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Jan 19th, 2018
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  1. Sorry if this isn't the appropriate channel for this, wanted to avoid r/ffxiv mod message since it's not necessarily pertaining to the subreddit itself.
  3. I have a serious problem with how the Jan 19 Liveletter translation has been handled on the r/ffxiv Discord channel. I have historically avoided dealing with the Discord for social reasons / knowing what my limitations are, but I was up for the Liveletter and made an exception since the official translation was unsurprisingly taking ages--and I honestly have to tell myself sometimes that my social worries are baseless a majority of the time.
  5. I was reading along to mixed good and bad news as is likely the case for most users, but [this]( [event]( caught me off guard.
  7. I'll be succinct about this: I don't expect content hosted by r/ffxiv to have petty bullshit antagonizing packaged in with it. Furthermore, much like the subreddit, Rule #1 on the Discord is "Be respectful." There is nothing respectful about that comment whatsoever--and correct me if I am wrong, but the user doing the translations is also a mod on the subreddit. That is simply horse shit. A remark like that would never be permitted on the subreddit itself--it isn't useful in any way to the community and sets a poor example of what sort of dialogue is permitted on the subreddit. The Discord shouldn't be any different, and **at the very least** mods should not be breaking their own fucking rules.
  9. I don't expect the mods for this community to be using their platform for which to translate for the community as a mouthpiece to promote judgmental antagonism towards a portion of the playerbase regardless of where they are coming from. Again, that's complete horse shit.
  11. I mean, here's the fucking problem with this. I'm just a small fucking person with anxiety problems who plays this game with a handful of friends and simply doesn't have the energy to engage with players on the whole. I come to r/ffxiv to read about the game, talk about the game, and answer questions in the daily questions thread. Most of this time, in spite of the fact that (as you are probably aware) interacting with other people is terribly benign, I will often never return to posts I have made or respond to other users because it troubles me a lot to deal with people's reaction to me even if there is absolutely nothing wrong with it a vast majority of the time. I avoid the Discord channel because the real-time element makes the social experience unmanageable for me. Liveletter rolls around, I want new information quickly much like most users, I rationalize that it's okay for me to access the Discord server because my assumptions of what my experience will be like are based in nothing more than self-sabotage. So I do so, and then my should-be-baseless preconceived notions are immediately confirmed by a moderator in a designated channel for mods and contributors.
  13. So like, I don't know. I realize there's not a lot of heads when it comes to users who both can and are willing to provide live translations for events like Liveletters, but the translator's behavior was not acceptable for the platform they were given to provide said translation (it's not like I was reading a doc provided by MrHappy or something,) and that is **especially** if they truly are a mod for both the Discord and the subreddit.
  15. Anyway, that's my first and only experience with r/ffxiv's Discord channel, and I promise I will never think to access it again. Thanks for listening.
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