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Nov 19th, 2017
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  1. krow attack:
  2. triple tank, should have an ana, when you triple tank rein is your dps so you wanna build nano early
  3. zarya needs to call when bubbles are on/off cd, call for a bubble if you wanna smack a bitch ona
  4. call what ults you are going to use, and what they will use > should be winning fights much easier
  5. genji/mei isnt a good combo vs rein shield, youre lucky they didnt ever try to flank/or take high ground and punish your supports.
  6. when you win fights, take positioning EARLY, you need to take space to prevent them getting to objective
  8. krow defence:
  9. if they take high ground and wrap around, you should rotate statue/car and play there
  10. their zen was isolated and free to discord you unpunished, shouldve been a free kill with ANY flank hero
  12. dorado attack:
  13. mei/reaper forces them to fight cart if you just hold shield up, but soldier can just free shoot. luckily he was a bad shot
  15. dorado defence:
  16. if youre gunna keep rein/zarya, try playing top and then dropping down. you cant afford to give them all the space because you cant enage supports easily either
  17. i think you NEED a flanker with mei/reaper, maybe try solo winston tank and add genji instead of offtank
  20. ljt market:
  21. if youre on rein you should be going straight to point and blocking a door with the shield, and just play roadhog hooks
  23. ljt gardens:
  24. if youre not pharmercy dont rollout bridge :( soooo risky
  25. plan your ultimates ;_;
  26. dont use amp speed to move around, only to engage a fight with big advantage cos they can easily punish the lack of amp heals
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