bleach is joining the server!
  335. fuck1: thats another -500 sin taken off
  336. *DEAD* fuck1: nice aimbot
  337. fuck1: now ur cucked by anti-cheat
  338. Player Sheldon has joined the game
  339. (Server) Sheldon is joining the server!
  340. fuck1: hey
  341. fuck1: brutalise
  342. fuck1: do you know this guy
  343. fuck1:
  344. *DEAD* brutalise: k
  345. fuck1: what about him
  346. fuck1: u can't just reply with a k
  347. *DEAD* fuck1: that means ur angryeh
  348. fuck1: no joke i learned that in high school,
  349. fuck1: actually
  350. *DEAD* brutalise: everbody is killing me for fuck sake
  351. fuck1: i searched that up in the internet
  352. fuck1: i searched up this
  353. fuck1: (what does the k mean)
  354. *DEAD* brutalise: k
  355. fuck1: and it mean
  356. fuck1: ANGRYEH
  357. fuck1: xd
  358. (Server) bleach is done loading!
  359. fuck1: it mean like someone ewas
  360. fuck1: was
  361. brutalise: k means ok
  362. fuck1: ANGREYH
  363. fuck1: it is
  364. fuck1: but
  365. *DEAD* fuck1: its a expression saying that
  366. *DEAD* fuck1: ur ANGREYH
  367. brutalise: ur dead
  368. *DEAD* fuck1: did you know that
  369. *DEAD* fuck1: theres a respawn button
  370. Player RAZERJ has joined the game
  371. (Server) RAZERJ is joining the server!
  372. brutalise: no
  373. fuck1: god fucking damnit
  374. fuck1: i knewed it
  375. fuck1: brutalise i have one simple question
  376. *DEAD* brutalise: are u offending me?
  377. fuck1: can you type
  378. fuck1: unbindall
  379. (Server) THE WAY MAN left the server!
  380. fuck1: in the console
  381. brutalise: i can
  382. fuck1: yea
  383. fuck1: just type
  384. fuck1: unbindall
  385. fuck1: in the console
  386. fuck1: hello?
  387. fuck1: wake up
  388. fuck1: wtf
  389. Become a member by typing !steamgroup
  390. fuck1: u there?
  391. fuck1: ...
  392. fuck1: i think he accidently unbinded his keys
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