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Aug 2nd, 2017
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  1. Scenario: Dashboard - pending action "Engagement Manager Reviewing Stakeholders" for coach
  2. Given I am logged in as
  3. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  4. And I have "Coach" role
  5. And I am a "coach" of one engagement
  6. And coach selection step was finished
  7. And coach has been written guidelines stakeholder selection
  8. And client have "1" stakeholder
  9. And client's manager accepted stakeholders
  10. When I go to the engagements page
  11. Then I should see "Engagement Manager Reviewing Stakeholders"
  13. Scenario: Dashboard - pending action "Engagement Manager Reviewing Stakeholders" for client manager
  14. Given I am logged in as
  15. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  16. And I have "Client's Manager" role
  17. And I am a "client's manager" of one engagement
  18. And coach selection step was finished
  19. And coach has been written guidelines stakeholder selection
  20. And client have "1" stakeholder
  21. And client's manager accepted stakeholders
  22. When I go to the engagements page
  23. Then I should see "Engagement Manager Reviewing Stakeholders"
  25. Scenario: Dashboard - pending action "Coach Interviewing Stakeholders" for client's manager
  26. Given I am logged in as
  27. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  28. And I have "Client's Manager" role
  29. And I am a "client's manager" of one engagement
  30. And coach selection step was finished
  31. And coach has been written guidelines stakeholder selection
  32. And client have "1" stakeholder
  33. And engagement manager accepted stakeholders
  34. And client's manager accepted stakeholders
  35. When I go to the engagements page
  36. Then I should see "Coach Interviewing Stakeholders"
  38. Scenario: Dashboard - pending action "Coach Interviewing Stakeholders" for engagement manager
  39. Given I am logged in as
  40. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  41. And I have "Engagement Manager" role
  42. And I am a "engagement manager" of one engagement
  43. And coach selection step was finished
  44. And coach has been written guidelines stakeholder selection
  45. And client have "1" stakeholder
  46. And engagement manager accepted stakeholders
  47. And client's manager accepted stakeholders
  48. When I go to the engagements page
  49. Then I should see "Coach Interviewing Stakeholders"
  51. Scenario:Dashboard - pending action "Client and Coach Setting Goals" for coach
  52. Given I am logged in as
  53. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  54. And I have "Coach" role
  55. And I am a "coach" of one engagement
  56. And stakeholder interviews step was finished
  57. When I go to the engagements page
  58. Then I should see "Client and Coach Setting Goals"
  60. Scenario:Dashboard - pending action "Client and Coach Setting Goals" for client manager
  61. Given I am logged in as
  62. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  63. And I have "Client's Manager" role
  64. And I am a "client's manager" of one engagement
  65. And stakeholder interviews step was finished
  66. When I go to the engagements page
  67. Then I should see "Client and Coach Setting Goals"
  69. Scenario: Dashboard - pending action "Client and Coach Setting Goals" for engagement manager
  70. Given I am logged in as
  71. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  72. And I have "Engagement Manager" role
  73. And I am a "engagement manager" of one engagement
  74. And stakeholder interviews step was finished
  75. When I go to the engagements page
  76. Then I should see "Client and Coach Setting Goals"
  78. Scenario: Dashboard - pending action "Coach Reviewing Goals" for engagement manager
  79. Given I am logged in as
  80. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  81. And I have "Engagement Manager" role
  82. And I am a "engagement manager" of one engagement
  83. And stakeholder interviews step was finished
  84. And client added goal
  85. And client notify reviewers
  86. When I go to the engagements page
  87. Then I should see "Coach Reviewing Goals"
  89. Scenario: Dashboard - pending action "Coach Reviewing Goals" for client manager
  90. Given I am logged in as
  91. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  92. And I have "Client's Manager" role
  93. And I am a "client's manager" of one engagement
  94. And stakeholder interviews step was finished
  95. And client added goal
  96. And client notify reviewers
  97. When I go to the engagements page
  98. Then I should see "Coach Reviewing Goals"
  100. Scenario: Dashboard - pending action "Client Manager Reviewing Goals" for engagement manager
  101. Given I am logged in as
  102. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  103. And I have "Engagement Manager" role
  104. And I am a "engagement manager" of one engagement
  105. And stakeholder interviews step was finished
  106. And client added goal
  107. And client notify reviewers
  108. And "coach" accepted goals
  109. When I go to the engagements page
  110. Then I should see "Client Manager Reviewing Goals"
  112. Scenario: Dashboard - pending action "Client Manager Reviewing Goals" for coach
  113. Given I am logged in as
  114. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  115. And I have "Coach" role
  116. And I am a "coach" of one engagement
  117. And stakeholder interviews step was finished
  118. And client added goal
  119. And client notify reviewers
  120. And "coach" accepted goals
  121. When I go to the engagements page
  122. Then I should see "Client Manager Reviewing Goals"
  124. Scenario: Dashboard - pending action "Engagement Manager Reviewing Goals" for client manager
  125. Given I am logged in as
  126. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  127. And I have "Client's Manager" role
  128. And I am a "client's manager" of one engagement
  129. And stakeholder interviews step was finished
  130. And client added goal
  131. And client notify reviewers
  132. And "coach" accepted goals
  133. And "client manager" accepted goals
  134. When I go to the engagements page
  135. Then I should see "Engagement Manager Reviewing Goals"
  137. Scenario: Dashboard - pending action "Engagement Manager Reviewing Goals" for coach
  138. Given I am logged in as
  139. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  140. And I have "Coach" role
  141. And I am a "coach" of one engagement
  142. And stakeholder interviews step was finished
  143. And client added goal
  144. And client notify reviewers
  145. And "coach" accepted goals
  146. And "client manager" accepted goals
  147. When I go to the engagements page
  148. Then I should see "Engagement Manager Reviewing Goals"
  150. Scenario: Dashboard - pending action "Coach Assessing Engagement" for engagement manager
  151. Given I am logged in as
  152. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  153. And I have "Engagement Manager" role
  154. And I am the "engagement manager" of one engagement
  155. And goals setting step was finished
  156. And my engagement has "3" min coach sessions
  157. And coach added "3" pending sessions
  158. And all sessions were competed yesterday
  159. When I go to the engagements page
  160. Then I should see "Coach Assessing Engagement"
  162. Scenario: Dashboard - pending action "Coach Assessing Engagement" for client manager
  163. Given I am logged in as
  164. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  165. And I have "Client's Manager" role
  166. And I am the "client's manager" of one engagement
  167. And goals setting step was finished
  168. And my engagement has "3" min coach sessions
  169. And coach added "3" pending sessions
  170. And all sessions were competed yesterday
  171. When I go to the engagements page
  172. Then I should see "Coach Assessing Engagement"
  174. Scenario: Dashboard - pending action "Client Reviewing Final Summary" for coach
  175. Given I am logged in as
  176. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  177. And I have "Coach" role
  178. And I am a "coach" of one engagement
  179. And coaching sessions step was finished
  180. And there are "4" goals with my client
  181. And goal № "1" with score "No Progress"
  182. And goal № "2" with score "Progress"
  183. And goal № "3" with score "Strong Progress"
  184. And goal № "4" with score "Significant Progress"
  185. And coach completed the final summary
  186. When I go to the engagements page
  187. Then I should see "Client Reviewing Final Summary"
  189. Scenario: Dashboard - pending action "Client Reviewing Final Summary" for client manager
  190. Given I am logged in as
  191. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  192. And I have "Client's Manager" role
  193. And I am a "client's manager" of one engagement
  194. And coaching sessions step was finished
  195. And there are "4" goals with my client
  196. And goal № "1" with score "No Progress"
  197. And goal № "2" with score "Progress"
  198. And goal № "3" with score "Strong Progress"
  199. And goal № "4" with score "Significant Progress"
  200. And coach completed the final summary
  201. When I go to the engagements page
  202. Then I should see "Client Reviewing Final Summary"
  204. Scenario: Dashboard - pending action "Client Reviewing Final Summary" for engagement manager
  205. Given I am logged in as
  206. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  207. And I have "Engagement Manager" role
  208. And I am a "engagement manager" of one engagement
  209. And coaching sessions step was finished
  210. And there are "4" goals with my client
  211. And goal № "1" with score "No Progress"
  212. And goal № "2" with score "Progress"
  213. And goal № "3" with score "Strong Progress"
  214. And goal № "4" with score "Significant Progress"
  215. And coach completed the final summary
  216. When I go to the engagements page
  217. Then I should see "Client Reviewing Final Summary"
  219. Scenario: Home page for client not assigned for an engagement
  220. Given I am logged in as
  221. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  222. And I have "Client" role
  223. And I am not assigned for any of engagements
  224. When I go to the home page
  225. Then I should see "You are not currently in an active coaching engagement"
  227. Scenario: Should see active engagement by engagement manager
  228. Given I am logged in as
  229. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  230. And I have "Engagement Manager" role
  231. And I am a "engagement manager" of one engagement
  232. And I have 1 active engagement with client "Jeky Chan" and coach "Ivan Russian" and client manager "Vladimir Putin"
  233. When I go to the engagements page
  234. Then I should see "Engagements"
  235. And I should see "Active (1)"
  236. And I should see "Client"
  237. And I should see "Jeky Chan"
  238. And I should see "Client Manager"
  239. And I should see "Vladimir Putin"
  241. Scenario: Should see completed engagement by engagement manager
  242. Given I am logged in as
  243. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  244. And I have "Engagement Manager" role
  245. And I am a "engagement manager" of one engagement
  246. And I have 1 completed engagement with start date "25.04.2011" and end date "25.09.2011"
  247. When I go to the engagements page
  248. Then I should see "Engagements"
  249. And I should see "Completed"
  250. And I should see "Start Date"
  251. And I should see "End Date"
  252. And I should see "Duration"
  253. And I should see "5 months, 4 days"
  255. Scenario: Status "not started" for engagement manager
  256. Given I am logged in as
  257. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  258. And I have "Engagement Manager" role
  259. And I am a "engagement manager" of one engagement
  260. And engagement will start in 2 weeks
  261. When I go to the engagements page
  262. Then I should see "1 Active Engagements"
  263. And I should see "Status"
  264. And I should see status image "not started"
  265. And I should see "Pending Action"
  266. And I should see "Recommend Coaches"
  267. When I go to the engagement details page
  268. Then I choose "Stakeholder Interviews" milestone
  269. And I should see "Status:"
  270. And I should see "Not Started"
  272. Scenario: Status "not started" for client manager
  273. Given I am logged in as
  274. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  275. And I have "Client's Manager" role
  276. And I am a "client's manager" of one engagement
  277. And engagement will start in 2 weeks
  278. When I go to the engagements page
  279. Then I should see "1 Active Engagements"
  280. And I should see "Status"
  281. And I should see status image "not started"
  282. And I should see "Pending Action"
  283. And I should see "Engagement Manager to Recommend Coaches"
  284. When I go to the engagement details page
  285. Then I choose "Stakeholder Interviews" milestone
  286. And I should see "Status:"
  287. And I should see "Not Started"
  289. Scenario: Status "not started" for client
  290. Given I am logged in as
  291. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  292. And I have "Client" role
  293. And I am a "client" of one engagement
  294. And engagement will start in 2 weeks
  295. When I go to the engagement details page
  296. Then I choose "Stakeholder Interviews" milestone
  297. And I should see "Status:"
  298. And I should see "Not Started"
  300. Scenario: Status "delayed" for engagement manager
  301. Given I am logged in as
  302. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  303. And I have "Engagement Manager" role
  304. And I am a "engagement manager" of one engagement
  305. And engagement was already started
  306. And "coach selection" should be completed in "2" months
  307. And it is already passed "6" days from the due date
  308. When I go to the engagements page
  309. Then I should see "1 Active Engagements"
  310. And I should see "Status"
  311. And I should see status image "delayed"
  313. Scenario: Status "delayed" for client's manager
  314. Given I am logged in as
  315. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  316. And I have "Client's Manager" role
  317. And I am a "client's manager" of one engagement
  318. And engagement was already started
  319. And "coach selection" should be completed in "2" months
  320. And it is already passed "6" days from the due date
  321. When I go to the engagements page
  322. Then I should see "1 Active Engagements"
  323. And I should see "Status"
  324. And I should see status image "delayed"
  326. Scenario: Status "severely delayed" for engagement manager
  327. Given I am logged in as
  328. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  329. And I have "Engagement Manager" role
  330. And I am a "engagement manager" of one engagement
  331. And engagement was already started
  332. And "coach selection" should be completed in "2" months
  333. And it is already passed "18" days from the due date
  334. When I go to the engagements page
  335. Then I should see "1 Active Engagements"
  336. And I should see "Status"
  337. And I should see status image "delayed"
  339. Scenario: Status "severely delayed" for client's manager
  340. Given I am logged in as
  341. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  342. And I have "Client's Manager" role
  343. And I am a "client's manager" of one engagement
  344. And engagement was already started
  345. And "coach selection" should be completed in "2" months
  346. And it is already passed "18" days from the due date
  347. When I go to the engagements page
  348. Then I should see "1 Active Engagements"
  349. And I should see "Status"
  350. And I should see status image "severely delayed"
  352. Scenario: Status "severely delayed" for client
  353. Given I am logged in as
  354. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  355. And I have "Client" role
  356. And I am a "client" of one engagement
  357. And engagement was already started
  358. And "coach selection" should be completed in "2" months
  359. And it is already passed "18" days from the due date
  360. When I go to the engagement details page
  361. Then I should see "Severely Delayed"
  363. Scenario: Status "delayed" for client
  364. Given I am logged in as
  365. And I have not Coaching Administrator role
  366. And I have "Client" role
  367. And I am a "client" of one engagement
  368. And engagement was already started
  369. And "coach selection" should be completed in "2" months
  370. And it is already passed "6" days from the due date
  371. When I go to the engagement details page
  372. Then I should see "Delayed"
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